I keep thinking I’m used to it, and then some little thing comes along that gets me agonizing about the death of reality in America. This time it was in the persona of Cheney. An AP report contrasted the little lie with the reality with hilarious (and probably inadvertent) sharpness when Cheney decided to attack Dean:
“I’ve never been able to understand his appeal. Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does. He’s never won anything, as best I can tell,” Cheney said in an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity & Colmes.
Dean was elected governor of Vermont five times between 1992 and 2000.
So what is it with this bunch? Cheney doesn’t know Dean was governor of Vermont, or he thinks governors there are appointed by Jesus or somebody? Or the Bushies are reduced to talking only to their idiot groupies who lack the basic faculties to spot the most in-your-face lie? My guess is that lying is just what this crowd naturally does like dogs naturally dig things up, and
they’re so far along in their mutually reinforced WhackoWorld that they can’t even put on their clothes for the tourists any more. Or Cheney’s just really, honest to god nuts.
Other explanations would be most welcome.
It’s quite simple.
Remember, Cheney didn’t “remember” that he met Edwards, either.
They’ll say anything. If it doesn’t bother you to tell people that Saddam has WMD that can threaten us, or you know exactly where the WMD is, or that we went to the UN to try and work with them….well, saying Dean never won anything, that’s just an easy one.
It’s that damn thing about them creating reality and the rest of us just standing there watching it and documenting it. When everybody is too broke to buy new playstation games though maybe someone will notice all of us documentating spectating angry people…….hell, maybe they’ll even vote or something.
because nobody ever calls them on their lies. I’d give up my reservation at the Old Socialists’ Home to hear just once: “Mr. President (or Vice President or Speaker or whoever),the response you gave to the previous question is factually incorrect”.
Better yet, Mr Pres, Vice Pres or Speaker, whatever, that sir is an outright lie and therefore that makes you a liar.
I believe Cheney has lied for so long in his life, that he doesn’t know the difference between what is reality and what is a lie he has created.
He lied during the Vietnam war to keep from being drafted and has just kept pace with the lies to further his own ambitions, career and personal wealth.
So far they have worked wonders for him and until such time as this pathological lying murderer is hauled off to jail for his crimes against humanity, he will continue to lie to himself and the American people.
I keep waiting for the breakdown, the horrible breakdown when the full impact of the hurt he has caused finally hits him, and he asks, for what did I do this? For a few more dollars added to his already extravagant wealth.
Something about him makes me thing that he, more than some of the others, might just be suseptible to a breakdown overload, a realization of the monster he has become.
Not that I am saying he is really a “good” guy underneath or anything like that — he’d have to go a long, long way, before he could even begin to approach that, but just that there is something in his steely facade and defensiveness that always looks as if his cold metal heart is about to crack open.