I’m just going to put it right out there sexist as it sounds but I think woman are instinctively dare I say intuitively more socialist leaning than their masculine counterparts in the electorate.  
I say this as a good thing; I think society is the looser when masculinity is allowed to dominate the balance of power.  George bush with his sneer and swagger is what you get when men don’t, not just respect women, but accept that power need be administered by equal doses of testosterone and estrogen.
Our society believes that real men are capitalist, rugged individualist who pull themselves up by their bootstraps and drop dead on the job, socialist are nothing but a bunch of damned pussies.
Before I go any further I want to define socialism as social conscience rather than hang onto any particular philosophy.  Still a commies a commie, eh?
If Hillary Clinton runs for President I’ll vote for her because she had the ovaries to propose a national health care system for the United States of America.  The fatherland went postal, this was real war, our values as God fearing, Jesus loving defenders of home and family could see the wolves at the door, and boy did we shove it right back down her throat.
I used to ask management across the negotiating table why the business community in their loyalty to conservative thinking considered it a good idea to put the cost of health insurance on the backs of businesses that were trying to stay competitive rather than just accepting that health care should be a shared cost by everyone through taxes.  I got a lot of condescending smirks, but never a well thought out answer.
I think that if the Democrats want to win the next election they ought to offer what the nation is really longing for right now and that’s a woman’s touch.