It’s finally Friday, I’m goofing around this afternoon and avoiding mowing the lawn, so come hang out by the frog pond with a cocktail, music, and good times with friends…
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This week, we’re hanging by the pondside patio at the Frog Pond Cafe:
And look, Darwin thinks this is his pad:
*Can I get you a drink? I’m having an “aquatic themed drink” today…
The best thing about this drink, created by Blue Fin in New York City, is it’s fun garnish: Swedish fish.
1 ounce Absolut Citron or other lemon-infused vodka (Sven, you can use Koskenkorva!)
2 ounces Hypnotiq Liqueur
1/2 ounce white-cranberry juice
Swedish fish candy for garnish (Do they make Finnish fish? pun intended)
In a shaker, combine 1 ounce Absolut Citron, or other lemon-infused vodka, 2 ounces Hypnotiq Liqueur, 1/2 ounce white-cranberry juice. Shake well and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a Swedish Fish candy.
And how about some music? Here’s one of my faves, Pink Martini (you can click the radio and listen to both of their albums), and here’s a link to a live stream from my local radio station.
And my froggy joke for this week:
Mother: “What does the cow say?”
Child: “Moooo!”
Mother: “Great! What does the cat say?”
Child: “Meow.”
Mother: “Oh, you’re so smart! What does the frog say?”
The wide-eyed little 3 year old looked up at her mother and said, “Bud.”
So, come on, tell us all what’s happening in your life? What good stuff happened this week, or why are thankful it’s over? Any fun plans for the weekend?
And as Sven Triloqvist likes to say, “May the 4s be with you…”
Anybody have any guilty musical pleasures? I’ve been singing a certain song from the Scissor Sisters album all day…
What I feel guilty about is how much I hate the Friday Random 10 lists because they make me feel so damn old. I look all those bands I’ve never heard of and realize that I am a dinosaur and that I have LP’s older than the bloggers making the lists.
∗wallows in self-pity∗
Don’t pity yourself. I stay pretty current with the music scene, and some of it is good, but most of it is either complete crap or shallow hook-driven stuff that would be more appropriate for a 30 second commercial than a 3 minute song.
IMHO, the best music (popular, anyway…don’t tread on the classical!) pretty much all came out between 1965 and 1979. There are exceptions, of course. I think the 50’s and the 80’s are rife with guilty pleasure songs though.
are chock-full of gulty pleasures…one of my favorites is an electronic jam-band version of Careless Whispers!
Guilty pleasure? I’ll admit it – I love Avril Lavigne. I’d never buy any of her albums, because I’d drop dead from shame, but whenever her stuff comes on the radio I crank it up and sing:
I like her too! (My son turned me on to her a coupla years ago…)
The spouse bought the first one, and I bought the second one for him for Christmas…go out shopping and play her with pride! 🙂
My guilty music pleasure right now is the band Cake. I love their song sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell.
Why is Cake a guilty pleasure? That’s decent music!
Please don’t read my comment above. 🙂
Guilty because most of the time whenever I mention that band people give me an odd look.
pssst…I like her too! And some Pink. shhhhh!
You should see the looks I get when I play it at work. 🙂
I’m not sure if count them as a “guilty pleasure” or just a pleasure. Doing a disco version of a Pink Floyd song takes guts in my book, and offets the fluffiness of some of the rest of the songs. (But then, normal Pink Floyd makes me pychotic, so I think of it as rescuing a good song so that I can actually listen to it.)
Looking forward to a relaxing weekend and some housecleaning – and it is finally summer in Boston.
Happy weekend to everyone.
Ah, summer in Boston! Is there anything better? I lived in Davis Sq. before I moved out to CA and I miss it terribly.
The guilty part about Scissor Sisters is when I find my boys singing along with me in the car to certain songs about what you can’t see on the radio! :^)
I can understand that 🙂
That’s my husband’s favorite song on the record, btw. (Read into that what you will….)
It’s all about priorities, isn’t it?
O-Zone – Ma Ya Hi (Dragostea Din Tei).
We downloaded the now (in)famous song to iTunes (think the NJ-kid who was all over TV a few months ago – miming and dancing to that song).
My son played it 40 times in a row, so it is now on top of my “most played” on the iPod. I just cannot get it out of my head, however much I want.
