First off, let me say that I am so excited to have found the booman tribune…. I was a loyal Kos diarist until today. Lately, the bickering there about being “reality-based” was getting beyond annoying and then, this mornings’ “orange blast” when I checked the Kos site pushed me over the edge… So, here I am.
Anyway, on to my diary. We have all been aware that China has been progressing under the radar quite nicely over the past few years, particularly given the distraction that is Iraq and the War on Terror. However, I have always been careful to pay attention to news related to China and what they’re up to.
The following CNN/Money article highlights a few things, but I will expand my thoughts below the fold.
The two main topics related to China that I feel are most important are the currency pegging discussion, which has been given plenty of coverage, and the Chinese move to buy assets in North America, which has not been covered in depth.
With respect to the currency pegging, I have long thought that if China went free float, the US dollar would eventually tank. I won’t get into my thesis long list of reasons as to why I think this, I’ll just leave it as my opinion for this diary. The conventional wisdon, on the other hand, tends to favour the theory that a free float will help the US dollar. This is the opinion of people like Snow and some well-respected economists. Even Greenspan has toted that line, although not with much enthusiasm.
You’ll note a quote from the article linked above that says, “But he (Greenspan) also questioned the idea that a higher-valued yuan would give the U.S. economy the boost that proponents expect.” Doesn’t really sound like Greenspan is all that enthused about the free float idea! I think it is all tied in with the amount of US debt that China owns and politics. Those two combined are what will determine whether the move to free float will be helpful or hurtful to the US dollar. And given the bunch in charge of the politics of the equation (Bush and company), I’m not overly optimistic that the dollar will bounce…
Second, to the slow but sure acquisition of North American assets by the Chinese. The article mentions two such stories; the purchase of Unocal by a state-owned Chinese outfit and a Chinese appliance-maker joining in the bid for Maytag. I have another personal story to add to this trend.
I work in real estate in eastern Canada (the Maritime provinces). Trust me, it’s out of the way, out in the middle of nowhere land here. But guess what? Chinese delegations have been coming here non-stop for the past year, courting small municipal governments. They offer tons of money to buy up real estate, they will fund huge City projects, from hotels to office building. My company has recently signed a contract with a group of Chinese buyers (negotiated by City officials) to develop land all over Atlantic Canada for commercial use.
But is all of this really about expanding China’s market horizons? Or is there something more co-ordinated going on? Are they building political leverage by buying up real assets? China and Japan together already own almost 40% of US government debt ($1.3 trillion as of June 2004 according to the IMF. I’ve read recently that it is even higher now, but I can’t find a link for it…). That alone gives them the leverage to tell George Bush to go fuck himself, and he’d probably have to! Yet here they are, buying up more and more while Bush is galavanting around in the Middle East!
And so I say in closing: Beware the Chinese.
Emma, welcome! Great diary … this topic’s been on my mind.
I’m going to be sure to share this with my pal, Other Lisa, whose diaries you might like to check out, as well as her Paper Tiger blog.
Thanks Susanhu! You’re one of my favourites too. I was so pleased to check this site out and see many of the names from Kos that I enjoyed: you, catnip, soj, etc..
By the way, are you still Keith’s mom? š
I second the welcome. I’m a Kos refugee myself. Thanks for writing about this topic in a clear, straightforward manner. Recommend.
Please link to the source of China owns 40 percent of US debt. Also why are they buying up land in the maratimes, do they not like sunshine?
You may want to haul your map out… there’s plenty of sunshine. We are right next to Maine…
There are dozens of sources to the 40% number. To me it’s common knowledge but I’ll go look for something to “prove” it for you. I used to have access to a Bloomberg terminal at my old job, if I had one now, I’d just screen print it for you!
Be back with a link soon…
I didn’t have alot of time to search for a link (I’m at work!) but I did update it to reflect information I found from last June… If anyone else can provide a link to China’s ownership percentage of US treasuries, I’d appreciate it… I know it’s out there cause I’ve seen it in the past, I just don’t have time right now to go look for it….
Easy there, I’m not challenging. The Saudies did it in the 70s no link, the Japanese did it in the 80s and early 90s no link.I agree , I was just asking ,Not accusing you of making shit up. Smile and enjoy the day
I think I struck several nerves With my comment. I was thinking of St Johns and Hallifax and the competition to have the most overcast and foggy days.I am in far northwest Ontario and I think if you excluded my last two weeks I could compete with those spots. Enjoy the sun and the day
This information is included in the Fed’s Flow of Funds report. Open the Levels Tables, then look for Table L.209, page 87. As you can see, the Rest of the World owns $1949 billion Treasury Securities, out of a total of $4535 billion outstanding.
I don’t know where to find the breakdown by country, but many reputable sources agree that it is predominantly Asian central banks.
Bush said we’d have an ownership society!!! (*)
(*) Your actual ownership may vary. No warranty expressed or implied.
It looks like my diary has been updated by someone else. Is this possible? I didn’t change the link for the article to, but that’s what it says now. Granted it looks better, but is this something automatic? Or can someone else here actually edit my diary?
I did not see your diary earlier. Maybe your link was messing up the margins if it was too long.
Yes, the frontpagers can actually access your diary and edit, but would usually leave a comment to that effect.
There isn’t any corrupt country or administration that the Bush Crime Family and it’s associates don’t like. Didn’t they initially arm the Iraqis?
Didn’t they arm the Contra’s in Central America? (Of course Bush Sr was the VP at the time. But, let’s not forget he was a formal CIA director and the current Bush administration have the same sycophants in power.)
Didn’t they conduct business with the Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Laden Family? Why not the Chinese?
Yup, we sure like democracy and freedom. Arm a despot ruler in the 80’s. Create business opportunities to countries and leaders who break civil liberties and human rights everyday.
Let’s encourage US Corporations and firms to do business overseas. Let’s create tax loopholes for them. Let’s encourage them to hire overseas and break the American worker esp. the union worker. Isn’t the American Union Members fault because of the poor economy? After all they want good pay, good benefits and vacations too.
Yet, corporations and government entities can take your home by imminent domain. Thanks Supreme Court you’ve caved in again. Against common citizens, but in favor of “big” business.
Yikes, we can’t say anything against China or Saudi Govt. cause kids their our creditors.
I’m not anti-Asian or anti-Arabic. But I resent that our so called leaders have made us all vulnerable (financially) to foreign countries.
Sorry for the sarcasm and rant. Keep the good fight all. Enjoy the weekend too.
they are our creditors. Sorry for the typos.
I also forgot about the recent Bankruptcy Laws that favor the credit card companies and banks instead of individuals. Ok, I’m done.
on your telephone inquiry in the near future, it will sound something like this:
“We have recently changed our menu, for English press 1. For Spanish, press 2. For Chinese, press all the above, that will cover all languages, God Bless G.W.Bush III ”
legal disclaimer: “all blogs are required to have snark, no indemnification required, or expected”
good diary. welcome to the frog pond, where women and men speak with respect and share different viewpoints, rather than war with each other.
I migrated over from Kos as well. The attitude here is a bit cooler, kind of like a frog sitting in a pond. I like that.
Not to harp on Kos, but what the heck was he thinking in putting the ads in the middle of the page?
Enough on that.
About China. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the Chinese have fairly strong tariffs that prevent the import of goods within their country to compete with their own?
I have yet to see how global trade is helping workers in this country. If, if we had tariffs, couldn’t we get back to a place where Americans bought American goods? Long story short, I’m not against tariffs.