Imagine you’re looking at the side of a milk bottle over your morning cereal.
Missing blogger: Ductape Fatwa
Last wrote: 5 June 2005
Last Known Whereabouts: An error occurred while trying to process this directive.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Pronounced tendency to speak inconvenient truths, make eloquent observations and deliver pithy witticisms. Marked dislike of imperialism.
Favourite saying: “One man’s conspiracy is another man’s business plan.”
All flippancy aside, Ductape Fatwa hasn’t been around here or dKos now since 5/6. His blog hasn’t been updated since 1/6. Usually he’s a fairly prolific writer.
I dropped him an email back on 11/6 but haven’t had any response so far.
While not wanting to sound alarmist, I am becoming alarmed.
So I’m wondering — are there any Bootribbers out there who have heard from Ductape since 5/6? Is there anyone who knows him offline who could check he’s OK?
And Ductape — if you’re reading this, could you please drop us a line?
Update [2005-6-27 7:36:48 by dove]: Below TeresaInPa mentions that DF’s account at has been logged into as recently as 22/6. Hopefully that means all is well.
Just sent Ductape an e-mail. I’ll let you know if I hear. I’m worried too π
Thanks! No doubt I’m being paranoid, but I can’t help but think I’d be less worried were he less forthright.
Just had a thought. Would you be willing to post something along the lines of a missing Ductape diary to dKos? I was considering doing so myself, but it occurs to me that you have higher name-recognition (richly deserved) which might mean more people read it.
I have to say, he has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks. I hope everything is ok.
I recall, I think that he was going to help his mother get settled etc. I think he was the one that said that and also he had to clean out her house..if he is the one he said he would not have a computer, I think!!!!
Would this be in one of the excellent welcome diaries?
I may be wrong, I just checked his comments and some diaries so it may have been someone else or I didn’t go back far enough…seems like he was gone for a bit before tho…and said something when he came back, but I may have him confused with Infidelpig, not sure…
Yeah — I’ve just been looking through his comments too — nothing so far. Infidelpig is around at the moment though . . .
It was Bood Abides’ wonderful diary that you were thinking of, Diane. Ductape posted a lovely comment about the value of hoarding.
(raising hand) I’m here, just been real busy, and glad you asked about DF, I was wondering myself.
when you get used to seeing somone around, you wonder when they’re not.
Hoping that all will be for good, and it’s a vacation that has kept DF afoot ; )
By the way, Bucko – I just wanted to let you know that you’re certainly not off the hook by any means. Taking off without warning and worrying me all to heck. (Every time I ran across an alligator recipe I got all teary eyed and had to get the tissues.) “Where’s Infidel?” Where’s Infidel?” Then I cried myself to sleep every night, wondering aloud – where’s infidel. . .<sniff>. . .where’s. . . infidel. . .<sniff>. . .where’s. . .snore. . .
Damnit – I never thought I’d care about a bunch of strangers inside my computer. (Yeah. . .that’s what you guys are. . .just strangers inside my computer – no wonder it keeps crashing with all you people running around in there!)
Anyway – welcome back. But next time I won’t let you off so easy – I’ll report you to Booman or something because I think your MIA behavior qualified as being a dick. So just keep that in mind before you take off again, Mister Pig.
Okay, what I meant to say was, “Hey there – I missed you!”
“Yes Dear” I’ll keep that in mind, but now you gotta remember, them gators don’t exactly come and lay at your doorstep, you gotta get out in the swamps, lakes, and rivers, and hunt’m down ; )
So sometimes I may be gone for days chas’n one of them critters, and then when you get them, hell, it’s a couple of days work just gett’m cleaned, and ready for the smoker, afterall, nutt’n good comes easy ; )
I’ll let ya know next time, so don’t spank me, heh heh, well, that’s another subject ; )
I’ll send ya some gator skin, so when you cry yourself to sleep, you can rub that gator skin.
Now, for the part of being a dick, well, I’ve been called much worse….but then again, that’s another story as well… LMAO…. but you know how us “men” are,
Thanks for the welcome back, and I’ll keep you posted as to my “where-abouts”
Now was that so hard?
Good night, gator boy!
No Mam, and n’nite to you as well, don’t let them bed bugs bite ; )
Thanks for posting this – you’re not being paranoid as I too have been fairly concerned. (Okay, maybe that just means that both of us are paranoid) And, of course, my Catholic guilt has been eating away at me, because the last I saw of Ductape we were engaged in a misunderstanding.
Wherever Ductape may be, I pass along my wishes for safety of surroundings and safety of spirit – completely devoid of stress and/or any type of harm.
Good to know we’re together in our paranoia. And I hope he’s in one piece.
I’ve been worried too; it’s been such a long time since his last post.
There is every reason to be worried, friends.
Ductape’s blog proudly displays some of the hostile comments he has received: let’s just say that he arouses a few passions amongst those who probably wouldn’t agree with much of what passes on this site.
While a right wing nutcase might be worrying, I think Ductape has more to fear from the state. I would say that he would be a ‘person of interest’ to various elements of the repressive state apparatus of the US, and that his blog is likely monitored.
I can’t help remembering his comment when Susan & Booman posted their Newsweek and the Koran investigation:
That remark made me stop and think at the time about what he meant. Ductape and some other contributors here are not merely critics of George W Bush and his henchmen/manipulators. As critics of the whole US system, the sacred US military, indeed American society, they are enemies of the state.
That’s what Ductape called his blog: enemy of the state. Have a read of the last post on the front page. Beautifully written. Very compelling. And now very, very chilling.
