The Whispering Campaign, which kicked off yesterday, is off to a roaring start, serving up more pages in last 24 hours than my humble blog had done in the past four months! Most of our early visitors have found us through What Really Happened dot Com, which linked to us on their main page [!! đŸ™‚ permalink here], no doubt in retaliation for our use of their brilliant piece The Lie Of The Century. It’s a great start! but it’s only a start, and we surely haven’t whispered our last.
And now for today’s news from The Whispering Campaign:
We now offer a few single-page larger-font messages:
Ten Good Reasons To Impeach George W. Bush
Ten Amazing Facts About Voting In The USA
Seven Things We Learned About 9/11 In 2004
Freedoms Lost Under George W. Bush
We also offer these new two-page messages:
Impeachment Time! by Greg Palast
What The Downing Street Memo Really Means from Media Matters
Unleashing The Resistance by Karen Kwiatkowski
Thanks for all the great links! I hope this campaign will help to inform folks out there in the “non-cyber” world about all the real news that we are used to getting here on the “internets”.