kind of snoozing at my desk, and my coworker just walked in with something I requested she do for me.  Didn’t quite wake me up, as I wasn’t quite sleeping, but it triggered a memory.  Back in my early 20’s I had a job at a now defunct auto parts supplier.  Sometimes they would put you on a broom for days at a time, and boy, did I hate that.  I’ve always been one to work hard, get it done, and go home–no clock watching in me at all.  Kind of why this job is killing me at the moment–soooooo slooooow and booooooring.
Anyway–I can remember going into the bathroom to catch a few winks during endless “broom days”.  These people were so anal they’d go into the bathroom and check, so I’d tell a friend to come wake me if I was paged, then I’d go sit on the pot, pants around my ankles, big silver flushing mechanism in the small of my back, and crash.  Pretty uncomfortable, a little bit breezy, and definitely not a pretty picture.
So I was wondering–am I out there alone on this one, or have some of you been creative in just such a situation?