Uggh. My apartment-mate is obsessed with that video/song. You have my condolences, it will be stuck in your head for some time now. Hell, now I have it stuck in mine just from reading your post and thinking about it!
Today I’m in a Shania Twain mood…her non-country sound….
I never tell anyone…oh I guess I just did!
I LOVE her song “Juanita.” All about the power that is in all women.
“Get Right Back to Where We Started From” and
“You’ve Got the Best of My Love.” Both Pentatonic I believe.
There are vocal flashes in each one that still give me goose bumps.
And there’s one song from a earlier about America I consider a diamond-in-the-rough, something that the right artists could do something really great with. Neil Sedaka’s The Immigrant.
The disco song that is my guilty pleasure is “Shake Your Groove Thing.” I can’t sit still when I listen to that song. And NOBODY wants to see me “shake my groove thing” so I have to listen to it by myself.
I will take one of the Blue Fins if you don’t mind, sounds pretty good! I think my name killed the happy birthday diary..ack! Scroll, scroll into oblivion! sigh. I tried.
Just found out that the father-in-law has to go for surgery on the 30th. No real plans this weekend that I am aware of. (though with my husband’s that’s always subject to change with out notice.)
On second thought, make that 2 blue fins barkeep!
Happy birthday from someone who gives you a choice of Cake or Death? might be a little off-putting! LOL!
Now where is Zander for the cocktail service?
LOL at yours and cakes comment…Zander I think is off duty today so you will need a replacement..
I think I am off duty today also, just plain worn out, any suggestions?
Yep – I’m a little late….
Diane – I’m so sorry to just disappear on you last night – my connection went down… for hours!! <shudder> I didn’t handle it well…
Lol…makes me wish I would have thought of it before I opened my big mouth and volunteered for that specifc diary. It didn’t hit me until after the first comments were posted. But oh well…another lesson learned. 😉
I tried to keep it alive, too, Cake. I guess my llama picture was too little, too late. 🙂
Bah. No worries. 😉 I did like the llama pic though. Like I said upthread…should have thought ahead on that one…no one wants the choice of cake or death on their b-day lol!
I keep forgetting to mention it, but Eddie Izzard has got to be the funniest guy alive. I keep meaning to buy “Dressed to Kill” on DVD, just so I can show it to all my friends who don’t know who he is. I know the “Cake or Death” bit is stolen from Monty Python, but somehow he manages to make it even funnier. 🙂
Yes he does make it funnier. I think it’s heels. 😉 And shame on you! Go get that DVD! Your friends need some education! 😉
Yes, ma’am!
My brother is a HUGE Eddie Izzard fan.
He’s in one of my fave family flicks “Mystery Men” – It was my daughter who pointed it out to me that “Tony P” from the Disco Gang was Izzard. He’s hilarious in it.
Funny you should mention that, I just figured that out for myself a week or two ago. It came on USA and I sat there bugging my husband about it. Watched the credits and whaddya know. 😉 Kinda threw me off a bit…no heels and no make-up.
Have you ever seen the movie All The Queen’s Men with Matt Leblanc (joey from friends)and Eddie Izzard? I have to say that that particular movie has to be the worst ever created, but Eddie Izzard is absolutely priceless in that movie. He definitely keeps you watching it just to see him.
Hello Cake or Death, no I haven’t see that particular movie.
We have almost worn out “Mystery Men” from watching it so much 🙂 But remember Tony P does have heels. Disco heels and furrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 🙂
That is the perfect kitty pic for today!!!
Oh how perfect is that? Does the kitty come with the drink? What a cutie!
yum! 🙂
who looks like a grown up version of that one is more into grass (real grass, and ferns, and those things with the sword-like leaves) than liquor. Chacun a son gout (with accents added).
I’ll take a drink…but make mine a tall glass of iced tea please. After spending the last week at the beach with my sister and her kids I am exhausted and glad to be back in my cool, dry, clean, un-sandy house. I had no TV or newspapers in the house and am just catching up on the whole Rove saga. What a poopy-head he is.
Here you are! Nice to see you again!
Vacations are so nice.
