Women have dropped from 41 percent in 1996 to 32.4 percent in 2004 and if one removes administrative or low level IT positions, women in technical positions has plunged from 32.4 percent to 24.9 percent according to this ITAA study.

Offshore outsourcing is clearly hitting women worst than men as well as the enormous backlash against competent technical women (the number of women graduating with technical degrees has actually risen, yet the dropout/unemployment rate in the field is reversed).  

This is why women and minorities should care greatly about outsourcing as well as women in science and engineering.  It’s yet another example of the pink collar ghetto as evidenced by this recent study.

There is no doubt that the ITAA will attempt to use this in order to bring in more foreigners at lower pay to replace Americans, but other studies back up their results on this issue.