Happy Humpday Tribbers! The coffee’s on, the bacon’s a-fryin’ and the café is open for business. Eggs Benedict and Chocolate Banana Pancakes (a special request from the Abbottette) are the specials of the day, and the fruit cups with yogurt and granola look lovely, but I can’t vouch for them since I filled up on bacon.
Update [2005-6-22 14:44:4 by Abbott]: BREAKING NEWS!!! Frozen margaritas will be served free of charge for the forseeable future! Step right up!
Update [2005-6-22 14:51:31 by Abbott]: Also, it has come to my attention that Renee from Ohio has melted a giant popsicle only a few threads above the cafe. The bar has a limited supply of paper umbrellas left over from “Mai Tai Night” and will dole them out on a first come, first serve basis.
Also, please note that while breakfast is over, bacon is available all day long.
You all know the rules – in the Café, anything goes, but please remember to tip your server. Oh, and watch out for Sven, I hear Finns have a tendency to spit on the sidewalks… or something like that. =)
is off to a great start for you all!
Good Morning! Thanks for the coffee! And wow! A real breakfast!!! Looks and smells wonderful, thanks.
That Diane really had a brilliant idea when she decided to open up this place. Great coffee, tea and other liquids, good food and best of all Great Company!
Everyone, have a fabulous day.
We save our spits for the BBQ, thank you very much đ
Mornin’, Abbott! What a deliciously decadent bfast you’ve set out for us, and a tip o’ the syrup bottle to Abbottette.
Although. . .I am seriously thinking of wandering down to The Corner, my fav restaurant for bfast, and having one of their scrumptious corn cakes. They’re big suckers, a dinner plate wide, brown on the outside, yellow on the inside, crispy around the edges, soft and sweet in the middle. . .
Ohhh, gotta have one.
Sorry to not eat, and run!
P.S. on my way out the door. . .
Everybody please recommend this diary.
And. . .if you’re new to the pond, please introduce yourself so we can croak out a froggy welcome!
Oh, and here’s a tip for our server, something wise that my son told me when he was two years old and standing in front of me in nothing but a wet diaper and cowboy boots. Looking up at me with a sadder but wiser expression on his face, he said, “Never pee in your boots, Mom.”
Words to live by.
Oh thanks for the first belly laugh of the day! Defintely going to have to remember those wise words. What’s that they say? Out of the mouths of babes….
Glad he made you laugh! He cracked me up all the time when he was small. A friend of mine has called him The Little Guru ever since the following occurred:
I had taken my son with me to stay in Berkeley for a couple of weeks. One evening we were having dinner with a friend of mine and she and I were chatting up a storm, leaving my six-year-old son just sitting there. After a bit, when he’d had all he was going to take, he said in a clear, firm voice, “Pay attention to ME, Mom.”
She still cracks up at that story, believing that in those five words he expressed what we’re all probably wishing we could say, all of the time.
Your son sounds like he’s such a ham! My son hasn’t figured out how to say pay attention to me mom yet, but he has his methods.
He recently figured out that he could sneak up behind me while I am on the computer, and pull my hair. I turn back to see what my hair got snagged on, and I see a nothing but a huge grin and a little boy giggling wildly because he got his mamma!
Too cute!! You and I could probably tell little boy stories all day and never tire of it. Did I ever tell you about the time that. . .
Oh yeah I definitely have quite a few of the lil boy stories and no I never tire of it! How could you when they are so darn cute!
Will someone help clear my desk?
Yummy….bacon and eggs for breakfast…since that’s my weekend breakfast that must mean it’s Saturday! ;^D
Nice to see everyone here this morning…
Hmmmm breakfast. Hmmmm a cup of hot tea. Hmmm! No bacon?
So that’s where all the bacon went!<grumbling…well then where’s the damn kitchen…gonna make me some bacon…grumble grumble>
Heh I never did claim to be a morning person. đ
yeah, sorry about that… I made bacon to intice folks in here with the smell and then went ahead and ate it all. if it makes you feel any better, I think I can hear my arteries clogging. but you’re right, not very hostly of me… I’ll make some more.
Bah! I was just grumpy cause you beat me to the bacon. ;)I also have a horrible habit of eating all of the bacon. No need to apologize! Besides…I made more!
Hooray! Bacon for the masses!
are ducking for cover!
Oops! Sorry to all the vegetarians! Damn my insensitive self! Especially since my own son has become a vegetarian for the most part. And he’s only 20 months old!
Hmm although he does like bacon…and hotdogs. Thats all the meat he will consume though. đ
Hey. . .Vegans. . .
Hey. . .Vegetarians. . .
OR MUFFINS (with a side of croissants)!
So then I think that would be:
I think if the Dem party used that as their slogan we would have a good chance of winning the next election cycle.
