Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
On my mind?
The incredible flip-flopping Frist, and the scary specter of a recess appointment of Bolton.
Why do I have to live in Texas where it is too hot to go outside?
What is wrong with the composition on my latest painting-in-progress. If I lived in the digital age, I’d post a picture. But I don’t.
You’ll have to check out my Saturday morning painting diary (it started last Saturday). Here’s one of mine:
Find out how to post photos (FAQ) and post one of your this Saturday!
I have popped into the Froggy Bottom Cafe a couple of times just to check the joint out. Seems like a great idea and a fun place to meet people, gather some updated news, hangout with cool people. What I am wondering is why they don’t Unrecommend it when the day is over or prior to it’s closing for that day. If it continues to be a success, which I hope it does…perhaps it should become an icon up above that is always there. Seems to be more popular that the west, midwest, south links up above. Don’t get me wrong…I love the joint and the folks that gather there..I am looking forward to becoming a regular (Make it one for my baby, and one more for the road)..Just wondering why yesterdays lounge is up on recommended list and todays is not? And how best it can serve the community.
You are hilarious….i just went and checked it out. Anyone reading this..i want you all to know…I still have Catnip bound, tied up and gagged in the newly remodeled Kitchen…the spatula is still in my hand.
It’s just a glitch in the Matrix…. Seriously, we have suggested that folks recommend the current Cafe diary and unrecommend the previous (if they had rec’d in the first place). The idea has been floated, and forwarded to the Management, to make the Cafe a permanent section at the top. (The fact that the diary will change every day, or perhaps a couple times a day, may add a wrinkle.) The Cafe is new, just in its first week of operation, so there are still some kinks to work out. In the meantime, there will be anomalies like the current situation. To close with some bureaucratese: “We Apologize For Any Incovenience” and “We Thank You For Your Cooperation.”
Just catching CNN where Paul Begala was having a discussion with the host and the Republican operative. They mentioned that Frist had said earlier today there wouldn’t be an up or down vote on Bolton. Then, Frist goes for lunch with Bush, comes out of the meeting and says there will be an up or down vote. CNN host asks Republican shill if the WH is now formulating senate policy. Republican operative says “no”. catnip spits out her Coca-Cola(tm).
Frist: no up or down vote
Frist has lunch with Bush.
Frist: up or down vote back on
Which part of that scenario indicates that Bush is not influencing senate policy?
And, how stupid does Republican operative guy think we are? (Don’t answer that.)
“The president made it very clear that he expects an up-or-down vote,” Dr. Frist said at the White House, after lunching with the president.
“The decision in talking to the president is that he strongly supports John Bolton, as we know, and he asked that we to continue to work,” Dr. Frist said. “And we’ll continue to work.”
“It’s not dead,” he said of the nomination. “It is going to require some continued talking and discussion.”
Only a short time before, at the Capitol, Senator Frist said he would not schedule another vote because it was pointless.
There you go Mr Republican CNN operative guy. Deny that.
ROVE: Well, the Democrats, some of the Democrats, keep changing the goal posts. I think they probably set the vote when they thought they were at a point where they had satisfied the ever changing, ever morphined demands of the Democrats.
Excuse me? “morphined demands?”
Check out the transcript of this excellent ROVE interview on Hardball with David Gregory giving good questions and follow-ups.
GREGORY: What does he point to as major accomplishments by Senator Frist?
ROVE: He’s been a great ally in all of our domestic agenda, in all of our international agenda. He is a valuable ally. He’s been a great leader in the Senate. It is a tough place. It is the toughest job, I think, in Washington in many respects because you have so much in way of responsibility and just the authority is not what people might think. For example, I gave you the example just a moment ago. The first vote on John Bolton was scheduled at a point when the Democrats had said `we will not filibuster him.’ And between the time that they gave that commitment, and the time that Frist scheduled the vote, and the time that they actually voted, they changed their mind. Now there’s nothing that Senator Frist can do about that except persevere. And he will persevere.
