Diane101 asked me to talk about BooTrib etiquette. Wolverine Writer, who is my old college buddy, and who is setting up the BooTrib store, mentioned the same thing on the phone today. So, here it is: BooTrib looks like Daily Kos, but it is a different site. Below are the two relevant rules:
From the FAQ:
Yes. You are. Everyone is welcome at the site regardless of political self-identification. I don’t care how you are registered to vote, who you have voted for in the past, or who you plan to vote for in the future.
The only restriction on non-Democrats is that they be respectful of the mission of this site, that they don’t post Bill O’Reilly-like talking points, and that they don’t engage in trollish behavior.
If you are pro-life or anti-gun control, no one should down-rate your posts or make you feel unwelcome at this site, or in the Democratic Party. This site is not for the enforcement of any orthodoxy on its members. Principled disagreement is always allowed. Just don’t act like Sean Hannity and be an idiot.
From the comments:
And I just want to disseminate a new rule based on my semi-collected thoughts:
Not everyone is as smart as you. Not everyone one is as well informed as you. Not everyone writes as well as you.
And I don’t care how dumb, ignorant, and illiterate you are, there is someone, somewhere who is more so.
So, when it comes to having disagreements and debates and discussions…this is the rule:
Don’t be a prick.
Don’t act in a way that would get you punched in the face or thrown out of a dinner party. Don’t treat other people with disrespect even if you think they are stupid and ill-informed.
Don’t mock someone because they have trouble expressing themselves.
Don’t be a prick.
That’s the rule.
defined. I like your rule.
You have such a concise way with words…
Don’t be a prick. That’s the rule.
I told an old boss and friend about the etiquette rule…he wanted it applied to the earth as a whole!
What a great idea!
I love this site for this very reason. I am not all that educated in lots of things. This is what my yearning was for coming to the kos and then on to booman’s site. I love this site more for it is an area of discussion that involves many thoughts and we here can process those thoughts with professionalism and great respect for others. This is what the world is about anyhow..Thanks for the setting of the guidelines and that in and of itself is the major thing. We know the rules and they are broad to some respect. Thanks more than you ever know from this house anyhow. It has allowed me to breathe once again..
…we here can process those thoughts with professionalism and great respect for others…
Or in my case; with a great deal of amatuerism but with a deep desire to learn 🙂
navel-gazing here.
Regarding site functionality, I think it’s a good idea to set a time limit on a user’s ability to Recommend a diary (like maybe 24 hours after posting?). I think Kos uses that option.
Still happy to be here. And for the record, I don’t think the site is being Kossified, I just think the pace has quickened; and it’s not a bad thing IMHO. There is still a large amount of civility and for that I’m thankful.
Paz, ME
…you again ManEegee, for your navel gazing. That diary was a wonderful introduction to BT for me.
Hope you don’t mind.
a problem with it, but you may have to fight of Anomalous. heheheh
to your smart alec comment no less than seven times, but I continue to get kicked off the site (each time receiving a notice that I’m forbiden to reenter the site) So – to you, all I need say is HeHeHe 😉
I need to say Good Night, and I hope this message is successful in posting. Either way – you’ll get your just desserts tomorrow, Bucko! To. Be. Sure. (Cuz I ain’t interested in your underarm, nor am I interested in your navel. I’m a bit more focused in leg latching. So there!
Good night – for real!
I love that rule 🙂
Can also fem it up with -“Don’t be a snatch” .. which bleeds into my favorite she-word “Snatchula” .. Okay back to the houswork for this kiddo – looong week, full of hate and tears some days and wheee appraisal tomorrow on the abode.
Sorry you had some troubles. I wear a mod hat elsewhere for a hockey forum. It can really suck having to tell adults they’re behaving like complete … well you know. :).
Again thanks for the forum and work you pour into this site. The above partial deets of my week so far show just how therapeutic this joint is.
While we are having a chat about etiquette. . .
There are a few things that puzzle me and frankly are beginning to irritate me, so I’ll put them out there as just my opinion and maybe some of you can “educate me” about these trivial but irksome happenings.
I have been blogging over a year now and when I first began as a commenter only (after months of lurking, like many of you)It was common that the folks whose diaries I was commenting on would acknowledge the comments of many, if not all, of those who took the time to do so. And often, absent a comment of even, “thanks” they would at least rate the person’s remarks.