Getting home is sooooo much nicer.
and spend an outrageous amount of time with my children and wife. Pick some fresh tomato’s from my garden, some fresh basil, some fresh onions and lots of basalmic vinegar, for a delightful tomato and onion salad.
here is a link for some fun I had with Dr Suess, old McDonald and one of Country Joe’s songs. All at the expense of GW and the neo cons.
I don’t care what kind of drink it is, but maybe you could slip a Xanax in it. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon that I’m really nervous about.
Would you like 1 mg or 2 mg tablets??
2 please, and hurry! I have to leave in 15 minutes! Aaaack!
Thank God. Thanks, Cabin Girl. Now I go bravely to face my doom.
don’t tell Tom Cruise as he’s just stated there’s absolutely no such thing as chemical imbalance or any kind of mental/stress or problems like that that can’t be helped with vitamins…and he’s still yakking about Brooke Shields being ignorant of what her real problem might be. That you’re poisoning yourself with this whole class of drugs that don’t work and that only mask the problem.
Ah, Tom’s just mad because Brooke sent he and Katie a pair of tickets to her latest venture…one adult and one child!
the creeping crud. 🙁 (I once dated a Jewish guy who had this great Yiddish name for it…wish I could remember…)
Plans for weekend — mainly getting this disaster area of an apartment finally cleaned up. Plan for today — get rid of sick headache acquired by trying to look at the new dKos layout…
It makes me afraid.
Me too! What the….
For hosting the Cafe today. I am finally back from the DMV and other errands. Took a personal day to accomplish all this. I PASSED!! Thank God cause the old hawaii dl expires tomorrow…lol!
Boy, I thought I was pretty hip for a grammy but Cake? And…guess I am old, can’t even remember what you kids said for other groups. I do like Avril alot, especially a favorite of my grandaughter’s. I am taking her to the Del Mar Fair next week to see Kelly Clarkson(she loves her) and its a good way for us to go alone and rock out and act silly.
Tomorrow is my birthday and the kids are taking me to the Padres game and then to Rockin’ Baja Lobster for dinner to celebrate. My kind of day. Last year they took me to see Fleetwood Mac for bd.
Sunday I am hosting a complex party for my tenants(where I live and mange complex).Just a bbq but lots of work and lots of fun. I do it once a year for them. I am lucky to have super tenants and not a bunch of whiners or pains in the asses.
Could I get a diet pepsi please? Thatrs about it friends. Hope you all have a nice summer weekend.
Shall I do a birthday diary sometime next week? Thanks again Cabin Girl. Icky dkos site and thats all I am saying about it. Like putting rusty nails in the eyes…lol!
Congrats on passing the test!
Sounds like you have a great day planned..with family..I could never, ever do anything so big for my birthday, I have to be dragged to dinner out..
Here’s a diet pepsi for you btw.
Yes Aloha, do a diary next week, please, you can have my day if you want, or whatever day you want..
Have a greattttttttt Birthday, please and I will be thinking of you tomorrow…Hugs..
Oh I will and thanks so much. How about Thursday…that is kind of my off morning and I could learn(someone could tell me)how to post all those neat little pics and stuff?
I’m the Thursday girl, but I’d LOVE for you to take it next Thursday as I have a sudden deadline that needs meeting. Or, if not actuallly meeting and shaking hands then at least approaching close and waving. Would you like all of Thursday, or part of it, or. . .you can have anything you want.
I had said I’d help out tonight if anybody needs it, so send up flares if anybody does!
Thursday morning will be the birthday part and then you could take over happy hour?
It’s a deal. And by Happy Hour, you mean the one that starts at noon and goes until the last Democrat dies, right?
Congratulations! I knew you would pass – the 8 Ball is never wrong…
Bwah ha ha ha! 🙂
OOOOOOOOOOOooh that laugh!!! Eight ball had it right thanks,a ton!
Sounds like you have a fun day planned! ANd congrats on passing the test, too! I hate the DMV…
Mentioning your hawaii dl reminded me that I meant to post this picture of the kalalau valley after you brought up the kalalau trail the other day. Which is all to the good since now I can post it as a happy birthday greeting.
Have a wonderful birthday…indulge yourself!
To all my well wishing wonderful Booman family….thank you for making my life a little brighter and teaching to shine my light on too. Love all you guys from the bottom of my heart.