This “changing the goal posts” meme is the same one Scotty used. No one’s changing the goal posts. They’re just getting closer to scoring a touchdown and the Republicans refuse to give them the damn ball.
Sometimes Ductape seemed to leave his blog alone for a while. The really disturbing thing for me was that he contributed at least a diary a day here until June 2, and his last comment was posted on June 5. He last posted at that other site that can’t be mentioned on May 30. I’m worried.
Lou Dobbs, of all people, is actually talking about the “conscience clause” nonsense in pharmacies tonight. It remains to be seen what side of the issue he’ll end up pressing.
Can someone explain to me why I need to take some stranger behind a counter’s religion in to account when I need a prescription filled?
Can someone explain to me why I need to take some stranger behind a counter’s religion in to account when I need a prescription filled?
Why hell brother, don’t you know that only the righteous, upstanding, god fearing, ultra reichwing, theocratic religious fanatic can make sure that your soul will rise to heaven and that to suffer here on earth because they don’t have to give you life saving or life helping medicine because God told them not too, because then they too would rot in hell. What part of the don’t you understand. Why brother, in my culture, these same type individuals tried to completely wipe out an Entire Race of human beings, in the Name of their Lord and Saviour. That very same Lord and Saviour must have vomited with disgust at what has transpired in his name over the ages.
” Why brother, in my culture, these same type individuals tried to completely wipe out an Entire Race of human beings, in the Name of their Lord and Saviour. That very same Lord and Saviour must have vomited with disgust at what has transpired in his name over the ages.”
True, all too true. I’m Christian, and when I read the gospels, and then look around at the actions of the religious right, or at so many occurences in history, I can’t find any resemblance. I don’t see any helping the poor or loving others. I don’t see any social tolerance or resisting corrupt officials.
After a brief exchange with someone I don’t know, that person should not know what my religion is, unless they ask. And I shouldn’t know what religion they follow. It’s private. I believe very much that “freedom of religion” also means “freedom from religion” should that be what one chooses.
After a brief exchange with someone I don’t know, that person should not know what my religion is, unless they ask. And I shouldn’t know what religion they follow. It’s private. I believe very much that “freedom of religion” also means “freedom from religion” should that be what one chooses.
As a wedding musician I am in fundy-right churches periodically. I’ve made this point regularly but it’s truly my observation that this religion opposes Jesus–specifically, those quotations that instruct us how to behave.
They like the part about believing “in” him as God incarnate because there he functions as a sort of password to their club. Otherwise, they fairly consistently follow the harsh and legalistic philosophy he preaches against. The only point of agreement I can think of is chastity, although he doesn’t mention gays.
In the last two <s>shows</s> services I’ve done, Jesus was neither quoted nor mentioned.
Come to think of it, there is one other philosophical agreement. The churches I’ve visited are very warm and nurturing within their own community.
The animosity so often reported in political context is directed strictly outwards in my experience. Of course that too conflicts with Jesus.
I wish the Dems would hire Galloway as a consultant to tell them how to respond to BushCo. I have a feeling he could give them talking points so sharp they were guaranteed to draw blood every time…
On my mind?
The incredible flip-flopping Frist, and the scary specter of a recess appointment of Bolton.
Why do I have to live in Texas where it is too hot to go outside?
What is wrong with the composition on my latest painting-in-progress. If I lived in the digital age, I’d post a picture. But I don’t.
You’ll have to check out my Saturday morning painting diary (it started last Saturday). Here’s one of mine:
Find out how to post photos (FAQ) and post one of your this Saturday!
I’ll have to do that some bleary Saturday morning. There’s some of my stuff up at DeviantArt.
I like your work very much. Show it to Lorraine.
Did you catch David Brooks on Frist today? The title: “Did the real Bill Frist get lost in quest for power?”