Lately, and that would be probably the last 3 or 4 weeks, I notice that the diary poster on many diaries does not respond to remarks, does not acknowledge remarks, does not rate remarks. They are, it seems, “Hit and Run” diaries. Not in the sense of troll types, often they are quite good reading and thought provoking, but the author seems to be absent.
It seems to me if people take the time to read your “important” words and express their opinions about them, that common etiquette would suggest that you acknowledge them in some way, even if it is the very short, but precise and complete one word response of “thanks.”
Am I just having too much expectation here? Am I just way off base? Am I just an old hag who is out of step with the real world and times we are in?
Let me know, because I have decided not to waste my time reading and responding to your diaries any more, especially if you and your previous works are not known to me.
This is not going off in a huff, it is not going off anywhere. . .it is just that I really do have more productive and important things that such commenting into the void takes time away from.
So have at it. I am not so concerned whether I specifically get an answer or not when I comment, but that very few seem to be tending their own diaries and responding to anyone. Very curious to me.
comment in one’s own threads, but is a matter of taste.
I couldn’t comment on (or even read) all my threads if I tried. But sometimes I avoid it because I want to see what my thoughts (as written) provoke, without nudging it in the threads.
Thanks booman. Even though it is not necessary, It is sort of polite to drop something in once in a while. . .guess that is just my preferance. At least you give me a point to view from which to reasess. I will just be pickier about what I participate in from now on. My apparently mistaken thought was these diaries were about discussion which would include the person who brought up the topic. That not always being the case, point taken.
gotta wear shades…
That’s a great question. I’m still learning what people prefer around here. On my own blog, I find it hard sometimes to know what the line is between shooting my mouth off too much in comments and letting people go unresponded to. Sometimes I feel like a blogger (or diary author) who replies to every single comment can stifle things as much as encourage them. Unless of course she has something specific to say in reply. And for me, one of the most valuable things about this medium is paying attention to the conversations that my writing prompts.
One thing I like a lot about the ratings system here is that an author can give a silent “thumbs up” to people who comment on her writing, without necessarily interrupting the flow of conversation.
I find your view very much in alignment with my own.
I’ve noticed that too. Now, I will post a comment if it’s a first diary from that person (I don’t think any diary should remain without comments, if someone has taken the time and effort to post one… well, unless it’s not a real diary type thing.. you know).
But, in general, if the diary writer is not visible at all in the diary, and that is a general practice, then I tend not to post in those ones. It’s just my preference… some diarists may just want their words to stand as they are, and not have much discussion on them, and thats fine too. I read, and move on without commenting.
From one old hag to another, I like participating in my diaries and most who comment get 4s from me. I feel guilty sometimes if I go for a nap or take time off to come back much later to catch up. I figure if people take the time to read what I write and them comment on it, they deserve to be recognized. I also don’t post a diary if I know I won’t have the time to respond quickly enough.
The flip side is that I can get absorbed in my own diaries and not get around around to reading others as much as I’d like to, especially on days when I blog a live event.
I also think it’s important for diarists to post tip jars so they can get an idea of how many people have popped in even if they haven’t left a comment.
up tip-jars. I’ve seen it mentioned here that tip-jars weren’t common practice. Are there any old-timers who want to comment on this, to help me understand?
I don’t think there is any sort of rule or anything on that. Or even “tradition”. Some people put them out, some don’t, they just wait and comment somewhere. And, as mentioned above, some don’t put anything at all.
So, it’s up to the individual, I think.
Did you just call me “old”?
According to the Theory of Relativity, an old-timer can be quite young if she’s spent all that time moving at high speed.
‘old not new’, of course… ‘old not young’ never crossed my mind… <preparing to sprint away>
Thanks for clarifying…
My favorites are the “I’m not asking for Tips” tip jars.
Like this putz :
I did get Glynis’ permission to post the diary. Be sure to pass along any mojo to the rightful owner.
“Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
by sgilman on Fri Jun 10th, 2005 at 09:14:02 PM PDT
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I hit the recommend button a lot, and I comment a lot, too.
