Let us give thanks for all God’s* goodness to us:
For creating the world and for preserving it until now:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For the regular return of day and night, and of the seasons:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For the wonder of nature and the beauty of the earth:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

*Spirit, Source of All Goodness, First Principle
For our memory, which enables us to build on the experience of the past:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For our imagination which admits us to a wider world than we could otherwise know:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For the grace by which you have revealed yourself to us:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For your patience with our mistakes
and your forgiveness for our sinfulness:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For new babies and children who continue to grow and learn:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For time spent together in covenant, and the joy of the love of a partner:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For friends who stay with us through thick and thin, and for those who argue with us in good faith:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For the beauty of a long summer’s day:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For all things, spoken and unspoken:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

For the peace that is yet to come to the world:

    we give you thanks, O God,
    and praise your holy name.

Above all we thank you for the promise of all things made new, and for our re-creation.