Welcome, swamp denizens, to the Froggy Bottom Cafe
You’ve come to know the Froggy Bottom Cafe as a place to relax, to chat, to drink various alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, and to meet the new folks (come in and introduce yourselves, please!). It’s a wholesome place, a family-friendly place, choc full of cute animal pics.
Well, today, my pretties, the Cafe is a little different. Make your way down the stairs from the sidewalk, and push aside the beaded curtain in the doorway. Take a moment to let your eyes adjust to the dim light and your nose to the clouds of incense. Pull up a velvet armchair, pour yourself a cup of our homemade herbal brew and prepare to meet… The Oracle.
Recommend if you dare
Superstition, mumbojumbo and a Magic 8 Ball after the jump…
Would you like to know your fortune?
The Tarot was created in Northern Italy in the mid-fifteenth century as a card game. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scholars of the occult started using the cards as a divination tool, based on the archetypal nature of the suits and symbols. Today, there are thousands of different Tarot decks available, and they are popular with fortune tellers, new agers and all kinds of people you wouldn’t expect to have them. Fortunately, in this modern day and age, there are websites that will shuffle, lay out and interpret the cards for you. My favorite is Facade.com (hint: try the Cross and Triangle spread. The Rider Waite deck is the traditional one).
Admit it – you read your horoscope. Yes, even you, enlightened progressive. Astrology, according to this guy, is the oldest of all sciences and religions. Our `modern’ system of astrology dates back to ancient Greece and Ptolomy, who set down the tenants of an earth-centered astrological system. But enough of that – the important thing is there are websites that will tell you what kind of day you are going to have, so you can plan accordingly. My favorite is this one (hint: the Monthly Moonbeam is the best).
For those of you who prefer a little instant gratification, the Oracle is standing by with a Magic 8 ball to answer all of your burning questions. [shake shake shake]
Ask a question, or just chat amongst yourselves. The Oracle is now open.
What fun! I forsee a lively cafe in our future today. Now I’m off to follow your links. (My fav oracle is the I Ching.)
Thanks, kansas! And thanks for letting me host today – I think it’s going to be fun. Plus, I’d never posted a diary before and didn’t know how to do any of the HTML, so I just learned a whole bunch.
You should check out the rest of Facade.com – I happen to like the tarot section, but they have all kinds of other stuff (I Ching, Numerology, etc).
What a well done first diary! Congrats to you!
Thanks! I just stole all the tags from katiebird. 🙂
Good morning all! Oh I call dibs on the purple comfy chair!!
Oh dear Oracle, do I have to do mow the lawn today?
(cause I really don’t want to…boo hoo)
My reply is no
Awesome! Thanks oh great and wonderful and caring Oracle!
(I actually expected reply hazy…try again later)
And now I am off to actually mow that damn yard before it gets too hot! Be back later. 😉
Lol! That only answered if she “has to.” Now ask if she “should.”
Lol!! yes i should…i should do that now…I am getting up and doing it right now…yeah…
Feel free to share any cool fortunes you find with the rest of us…
So I did a spread, asking for advice about what I’m working on and I got a marvelous, accurate, and helpful summary of the situation, thank you very much.
This isn’t oracle, but it’s kinda related? So I was sitting on my deck with my eyes closed this morning, clearing my mind of thoughts. Suddenly I “saw” an ostrich. Ostrich? I was offended, of course! Who’s calling me an ostrich? Then I got the feeling I needed to raise my head and look up, just like an ostrich. I opened my eyes. . .and a lady goldfinch landed just above me. Then came her brilliant mate. They looked at me, they looked at my empty finch feeder, they looked back at me as if to say, “Well?” And then they flew off.
First of all, I haven’ seen goldfinches since early spring, because I had stopped feeding them. But I adore having goldfinches on my deck, so I’ve missed them, and it was wonderful to see them. I think I’d better go buy bird seed.
Plus, the Oracle in my head this morning inspired me to stop being a silly ostrich about a couple of things. I faced them, did them, and now I feel good.
Coffe, please.
Talk about synchronicity! I have a feeling you Krazy Kids will like this. . .
So I email one of my best friends to tell her about my ostrich meditation. Look what she just now e’ed back to me!