Psst. . .don’t tell abbott, but I gabed a handful of bacon myself and scarfed it down. . .mmmmmmmm!
Lol! Now why didn’t I think of that before? đ
I’d vote for an all bacon presidential campaign. And I saw that!
Well those of the Jewish and Islamic faiths are not going to be happy with that đ
(Whew, this being all inclusive is really hard work. . ., got keep thinking all the time. . .but I wouldn’t want anyone to be excluded)
Or do we have to go back to
LET THEM EAT CAKE! (politics is so hard sometimes), Damn that Kathryn anyway.
the laughter going. . .
I now rest my case as to why I could never be a political candidate. . . too hard to walk with my foot in my mouth all of the time, let alone get any actual verbal communication going!
I just returned home after my daughter dragged me from my nest and took me to here house for an outing.
What did I miss, anything new or in the news..
I am thinking of lunch right now, what’s on the menu.
Well, for my son and I it was Peanut butter sandwiches, with a side of mixed fruit. Highly recommended! đ
How funny – that’s exactly what I’m having. Only, for the fruit, substitute yogurt. And some homeopathic canker sore medicine.
Ouch…how’s that treatment coming by the way? I do hope that your stress level has been reduced!
Yes, Peanut butter sandwiches are the favorite around here for lunch. I try to switch it up every now and then so that he doesn’t get bored with it, but my ideas get shot down quickly and he then goes to cupboard where the peanut butter is kept!
When I was in high school, I ate a peanut butter & jelly sandwich every day for lunch. Every now and then I would think to myself, “This is ridiculous – no one eats the exact same thing every day. Mix it up a little, Melanie!” So I would pack something different and when lunchtime rolled around, I would get so annoyed with myself for bringing whatever it was, because I just wanted my peanut butter sandwich. đ
The canker sores seem to have stabilized. I’m taking lysine (per several recommendations around here), some homeopathic stuff (per a vet’s recommendation) and vitamin c (per a nurse’s recommendation). They aren’t going away, but they aren’t as bad as they should be, so that’s something. I just get stressed out beyond all reason when I have to move. Obviously I’m not big on change. đ I said something like that to someone at work once, and she smiled at me and said, “You’re a republican, aren’t you?” I almost went full Matrix on her. It was not pretty.
Did you get canker sores when you were in high school? Because if you didn’t, the answer to your condition now is obvious! Eat more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Or maybe. . .if you did get canker sores then, the answer is that you have consumed TOO MANY PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES over your lifetime.
No need to thank me. Dr.kansas is always happy to help.
Don’t tell me – you attended the William Frist School of Medicine! Shall I send in a videotape of myself so you can diagnose me? đ
I believe my sig line says it all.
After nearly a week in TX, I was very happy to come back to Vermont, where I could get decent Mexican food, with actual flavor, and authentic Mexican spices, instead of that icky grey-brown food-like stuff in which they use cilantro and onions as a substitute for flavor.
Mine was a yummy black beans, fresh-cooked Spanish rice, and real monterey-jack cheese burrito with DEEEEEELICIOUS home-made salsa with a secret ingredient that adds just a touch of tanginess without overwhelming the subtle limey sweetness mingling with the fresh tomato and fresh jalapeno peppers.
are you saying Vermont has Texas beat in Mexican food? Who woulda thunk it???
I think she is saying that Vermonters think they have better Mexican food than Texans do. I think we should humor her. It’s not at all like the fact that I know Kansas has better Thai food than California does. Well, we do!
oh, right. vermont. mexican food. how could I forget?!?! One thing’s for sure, the FBC has the least fattening breakfast on the planet.
Our little secret: there is the sweetest family from Mexico who opened a little hole-in-the-wall restraunt in Chelsea, VT (Las Comadres Cafe). Their ingredients and recipes come straight from Michoacan Mexico. It’s fabulous – just fantastic. If you ever have the option, make the time to stop by.
While in TX, I might as well have eaten at Taco Bell – the flavor and consistency were the same (blech). Granted, my hosts were responsible for the restraunt choices (maybe they’re just Taco Bell type).
an herbal tea, half a dry whole wheat bagel, and a fruit cup…
I knew I was out of shape…but I didn’t realize how frickin’ bad.
This morning I started my new regimen; I’m planning to swim three mornings a week, and the other two mornings walk around the complex (approx. a mile circuit). In cases of inclement weather or if Aunt Flo is visiting on a swim day, I’ll substitute a workout in our small but serviceable fitness room.
Well, that’s the plan. This morning, however, when I hit the pool, I was only able to do 2 freakin’ laps. Now, the pool here isn’t the largest (though it’s at least twice the size of the puddle back at our old apartment), so two laps isn’t exactly Olympic caliber material. I was very disappointed with myself, I must admit.
