Be on the lookout for the House of Worship Free Speach Restoration Act. Per Online Journal
Whatever a “spirit-filled” pastor says from the pulpit, no matter how vile or how politically motivated, would be protected speech meant “to set the world aflame for Christ.” Interesting metaphors. They’re reminiscent of the fiery rhetoric of the Holy Inquisition when subhuman “animals” were tortured and burned at the stake by politically motivated, “spirit-filled” clergymen.
Protecting the Tax Status of Patriot Pastors everywhere.
Here’s the text of the proposed legislation, H.R. 235, Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act of 2005. It’s been introduced by Rep. Walter Jones in previous Congresses and has never really gone anywhere beyond referral to committee (Ways and Means).
Rep. Jones has been on the receiving side of some good will (in my opinion, totally undeservedly) for some recent statements he’s made about setting a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. (He actually feels they’re needed to help provide a credible military threat against Iran, North Korea and China.) But Jones is also one of the Rethugs who in the context of the Air Force Academy’s problems with proselytizing by evangelicals feels that, if anything, the Academy is biased against Christians:
At the hearing, Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, suggested that, contrary to what Israel was reporting about the Air Force Academy, the problem in the military was that some evangelical Christians feel they are “not being promoted” because of their faith, and Christian chaplains say they are not being allowed to conduct prayers referring to Jesus. “There is a problem in the military…. The problem is political correctness,” he declared.
The man is far more dangerous than some might like to believe, even if there are a few issues where he’s not wholly objectionable.
Who ever acts as soldiers ultimately controlls the country.
From what I inadvertently saw on TV one Sunday morning a couple of months ago. . .this is sadly no surprise. I happened upon the hate-filled Dr James Kennedy of Florida and his program that purportedly has 4 million viewers. They showed 10 minutes of his hate sermon and then spent the rest of the hour in the offices showing a bevy of lawyers writing “Legislation” to have congress enact that will give Churches the right to say their piece and direct congregants as to whom and what they should vote for, as well as financially supporting “God’s” candidates, even candidates speaking from the pulpit(If they are on “God’s” side, presumably)and yet still maintain their TAX FREE status.
If I had just heard through discussion this was going on, I would perhaps have just thought how crazy these folks all are. Yet I saw it in the making and I will tell you it made me see more clearly how deeply ingrained such agenda are with these people. I am much more inclined to believe any of the wild stories I hear about what is going on now.
It boggles the mind!