But I read many diaries that I don’t recommend (for one reason or another) and that I don’t really have anything to add to. However, many of these are diaries that I really appreciate. Someone took the time to write something that informed me or made me smile or touched me. I like to have a way to let the diarist know this without cluttering up the comments with “Thanks” or “Good diary” comments. So I always put tip jars on my diaries – since I like to see them on others’ diaries, it’s a kind of “do unto others . . .” thing.
i personally prefer the phrase “early adopter”. :::smile::::
one thing people should know about Trusted User status. You need to have at least 10 seperate comments rated within a certain time frame, in order to have TU. It helps to have lots of ‘4’s of course, but if you only have a few tip jars and no other comments, it doesn’t matter how many ‘4’s are in your jars.
As for common practice, some people like Bood Abides always have a tip jar. I might have used one once at dKos. It’s personal taste.
Te reasons for posting tip jars vary. As I alluded to, I like to get a feel for how many readers I’ve had. I love mojo as much as the next mojo whore, but I don’t worry about it. I learned quickly that TU status can be highly overrated. Look at this place – not exactly dozens of hidden comments to read. 🙂
I think a lot of it has to do with nerves. (This is me speaking about myself.)
It’s very scary to post diaries, and then have anyone able to read what one writes.
That can make for sudden shyness and fear … fear that what one wrote will be ill-received, ridiculed, argued against.
Fear and nerves make me often unable to think, let alone type, a comment or a reply.
Then there’s the feeling of being spent, left with almost zero thinking reserves, after one finishes a diary. It can be quite draining to compose and organize a diary. If so, it’s almost a relief to sit back passively, and watch people post to one’s diary. Any urge to reply is quickly overcome by an almost paralyzing fatigue.
As for the types of diaries that people post: There’s a wide array of abilities in speaking eloquently and personally in a diary about an important topic. For those who have a bit tougher time in self-expression, the best they can do is to post a bulletin of some type, or quote an article. But behind that effort is a desire to communicate with us, even if it’s not accompanied by what we’d consider profundities. Eventually, it’s hoped, they’ll become more comfortable with expressing themselves and will post diaries that are more thoughtful and not just bulletins. It is good that they’re here, and that they have the courage to participate.
Your diaries are works of art. No wonder you feel spent.
I have to tell you, and maybe this will help others, the one diary I spent the most time researching (about the lack of justice for what happened at Abu Ghraib one year later) was one of my least read diaries. I learned two things from that experience: 1) if I write a diary that thoroughly researched, it has to be enough that I’m satisfied with myself and my work regardless of who does or doesn’t read it and 2) don’t spend a lot of time writing diaries that require that much research!
I ignore a writer’s style for the most part and just focus on the content, because that’s what matters. Someone called my writing “eloquent” the other day. Pffft. Me? Eloquent? I sure don’t see my writing that way. So, you just never know how you’ll be received but, if you have a point to make, make it. This is a very forgiving community and it’s a great place to practice diaries and comments.
I do a book diary over on kos-may start doing it here too on saturday nights. Usually, the ones I research the hardest get the least comments.
Except the “erotic fiction” one. That one had a really fun flame war break out in the middle of it, got over 100 comments. Boy was that exciting.
As to posting in my own diaries, I tend to “nurse” them after I post if I can. Today’s “eminent domain” diary I couldn’t because I posted it real quick from work but I was sure to come back and reply once I got home.
I can see where both sides are coming from here. I don’t get offended if nobody replies to/rates my comments, and I like mojo as much as the next mojo whore.. er.. person. But when it comes down to it, fours aren’t what it’s all about.
if you were the book diary person. I do hope you start to do that here as well, if you find the time. They are great fun and can have some interesting discussions.
I will post them here too, then. Look for it saturday night between 10 and 11 eastern.
I have pretty much agreement with you. I don’t care if someone gives one of my comments a rating, when I comment I am not doing so with that thought ever in my mind. I do like to encourage other’s well written comments by giving them a rating, but personally, I am not so self absorbed that I consider my comments of some overwhelming concern or interest. I also don’t write diaries in an attempt to get on the recommended list either. If that happens, great. Just as when there are few or no comments on my own diaries, I take it as a topic of little interest or a topic not well presented to many. I don’t take it personally.
It is just not as interesting to read, for me personally, when the author is non-participatory. A personal preference, certainly not shared by all or even many.
I will just adjust my reading habits to coincide with my preferences.
and as should we all 😀
And I understand your point-it IS more interesting if there is interaction.
