“Condi Rice seems extremely confused about military affairs and the nature of guerrilla wars,” says Prof. Juan Cole at his blog Informed Comment.
“Condi Rice seems extremely confused about military affairs and the nature of guerrilla wars,” says Prof. Juan Cole at his blog Informed Comment.
It all goes back to the lack of planning and end strategy. The administration’s desire to get into Iraq was the only consideration, to the exclusion of everything else.
Good thing she’s not the Secretary of State or anything.
Not sure I like where Cole ended up in that piece. He is proposing that the US bribe off a few third world countries to the dying in its place under UN flags.
Either that, or they hold themselves to higher standards.
You misquote Cole by leaving out the first two words of the sentence:
No misquote. He is clearly pushing that proposal.
I have posted a diary entry about this with the quote in full.
You MISQUOTED him above. I don’t know anything about your diary, but HERE you misquoted him.
And he is NOT pushing that proposal… he’s put it out for debate.
But far be it from me to suggest anything to you.
I am sorry Susan, but your allegation is palpably false.
I excerpted his remarks in a manner that did in no way distort its meaning – the only criterion, in journalism as in academic writing, of whether a misquotation has occurred.
As far as said meaning is concerned, the words “I fear” are entirely redundant. Even a cursory inspection of his blogpost is enough to make that clear.
But even if there were any basis for thinking otherwise, it is now dispelled by Mark’s new diary entry featuring e-mail correspondence with Professor Cole.
By the way, why the need to SHOUT?
I apologize for any inference that may have concerned you. It wasn’t my intention to upset you but to accurately reflect what, at the time, I pereceived to be Prof. Cole’s intent. In my mind the words “I fear” carrry weight.
Again, I’m sorry if I offended you.
Apology accepted, Sue. Let’s put all this behind us.
Warm wishes,
The fact that the pollsters represented the people holding the biggest guns probably means these numbers are actually even worse than the results show.
The last time Condi went to Russia she was invited to talk on the radio with Russian listeners.
As we all know Condi is a Stanford expert on Soviet affaires and speaks Russian fluently.
Well, that’s what we’ve been told all these years. Frankly she came across as Russian 101 and made a very embarassing show of her skills. The story got a lot of press here in Europe with plenty of amusing comments.
I checked to see if the story had gone Stateside, but alas have yet to find something. Was there something there in Meatworld, USA, on good old Big Rock Candy Mountain?