Last night I attended a meeting with two Iraqi trade union leaders in Berkeley, CA. I tried to take notes, and listen to the questions and answers. Thanks to Juno for posting diaries on this @ dailyKos.
I encourage others out there to go meet with some Iraqis. You might learn something or have a few thoughts of your own… here’s the calendar:
For me, the lesson I took away from this is more confirmation that we must end the occupation now. We are NOT helping the Iraqi people. And I think the historical record and the record of the Bush administration is sufficient to prove that a BushCo run occupation will never help the Iraqi people.
Urge the AFL-CIO to take a position against the occupation:
Last night’s meeting in Berkeley had as headliners Hassan Jumaa Awad Al Asade, President of the Union (GUOW) which is an oil workers union based in Basra, and a union with a very long history dating back to the times of British occupation of Iraq. Hassan was accompanied by Faleh Abbood Umara, who is General Secretary of GUOW. I believe they said the union has 23,000 members.
Of the introductory material, I thought the most interesting talk was by Aimee Allison, a Gulf War I Conscientious Objector. She said she is hearing regularly from soldiers who object to this war.
The Berkeley City council passed a solidarity resolution declaring that the occupation should end and that ILO labor rights should be respected by the Iraqi government and all governments worldwide. (Nice bit of work!)
On to the main event, which included speeches by the union leaders (that were translated) that made a 2 key points:
Leave Our Country!
Privatization is a disease threatening Iraq
Other things I learned:
GUOW is a union with a long history, including strikes against the British occupiers of Iraq long ago. But in 1987 Saddam Hussein decided to pass a law that dissolved the unions representing public sector employees. Saddam set up his own unions in their place, which acted as (I’m shocked!) mouthpieces for Saddam.
Days after the invasion, the GUOW organized itself in secrecy, reformulating itself on April 20, 2003. The union wants to maintain the oil as a national resource, and they want to rebuild the infrastructure themselves. Immediately the Americans and British brought in large corporations like Halliburton (KBR) that brought with them thousands of foreign workers in spite of huge unemployment in Iraq. The occupation doesn’t permit Iraqis to decide. “We deserve the right to decide and we will not allow anyone to speak on our behalf.” The GUOW did manage to force KBR out of their area in Basra.
The union has had to face down British troops to get them to concede to a small permanent increase in wages (in a confrontation that involved British troops threatening to shoot and union workers threatening to blow up oil trucks). At times they had to confront military tanks when protesting. The GUOW is still not recognized by the government, and Saddam’s anti-union laws are still on the books. Furthermore, they clearly believe that the ultimate goal of the USA and the British is to steal the oil wealth and to support corporate interests — and who can blame them?
They did ask for our support, just not our deciding things for them, which is what the occupation is all about:
The Q&A time made me realize how the Iraqi labor movement would be a good choice for a partner, if one was truly interested in a democratic Iraq. We should be supporting them with money (instead of letting Halliburton loot it!) and expertise where requested. But we should be letting them decide, as they have asked us to do.
It was asked what should we say to people who claim: “Now that we are there, the US military is the best hope for maintaining stability, ending the violence, and preventing civil war.” The answer was: “Civil war is not going to happen!” In fact they expressed suspicions that a civil war would be welcomed by BushCo.
(I am forced to agree because I think, in their heart of hearts, Bush and Cheney would actually love to see a NEW SADDAM, only one who was happy to allow US interests to take primacy over the needs of the Iraqi people. That’s the only view one can have if you know anything at all about our ‘friend’ in Uzbekistan!)
The best part of the Q&A:
Q: What is the current role of women in the Iraqi union movement?
A: I hear this question a lot. (Laughter). We have women organizers. 35% of public workers in Iraq are women. The President of the Electrician’s Union is a woman in Basra, who is very courageous. We are proud of women’s contributions to the labor movement in Iraq.
What more could you wish for the leaders of a free and democratic Iraq? They are self-starters, self-organizing, and proud (“We want to rebuild our country! We will continue to serve our country even if it costs us our lives.”) They have democratic traditions and support women’s contributions. They are modern and internationalist in view (“Issues of working people are not issues of one country, but the concern of all people.”). They are multi-ethnic, making no distinction between Shiite or Sunni or Kurd or Turkman. And of course they opposed Saddam Hussein.
In short, the labor movement in Iraq is about the best hope for what the left would call a decent vision for Iraq. AND THEY WANT OUR TROOPS TO LEAVE. NOW. That’s good enough for me. THE OCCUPATION MUST END.
Alms for the Tigger @ Booman
From a flyer last night
Membership page for USLAW
is here
Great info Tigger…
It is interesting to see the labor unions in Iraq speaking up about ending the occupation. Unfortunately, this administration doesn’t listen to dissenting opinions within their own party, least of all from ‘unions’ anywhere. Since corporate U.S. is trying to break all of our unions why would they care about Iraqi unions.
This administration would simply classify union oppposition as insurgents…snark or maybe not….
I believe you are right.