That someone would be me. And I’m an editor, so consider it a professional opinion. 🙂
oh…well…in that case…uh…
I think a lot of it has to do with nerves. (This is me speaking about myself.)
It’s very scary to post diaries, and then have anyone able to read what one writes.
I have to say this surprises me a bit, susanhu, seeing as you rock so much. I’ve seen a lot of far less talented writers with far less to say who spend a lot more time saying it.
Not here, of course, I hasten to add!
But when you edit political writing for a living, like I do, it’s a huge treat to read stuff written as well as yours is.
what a great description!
I hate to harp on this, because it sounds like a cry for sympathy, but it’s really a cry for empathy and for undertanding.
A lot of participants here project their own mindset onto the front-pagers. But there are important differences.
We are not anonymous. We are WAY more accountable for what we write. Our families and friends read it and know we wrote it.
But we also can cause a commotion by saying the wrong thing. A pie-war could break out at any moment.
We also might be preparing the next diary, rather than reading the reaction to the last one.
People also assume that we read everything and are aware of what’s going on. Not possible. There is too much content for me to read most of the diaries, let alone the threads. If I did, I could never read anything else and create new content.
So, sometimes it seems like we don’t care that something is going on on the site, but the truth is that we have no idea its happening.
We rely on the trusted users to monitor the site and regulate things. We have no other choice.
Anyway, Susan points out there is a lot of stress and a lot of drain, and we might not always seem engaged in what’s going on, even in our own threads. But’s its not because we don’t care.
Gosh, I would never expect a Front Pager to respond to comments in their threads. I don’t know how you all manage to keep bringing us so much good stuff, let alone watch over every comment made in your offerings.
My silly little discomfort with Hit and Run Diaries are not at all directed towards Front Page posts. If I gave anyone that impression, I certainly did not intend that.
Susan dear, you know I already can’t figure out how you ever find time to sleep with all that you do. I was not meaning to include Front Page posts at all in my whiny little comments. Have no clue how you manage to do all that you do as it is, let alone make comments on your offerings.
Thanks. I wasn’t thinking of front-page stories when I wrote the above .. I was more thinking of both my own feelings when I first began posting diaries on Daily Kos and the feelings I’ve detected from other diarists. It’s scary … always will be, to me. I just have to climb over that mountain of fear every single time out. Partly it’s because I’m so worried about conveying the importance of the material and the news because I don’t want to obscure its meaning in awkward verbage.
You do it very well, Susan. Many Kudos
Thank you for that input Susan. I am one of those trying to break into diary writing. I have these great diaries in my head but trying to write them is another thing. I have now thrown up three quick, short action/breaking news type diaries. I am doing the best I am able to at this time with the little knowledge I have. I have to say hoestly, several of you were quite encouraging. Isn’t it human nature though to find the negative. One poster I thought was condescending and hyper critical and thought the diary should be deleted because someone else had posted a similar diary. The other diary was about same subject but with no mention of the importance of a well known name associated with it that I felt was very relavent. My point being that I have felt unable to post a diary since. I know I am probably hyper sensitive but then again the diary police have arrived so what’s the point of expressing myself in a diary. I will continue to post comments but probably with less frequency than before.
Oh, just ignore the police … be a law breaker. ‘sides, who in the hell made those laws? Just some people sitting in front of their computers.
You have too much to say not to say it.
I always read your comments, Alohaleezy, even if I don’t reply.
I don’t post diaries much myself although, like you, I write them in my head all the time ;).
I was very happy to see you start posting diaries, alohaleezy, and you do always find some point that should be highlighted, which to me is a very good thing (because I often miss stuff).
Keep posting though, and don’t worry about “diary police”… some people have just not adjusted to the change in site location and values yet, but they will as time goes on. There were two diaries posted on the eminent domain thing yesterday, at the same time, both highlighting different aspects, and I don’t see anything wrong with that at all. Both got comments related to the view they were highlighting, then everyone moved to one (including the author of the other diary) and stayed there and all was good.
In fact, there is a third diary on the same subject on the rec list right now, highlighting yet another aspect.
So, don’t be discouraged. You should keep bringing your unique view to the diaries and comments. Otherwise, how will I ever know what I’ve missed!?
Oh you guys…gonna make me cry and run my mascara and all that crap. Thanks for the pep talk and will do the best I can. We have a unique atmosphere here and I only hope it continues with the growth.