I just found out from this site that my name can be anagram’d into:
Who knew?
An engineering firm I once worked for had as one of their “guiding principles” the motto:
“People are our greatest asset.”
Which I anagrammed during a particularly Dilbertesque project meeting into:
“O great ruse! Rats tease people!”
Which kind of summed up my experience there with certain coworkers and members of management…
Happy Gay Pride to all New Yorkers(I understand it’s also Pride Weekend in Seattle)! After a tough week (it’s getting near quarter-end, so lots of last-minute business deals), I’m ready to kick back and relax with my dog and my peeps (both off-line and on-).
Bye, everyone.
I hope you all enjoy happy hour. If I survive my doctor’s appt I’ll stop by the Cafe on Monday.
fellow Homestarrunner fans! In addition to my blog addiction, I am also a compulsive Strongbad email checker. Mondays take so long to roll around…
My personal favorite is the cheat. 😉
<Pulls up stool to bar>
Yeah could I have one of those fin thingies? Wait better make it two, it’s been a long week. (I’m only getting married once, it’s too much work)
On the house! Best wishes – and congrats on your wedding.
Well guys I am off. Gotta go visit the in-laws and feed their obsession. (their grandson) Have a great Friday night and an even better weekend!
Well the Outdoor Cafe doesn’t look as if it’s too hot out there yet so I’ll stick with my coffee but lace it with some, well a lot actually, Kaluha, topped with a big mound of real whipped cream.
I found a 3 tiered open utility type shelf at the Goodwill here in good shape for less than 6 bucks and have painted it with that new Fusion paint that is supposed to stick to plastic etc. Fusion worked wonderfully well..color is very very pale mint point that I’m getting to is that this 3’shelf is going outside apt. door to put plants on and top will be my new repotting center.(as opposed to old one which was the sidewalk basically).
I am going to put a coat of polyurathane over this just to better protect it from the brutal CA. sun here. May try and do a freehand drawing of few flowers on top shelf-which has a small headboard behind shelf- just because before coating.
Finally found an attractive pot/urn that suited my aesthetics so now I can repot my Rosemary plant into a much bigger planter so will be wrestling with that also this weekend.
Sounds great! Try to get a pix of your work.
Me, since it looks like we’ll be here another year – I ran and got some peppers. Serranoes, Anaheims, some evil red little ones.. no name just HOT – and got those all planted. Some basil and mint.
Has anyone mentioned the fire yet,,,,it is really big, do we have any St. Louis residents member. CNN coverage!!! should have more…
Happy Friday Everyone
I sure could use a rasberry tea. This has been the week from hell at work. I could take another day I would become abusive. Of course it doesn’t help that my 15 yr old daughter is messin up so bad she is gonna send me to an early grave.
Sounds like you’ve had long week! I’m hoping Zander will stop by and bring some iced tea with her…
What’s the old saying..if the kids don’t kill ya they make you stronger or something like that.
it’s “better eat them before they eat you.”
Of course. I forgot. What was the one…now I know why some eat their young
Heck, I think we should just take all of our errant young and send them to a tropical island (uninhabited, of course) until they’re thirty, and which time we can choose whether or not to claim them!
And sweetirish, if you want, I could tell you some hair-raising stories about my teenage years. It all worked out well in the end, and my mom is proud of me today. It just takes awhile sometimes. Stick to your guns.
And sweetirish, if you want, I could tell you some hair-raising stories about my teenage years. It all worked out well in the end, and my mom is proud of me today. It just takes awhile sometimes. Stick to your guns.
Children Fingers.
Children Fingers.
“Whatever does not kill you makes you stronger.” But what does he know. He never had kids. Apparently the first time that he had sex he got syphilis. That did not kill him, but made him verrry cranky. It didn’t make him stronger either. It made him insane for the last years of his life. (Too bad Tom Cruise wasn’t there with his Scientology!)
Anyway, having a 15 year old is pure hell. My son is 17 and is finally starting to let up a little.
yes please. and some more ibuprofen… threw my back out last night and it hurts.
happy news! made reservations for a vacation in Tulum! yay vacation!
