So much is going on in the news these days, I understand that it can be hard to maintain interest in the Dean Speaks for Me petition. And we did get to read some wonderful reports about the presentation of the petition to Howard at Stubbs BBQ. But the petition still needs to be delivered to its intended recipients–Democrats in Congress who have been openly critical of Howard Dean. Below the fold are action items from glynis about the upcoming petition delivery via glynis’ diary on Kos.
The volunteers for Pelosi and Reid are waiting to hear back from their schedulers about the date for delivery next week.
Through this weekend is the last push for signatures. Let’s send as close to 20,000 signatures to congress as we can get.
Action items include signing the petition if you haven’t done so already, and calling or emailing your congressional delegation. Give them the link to the petition and tell them it will be delivered to the congressional leadership next week.
As I write this diary, there are 17676 signatures on the petition. We can do better than that. I just saw Howard Dean on The Daily Show last night, and was reminded, once again, why I felt compelled to write a heartfelt “Thank you Howard Dean” entry for Blog for America. If you missed it, the video is available on the DemBloggers web site.
More from glynis’ current diary (which could use some recommendations if you are a Kos member:
Biden, Obama, Corzine, Hoyer, Lieberman and Ford have volunteers who will deliver the petition in the following weeks. The current volunteers are making appointments to get dates for delivery nailed down.
Still need volunteers for Nelson. Currently have none.
A press release went out to: WaPO, NYT, AP, Reuters, LA Times, sfgate, USA Today, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, and Chicago SunTimes.
It was a informational release with the link to the petition and statement it would be delivered to congress and other Democrats in upcoming weeks.
I will do another press release announcing the delivery when I have the dates.
If you missed any of glynis’ diaries about the petition, you can find them here.
Just signed the petition, thanks for the heads up.