I hear what you are saying, and indeed, it is fun to read a diarist’s replies to those who comment. However, that very thing has kept me from doing more than the two diaries I’ve ever written. My schedule makes it tough to be on-line long enough to reply in a timely fashion (Other than in the wee hours of the morning, like this, when I should be asleep, and few people are commenting).
Also, I can hardly stand to look at what I write once I’ve written it. I have to write a lot in my work, and I have developed a loathing for seeing it once done. (My spouse says this is because it sounds like I’ve translated it from the original German.)
It seems to me that some diaries are like conversations between the writer and the commenters. Others, like some of SusanHu’s or Devil’s Tower, read more as essays than conversations (those two just popped in my head because they are the last things I read before this).
So I don’t expect a poster to stick around, even though I sometimes wish they did and have enjoyed it when they do. (There have also been some terrible, hostile conversations, too, but that’s not your point).
Oh No Shirlstars, did I do something wrong? I always try to rate or comment in my very few and rare diaries. If I’ve done something to offend you, please let me know because I’m scratching my head here 🙂 Only way I can learn is to be guided.
It’s hard to rate everyone all the time in the “social” threads but I try very hard to do so. One of the reasons I’m not here (anywhere for that matter) as I can’t focus as much as I want to due to school being out. But I love reading your, and so many others, posts – I just cant stand to think I’ve done something wrong… I really love this place and it’s participants.
I always check my comments button to see if there’s any posts to it so I can answer/rate. I’ve been busy lately and may have missed something.
Please let me know so I can resolve this and not do it again.
I can be a Republican but not a prick? Dang. Talk about bait and switch.
that was funny.
not a prick is harder than you think.
I was only interested in it for the prick part. Without that, I’m out.
a huge prick most of my life. So, I have nothing against being a prick. But there is no reason to treat people like shit, and I eventually learned that lesson.
teasin’ about Republicans.
Fiscal conservative? Nope.
Strong on national security? Nope.
Strong on defense? Nope.
Smaller government? Nope.
Intolerance? Hell yes!
If you can’t be a Republican and a prick, what’s left?
Did you see that Samantha Bee interview with the reformed bully on TDS last nite? Hilarious.
She’s a stinker. I can’t wait for tonight with Howard Dean.
WEll ask and yee shall receive. Thanks booman for hearing my cries in the wilderness over here.
Can we also talk about the rec. list, turning over time faster on that, double entries on the world list, why?…Don’t get the point of that..I think it should be one list or the other but not both.
Many great diaries are being lost in the rush here, the rush to post a diary and then the rush of the rec. list.
Can we talk about some diaries might properly belong on an open thread, as a link, some action items might belong on a thread and not a diary. Can we talk about creating an action tab.
Can we also talk about creating teams to cover a subject so that we don’t have a rash of diaries covering the same topic. We have organized the Froggy bottom cafe and the gardening diaries and it is working quite well, we have a team and rotate. Otherwise there might be 5 of us a day posting the same type of diary. That opens the diaries up to many different people, not just one. How about organizing other fun type diaries, I find so many with near the same subject.
The great thing about this site in the past was the ability and time we had to thoughtfully discuss an issue, not race to be the first to diary a news items.
I still think and we have discussed this before, we need a tab for new items. a tab for action item, and a separation of fun diaries and serious diaries or catagories…I know you have catagories on Euro, but don’t think it is being used…Can we institute that here.
Also I hope I have seen the last of the about Kos diaries.
We just doubled the decay rate of diaries.
The world recommended diaries are there so we ALWAYS have world recommended diaries to look at. World issues suffer from an innate disadvantage, in that less people are interested in them.
That’s why I allow duplicates. I don’t want to punish Catnip, for example by excluding her from the top list. It’s up to Americans to write good diaries and keep the mix fresh.
The world recommended diaries are there so we ALWAYS have world recommended diaries to look at. World issues suffer from an innate disadvantage, in that less people are interested in them.
That identifies a problem for a diarist like me who doesn’t necessarily always write about Canadian or world events, but my diaries are on the world reco list.