Yeah, I know the drill…don’t expect miracles overnight, every exercise routine has its ups and downs, start slow and work your way up…but I’m impatient; I want fitness now!
I’m really going to have to work on not getting discouraged and giving up; that’s been a problem most of my life. At my age, I know I’m not going to turn into Twiggy or even a post-Bridget Jones Renee Zellweger, but I’d like to be able to enjoy myself at Disneyland in August without having to pinpoint every bench on the map.
So, if you folks don’t mind, is it okay if I use the Cafe to talk about my fitness efforts, and maybe if any of you folks have any tips for a fat, out of shape 46 year old, you can pass them along?
Absolutely! This is the perfect place to talk about your fitness program – I’m sure everyone here will be interested and supportive. Or, at least, I will. I expect an update tomorrow in my very first diary when I’m the Cafe host (kansas was nice enough to give up her coveted Thursday spot this week).
I’m a big fan of exercize. I’ve always been skinny, due to genetics, but I haven’t always been in good shape. I’ve also had a history of depression, and I’ve discovered lately that working out regularly makes a huge difference in how I feel. Unfortunately, I’ve been under the weather for the past couple of weeks and haven’t been able to do much beyond walk to the beach. It’s really thrown me off, mentally and physically, so I can’t wait to get back to it.
Stick to it, scribe – it’s so worth it!
previously overweight person, well not all previously, but I did lose a bit of weight by doing the following, watching portion sizes, I would use a salad plate for my meals then small portions look big, and drop the bread and carbs whenever possible.
Don’t eat after 6 or 7 at night, but I usually don’t eat much after 4 as I don’t like any kind of full feeling when I go to bed.
Smaller portion size has really worked for me, it doesn’t take much now for me to feel full and then I stop…
I haven’t done much exercise, and need to add more to my list.. If I could just get off the internet…
My daughter has followed the same basic pattern plus exercise and she is so trim and looks great now…Within about 2 months she started to look much better. She has always exercised, but the food thing was the thing that put it all together for her.
I lost weight 2 ways:
Dropping soda lost me 5 lbs in 6 months.
Of course picking it back up, plus being frustratingly sedentary for 3 months put it all back on plus 5, which was a big shock when clothes shopping a couple of weeks ago. đ
This is one thing I really hold against men. . .you want to lose 15 pounds, you stop putting jam on your toast. I on the other hand have to go on a liquid diet of vegetable juice for a month. Geeze. . .somethings are just so unfair.
well, I also had to start running 3 times a week, and after 6 months I’m down a grand total of 10 lbs. But, I’m pretty sure that was the beer wieght… =)
Is what I too am working on right now. I allowed myself to become a couch/computer potato over the last eight years or so. Want to talk out of shape/ I would start working out at our complex fitness center and then stop. I would go for a walk and then not another one for three months. I had to get with a trainer two days and a week and also walking 30-90 minutes 5 days a week. Now mind you I am not loving it am frustrated I haven’t lost three sizes but shit its only been three weeks. I have lost seven lbs so far. See, I want everything right now yesterday. I know that at post menopausal 53 years young that I am not about to drop the weight and tone up over night like I used to. As the trainer says, “Be patient Lee”. I asked him why my balanc e was so off and he said, without skipping a beat, “Because you were on the couch for eight years Lee”. Brutal but the truth and that is what I need right now. Someone that will stay on my fat ass and keep me motivated. Di had a really good point that I too use, smaller portions and put them on a smaller plate. Honest to God it works. Take it slow and build up adding anothe lap each time you swim. And STOP beating yourself up, you are doing something, one day at a time girl!!
Oh man is my face red. I was over at Cheers & Jeers and handing out 4’s this morning and I guess I hit the wrong button on one comment and gave the guy a 1. Ok so now he’s mad at me and I have never ever given anyone a 1 before. Guess I will be troll rated for life now. That’s ok I like the frog pond better..Food is better to
you can change it you know… just go back and make it a 4!
I made my apology to him and did that. How embarrassing
Don’t be embarrassed. It’s the internet. There’s too much angst over there right now anyway.
Seriously. People are on a hair-trigger over on kos right now – I got called a #$#^$&* &#*&$^# last week just for inviting someone to repost something over at BT. I just read it for the articles now. As it were.
ok so I’ll just pull up a toadstool and have a drink.
are at the bar. please proceed in an orderly fashion.
Proceed in an orderly fashion? I think you must have us confused with Republicans. Hey! That’s MY margarita!
Woohoo! Strawberry for me please.
All Your Bacon Are Belong To Me
Just in the interest of keeping the laugh going. đ
That joke just never gets old. Where did it originally come from, anyway?
apparently when you got to a certain point in that game, a character would menacingly tell you that “All your base are belong to us!”
