They’re at it again — the greediest of the greedy (and corrupt) Rethug legislators are out to twist the campaign finance laws in order to rake in more (currently illegal) contributions.

Help Common Cause to stop them!

“Congressman Bob Ney (R-OH) has been in the headlines recently because of his  ties to scandal-tainted Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff .  Rep. Ney now is working with Reps. Mike Pence (R-IN) and Albert Wynn (D-MD) to push a bill that will make life much easier for Abramoff and lobbyists like him representing everything from tobacco companies and polluting industries to giant media corporations and drug companies. The Ney-Pence-Wynn bill will allow individual donors to give much, much more to influence politics in Washington: up to $3 million to a political party and its federal candidates during one two-year election cycle.  Fat cats that hedge their bets and give to both parties can give up to $6 million every two years.  That’s 60 times what the current law allows.
We need your help to defeat this pro-corruption legislation today .  The Ney-Pence-Wynn bill could be on the House Floor as soon as next week.  Please call your Member of Congress today and ask them to vote against H.R. 1316, the “527 Fairness Act of 2005.”  You can find your Member of Congress by going to the following link:    

The bill, H.R. 1316, is cynically named “The 527 Fairness Act of 2005.”  The bill is neither about regulating “527” groups nor fairness.  Instead, it is a brazen attempt to increase the influence of big money on politics

The Ney-Pence-Wynn bill explodes the limits on contributions from individuals to federal candidates and political parties imposed in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, when the public discovered that Nixon’s fundraisers were getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash donations from wealthy donors in secret.

And the bill once more allows the President, Senators, Members of Congress, and all federal candidates to go after this big money, forging once again the connection between huge contributors and key policymakers that had been broken by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act — a law that we lobbied for so hard and helped to pass in 2002.

So, please call your Member of Congress today and ask them to vote against H.R. 1316, the “527 Fairness Act of 2005:”