Wow! A wonderful story–to which I have this to add: about 45 minutes ago I’m in the shower listening to a wonderful tape, The Memoires of Cleopatra. At this point she’s leaving Nubia where she’d been asked by the Queen to join a coalition of women. Cleopatra is feeling a bit queasy since the lavish banquet where, guess what was served? You got it, ostrich! Mainly ostrich eggs prepared all sorts of ways (took only 3 for the entire banquet), and a little ostrich meat. The Nubian Queen herself was decked out in ostrich plumes.
Cool, huh?
Duuude! Now you’re startin to freak me out! 🙂
This place is hopping today – looks like I really struck a cord. I knew no one could be that reality-based all the time.
I just had this conversation with Diane last night. . .That “madam Yolanda” would set up her “Psychic Reading” table over in the corner of the Cafe. . . .
So go a head see if you can get rid of those good bumps!
How very prescient! I thought people were going to start avoiding me after hosting such a very bizarre cafe.
I’m afraid I’m not much of a psychic, but the Magic 8 Ball is always ready to go…
[shake shake shake]
It reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago. I had just been fired from my first job right out of college, and I was totally devastated (plus, I had been fired because I was seriously depressed, so it was a bad situation all around). I went out to Cape Cod for the weekend with some friends, and we spent most of a day on the beach. It was very early summer and it was cool and clear and beautiful, and we were the only ones there. They were all playing frisbee and goofing off and I took a walk down the beach (which, if you’ve never been to the national seashore on the Cape, you should definitely go. it’s one of the most amazing places in the world). A little ways down the shore I noticed something sharp sticking up out of the sand. I pulled it out and studied it for a while before I realized it was a vertebra – probably from a dolphin or similarly-sized mammal. It was the most wonderful sign – like the universe telling me to have a little backbone and stick up for myself. I threw it back in the ocean because it smelled like fish, but I never forgot about it. It’s funny how something so small can mean so much to you…
That’s lovely.
Two fortunes I received last week from the local Chinese take-out place:
Not sure what to make of that. Such assured good fortune actually makes me a bit nervous.
You do know, don’t you, that you’re supposed to add “…in bed” to the end of every fortune-cookie fortune?
I am aware. Under that circumstance both fortunes fail miserably. C’est la vie.
Aw, give it some time. You never know! 🙂
By the way, I loved the pic of the National Cathedral you posted yesterday on the Open Thread. What did you used to do there?
I didn’t work in the Cathedral itself, but at the elementary school on the grounds. Was there on 9/11; my heart-rending memory of that day is of the headmistress trying to explain to a gym full of 5-, 6-, and 7-year-olds what was happening. The sight, from the top of that hill, of smoke billowing from the Pentagon across the river is forever marked in my inner vision.
That must have been terrible. I was in New Jersey, about 45 min from NYC on a college campus. Just about everyone there knew someone who had been in the towers. The school shut down for two days and everyone was in a kind of shock. It’s still so vivid in my mind – those first minutes when I heard about it.
And you know what gets my goat? The fearful voters out in the country who are scared to death of terrorism, and who would almost certainly never be the targets of it, voted overwhelmingly for these jokers because of the “security” issue. Meanwhile, the areas that actually withstood these attacks, and are still on the front line, (NYC & DC) voted overwhelmingly for Kerry. Jon Stewart had a sarcastic riff on that after the election.
Speaking of TDS, Howard Dean is on tonight. Last night Bill Moyers was on, and it should be rebroadcast tonight after the new episode.
I think I would be very afraid. What, pray tell, are your dearest wish and dream?
My favorite Chinese fortune came on my birthday: “The gods who smiled when you were born, are laughing now.” I carried it in my wallet until the paper dissolved.
Now that fortune is pure poetry! I too would keep it ’til the paper mouldered. My dearest dream will have to remain private, I’m afraid, though I will pray you observe that the current “leadership” of this country are yet un-smote. Apparently I need to wish a little harder….
I got one that said “You will go on a long jurney shortly after I turned 18. About three days later, I hitchhiked to California on a whim (unrealted to the cookie fortune)…I kept that fortune n my wallet for years afterward.
Cool! My birthday horoscope this year said I’m getting married in January. I’ll let you all know how that goes.