I’m in a country that blocks ‘blogspot’. Any chance of you excerpting the relevant bit and posting it here?
Hi d52boy,
It’s available as a Bootrib diary here — let me know if there’s still an access problem.
Canberra boy — I remember when he said that. It caught my eye too. I’m still hoping it’s a holiday/hiatus and trying to tell myself I’m being silly. But. Any thoughts on what a sensible next step might be?
I too got chills up my spine when Ductape commented on the bravery of that article – because I felt the same way – to the extent that I felt fearful for Martin and Susan’s safety after they posted the article. Forgive my language, but it’s a fucking shame that any of us should feel so distressed toward the government. We used to live in a democracy – one in which freedom of speech was a citizen’s right.
We have every reason to be concerned, but I’d like to request that we not jump to alarming conclusions, without additional facts. If anyone out there knows how to get in touch with Ductape – PLEASE find a way to do so. (I understand that some of the community members have already attempted to send e-mails.) Until then, I don’t think we’ll be doing ourselves any favors by alarming each other with speculation. (However founded the alarm may be)
If, in fact, something bad or sinister has taken place, this is the type of community that will pull together in support of a respected, valued member. I may not know Ductape personally, but I for one will find a way to help, if needed.
Agree with you, Anomalous, that we shouldn’t panic. Ninety-nine times out of 100, the conspiracy theories are wrong. Most likely a vacation or urgent/unexpected family business etc. Possibly even a health problem of his own.
As to dove’s question on a sensible next step, I’m clueless. I’m willing to bet that nobody in the blogosphere has contact details for Ductape beyond his yahoo e-mail address. I’d say we’re looking for a missing male of unknown ethnicity and age, almost certainly educated and raised in the US. One who gives his occupation as ‘terrorist’. Apart from the last clue, you could be describing more than a quarter of the US population.
Re. contact details, that, alas, is my guess too.
Still, it could be worth posting to some of the other places he’s posted on the off-chance.
I had no idea he listed his occupation as such. That’s very troubling to me, and would allow for any number of actions under the USPatriot Act. I better follow my own advice and stop with the alarmist behavior.
I do hope Susan is in a position to post something at Kos – and hopefully we’ll be able to laugh about this in the near future. But I think it speaks volumes about dove and the rest of the community that we’re genuinely concerned about the well-being of a fellow man.
and I just went to check out and didn’t see him there either.
This is a comment I made on another site about alongest comment question another poster made, thought it might fit in here:
Dove, thanks for posting this. It’s weird how we ‘get to know’ each other only through diaries and comments, but nevertheless develop real affection for one another.
May Ductape Fatwa turn up soon, alive and well.
I’ve been worried, too. Shit happens. Computers blue-screen. Some people even take vacations and (gasp) forget about blogs while enjoying themselves. People also get sick and find themselves in hospitals. So many possibilities, some good, some bad. It’s disturbing when someone drops out without notice.
I always feel a little lame when I put up a comment in an open thread saying I’ll be gone for a few days. But, now I know it does serve a purpose. People can always look up comments and find the bread crumb trail.
By the way, I’ll be AFK over the 4th of July weekend and possibly the week afer.
Check your email, DTF; you’re being missed!
Whenever I don’t see you around for awhile, I just assume you’re on tour. π
Oh good, glad to see this. Not that I know what good it will do, but at least we have a place to be worried together!
Hopefully he’s just having computer problems, or something. Or he may be visiting family in some out of the way place, but still.
Hope he checks in soon.
I don’t want to come off as alarmist, but I have been worried for some time.
Wonder if this diary may have relevance?
you and I were on the same wavelength, ask.
I was looking for him to update the story. When nothing came – I obviously noticed his absence and started worrying. Good to ‘see’ you, ME.
Hmmmn…he is the enemy of more than one state…
feel the same. I didn’t want to post or sound alarmed. I’ve known DuctFW for 2.5 years. I miss him and hope that he is fine and will return stronger.
Keep us posted pls (those who can contact him)
His account has been logged on there as recently as the 22 of june. So he has been logged on from time to time but has not commented since the beggining of the month.
on his blog just now, asking him to check in here. Hi country of residence is listed as US. I do think it is strange that he hasn’t been heard from. Has he posted on DK..Does anyone know what state he lives in.
You know Mindmouth is missing from this site also, does anyone know what happened to her..She was a reg. poster then she was gone..
I’ve seen Mindmouth at dkos recently (within the last week), Diane.
Well I will go and have a look at DK and ask her why she has not been here..Thanks at least I know she is ok.
Diane, he last posted a comment at DKos on 4th of June – last diary on 30 May. I doubt very much that he’s revealed to anyone in cyberspace where he resides.
In a diary some time ago, he mentioned visiting friends in a large U.S. city in the South-West.
Which does not, of course, necessarily mean that he lives in the U.S.
Excellent! Thanks so much TeresaInPa, that’s a huge relief.
He hasn’t posted anything at since 3 June, and he was as prolific there as he was here – possibly more so. The account being logged onto on 22 June without posting anything could be consistent with someone else using his computer and finding that the user name and password was supplied automatically upon going to the peopleforchange forum. Something many of us allow when we think our machine is secure…
so much concern for a like minded soul. Very nice.
Just in case any one else, like me, has been checking back here every few hours in case there’s news: Susanhu posted elsewhere a few hours back that she’s received an e-mail from Ductape and he’s OK. It’s a great relief.
and wouldn’t have caught the news if you hadn’t posted.
You all are good folks.