I have popped into the Froggy Bottom Cafe a couple of times just to check the joint out. Seems like a great idea and a fun place to meet people, gather some updated news, hangout with cool people. What I am wondering is why they don’t Unrecommend it when the day is over or prior to it’s closing for that day. If it continues to be a success, which I hope it does…perhaps it should become an icon up above that is always there. Seems to be more popular that the west, midwest, south links up above. Don’t get me wrong…I love the joint and the folks that gather there..I am looking forward to becoming a regular (Make it one for my baby, and one more for the road)..Just wondering why yesterdays lounge is up on recommended list and todays is not? And how best it can serve the community.
I want to get into that so badly … it sounds like the greatest fun and with some wonderful people.
Hey Cham. I mentioned you in my BREAKING! recipe diary last nite. 🙂
You are hilarious….i just went and checked it out. Anyone reading this..i want you all to know…I still have Catnip bound, tied up and gagged in the newly remodeled Kitchen…the spatula is still in my hand.
You shouldn’t be letting out our sexual…I mean “cooking”…secrets!
It’s just a glitch in the Matrix…. Seriously, we have suggested that folks recommend the current Cafe diary and unrecommend the previous (if they had rec’d in the first place). The idea has been floated, and forwarded to the Management, to make the Cafe a permanent section at the top. (The fact that the diary will change every day, or perhaps a couple times a day, may add a wrinkle.) The Cafe is new, just in its first week of operation, so there are still some kinks to work out. In the meantime, there will be anomalies like the current situation. To close with some bureaucratese:
“We Apologize For Any Incovenience” and “We Thank You For Your Cooperation.”
While I meet his motives with skepticism, this article made me smile just for the headline: “Bush Backs Soc. Sec. Bill Without Accounts.”
Have I mentioned that I think David Shuster rocks?
Hope that doesn’t mean we lose the next.
Frist flip-flops on Bolton.
Just catching CNN where Paul Begala was having a discussion with the host and the Republican operative. They mentioned that Frist had said earlier today there wouldn’t be an up or down vote on Bolton. Then, Frist goes for lunch with Bush, comes out of the meeting and says there will be an up or down vote. CNN host asks Republican shill if the WH is now formulating senate policy. Republican operative says “no”. catnip spits out her Coca-Cola(tm).
Frist: no up or down vote
Frist has lunch with Bush.
Frist: up or down vote back on
Which part of that scenario indicates that Bush is not influencing senate policy?
And, how stupid does Republican operative guy think we are? (Don’t answer that.)
What a load of frog poop!
From the NYT:
“The decision in talking to the president is that he strongly supports John Bolton, as we know, and he asked that we to continue to work,” Dr. Frist said. “And we’ll continue to work.”
“It’s not dead,” he said of the nomination. “It is going to require some continued talking and discussion.”
Only a short time before, at the Capitol, Senator Frist said he would not schedule another vote because it was pointless.
There you go Mr Republican CNN operative guy. Deny that.
Frist is just another Bush sock-puppet.
Excuse me? “morphined demands?”
Check out the transcript of this excellent ROVE interview on Hardball with David Gregory giving good questions and follow-ups.
ROVE: He’s been a great ally in all of our domestic agenda, in all of our international agenda. He is a valuable ally. He’s been a great leader in the Senate. It is a tough place. It is the toughest job, I think, in Washington in many respects because you have so much in way of responsibility and just the authority is not what people might think. For example, I gave you the example just a moment ago. The first vote on John Bolton was scheduled at a point when the Democrats had said `we will not filibuster him.’ And between the time that they gave that commitment, and the time that Frist scheduled the vote, and the time that they actually voted, they changed their mind. Now there’s nothing that Senator Frist can do about that except persevere. And he will persevere.
“morphined” lol
This “changing the goal posts” meme is the same one Scotty used. No one’s changing the goal posts. They’re just getting closer to scoring a touchdown and the Republicans refuse to give them the damn ball.
Chances are if you read the interview you will find the repeated ‘talking points.’
Any news on DuctapeFatwa? Almost 3 weeks since his blog was updated. I’m starting to worry.