Here is the last page I know of that still has the particular clip in question, made into a little video that still evokes laughs after so long. Check the video links on the left side; they’re Flash animations. (There was a piece on /. just a couple days ago about the 5-year anniversary of the first website touting this bit.) Sure has had a heck of a lot more staying power than the hamster dance.
D’oh! C or D gives the same link below. Read the whole thread next time, BroFel! *smacks head
My husband got me hooked on saying that phrase in almost everyday conversation.
A a brief history of the phrase
Excuse me? Excuse me, senor? May I speak to you please? I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt on the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass…
And yes, I won’t be leaving a tip, ’cause I could… I could shut this place down. Sir? I’ll take my traveler’s checks to a competing resort. I could write a letter to your nation’s board of tourism and I could have this place condemned. I could put… I could put… strychnine in the guacamole. There was salt on the glass, BIG grains of salt.
I just adore that movie! LOL
OMG one of my favorite movies. Somebody give that man back his stapler.
After reading some of the recent, erm, diaries by Carl Nyberg over at dKos, I’ve decided I want to get a better grasp of the Isreal/Palestine history. Can anyone rec a decent book on the subject?
That depends on what kind of perspective you’re looking for. If you want something that will give you a Palestinian perspective, try “The Question of Palestine” by Edward Said. He’s admittedly partisan, but he’s also a heck of a scholar. Disclaimer: I haven’t read this yet, but I’ve read some of his other stuff, and he’s definitely a prominent voice in the field.
Anyone have a recommendation from the other side?
Margarita that is. Frozen and with salt on the rim. I know, really frozen lemonade but I like the glass. What can I say?
’bout the same as vegan bacon I’m afraid…
allright fine. trist my arm. shirley temples all around.
Oh. . .could I please have a margarita on the rocks with salt on the rim (not frozen please). Need to get that yecky bekos diaries taste out of my mouth.
Much grass, as we say in I- Dee- Ho. . .
and just like that :::snapping my fingers:::
I’d like a Henry Africa’s Strawberry Daiquiri
….this is to make all of us oldsters nostalgic…
Henry Africa’s was a great ‘Fern Bar’ in the 1980’s in SF on Van Ness Avenue….
Strawberry Daiquiri’s with Fresh Strawberries and French Vanilla Ice Cream…
Glad to see your name popping up here as I was just mentioning you on the above link, read and tell me what you think….Look forward to your response…
During the summer sometimes at Chez Omir we’ll make a concoction of:
Ice cubes
One can (12 oz) limeade concentrate
Fresh hulled strawberries
Put the whole thing in a blender and let it whirl until the ice cubes are suitably crunched and the whole thing has just the right consistency. Add a little 7-up to help the process if you like. It is oh, so bad for us diabeticsw, and it tastes oh, so good.
Anything cold with alcohol will do for me – of course, margarita’s and yummy ice cold Mexican beer are always excellent choices. I need it, too, after day 3 of unpacking. Moving is a bitch.
The one nice thing about moving is that I haven’t thought about shrubby in 4 days (until my MIL mentioned him – it WAS a criticism, though, but I was like, “Thanks! I hadn’t thought about that dumb ass chimp since last week!!”)
Okay, you know I am tired when I put an apostrophe in margaritas…DUH!
Drunk before our lunches are half digested on the West Coast! But as they say – it’s happy hour somewhere! A margarita, and keep ’em comin’! I have some catching up to do!
In the spirit of international cooperation, I asked my regular barman, Mikko (“Ever been in love. Mikko?” “Nope, been a barman all my life”) to create a cocktail that celebrates the cosmopolitan flavour of this place:
Pour six fingers of Koskenkorva vodka over a 1 inch deep fozen cube of pork lard in a highball glass. (Giraffe “The highballs are on me, guys”) Top up with strawberry cola and decorate with a pinch of scratchings. Serve with very crisp fried bacon stirrer.
This is also a cure for alcoholism.
I would think it would be a cure for just about anything. “Um, the beri-beri’s a lot better now, just get me away from that thing, whatever it is . . . “
Indeed it is a true panacea. đ
::looking around::: wow. looks like a cat fight happened here today. sheesh, would you look at all the fur.
i didn’t know frogs had fur
oh well.. best get to sweepin, sun’s almost up in the east.. better hurry while everyone’s abed
Jeez, ya woke me up with all that sweeping and washing glasses. Got any coffee brewing yet for this middle of the night left coaster? No? The screw it….I’m going back to bed.
but I wanted to mention the Thursday Music & Story Lounge, which I posted last night/this morning to kind of lighten the mood around here.
The rules are simple: Choose a song that accompanies an event in your life, and then tell us a little story about the songs and the event. It doesn’t have to be War and Peace, it doesn’t have to be Gone With The Wind — just who were you with, what were you doing, stuff like that, when you heard the song. We’ve got several great stories so far, and we could use more.
Or just come read other peoples’ stories.