Now about that beer…
Are you going to that tenting place down there? It is awesome. On the way down from Cancun there was a palce called Adventruos Glorias or something like that. They used to have a really cool swim with dolphins there. I did that for my fortieth birthday…god 13 years ago tomorrow! Have a great time. Fabulous diving in Cozumel too.
we’re staying here:
Things I plan on doing, in no particular order:
of course, I am open to suggestions…
That looks gorgeous! Do you have long to wait before your trip?
we leave in mid-July! it’s my “from me to me” gift to transition from 8-7 life as a workin’ man, to grad student…
Have a great time in Tulum – I was there earlier this year, only a mile or 2 further south of where you’ll be staying, and loved it…
Suggestions? Stock up on cerveza at the St. Francis of Assissi grocery store at the corner – it’s a lot cheaper than anywhere on the beach. Oh yah, and watch out for scorpions…
we were going to stay at the eco-tourism cabanas cause they were cheaper, but they are open air no lights after dark. I just wanted a place where I can see if anyone is hiding in my shoes before I put them on… maybe I better wear sandals.
scorpions… brrr…
Yep, the whole area is very ‘eco-focused’, and some of the places are, um… rustic. The open air part is fine, but electricity does really comes in handy. Don’t worry too much about the scorpions – I only saw one the entire time I was there, and was assured by a local that they’re not deadly. If you’re stung – you drink milk, very much milk. At least I think that’s what he said – my spanish leaves a lot of room for misunderstanding…
Does the cafe have a good wine list – my drink of choice is a mellow Bordeau. Of course, that’s best enjoyed in a sidewalk cafe on the Left Bank
Of course, it’s better if I spell Bordeaux correctly!
is what we call it…
I’ll settle for a good California cabernet while I try to write a sermon – always good to stay loose and let the creativity flow
Let your sermon be about the commonaliites between all religions, and an adnission that the afterlife is a unprovable pan-religion scam.
The only point in being ‘good’ now, is because this is all there is. The only afterlife is how you are remembered as a human.
My sermons frequently lift up those things that we hold in common with other faiths and peoples. About the afterlife thing – it’s one of the reasons we call it faith. Actually this Sunday’s gospel reading is Jesus saying “Don’t think I’ve come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Considering the state we’re, this one could use some unpacking.
Please please PLEASE find some way to do something useful with that particular verse. I heard it four times today from wingnuts who felt COMPELLED to explain to me that it was really God’s Will that we, being a good Christian Nation, must wipe out all the heretics, pagans, infidels, and nonChristians.
(Note to evangelical Christians bent on haranguing tired, cranky, dehydrated pagans: Do NOT bring a rhetorical or spiritual sword to a very real and practical potential gunfight. If you must, bring clean pants for afterward as well.)
Good answer. But the afterlife is used in all ‘faiths’ as a reward for being ‘good’ in this life. What are the arguments for being good without promise of reward?
Almost happy Hour in California.
Been a rough week. New schedule for son since school is out so that’s always.. “fun”. We’ll get back to “regular” soon. Plus this week has been superduper busy with dental appts and loan crap.
Also… I don’t know about anyone else but the other week after Conyers I was so hopeful… in less than a week I went from GIDDY to SHITTY and I think I needed to cry, scream and heal. But it’s these stories and the people who are posting them and protesting, fighting, investigating.. that are the real healing for me.
The friendship that I’m finding here is beyond golden to me. Thank you!
I can’t post too much right now – but 4s to everyone and big hugs and bigger hopes you all have a wonderful weekend.
Daquiries tonight to numb my brain.
Sorry for the shitty feeling – I find screaming into a sink full of cold water to be a great survival technique….
I’m hoping I’ll be able to stay dry in a post-Bush era…
Thanks Zander-Wonderful!
I’m usually not “shitty” for too long, too much in life to laugh with and enjoy.
I about died laughing when my son started clapping in the car because he saw…
More trees
Less Bush
hello! i’m up late today! is it cocktail hour anywhere in the world yet? :::snicker::::
Hi there! It’s always cocktail hour somewhere in the world…. I just showed up myself, how ya’ doin’?

