Operation Yellow Elephant
“Objective: To motivate the College Republicans to vigorously defend the vital work they’re doing defending the homefront by holding affirmative action bake sales, immigrant hunts, and subsidizing the Scaife funding of Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and Michelle Malkin,” writes Jesus’ General. “Method: Challenge the College Republicans to volunteer to fight in the war they demanded.” The General is also looking into placing an ad in the upcoming Young Republicans Convention utilizing this appealing logo (which also happens to be optimized for use as a sticker using
(Jesus’ General) – Via Peek: The Blog of Blogs at Alternet.
Send me my stickers General! I’ll post them under every support our troops car magnet I see.
Please No-
If you know nothing about the vehicle owners do not put stickers on them. I have a good friend with a support the troops yellow ribbon, she is a liberal with a capital L, she opposes this war, she opposes this administration; she loves her son and he happens to be serving his country in Iraq right now. I’m sure there are many others like her.
Go after the Republicans and embarrass them into admitting that they don’t think this war is worth their lives or the lives of their children. Please do not assume that everyone with a yellow ribbon fits that category.
Ok I’ll look for W stickers.
Thank you.
I like Yellow Elephant. It’s right up there with the Chairborne Division and the 101st Fighting Chickenhawks.
I’m planning to visit the Comments section of some of my favorite wingnut bloggers and show them this site. It shows how to contact your Army recruiter and how to locate the nearest office, and all the procedures for enlisting.
Think they’ll like it?