Sidebar: Punish me at your own risk! 🙂 Fear the wrath of catnip. Fear it, I say! (big growl for melodramatic effect)
In that sense, catnip, I’d say the value of the world recommended is that it is promoting non-US views about US events and politics, which may be worthwhile for the American majority here to see.
but catnip for example is on the normal rec. list too so how does that punish her. Do we need two notices that she has a diary up on rec….or anyone for that matter. And then you now have euro too. I think it makes a disadvantage for Americans. Why don’t you then make an only American rec. list on the euro. site.
IMO it is punishing others that don’t get up on list at all owing to the lack of space there.
You guys work it out. I’ll go along with whatever is decided. It doesn’t matter to me if I end up on any reco list. Writing is my passion.
doesn’t want an American rec list.
But it is not a disadvantage to Americans. It’s affirmative action for non-Americans. If someone writes a diary on politics in Japan, it will have almost no chance of getting on the rec list. But it has a chance on getting on the world list.
If it is good enough to get on both, great.
It doesn’t work perfectly, but that’s the idea.
What more does it take to get on one and both, diaries use the same rec. don’t they.
I am not avocating having an American rec. list on Jerome but I don’t see the point in having a world rec list here, a world diary on Euro and everyone cross posting everything to sometimes 3 different site.
I rem. someone mentioned the other day that people should post a link to a diary on the other site, but not the whole diary. People drop diaries here and on DK and then never come back. A link would have been just as good IMO..
the rec list is the same as at dKos. The eight highest rated diaries are on the rec list.
The world list has the 6 highest rated world diaries.
Therefore you could easily have the 50th highest rated diary and the 6th highest rated world diary.
You’ll make it onto the world list.
EuroTrib is Jerome’s gig. He may decide that he doesn’t want cross-posting in the future, but it is up to him.
I want six world rec diaries at this site. If the best writers are non-American, then they will domininate both lists, but Americans have 8 slots to compete for. Just like at dKos.
are you saying that Americans can get on the world list, or are you saying that americans have have 8 spots so be satisfied in competing for that slot, which may or may not have world diarists on it. Then that would mean that world diarists have 14 spots to compete for if that’s how you want to put it…
So Americans have 8 (minus world diaries that make list) and world can be on both so americans would be competing for even less than 8…Almost all of the world diaries are about American issues on Booman so I really still fail to see the point of two lists.
BTW have Americans been on the world list, I thought they had, but thought you put them there, is that incorrect?
I am not realy into the competing issue, don’t like to see it as a contest…Just fair…we are part of the world too btw….
didn’t mean to open a can of worms here, but these thoughts have been floating around the site for a long time now, not just from me…Every diary we had about the future or situation on this site had some comments in this regard.
this is how it works.
All users are divided into two groups: Americans and non-Americans.
The rec list takes no notice of this and works identically to dKos.
The world rec list only considers non-Americans.
You can ignore the world list entirely and the site will appear just like dKos.
It is dKos, with an assurance of 6 slots reserved for non-American diarists below.
Sometimes the one of the best 8 diaries will be written by a non-American. This happens at dKos constantly and people are unaware of it.
There are 8 slots on both sites for the most popular diaries. No difference.
I’ve had this page sitting on my desktop, wondering if I’d have to throw the link in…
<d’ja made me do it… ;)>
on this issue..Not because of the American Diaries not getting more exposure or recommended..it’s just that when a diary pops up People will read it and recommend it if they feel it should be recommended…I would not, not open and read a diary if it was about another country…If one was from another country it would really interest me and I WOULD open it and if I felt it was great and needed to be read by others..I would recommend it and also I would go around…to places like Froggy bottom and let all the Boomers know about it and to recommend it….(I would run the risk of becoming known as the Froggy Bottom Pimp, but that’s Ok by me). Like right now…looking at the titles on the World Recommend list..every on of them is about US/AMERICA. So I am in agreement with you…Maybe on the recent Diaries list there could be a little round world icon next to world diaries people?
What about all the other issues I have brought up, what are your feelings on them…
And BTW Americans do write good diaries and we do have more at stake here in many instances than other worldly people do..on the mostly American issues. Not saying yonder parts do not, but it is America who has the biggest problem on the planet right now which affects the rest of the world…
I do not want to get in argument us vs the world over this, just pointing some things out in response to your comment.
Okay. That comment rubbed me the wrong way, so I’m just going to walk away and see how the discussion on those points plays out.
