Bad Lieutenant, a 1992 movie by Abel Ferrara starring Harvey Keitel as a cop with a gambling problem, is a bizarre and profound movie, a lurid psychodrama weaving together images of out-of-control vice with religious symbolism.
There’s a lot going on in that movie, but the major sub-plot of “double or nothing” gambling disaster keeps coming to mind as I try to understand where the Iraq misadventure has been coming from – and, in a fuzzy way, where it might tend to be going.
If you haven’t seen it yet (and are not too squeamish about occasionally intense images of depravity) I recommend watching it in juxtaposition to the “turning the corner” PR blitz that will be ramping up next week.
If you have seen the movie already then you might recognize what I’m talking about here…
I found a rough draft of the screenplay the movie was based on, and mined some of the choice bits from there, for entertainment as well as enlightenment:
I’m almost expecting to hear something like this in the speech on Tuesday. The vibe is desperate denial and psychotic rationalization as an antidote to panic. So much has already been lost, the only hope for the doomed gambler is to keep doubling the bet as far as he can push his credit.
There are quite a few other themes in the movie that are echoed by personalities involved in current events, but the paradigm of gambling addiction is the one that resonates most strongly.
Well, a movie is one thing and reality is quite another to be sure. But the plot of Bad Lieutenant sure does provide an interesting context to keep in mind. Well, truth is stranger than fiction really…
In the screenplay (slightly different from the version of the movie I saw on DVD), the lieutenant’s credit is way overextended at this point, and rational behavior is no longer part of the playbook…
The PHONE RINGS. LT is seriously startled. Then he realizes who it may be. He slowly answers the phone.
LT can hardly speak. He is NUDE, and communicating from another world syllable by syllable.LT (into the phone)
All right, cop. I want my money.LT
It’s still my money. If you want to have a chance at any part of it, shithead, you will take my $120,000 and bet on tomorrow’s game.LARGE
What about the money you owe me on yesterday’s game?LT
Fuck yesterday’s game. The World Series is seven games not six. Put in my bet.LARGE
Let me think about it.LT
There’s nothing to think about. Either you put in my bet or you ain’t getting nothing.BIG SILENCE on the PHONE.
LARGE (lethal)
Oh, really?LT
Yeah, really. I’m no fucking asshole, man. I’m a fucking cop!LARGE
OK, cop. I want you to give yourself and your friends on the force a message. Tell them I’ve got my own reasons to be very interested in whomever did the job on the nuns. I’ll double the Church reward if you bring those punks direct to me. 100 G cash. Get it?LT absorbs this, then bursts out.
Fuck the nuns, man! I’m talking about Strawberry! Is the bet down?LARGE takes a moment.
Here’s the deal: You meet me tonight across from the Garden. 33rd & 8th. At the beginning of the Ninth Inning. We’ll listen to the end of the game together. You bring your cash, I’ll bring mine.LT
Yeah, sucker. You better be there!LT HANGS UP, turns to ARIANE.
Can you believe the nerve of this fucking guy? He kills people for fun, and then, he puts up 100 G to bring in some guys who raped a nun. What a sick fuck. Man…ARIANE
A wiseguy. Paying 100 Grand for the rapists if I turn then over direct to him.ARIANE’S eyes light up.
But you could do it, baby. We could use the bread…LT
You mean you could use it.ARIANE SHRUGS, waves his dig aside.
LT leaps up. He’s on a manic roll. Conceives an insanely captivating, impossible idea. As he speaks, he speeds more and more until he seems to be reciting a rapid-fire tongue twister perfect.
I got it, man! I will find those kids. And I’ll get the 50 G from the Church! Then the kids’ll go to jail. I’ll be in charge, of course. After a little while, I’ll break the fuckers out — and I’ll turn them in to shithead I was just talking to. And pick up his 100 G. No. I’ll hit him up for 200 G. Or 250 G. l can do it — ’cause I’ve got the kids. Then, of course, there’s the 180 G I’m gonna pick up on the Game tonight — when the Strawberries win!ARIANE
“The Strawberries”?LT
The Mets. So anyway, chalk up another 180 G for the Game. Jesus Christ! That’s almost half a million dollars. Ariane! Wait. That’s not good enough, I’ll ask the shithead for 280 G for the kids. Then it’ll be a perfect 500 thousand. Yeah. Perfect. 280 G for the kids. Yeah, it’s good I prepared, or I wouldn’t have thought to —ARIANE has been grooving on it until now. She sees a problem they’ve overlooked.
ARIANE (cuts in)
How come all those guys who’re looking to get 50 from the Church haven’t come up with shit? You got some kinda inside track?LT (nods — dead serious)
I’m a Catholic.
Suckahs… from the War & Terror Digest:
At Fort Bragg, White House officials said, Bush will lay out a strategy for success in Iraq that is based on military and political action.
there are a few obvious direct parallels from the movie, but the most valuable insight it provides is mostly as a window into a state of mind.
Loved that movie. It does have a lot of parallels to the Bush administration.
One thing that still disturbs me though, and even more after reading your post.
At the end. Or near the end. When he is broken, and crawling in the church, and he comes to the feet of the living/dying Christ. That scene always got me. Like Armageddon. It’s the end you know. All the shit is over. It’s the end. Whatever your morality was, it’s going to end, and then what?
So are we almost there in American society now. Near some Armageddon like moment. Some mass hallucination by the fundies where Bush takes us all down with him in some sick fucking way. I know that sounds totally crazy, but I wouldn’t put it past warped chimp-boy. To buy into some kind of theology-ending. He’s narcissistic. We are all just players on the stage. Whole countries and races are props for his amusement and manipulation. So, when the game is finally up for him, what is to stop him from something completely lunatic. Loose a few nukes and see what happens. Suspend the operation of our government after another attack in some kind of coup d’etat against our Constitution.
Just random thoughts, crazy thoughts. Brought on by your movie link. Anyway. I’m taking my medication now.
hey BostonJoe – I know what you mean the talking to God bit. With the great Keitel wimper – “ooowwwwoooowwwwoooowwwwoooooo … I’ve done so many BAD THINGS!”
One of many parallels that gem of a movie brings to mind.
Well – really looking forward to reading more of your helpful advice to the man next week.
Yeah, that guttural cry. I forgot that part of it. That scene made an impression though. That was years ago I saw it. But it is kind of fresh and still right in the grey matter, to be scratched up. Thikn Keitel was awesome in that. But, movie was just way to messed up for a lot of main stream appreciation I bet.
Thanks about letters. Thought they might be getting kind of old. Don’t know if I have it in me next week. Just finished off second novel (rough draft) and I am feeling all spent. But cool post here.
Scenes like that provoked some interesting analysis in the Journal of Religion and Film…
Man, wouldn’t it be something to see a flaked-out rant broadcast live Tuesday night:
Well, that’s probably stark contrast to the bogus bluster and BS that will be spewed instead …
Hey, the advice columns are fantastic – I hope maybe they are as therapeutic to write as they are enjoyable to read. I suspect that you’ll be feeling inspired again soon. A silver lining to the dark cloud of this stupefyingly deadly circus …