My energy is flagging. (Oh crap. I just noticed the pun. I’ll let it fly.) The flag amendment, the Durbin apology, the general level of bullshit, deceit, and apathy that is in the atmosphere and which I’m picking up as if I was a tuning fork, is exhausting me. Add to it the general stresses of everyday life, including some extraordinary things that are going on in my world, and I’m feeling a bit burnt.
Being part of this community helps. When my energy is low, I read your diaries, what you are doing, your declarations of faith and outrage, and I tap into that.
I don’t have anything profound to say. I’m very tired. I went looking for something to pick me up this morning, and lo and behold, wound up back on Emma Goldman‘s doorstep. She was commissioned to write the following piece, and the piece was killed when the newspaper in question decided that it was too radical for its readers. But she published it anyway.
So, here it is. “A New Declaration of Independence,” written in 1909. Emma rocks.
A New Declaration of Independence
by Emma Goldman
[Published in Mother Earth, Vol. IV, no. 5, July 1909.]
When, in the course of human development, existing institutions prove inadequate to the needs of man, when they serve merely to enslave, rob, and oppress mankind, the people have the eternal right to rebel against, and overthrow, these institutions.
The mere fact that these forces–inimical to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness–are legalized by statute laws, sanctified by divine rights, and enforced by political power, in no way justifies their continued existence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all human beings, irrespective of race, color, or sex, are born with the equal right to share at the table of life; that to secure this right, there must be established among men economic, social, and political freedom; we hold further that government exists but to maintain special privilege and property rights; that it coerces man into submission and therefore robs him of dignity, self-respect, and life.
The history of the American kings of capital and authority is the history of repeated crimes, injustice, oppression, outrage, and abuse, all aiming at the suppression of individual liberties and the exploitation of the people. A vast country, rich enough to supply all her children with all possible comforts, and insure well-being to all, is in the hands of a few, while the nameless millions are at the mercy of ruthless wealth gatherers, unscrupulous lawmakers, and corrupt politicians. Sturdy sons of America are forced to tramp the country in a fruitless search for bread, and many of her daughters are driven into the street, while thousands of tender children are daily sacrificed on the altar of Mammon. The reign of these kings is holding mankind in slavery, perpetuating poverty and disease, maintaining crime and corruption; it is fettering the spirit of liberty, throttling the voice of justice, and degrading and oppressing humanity. It is engaged in continual war and slaughter, devastating the country and destroying the best and finest qualities of man; it nurtures superstition and ignorance, sows prejudice and strife, and turns the human family into a camp of Ishmaelites.
We, therefore, the liberty-loving men and women, realizing the great injustice and brutality of this state of affairs, earnestly and boldly do hereby declare, That each and every individual is and ought to be free to own himself and to enjoy the full fruit of his labor; that man is absolved from all allegiance to the kings of authority and capital; that he has, by the very fact of his being, free access to the land and all means of production, and entire liberty of disposing of the fruits of his efforts; that each and every individual has the unquestionable and unabridgeable right of free and voluntary association with other equally sovereign individuals for economic, political, social, and all other purposes, and that to achieve this end man must emancipate himself from the sacredness of property, the respect for man-made law, the fear of the Church, the cowardice of public opinion, the stupid arrogance of national, racial, religious, and sex superiority, and from the narrow puritanical conception of human life. And for the support of this Declaration, and with a firm reliance on the harmonious blending of man’s social and individual tendencies, the lovers of liberty joyfully consecrate their uncompromising devotion, their energy and intelligence, their solidarity and their lives.
This `Declaration’ was written at the request of a certain newspaper, which subsequently refused to publish it, though the article was already in composition.
we hold further that government exists but to maintain special privilege and property rights
Emma nailed it on the head with that statement alone. The difference between “civilization” and everyone “else”, whether the Cherokee in 1500’s or the people of the Adaman Islands today, is that “civilized” peoples have “property rights”.
And when one person “owns” a tree, a forest, a square inch of ground, it means another person cannot go there, visit, plant a seed, pick an apple or simply enjoy it. Even if their life depends on it.
And when one person “owns” a tree, a forest, a square inch of ground, then comes the mentality that human beings are the “master” of the planet, rather than being part of it.
If a beetle told you beetles own the planet, you might laugh. But statistically there are more beetles than there will ever be people. In fact there are more beetles than any other organic form of life.
Do people really “rule” the planet? Is that attitude why the planet is dying? And if we are part of the planet, what will happen to us as it chokes on poisons?
I agree. I used to think, for a while, that Emma was impractical. But, as I’ve gotten older, and I see the conditions that she was dealing with and which we are dealing with, I think she nailed just about everything she wrote about.
I’ve also issued a challenge here: Declaration of Independence. I think it would be great if we all wrote our declarations for this July 4.
Thanks, Soj. You are an inspiration to me.
-November 19, 1863
Thanks for Emma Goldman in the wee hours.
I’m off to hear a fine young scientist in the making – who happens to be female, a minority, a product of a devastated inner city school system. She’s the beneficiary of a government program that has produced a lot of excellent medical scientists and practitioners who happen to be minorities. One of the better uses of our joint assets.
Thanks for the day-brightener.
Thanks, Lorraine. One of the most fantastic things about the past is how useful it can be to us in the present–and how much of a comfort.
Yes, we haven’t progressed as we should, but we are reaching from the shoulders of people just like us. That they did not give up should give us reason to continue for, if we abandon the fight, only then did they struggle in vain.
and they’d shit their pants laughing so hard…
People only have worth as producers of goods and then the consumer of those goods, and natural resources only have worth as far as their utility for the consumption of people. What the hell good is it looking at a forest? Clear cut it for the wood. Who the hell can even see those caribou and pristine lands in ANWAR, drill the sucker…
By the way, it may be worth mentioning that anything published by Mother Earth is not copyrighted…anarchists don’t believe in copyright. Learned this from friendly British Barry at the Emma Goldman department of UC Berkeley when we chatted last week…
and I love this community. I sit in the heart of redville and read such things like this daily and I am filled. This is my church!!! I am so blessed today! I miss Mattman and paradox at Kos but I am in the right place for me right now and it feels wonderful!
I miss nothing about that other site. I feel so empowered in this community. We have more than enough “compensations” here for anything that we might miss somewhere else. And you are one of those “compensations”, Militarytracy. I thank you and the other courageous souls who contribute here and in the “real world”. I’m in a bass-ackwards town, too, and the online community is often the only place I find solace.
This Declaration rocks!
The power of words! And Emma has an extraordinary way of stringing them together in a symphony that touches deep places within me. What a writer! What an amazing human being!
Thanks Lorraine