Didn’t mean to rub you the wrong way, I was responding to booman upthread about Americans need to write good diaries to get on the list and I got a tab bit defensive of American writers, wasn’t casting aspersion on any other country..or you..
Just seemed to me like he was saying we have to write/fight our way to the top of the heap when we are talking about this country that we live in.
I surely do appreciate that other countries residents are so interested in our country and fully understand why.
This is a difficult road I am treading on here so don’t be offended if I have not said it correctly, I am trying to articulate something that is in my head.
This was just one of the issues I raised but the only one booman had responded to so that is the one I discussed in that comment.
I understand as best I’m able to. This is obviously something you need to work out with Booman as far as the infrastructure of the site goes. What I need to know is if you think we non-American people should just be focusing on non-US issues in our diaries and leave the US-centered topics to Americans.
You also said to Boo that others share your concerns so I’d like to see those articluated in order to know exactly what they are. This is all news to me, so I’m just trying to figure out what needs to be discussed. That’s why I stepped back.
No catnip, I did not mean that non americans should focus on anything in particular or just other issues, that would be certainly unreasonable and I would not be for that whatsoever. I was merely stating that in context of the world vs. american only rec. list. in response to Booman.
Non americans are writing stories centered on America,as well as other subjects, I was merely pointing out the redundancy and possible unfairness to Americans, but I can see there is really no point in continuing the rec. list discussion as it appears to be the way Booman wants it and so I shall say no more about it..
So bottom line is Catnip, I am not for censoring anyone or directing what they write about, I was and am only talking in context of the duplication.
The subject was never past or present whether non americans should be writing about America. I have written about Iraq and Uganda, so obviously I don’t think that subjects should only be limited to countries in which we reside.
I hope that clears this up for you, and as I said I was not directing this at you, Booman brought your name up in his comment to me and that is why you were mentioned in my comment.
Have we had that many diaries that we can’t recognize and track them?
It’s good that Boo doubled the “decay rate.” I love that phrase.
As for diaries that are bulletins, I mentioned my thoughts in the reply to Shirl above.
We’re finding our way here, and it’s been a wonderful adventure, hasn’t it. Some drama along the way. Even a war.
and I missed it?
Maybe I’ll catch the next one.
“It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us. If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also. But are there no exceptions to this rule? What about “justifiable” anger? If somebody cheats us, aren’t we entitled to be mad? Can’t we be properly angry with self-righteous folk? For us… these are dangerous exceptions….
“It mattered little whether our resentments were justified or not. A burst of temper could spoil a day, and a well-nursed grudge could make us miserably ineffective. Nor were we skillful in separating justified from unjustified anger. As we saw it, our wrath was always justified….
“In all these situations we need self-restraint, honest analysis of what is involved, a willingness to admit when the fault is ours, and an equal willingness to forgive when the fault is elsewhere. We need not be discouraged when we fall into the error of our old ways, for these disciplines are not easy. We shall look for progress, not for perfection.
“Our first objective will be the development of self-restraint. This carries a top priority rating. When we speak or act hastily or rashly, the ability to be fair-minded and tolerant evaporates on the spot. One unkind tirade or one willful snap judgement can ruin our relation with another person for a whole day, or maybe a whole year. Nothing pays off like restraint of tongue and pen [editors note: and email… and blogging!]. We must avoid quick-tempered criticism and furious, power-driven argument. The same goes for sulking or silent scorn. These are emotional booby traps baited with pride and vengefulness. Our first job is to sidestep the traps. When we are tempted by the bait, we should train ourselves to step back and think. For we can neither think nor act to good purpose until the habit of self-restraint as become automatic.” – anonymous
we must belong to the same club. That was very eye opening to this reactionary gal. I appreciate how well it fits here. Thank you for sharing it with this community.
I must have missed something. I don’t want to stir things up but would someone mind telling me what happened?
These sorts of things apply to all of life don’t they?
I always have said that these principals should be practiced in all our affairs and taught to every child early on. I think we may have a more stable society that way…imho.
I was working hard on justifying just one single Karl Rove exception….. ‘but someone capable of tweaking a desire to demonize by behaving like satan personified…..’ <sigh>
… is a double edged sword. It resides…
but also…
In it resides….
I missed that mark with my Karl Rove rant.
We seek progress not perfection!
