Some time back, led by Barbara Boxer, there was a campaign to write oil companies to urge them to take a stand against oil drilling in ANWR. The idea was to urge oil companies to publically say that they will not bid for contracts in ANWR and threatening boycott of any company that does. In essence it is a way to try and prevent drilling even if Congress approves. More below.
I will give Shell Oil credit. At least they have responded. No other oil company has responded to those who wrote them on this issue. However, Shell definitely is NOT taking the right stand. I think we need to respond to their response telling them that their stand is unacceptable. Here is the letter I got from Shell Oil in response to my letter to them:

Although Shell has no current exploration and production plans for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Shell supports exploration and development on public lands, including lands such as ANWR, subject to appropriate environmental and land use regulations to ensure that industry’s footprint is minimized and that biological resources and the environment are protected. Any future Shell decision with regard to ANWR will be guided by our evaluation of any acreage that may eventually be made available for lease and a positive assessment at that time that leasing and development activity can be done without significant adverse impact on the environment.

We look forward to continuing our policy of engaging with stakeholders as Shell considers business opportunities in Alaska and on other public lands made available for leasing, where Shell can best use our technological expertise to responsibly develop vital oil and natural gas resources.


Annell Bay
Regional Exploration Director, Americas
Shell Energy Resources Company

So, in otherwords, they aren’t currently exploring there (no one is yet!) but they want to and they don’t care what we think. But they say it nicely.

CONTACT SHELL and tell them what you think about their stand on ANWR.

Better yet, call them: 1-888-GO-SHELL