Do you have already have a likely candidate for your January adventure? ;^)
Keep us posted…
Nope – I’m free as a bird. At this point, it’s going to have to be a sudden elopement.
How much Chinese take-out do you eat, anyway? 🙂
Best fortune cookie I ever got said “Only a fool bets against extreme odds.” (What made it so cool was that on the other side were my six guaranteed lucky lottery numbers.)
I didn’t invest but I did check the numbers afterward, and realized once again the basic truth: Lottery tickets aren’t gambling, they’re an inadequate math literacy surtax.
A quick and foolproof way to work out the odds.
Say you want to know the chances of getting 5 numbers right out of 20 in a lottery.
You do an odds equation. Start with the total number and count down by the smalller number. At the bottom of the equation, you count up from one, the same number of times. Then start dividing the top of the equation by the bottom. When you have eliminated the bottom numbers. you multiply all the remaining top numbers together. Those are your odds. This is what the example would like before you started dividing.
20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
the answer is one chance in 15504
sixth grade math class? One day our teacher showed us how to do that…
No, I did a job for 2 years to work myself thru art college – as a football pools coupon checker. I learned how to calculate spreads and permutations.
My favorite cookie fortune read, “You would make a good lawyer.”
Of course, I’d stopped being a lawyer about a dozen years earlier.
Here’s my fav on-line Tarot…
Lots of spreads and deck choices. They got other toys, too.
Fun Stuff.
The absolute best approach to Tarot — especially in person — is, “Show me what I need to know.” That just opens up your whole subconscious to show you what’s important instead of what you may consciously want. Asking what you “should do” is also loaded with false results. Ask instead what you “will do” or “can do.” Sometimes I do a couple of readings along the lines of “What will be the result of doing [this]?” Then, “What will be the result of doing [this other option]?”
I am rather partial to a throw of the yarrow stalks when my usually logical and incisive mind fails to perceive an exit strategy for any particularly nasty conundrum of existence.
I really like the works of Mary Greer, especially “Tarot for Yourself.” It is a personal approach to the deck and you do different exercises to discover what is in your subconscious.
One exercise was really fun, You take the face cards and lay them all out and pretend you are at a party with them. Then you notice your reactions to them as individuals. This one was sexy, this one scared me, I don’t trust this one, etc.
A great site for looking at different decks is Tarot Passages
If you like cats you’ve gotta see this one
In the spirit of international cooperation, I asked my regular barman, Mikko (“Ever been in love. Mikko?” “Nope, been a barman all my life”) to create a cocktail that celebrates the cosmopolitan flavour of this breakfast place:
Pour six fingers of Koskenkorva vodka over a 1 inch deep fozen cube of lard in a highball glass. (Giraffe “The highballs are on me, guys”) Top up with strawberry cola and decorate with a pinch of pork scratchings. Serve with a very crisp fried bacon stirrer.
This is also a cure for alcoholism.
Due to the timelag – which means the Finns have breakfast while you lot are all asleep – this was also posted in yesterdays cafe, as you slumbered through your fitful nightmares of a Booman Trib run by mute eunuchs with uzis. I revive my suggestion here, as I know you are all keen to get in a full day of virtual boozing
I trust zander will be able to photoshop Mikko’s cocktail. You may have suggestions for it’s name.
I suggest a ‘Tom Cholesterol’ but then I’ve just had a hard day in the office and my creative juices are ebbing
Does it go best with smoked reindeer meat or prosciutto de parma:
(The EU has decided to place the EFSA – European Food Safety Authority – in Parma, Italy rather than in Finland).
Perhaps the cube of lard would be from Berlusconi’s liposuction – I mean if he’s not a Parma Ham then who is? But I agree it is a totally disgusting proposal, and we will stick with the bar of soap made from same recently buy an artist.
Finnish standards of food hygiene (about which the authority is concerned BTW, not taste) are far superior to Italian, with very strict laws regarding additives, prep and production methods.
Why only last year I was in the little picturesque Italian village of Salmonella, and fortunately had brought some Reindeer Jerky with me.
Tarja Halonen is nobody’s fool – I don’t expect that a slimy midget in be-a-taller-man shoes rated anything more than the usual diplomatic courtesies.
