There once was a consultant named Rove,
Whose president’s popularity dove.
So he called up the right,
For a 9/11 knife fight.
Some kids can’t keep hands off the stove.

(there’s four more after the fold… I don’t want to bump off any other diaries!)
There once was a Senator Frist,
Removed Bolton from an ambassador’s list.
The president called Bill;
Bolton’s back on the hill.
So whose ass do you think has been kissed?

Al-Jafari met Friday with Bush,
To give the war in Iraq a big push.
There won’t be withdrawl,
No timetable at all.
Don’t like carnage? Well just kiss their tush!

Ted Kennedy was decidedly tense,
With Don Rumsfeld, the head of Defense.
From the Iraqi quagmire,
We will never retire,
So long as Rummy resigns in pretense.

A liberal blogger named Kos,
Thought his site was resembling dross.
Now the Orange is dead,
There’s bright Scarlet instead,
Burning monitors out by the gross!

If people like these, I’ll try to do them each day… they usually come pretty easy to me