i’m fine, thanks for askin. still at work. :::looking left looking right:::: off soon. no action on PiEpOd. did a lot of reading, decided nothing was really funny (‘cept that cartoon 🙂 ::: think somber moods at 5 a.m.:::: want the newer links? and how do i make up for the art? need me to carve jalapeños into froggie shapes fit for tito?
i’ll be on lata and will be sweepin up!!
My daughter is napping, my son is exploring my office and I am writing limericks about Bushco. Can’t have it any better than this.
I hope you all have a glorious weekend, wish I was taking my kids to the Del Mar fair, but there will be one here in mid july and they will enjoy it.
See you all later and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
The was a president named Bush
Who tried to swallow a pretzel kerswoosh
He choked and sputtered and had a shudder
And said I think I shall have another
His every word meant just the opposite
He was really just a composite
He was finally impeached for being a liar
Now his feet are indeed in the fire.
They sent him to one of his prisons
Oh my I see, I have been seeing out of a prism
I should have listened to that Liberal
Now I know what it feels like to be miserable.
Great limerick! Hope you have a wonderful time hanging out with the family this weekend. We’re debating about whether to do the local arts and crafts festival this weekend, or go for a gentle kayak paddle on SUnday. Maybe both?
Here in Finland we have just celebrated Midsummer Eve with a mega-BBQ and, as is the Finnish custom, consumed certain amounts of Koskenkorva. Now we are sitting on the patio planning what to do with 28 early teen kids from Tanzania coming here to play football. They have never left their village before – not even to visit Dar es Salaam (Port of Peace), so it is going to be rather interesting.
The main problem is that they have learned to play without boots, but boots are de rigeur in this competition. We are discussing whether to make a point of this…
Sounds like a very interesting game you’ll have. Have fun!
Judging from the size of the capsule, your photo shows a so-called airline-sized serving. As you must surely understand by now, this amount is what our common houseflies drink, or babies from 0 – 2. For Finnish adults, this amount would typically be spilt during the ‘shaky hand’ serving process, and thus offer no fundamental benefit.
picky, picky… I thought about that, but my other options were a peach flavored version, a graphic 3 times the size or… <implicit threat intended> Absolut…
To understand the essential failings of Swedish incompetence in Vodka manufacture, drink Absolut at room temperature.
In marketing, of course, they have been skilled.
But then they don’t understand the silly songs we sing at each toast. We have sung a lot.
Try marketing that!
but it is 03.12 – I must retire…
Now I know what to look for! Glad you and Sven made it to the party!
cabbie – you do realise that you can’t become a ‘koskis’ drinker <snap> just like that? The initiation ceremonies – naked mixed saunas, elk wrestling, parma ham trampling etc alone take six months…
I know you have the sauna…now, is the elk wrestling and Parma ham trampling part of the ritual also done naked?
Apart from the sauna, only the grammatical pedantry course requires disrobement.
Are you callin’ me nitpicky? :^)
you would be called a ‘pilkkunussija’ 😉
In translation of the politically correct kind, this would be ‘a person having carnal knowledge of commas’
and I’m still trying to catch up on reading for the day… particularly Meteor Blades’ diary. I want to read it, but haven’t steeled myself yet for what I’ll find in there.
Mrs. Gooserock is the one having the day-from-hell on the job so she insisted I take her out to eat.
I’d already planned a nice juicy chicken grill; working at home, I do the cooking, and it’s a nice if hazy Puget Sound afternoon at 67 F, perfect for the smoke of bar-b-que.
I just got out of my workshop, turned on the propane and it went pfth-th-th-TT!
“Outta gas–we gotta go back.” –Chico Marx as one of the 3 Greatest Aviators in the World in A Night At the Opera.
So OK I guess it’s fate. Or fete. We’ll find a bar or pub with a view something like this:
OO–OO !! </Gunther_Tootie_Voice> 5:45 Time to head on out!
you are a man after my own heart
to some extent. I’m 1/4 Finn myself. I’ve never been in touch with that side of the family other than my father’s mother, who grew up in the Finnish town of Ashtabula, Ohio.
My other 3/4 is largely Gaelic, so I love the riotous partying, loud musicmaking and expansive telling of true stories as-they-should-have-happened. And my shier Finnish side will look you square in the shoe laces as I’m doing it.