As am I. I dropped him a line about a week ago. No response so far.
Add me to the list of concerned as well.
Sometimes Ductape seemed to leave his blog alone for a while. The really disturbing thing for me was that he contributed at least a diary a day here until June 2, and his last comment was posted on June 5. He last posted at that other site that can’t be mentioned on May 30. I’m worried.
Lou Dobbs, of all people, is actually talking about the “conscience clause” nonsense in pharmacies tonight. It remains to be seen what side of the issue he’ll end up pressing.
Can someone explain to me why I need to take some stranger behind a counter’s religion in to account when I need a prescription filled?
Why hell brother, don’t you know that only the righteous, upstanding, god fearing, ultra reichwing, theocratic religious fanatic can make sure that your soul will rise to heaven and that to suffer here on earth because they don’t have to give you life saving or life helping medicine because God told them not too, because then they too would rot in hell. What part of the don’t you understand. Why brother, in my culture, these same type individuals tried to completely wipe out an Entire Race of human beings, in the Name of their Lord and Saviour. That very same Lord and Saviour must have vomited with disgust at what has transpired in his name over the ages.
” Why brother, in my culture, these same type individuals tried to completely wipe out an Entire Race of human beings, in the Name of their Lord and Saviour. That very same Lord and Saviour must have vomited with disgust at what has transpired in his name over the ages.”
True, all too true. I’m Christian, and when I read the gospels, and then look around at the actions of the religious right, or at so many occurences in history, I can’t find any resemblance. I don’t see any helping the poor or loving others. I don’t see any social tolerance or resisting corrupt officials.
After a brief exchange with someone I don’t know, that person should not know what my religion is, unless they ask. And I shouldn’t know what religion they follow. It’s private. I believe very much that “freedom of religion” also means “freedom from religion” should that be what one chooses.
This my friend says it all, thank you very much.
As a wedding musician I am in fundy-right churches periodically. I’ve made this point regularly but it’s truly my observation that this religion opposes Jesus–specifically, those quotations that instruct us how to behave.
They like the part about believing “in” him as God incarnate because there he functions as a sort of password to their club. Otherwise, they fairly consistently follow the harsh and legalistic philosophy he preaches against. The only point of agreement I can think of is chastity, although he doesn’t mention gays.
In the last two <s>shows</s> services I’ve done, Jesus was neither quoted nor mentioned.
Come to think of it, there is one other philosophical agreement. The churches I’ve visited are very warm and nurturing within their own community.
The animosity so often reported in political context is directed strictly outwards in my experience. Of course that too conflicts with Jesus.
They take and rule all they can, whenever they can, wherever they can.
It’s rational to study their moves to learn about their strategy. It’s not rational to investigate their policy or commentary for logic or philosophy.
I’m so mad, I could blow a gasket! I mean, when are the Democrats going to stop apologizing for being alive?
Durbin apologizes for saying it, when are BushCo going to apologize for doing it?
The dems need to get a clue from George Galloway. He didn’t show up sniviling amid their accusations, He stood his ground and spoke with conviction.
Democrats get a clue!
I wish the Dems would hire Galloway as a consultant to tell them how to respond to BushCo. I have a feeling he could give them talking points so sharp they were guaranteed to draw blood every time…
yeah! yeah! what you guys said!!
Did anyone hear about this? There is a diary about it
on Kos. What a shame that he couldn’t stand his ground.
I just deleted my first diary. Can it be saved or do I have to do it all over?
hysterics of the previous comment. I have fixed my mistake.
a great diary too. Congrats on your first 🙂
My daughter said I should share this industrial signage tool with you!
my Immigration diary. I hope you’ll check it out and give feedback. I hope to start a discussion here at BooTrib about this issue.
Hi! I’m new here, invited by Susanhu, who linked to one of my posts yesterday … and I’m just peeking my head in to say: please don’t read the first entry in my diary!
Those Republicans are after him and all the Sesame Street gang.