I think if there was a secular “strongman” in Iraq today, who was willing to round up union leaders, BushCo would happily go along with that guy, no matter what happened to “Iraqi democracy.” They don’t like unions, and they don’t like religious leaders. In other words they really don’t like anyone in Iraq who has the support of the people.
Look at what is happening in Colombia, for example, where apparently two US military personnel were recently arrested smuggling arms to the right wing paramilitaries that have been killing union leaders and committing other atrocities. (See The Nation, US Arms for Terrorists?, June 13, 2005 issue)
I beg to differ tiggers, they don’t like unions that represent workers, they do like unions that are not really unions, like the union of all those gas and oil companies. The union of all those banks and credit card companies. The union of all those energy companies. Those unions are Bushco’s best buddies.
As for religious leaders, Bushco has never met a megachurch christian religious leader that he hasn’t pandered to yet. He just doesn’t like Muslim, Buddhist, Hindi, Non fundamentalist christian or any other religion that isn’t fundie christian. For the fundies shall fund the brainless and mediocre, so that the elite shall inherit the earth and the less fortunate shall become ever more less fortunate.
Thanks for a great diary.
I was thinking along traditional lines, rather than the Schwarzenegger definitions where everything except corporate interests are “special interests”.
If Bush had been born in Saudi he’d be best buddies with the local Fundamentalist Mullahs. I’ve never understood why one type of fundie doesn’t get along better with another… they have so much in common.
I know you were and I just could not resist, great diary and thanks for the hard work putting it together.
Iraqis now control their destiny. They have control over, among other things, their economy and resources. It is refreshing to see a diary presenting arguments from the perspective of the Iraqis, not the United States government.
12. Decides further that the mandate for the multinational force shall be reviewed at the request of the Government of Iraq or twelve months from the date of this resolution, and that this mandate shall expire upon the completion of the political process set out in paragraph four above, and declares that it will terminate this mandate earlier if requested by the Government of Iraq; [UNSCR 1546, 8 Jun ’04]
Keep your eyes on the Brussels Conference this week. (Nice to finally see “1546” in print).
I have been pointing to this resolution as one that embodies the will of the U.N. member nations – all of them. It is the resolution transferring authority to the newly-formed Iraq government, and setting the timetable for withdrawal. What people fail to realize is that this document, absent any other superceding it, means the government may abrogate and re-bid all rebuilding contracts. It also means setting terms for contracts, including local-hire clauses.
The government of Iraq has the power – now – and recognition by the global community as a sovereign nation. Long past time to grant them their due, and challenge anyone failing to do so.
Including those in the media and blogosphere.
I wasn’t aware of the Brussels Conference! Shows how good our media is and how bad I am at finding things out (still!)
You’re welcome, and I only found one reference. Saw it someplace last week, then it disappeared. In the first announcement the U.S. was not included. Funny how that works.
One of the things that really impressed me with how little I know is the Iraqi union leaders mentioned that they were calling for all Iraqi trade unionists to express their solidarity with “our brothers in Alaska who were arrested”. I had to go look up the story, apparently some union workers were arrested recently in Alaska. In between Michael Jackson and missing white women, I missed that story entirely.
Nice catch.
and the Iraqi unions, could ask the EU to step in and ask the American’s to leave. Like they would, Bush and Cheney’s livelihood are at stake here now. They just want to make sure they can retire on 100 million a year for the rest of their lives, scumbags that they are. Anyway I would hope that the EU would back the Iraqi unions in trying to insure that the Iraqi oil industry stays under Iraqi control and not psuedo Iraqi control.
What a great damn diary!!! Please write more!! Just last night while I was unpacking from a trip my husband and I were talking about Iraq AGAIN! It is impossible to be a military family and not have Iraq dominate discussions. We were talking about how proud the Iraqi people are and they have a history much richer and longer than ours when it comes to war. My husband was talking about how hard it would be to “occupy” America, I mean…..we are crazy over here! Can you imagine anybody attempting to “occupy” us EVER? So why should we expect anybody else on the globe to be any different? It is disgusting how this administration attempts to dress up it’s desires for Empire in the clothing of peace, liberty, and prosperity for all! Please write more of such diaries!
Thanks… I’d love to write more, but Sunday night might have been the first time in my 40 years that I’ve seen an actual Iraqi person in the same room. I certainly will take every opportunity I get to learn more (and I encourage others to go out and see the remaining few events on this tour, the link is above in the diary) and to support US Labor Against the War (I donated as much as I could spare on Sunday!)
It’s funny (sad) how this war works that way… most Americans can’t find Iraq on a map. Most of us probably don’t know many Iraqis. The US/British media doesn’t go out and interview Iraqis to find out how they feel about what is happening in their country (well, except if you read Robert Fisk or Naomi Klein, they seem to… maybe a few others). If people have suggestions of Iraqi media that is translated to English, I’d love to see those, because I honestly don’t know where to look.
You are already starting from different assumptions that the warmongers would have you make. You know the Iraqi people are like us! As they said on Sunday, “Issues of working people are not issues of one country, but the concern of all people.” But the warmonger culture doesn’t want us to see it that we. “They” are “different”, that’s the essential emotional root of war, don’t you think?