I am thinking I need to try some of this Koskenkorva vodka (sans lard cube, of course).
I read recently that the system of caves in which the Delphic Oracle sat, lay on a volcanic fault. The sulphurous fumes wafting through the caves (still) contained traces of all kinds of mind-altering gases – some of which would blow anyone’s mind after long exposure.
The Oracle clearly didn’t have a canary.
The Oracle resents your suggestion that she isn’t motivated by pure divine inspiration. 🙂
Certain key historical writers have said that nitrous oxide was god.
Come to think of it, divine inspiration has always involved internal or external modification of the brain’s standard chemistry set. Cannabis goes back 9000 years and was brought to Europe by the Scythians.
My God, they have even found traces of cannabis in pipes that may have been used by Shakespeare. (Confirmed by a top SA drug forencisist or is it forencist?)
Apparently spinning around really fast alters your state of mind, as well. I read an article about whirling dervishes once – they spin and spin until they find God. I think it’s cool.
That must be Karl Rove on the left?
This is reminding me of a trip to Thailand I took a few years ago. The friend I was visiting took me to a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, which was an incredible, beautiful place. Right inside the door, there was a shaker full of little…I think they were sticks. I can’t quite remember. Anyway, they had little fortunes on them, and you were supposed to shake it and read the first one that fell out. I did it, and mine was eerily accurate. It described to a T the (very bizarre) travels I was in the middle of.
Remennber? Try saying that out loud and you’ll think you’ve been drinking.
“If you can remember it, you weren’t there”
For your amusement The Birthday Calendar:
Julian calandar birthdate: 2431761.5…Beam me Scotty…zzzzzzt!
How neat!
As of 6/23/2005 11:25:09 AM CDT
You are 25 years old.
You are 311 months old.
You are 1,352 weeks old.
You are 9,466 days old.
You are 227,195 hours old.
You are 13,631,725 minutes old.
You are 817,903,509 seconds old.
There are 31 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 26 candles on it.
Those 26 candles produce 26 BTU’s,
or 6,552 calories of heat (that’s only 6.5520 food Calories!) .
You can boil 2.97 US ounces of water with that many candles.
Well, I am back from the battle of the lawn…it didn’t go well. I worked and I toiled…and I cracked my toenail almost all the way off. So I leave it for the Husband when he comes home. Mwahahaha! Hopefully he will fare much better than I did.
Cute footnote to that story…
Limping back into the house with my bloody toe, my son looks at me and says, Ewwww and then proceeds to run to the table and grab me tissue. I doctor the Boo-Boo, and then he kisses it. 🙂 (after the bandaid is on of course!)
I have a most important question. Will I pass my driver’s license test tomarrow for if I don’t it expires Sat. on my birthday 6/25/52.
Also, I am begging someone to take my birthday diary for here tomarrow as I failed miserably to get an appointment so have caused myself the problem of standing in line at the DMV probably from o’dark thirty until hell freezes over. Anyone willing to help out just this month?
The Oracle is happy to be the bearer of good news and she will be keeping her fingers crossed for you, Lee.
Oh thank you great one. Is that a yes to passing test or a yes to taking on hosting the bd party tomorrw or both?
That was about your driver’s test. I’m afraid I don’t know anything about the b’day party – is this a regular thing?
Yeah, I am going to host a bd party here at the cafe the last Fri. of each month. This just was not a good time for me to start. I admit to being a horrible procrastinator and the dl thing really threw me off.
Ah, I see. It looks like you’ve got a volunteer for tomorrow am, which would be the only time I could do it. I’ll be sure to stop by, though. Will there be virtual birthday spankings?
Would you like me to run to with B-D theme? I don’t want to seem like I am filching an idea. 😉
Yes, yes, yes just for tomorrow please. Please Cake just for clarity you WIL take the hosting tomorrow for the bd party theme?
I sure will! good luck at the DMV!
Thank you so much Cake for doing this and your good wishes. I am very nervous but at least Calf gives you three chances. I put off giving up my hawaiian dl for three years and now that is expiring. What a dimwit I can be…lol! ANy time I can return the favor just let me know. Thanks again. Now I had better get some work done. You all have a great day.
Lol you are not alone in “putting things off department”, I still haven’t switched my Florida one for a Maine one!
