Yesterday’s Financial Times profiled the Federalist Society, the most powerful conservative judicial society in the U.S.

The society was founded in the early 80’s as a vehicle build to conservative networks among law students and later those associated with the legal profession. That network is now quite extensive and includes many high ranking BushCo appointees, staffers and almost exclusively their judicial appointments.

With William Rehnquist expected to retire as chief justice, that influence could be important. Its ties to the administration are extensive. Spencer Abraham, former energy secretary, was a founder. Among its members are Gale Norton, secretary of the interior, John Ashcroft, former attorney general, and at least six lawyers who will help select judicial nominees.

Its judicial ties include Supreme Court justices, such as Antonin Scalia, and Ken Starr, who led the impeachment of former president Bill Clinton.

As for their plans on lobbying for a successor? They’re claiming they won’t be directly involved. And, get this:

The society will quietly shape the conversation in which candidates are assessed. It has hired Creative Response Concepts, the media group that helped the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth challenge John Kerry’s Vietnam record to make legal analysts available to discuss “issues that arise in connection with a nomination.”

Proving once again that there’s no end to how low they will go to win.