Women have dropped from 41 percent in 1996 to 32.4 percent in 2004 and if one removes administrative or low level IT positions, women in technical positions has plunged from 32.4 percent to 24.9 percent according to this ITAA study.
Offshore outsourcing is clearly hitting women worst than men as well as the enormous backlash against competent technical women (the number of women graduating with technical degrees has actually risen, yet the dropout/unemployment rate in the field is reversed).
This is why women and minorities should care greatly about outsourcing as well as women in science and engineering. It’s yet another example of the pink collar ghetto as evidenced by this recent study.
There is no doubt that the ITAA will attempt to use this in order to bring in more foreigners at lower pay to replace Americans, but other studies back up their results on this issue.
that choose to stay here, and, as a result, have greater quality control ove their products, but have to charge more. Do you know of any, for example, that build stereo equipment, or manufacture clothing?
Also, the concept of recreating our own economy is interesting to me, with a mix of buying less, buying what is made here, buying used, reducing and eliminating credit card debt. Getting control of our own spending habits first seems the key to recreating our economy.
What do you think?
Getting government sponsored studies or unbiased is pretty hard to do right now and I do not think
anyone has examined a quality study versus offshoring…
But, on our site there are numerous studies showing
the failure of offshore outsourcing as well as the lack
of savings realized.
Clothing I do not know, computers, absolutely
offshore outsourcing has decreased the quality…
you can plain tell when buying components and computers,
This is just incredible. Thank you for your diary on this, I had no idea that this was happening, and I’m sure most folks haven’t heard about this either.
I personally know several women in technical fields, and it is clear to me that they are held down in their salaries and advancement. It’s a real shame when human talents are squandered this way. We are all in trouble in so many ways, and one more new indicator like this just makes me sick.
rushing headlong back to all the negative ism’s – sexism, racism and such. So Bush and his ilk are such unifiers right? They have unified all of the bigots.