Dear Tribe,
Here is an e-mail I received from PFAW (people for the American Way). Check them out if you have not already. They are a coalition of people working to keep the government honest in matters of Church state separation.
I am including the whole e-mail it has activist opportunities to fight the appointment of an extremist judge on the supreme court. If you are not aware, Justice O’Connor is expected to announce her retirement next week.
Supreme Court Vacancy Expected SoonClick here to sign up! ready with People For the American Way!
There is much at stake should Justice William Rehnquist or one of his colleagues on the Supreme Court step down at the end of the term next week.
As you know, many of the rights and liberties we hold dear have been upheld by close, sharply-split rulings. A new justice – whether a young ideologue in step with Rehnquist or someone even further to the right – could be key in tipping the Court towards total right-wing control in the future.
[Take a look at PFAW Foundation’s Courting Disaster to get an idea of just how many of our rights and liberties are hanging by a thread in the Supreme Court.]
Right now, before any vacancy is announced, it is too soon to know the exact nature of the battle ahead – or if there will even be a battle. But we need to organize.
Many of you signed up to participate in our cell phone text-message initiative, or Mass Immediate Response (MIR), to be used when Bill Frist launched the “nuclear option.” As you well know, the “option” was not launched and we didn’t get a chance to utilize this exciting technology.
We want to use MIR throughout the upcoming Supreme Court battle. If the President chooses confrontation over consultation and consensus, there are going to be many opportunities that demand immediate calls to Senators, the media and other targets, based on your location. MIR will also allow us to slowly roll out calls to our targets, keeping a steady pressure over the course of a day or a week.
Click here to join this exciting campaign we promised those who signed up that we would not use your numbers for any reason other than the “nuclear option,” we need you to sign up again to take part in MIR for Supreme Court campaigns. Even if you didn’t sign up for MIR in the “nuclear option” campaign, sign up now for the Court. Again, we will use your cell number only to send you alerts on the Supreme Court, and you can drop out at any time.
You should expect a confirmation alert over the phone within a few hours of signing up. Once you receive your message hit replay and text, “ok” and you’re done. If you have any questions about the MIR system, please visit our MIR FAQ page on our website.
Once you have signed up, tell your friends, family and coworkers to do the same. How the battle over the Supreme Court turns out could determine what this nation is like for decades to come. (Not to mention, imagine how cool it would be to get a text message and have to say to your companions: “Excuse me, I must place an urgent call to my Senator.”)
Sign up here
If you or your friends don’t feel comfortable using text messaging or giving out your cell phone number, please recruit to our campaign as many activists as possible to receive old-fashioned email alerts. To do so, just send emails to your friends with your best pitch, directing them to this URL:
Together, let’s save the Court.
Thank you,
Ralph G. NeasLinks:
MIR Sign Up:
Courting Disaster:
Sign up friends for email:
and share the site with friends. They make taking action VERY easy.
that Rehnquist will step down this week.
it will be interesting to see which is correct. If it is both we are going to have a fight on our hands with two nut case judges being proposed.