Welcome to Alohaleezy’s Birthday series! This is Cake (there’s no need for the last portion of my name today!) filling in. Alohaleezy had pressing business to take care of…so here I am!
This diary is designed to celebrate all of our wonderful Bootribbers Birthday’s for the month of June. If you happen to know someone around the pond with a June birthday,drag their butts into the Cafe for all the mojo/cake/spankings/goodwishes etc. they can handle!
Some famous birthdays for the month of June include:
Alfred Kinsey, entomologist/sexologist (Kinsey Report
Barbara Jordan, US softball outfielder (Olympics-gold-96)
Salman Rushdie – Writer
Dean Martin – Singer
(photo of my son’s first b-day)
Happy Birthday to our June Bootribbers!
If I can recall correctly, I think tomorrow is Alohaleezy’s birthday. So happy birthday!!!
If it is Aloha’s birthday, Happy Birthday, Aloha, and same to all the other Birthday people this month.
Good morning to all blog people as well, may your day be bright and sunny and filled with joy, and free of pain.
June is also my sweetie’s birthday…so it was Cake for us this month.
Just watch out for too much food and partying!

Happy birthday to your sweetie! I thought about the irony of my name this morning…I felt so bad! Didn’t even occur to me at the time I volunteered.
What an adorable pootie pic! Looks too pooped to party!
Happy birthday to Alohaleezy, my Mom and my brother! (all in June) Can I have some cake now?
Happy birthday to your mom and your brother!
My birthday was in April, AlohaLee, but feel free to wish me a belated happy one. π
And to all you BooTribbers w/ b’days, I’d like to sing a little song:
and so forth.
Well happy belated birthday!
Oops – I meant you, Cake (or Death). It’s been a trying morning around these parts and the old synapses are pretty well fried.
It’s ok. I take no offense. π Yeah I hear ya on the trying morning…found out that my father in law has to go for some surgery on the 30th, something about slipped discs and pinched nerve. eh.
Oh dear – that sounds painful. Any sentence that combines the words ‘pinch’ and ‘nerve’ is bad news. I hope the surgery goes well, and is helpful.
I’ll tell you – the fun doesn’t stop around here, either. There were brush fires out in the desert east of here the other day and 6 houses burned. That’s not a lot, really, compared to some fires, but my boss’s mom’s house was one of them, so things have been tense.
So sorry for your boss’s mother house. I would definitely say that qualifies for tense. Happy hour is up now…trot on over there and grab a drink. I know i am! Hopefully that husband of mine will be home soon with the booze! I sure could use it today.
The Other Happy Birthday Song
Tom Gardner and Danny Quinn
Your friends from far and near
Have all gathered here
To celebrate this day
Together we will say…..
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
May all your dreams and wishes come true
Happy birthday to you
Another year has gone
Since last we sang this song
We all remember when
And so we sing again…
May good fortune come to you
In all the things you do
In the year that lies ahead
Remember what we said…….
I was going to post a picture of a cupcake, but I couldn’t find one I liked. Instead, here is a picture of a llama named Cupcake:
Happy Birthday! π
What an adorable Cupcake! ack…hairball! π
New June b-day late yesterday
I know there’s some overlap from here to there – so for anyone who didn’t know – “The Holy Handgrenade”‘s family has a healthy and preciously cute addition.
Welcome to the world Rebecca. HHG posted pix on the CnJ thread on dKos this morning.
(and today is PastorDan and MrsP’s anniversary too π
Happy news!