Oh, that makes me hungry. It’s almost 6:00 here and I’m still waiting for my friends to get back to me about where we are going for dinner! Maybe I’ll be eating here at Froggy Bottom instead.
No frogs legs though, please, I’m not that adventerous.
Are you all still standing?
We have a couple new diaries I wanted to tell you about — one is from Winter Patriot, a terrific writer and person who’s put up his first here, and it’s a very cool campaign. Then there’s JPol, a buddy of mine who doesn’t write often, but when he does.. you know the type.
And Alberto undressed the statues! WOOHOO!
Hi Susan! I love WinterPatriot and the Whispering Campaign…JPol’s looks interesting too, but I’ll need to read it more closely in the AM over coffee-there’s lots o’ numbers! :^)
I feel the same way about numbers, but really loved that diary – that might have been helped by the fact that I’m a Canadian, and it’s interesting to see our culturally ubiquitous sarcastic attitude towards the US represented in statistics. No offense – it’s all in good fun… well …except for Bush, we really do hate Bush in all seriousness.
no reason to concern yourself with offending us amurcuns. we know its all in good fun. sometimes though, i really think the only thing that keeps me sane is the “promise” whispered from up north, up your way. of course, i can’t leave. we have a struggle down in these “heah pawts” and i’m in the thick of it and if i leave it’s just harder for those few who remain (p.s. i am in tom delay’s district) and i can’t abandon that. its like the same idea, you know. but expressed in different ways.. different evolutions..different environments. i take solace in knowing at least “youse guys” are up north of me and i personally feel a very strong solidarity!
and hey its also under 80 degrees in august. how can that be bad? mind if i move in next month?
oh well.. time to sweep, wheres the broom…
I think what you’ve mentioned has a lot to do with my fascination with Texans…. it might have begun with moiv and her diaries on kos earlier this year. I realized that there’s a stubborn determination I admire, but doubt I possess myself. Hey – I’m quick to quip that the moment Stephen Harper becomes Prime Minister – I’m running away to Switzerland, and let’s face it – he’s a vile politician, but he’s no Delay… I guess I just marvel at how y’all survive…
I’ve lived next door in NM, so it doesn’t seem like an entirely foreign, far-off place – but it does have some kind of mysterious/intimidating appeal for me…
PS – my home, my couch and a bottle of vodka are always open…
i could take you by the chuch he attends (hint <– i’m not a member). twice in the last six years ive run into him accidently in the flesh. once at the cafeteria (baptists eat at a cafeteria after sunday church you know) and once in the grocery store.
i wont even commit to paper, digital or otherwise what passed through my mind 4 hours later!
(renee <— great comebacks the next day)
is moiv from down this way? i remember her name from the pie wars. a fellow warrioresse, i believe, yes?
and as far as texas goes, it had some promise once, a long time ago. it isnt much these days. its sort of like dickens, i suppose. the best of places, and the worst of places. there is a stubborn determination, yes
but i ask myself.. is the world a better place because of it?
i must answer no. it’s not. i wish it were.
and thats CHURCH. not chuch. heehee
and tell me about new mexico. did you enjoy it? i feel that i would.
a good friend of mine is moving there very soon, if she can sell (rip off) her house to an investor (sucker). shes near boston. i think it might be easy, yes?
you see i have a theory. we democrats might lose elections.
but we WILL WIN the battle of the real estate bubble!
oh as long as the vodka is stolichnaya, or titos.. and not
I’m so sorry to show up 4 hours later – I’ve been stressing about my first (voluntary) diary… <wince>
If you’re interested, this was the moiv diary that really drove home the ‘women in Texas = hard as nails’ point for me. (warning – bright orange)- I’ve been a fan ever since, and my admiration for her just grows…
NM was a long time ago, but a perfect place to be young, do road trips in the desert and the mountains, wander old pueblo ruins… I have fond memories, though I’ve been back more recently and cruised to my old urban haunts, and wonder how in the world I could have loved it so… But I have no doubt that after a real-estate deal in Boston, your friend won’t be living in the barrio 😉
PS – vodka is always wyborowa
That diary was one of the best I’ve seen at explaining why “safe, legal, and rare” isn’t as good an idea as it sounds. moiv rocks.
and a 4 for everybody in the room at 2:24 am CDT.