The handy escape clause. 🙂
Where would we be without it! ROTFLMAO
Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican. Certainly he was not perfect, but I have to acknowledge his party membership – after all, my mother may read this!
My nice (but Republican) parents, and my loyalty to them, make me note that yes, you can be other than a Rovian clone and be a Repub. Now, I don’t like much that my parents advocate – except being pro-choice, and environmentalists, and pro public education and civil rights activists and anti-big corporate greed. . .oh, they don’t sound like Repubs, do they? Well, I keep telling them that. They don’t think much of Bush, so their is hope.
Err, sorry Booman. Maybe wandering attention/diary hijacking is at least a venial sin?
You describe traditional Republican vs. modern day Republican. This ain’t yer daddy’s republican party anymore. Once upon a time the gop was a respectable party… no longer. My republican neighbors and family members are good decent people. Not their parties leadership. The modern day Republican party leadership does not represent the values of the vast majority of Republicans in the nation. The modern day Republican party leadership does not deserve respect. Consequently every Republican, decent or not, needs to be defeated in order to make it clear that the leadership of the Republican party is a failing leadership and the path of the Republican party is a failing path. This is the way to ensure that they change leadership, change direction, and reclaim any shred of legitimacy and respect.
I agree with you about the disconnect between the Republican leadership, and most of the Republican voters. But it still is the party of many voters today, who really haven’t been much presented with a good alternative.
In my parent’s part of the country, the local paper and the formerly excellent state paper (now belongs to one of the huge right-wing publishers) are Bushian. The local TV station – the ONE station, is owned by one of the wealthiest families in the state, you can guess their affiliation. Cable TV pretty much offers Fox news, and another set of conservative network affiliates. The Dems wrote off that state (Kentucky) entirely at the federal level – and yet they had a really good shot at winning one of the Senatorial seats. There was virtually no Democratic advertising or leadership from the DNC. To say that voters who marked their ballots for Bush did not inform themselves is . .
Oh, I’m ranting, and you don’t need a rant!
I supposed I should do a diary on this – I appreciate your comment and want you to understand that I was speaking somewhat tongue in cheek as well as making a point about people who call themselves Republican.
I hear ya loud and clear. Thank God for a new DNC Chairman that gets it. Kentucky will get help this time around. Tennessee will get help this time around. Arkansas will get help this time around. Heck! Even INDIANA and IDAHO will get help this time around!
I think the whole thing comes down to respect, something we are seeing very little of from our cousins on the Right, these days.
I remember, years ago, having heated debates with some of my parents’ right-wing friends. We would argue up a storm; they’d win a few points, I’d win a few points. But we were always able to sit down and break bread together afterwards. This, to me, is the dynamic missing today from most political debate.
This site is just the first shot in a longer war to impose civility on our national discourse.
Hate to bring this up again, but I was getting really discouraged watching all the downratings instead of listening and discussion (or sometimes in addition to) in a couple of diaries this past few days.
I know there is no real ‘rule’ on those either, I just wanted to express my very own personal view that ratings other than 4’s should be used sparingly, if at all. Just because someone disagrees with someone else doesn’t make them a troll or unproductive, or even merely ‘good’ and not excellent.
/2 cents
Thanks BooMan for your simple re-statement of the rules.
Thank you for the guidelines. I was a lurker here and at Daily Kos before I joined both.
I almost remained a lurker because of the “pie wars”.
I understand that people become passionate, but really do we have to treat each other so badly.
Glad that behavior isn’t tolerated here.
After all we have the same goals. Perhaps some of us are more informed than others. We shut down when someone is rude or yells at us. Nothing is accomplished, nothing is learned, and opinions don’t change.
Is that why I keep losing my ability to post and have to keep setting up new UID’s?
Well said Booman. I definitely have felt like both someone who is well informed as well as totally in awe of how out of the loop I am on certain things. I totally agree with the Don’t be a prick slogan.
What about posting David Cobb like statements, or Ralph Nader like statements? I’m not a democrat anymore although I still think like one a lot of the time. I mean that in a good way. I’m not so dense as to believe that now is a great time to really be pushing for third, fourth, and fifth parties since that would only fracture the democrats at a time when maximum unity is required to remove the fascists (he says while opening himself up to questions about his sense of unity in 2000). Oh, btw, have I mentioned yet how much I love the primary color on your site?