Did you know that the answers on the 8-ball are biased towards a “yes,” presumably because people are more likely to ask a question for which they want a “yes” than a “no.” The probabilities are:
50% Positive (e.g. “Yes – Definitely”)
25% Negative (e.g. “My Sources Say No”)
25% Vague (e.g. “Better Not Tell You Now”)
Clever frogs can use this information to win bets in bars over the course of an evening…
This information comes from here, where (no disrespect intended to the mystical mood here), the uber-reality-based can find an on-line report (with photos) of the dissection of a magic 8-ball.
I won’t be around during the day tomorrow, sorry! I could help tomorrow night,though, if all else fails.
thanks Kansas but I really needed the am covered. I am sure someone will pick up for this poor old gal…Diane? SallyCat? Tracy? Booman?Susan?ManEgee? Bood Abides?
I can pick up the am for ya 😉 which kinda works out if kansas takes the night shift. I have to see the in-laws tomorrow night.
You’re on, unless Alohaleezy wants to celebrate her new license by being bartender. What time shall I take over for you?
I am on EST so about 5 or so then? If then let me know…I am sure we can work something out! 😉
should be “If not then let me know”
5 your time, 4 my time. Will do! And if I don’t get back on time, I suspect this well-oiled machine will run quite nicely without us until I show up. But I’ll try to be on-line, on time.
Um, are we doing your (or your substitute’s) birthday diary in lieu of my Frday Happy Hour diary tomorrow? Or is that in addition to the Happy Hour?
Just checking so I don’t let anyone down or overcrowd the cafe…
Will I find true love? I mean besides the love I have for my cats Pooters and Moo?
It is decidedly so.
The Oracle is wondering the same thing.
[shake shake shake]
Yes definitely.
Woo hoo!
With two li’l moggies like THAT, who needs anything else?
and they are all over me for love and affection. I keep wondering where you find some of those aloof cats I keep hearing about.
My experience leads me to think that aloof kitties aren’t born, they’re caused.
(Except for some Siameses and most Persians, who have so many breathing problems they don’t have TIME to be friendly….)
This is your mother stopping by – you make me so proud!
Mom! You’re cramping my style!
Mothers live for these momemts. Besides, you’re the one who invited me into blogdom! Too late now!
While she’s here embarassing me, everyone go check out her blog. The Oracle used her vast knowledge of 3 html tags to set it up. 🙂
We moms are so easy to placate – play nice with other kids. I’ll stop by later to make sure no one is picking on you – a mother lion has nothing on me!
I read the sermons they were quite wonderful. I particularly liked “Support the troops, Work for peace”
Thank you. Gotta speak the truth, especially from a pulpit.
of a friend of mine, a librarian with a teenage son. She was online at work with her instant message program running, when she notice her son had signed on.
She IM’d him and asked him why he was on the internet instead of doing the chores he was supposed to be doing that afternoon.
He was quite surprised!
My father, a recent internet user, has just now figured out he can enter my name into a search engine and find pages with me on them. Oh, suddenly the Big wide virtual world is feeling quite small and crowded now ….
Those librarians – pretty sneaky! 🙂 (I’m starting an MLS program this fall.)
I know what you mean – I recently googled myself and there are still links from my college days that come up. Articles in the school paper about protests, etc. Stuff really follows you forever nowadays, doesn’t it?
Sorry I’m late. I got a little hung up on the Armed Services Committee hearing.
Has everyone had some coffee already?

My sources say no
Good morning, zander!
hi there – nice job on your first diary.
and thanks for the huge smiling laugh I had reading your exchange with your mom.. that’s just too cool…
Thanks! I’m having so much fun with this. Good thing my boss is out of town – he thinks Tarot cards are the Devil’s own implements.
Zander: good day (Hyvä Päivä in Finnish)
I have a little proposal if you check out my Ultimate FBC Cocktail upthread 😉
..go back and look – I’d skimmed over it the first time. I’m a vegetarian who gets a little squeamish…what’s with all the bacon, lard and animal by-products around here lately???
