Scheduled guests on the Brad Show tonight include:

U.S. Rep DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL) on Judiciary Committee Follies! Including Sensenbrenner’s abuse of power, the Patriot Act, Downing Street and more!

2004 Green Party Presidential Candidate DAVID COBB on the Green/Libertarian OH Recount and their continuing Federal Court Challenge, plus the upcoming Baker/Carter Commission meeting in Houston and the important counter-hearing to be held the previous day!

VINCENT FRY, Executive Director of the DNC Voting Rights Institute, on the report released this week, “Democracy at Risk: The 2004 Election in Ohio”.

JOHN AMATO of Crooks & Liars on Operation Yellow Elephant and Video Blogging in the Free World!

Join us Saturday Night 7p-11p ET (4p-8p PT)! Listen up via, call in with your questions and comments for our guests at 323-650-1286, and blog along with your guest host, Winter Patriot, on The BRAD BLOG‘s LIVE Open Thread! All the fun begins in less than five hours. That’s 7PM eastern, 4 PM pacific.

The Brad Show is brought to you via Raw Radio — Rockin’ In The Free World!