Prexactly. Kosher it is not…
That’s a mighty fine looking appliance. Is it “au naturel?” Bernie Ecclestone is probably in love …
straight up stainless steel – which is also how I would imagine myself as an appliance if I had to, though to be honest… that *!!*’s comment made me think of garbage disposals…
garbage disposals possessed by angry feminist poltergeists – better yet, an entire kitchen full of stainless-steel-possessed-by-angry-feminist-poltergeist-appliances…. and one naked, screaming race car driver….
<silly grin> <cough> <ahem>
excuse that little daydream – my apologies…
animators here? I can just see it as you describe it hee, hee.
Should we think about moving to a new diary? When does that usually happen?
I moved at about 100, but I’ve seen others stay on until nearly 150.
Your emails from your mother were so cute. She started out EXACTLY as my mother would have: “This is your mother. . .” She must be a hell, ahem, of a cool Rev.
Cool – I think we’ll hang on a bit longer. It doesn’t seem to be taking too long to load, and there are some really neat threads on this one.
Yep, we’re a couple of hip, hip chicks stuck in the most boring place on earth. 🙂
Might I recommend “Last Call” by Tim Powers. It is a fantastic book all about magic, tarot and Las Vegas!
It’s part of a trilogy, the other two of which are “Expiration Date” and “Earthquake Weather”
Expiration Date is also good, I have not gotten to Earthquake weather yet.
Powers has a way of writing about the world that makes it just like the world we live in, only deeper, full of magical subcultures where ghosts are real, archtypes come to life and it all happens under the noses of the mostly unknowing population. It’s like it all really could be happening like that, but how would you ever know.
Let’s talk about SciFi! One of my favorites: ‘The Earthsea Trilogy’ by Ursula LeGuin. Fantastic books in their own right, and also good if you don’t have time to read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and want a quality fantasy fix – they are a quick read. (Note: If you haven’t read the books, but saw the recent SciFi Channel miniseries, don’t be scared off. It’s really much better than that.)
What do you guys like?
I’ve read the Left Hand of Darkness
(Aside — Le Guin once said that the main reason she wrote that book was so she could write the sentence: “The king was pregnant.” –)
But not the Earthsea trilogy.
When my boyfriend found out that I had not read the Lord of the Rings books as a teenager, he was so mortified that he volunteered to read them to me! Took about a year and a half to get all three done, but he was determined!
Someone had really better stop me before I start geeking out on Tolkien. It can be downright embarrassing for all involved. (Said the man typing on a laptop called “Vingilot,” using a wireless mouse called “Palantir,” listening to an iPod called “Silmaril.”)
I do plan to re-read CS Lewis (for the first time since, gee, 6th grade?) in anticipation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe film coming out in December. The movie may very well suck — judging by the preview the CGI doesn’t look as good as LOTR, and Disney is involved — but what the heck.
Oh I loved The Lion, WItch, Wardrobe books. But like you, it was when I was a kid. Will they hold up to our grown-up minds?
Well I’m sure they will fare better than my other childhood loves, like Gilligan’s Island. Shameful confession: I loved that show as a kid! Attempt at redemption: But I can’t stomach it now.
(subliminable message: Ref. to Gilligan’s Island was strategic attempt to get pie diary wars blowing again — This is repub undercover agent operative number 235,879 — over and out)
I loved the Narnia books when I was a kid, too, but when I reread them a couple of years ago, I was a little disappointed. I think I knew they were Christian allegory when I was a kid, but they never seemed heavy-handed or over-the-top until I revisited them. I still love them, and will definitely read them to my kids, but the varnish is off the rose. As it were.
well good morning everybody! :::Stretch:::: Does the oracle predict a cup of coffee in my future? I certainly hope so!!!!
I’ll be back later with my witchie broom and sweep everything up. ENJOY!
Looks like you’re in luck! Good morning to you, too – you’re welcome to help sweep up. There are yarrow sticks and tarot cards all over the floor, and kansas seems to have spilled the herbal tea. 🙂
i’ll get that mess.
i’ll be back after the place closes and clean up…
thanks for the coffee!
Busted! It’s just because I hate herbal tea. I think I must have been scared by a camomile plant when I was a baby.
Ok, guys, there is a new FBC posted – let’s all get a move on. I’d especially like to continue the discussion about SciFi, so regroup over there.
Please unrecommend this one before you leave.