The Morning Cafe is hereby Closed. Please migrate to the Evening Cafe
Good Sunday morning, friends and colleagues! The Café is open, with the wide selection of quality refreshments you’ve come to expect. Come in, find a comfy chair (oh, they’re all comfy) and settle in with a nice cuppa and the paper.
Your humble host this morning will be too busy with household chores to mull over the NYT crossword for a couple hours, but does want to note the keyword for the day on the specials board:
Defined here as “raising someone to be an accepted member of the community,” fosterage took on a much fuller meaning in Celtic and other tribal-based cultures. A discussion of Celtic fosterage found here mentions that
[f]osterage was quite a common occurrence in early Celtic culture and has continued in modified forms up to the present day in the Celtic Diaspora. Infants and toddlers were reared in their parent’s homes, but children were sent for fostering at relatively young ages. There were several common types of fosterage. One was fosterage based on affection (altramm serce). No fee was paid for this type of fosterage. Another type of fosterage was done for a fee. A third situation like unto fosterage was an apprenticeship situation where the relationship between the pupil and his master is similar to that of a fosterchild and a fosterparent.
In Classical times, noble “barbarian” children were frequently fostered to well-to-do Roman families. The German king Arminius, who destroyed three Roman legions in the Teutoberg Forest, according to legend had grown up in a Roman household. During the Middle Ages, fosterage also sent young boys as pages or squires to higher-ranking feudal lords. The feudal bond between lord and vassal would thus be further cemented. In some instances, a foster-boy may be held hostage as surety for his father’s conduct.
Where is all this leading to? This short piece in today’s news from the BBC. Draw what snarky conclusions or conspiracy theories you will.
A restful and/or productive Sunday to all!
The best coffee, and wonderful bear claws.
And my favorite table, next to the window is open (I’m not sitting on the deck today — it’s just too hot!)
The AC is fully cranked up, and I may set some café tables in the walk-in freezer. Coffee coolers and iced teas will be the movers today.
Ahh, Iced Mocha Frappucino please. . .
Brought me own recipe:
3/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons instant mocha flavored coffee
1 tablespoon instant coffee
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 cup ice
Lovely Sunday everyone!
Two outages, two Sundays in a row, when I am due to host the Café. It’s almost enough to give one a complex. And I have enough complexes already….
Ce n’est pas un tip-jar.
lol! But it’s not NOT a tip jar, either, is it? (How would you say that? Ce n’est pas ce n’est pas?)
I also giggled at your diabolical lead-up to the Blair fosterage story. Who knew puppets could breed?
I HATED it when I couldn’t get in here this morning. Now I’ve already had my coffee, grump, grump. Got any pancakes?
You’re stretching my culinary skills here, but try these:

I’d like to take this opportunity to note that Alton Brown is my guru. “Now that’s Good Eats.”
I’d love to have some too!
Wow, thanks. Could those even be buckwheat pancakes? Me loves my buckwheat pancakes.
Good morning Brother and all you other early risers. It is still a little foggy and cool here on the shore of the left coast so I will take a garden table please. Any fruit plates this morning? A nice cup of French roast would be great.
There’s more fruit than one could shake a stick at, vast platters of the most succulent fruit you ever saw. Which, for a left-coaster such as yourself, would have to be pretty darned succulent.
I’ve got a French press full of French roast for ya, excuse me while I channel zander for a moment:

<rubbing eyes> alo? <bleary> did someone channel me?
Did you get some sleep, I hope…
One of these days I will have to do a count of the number of times your name is mentioned in comments, quite a bit for the once shy person….lol
So are you back on duty now, or was this just a momentary blip…
Hi Diane…
I think I’d rather know how many times BooMan or Andy has cursed ‘that freak with the pictures’ for the bandwidth used so frivolously…
I’ll be around today…
So how are you feeling?
Bon matin, zander!!
Channeling zander is “hard work.”
I can sleep quite seriously….
Please stop by and unrecommend
(And don’t forget to recommend today’s cafe!)
Thanks for the reminder, k-bird!
And 4s for everyone before I run off for a couple of hours.
Thanks for breakfast!
I’m still a bit froggy this morning … could I please have a cow mug full of coffee?
Welcome, welcome! We do indeed have coffee available for those who BYOCM (Bring Your Own Cow Mug). The orange pot is decaf, remember. Full-octane is in the regular pot.
Thanks! I always BMOCM. I’m on my third cup today, so it’ll be decalf, wouldn’t you know. I have to steer clear of the strong stuff after about noon.
It’s a shame there is no emoticon for <groan>. If your latest message is indicative of your general online style, you’ve come to the right place, I can attest to that.
Welcome!! Just so you can’t say nobody warned you. . .this place is highly addictive. And it goes on dangerously all day and well into the night. I hope you don’t have to work for a living or, like, have a life.
So. . .did you get here by car or by foot?
ROFLMAO. . .So like, how can the truth be so damn funny!
And Welcome, welcome! by foot. . .(Love your mug, btw)Glad to see you drop in and sit a spell. No telling what you might run into while you visit here. And thanks Katiebird and eveyone that were teaching html code in the cafe last night!!! very helpful and I sure nuff learned me somethin.
Have fun everyone!
Why, by foot, of course! 😉
Good morning BF and everyone.
Another warm day in NY. Heading out soon – taking the kids to the Met.
Fosterage – was important in viking culture as well:
Your thorn‘s and edh‘s look great, at least on my screen. Ah, the glories of Unicode. Thank you for the additions; my own “research” was a bit rushed this morning (well, it was largely from memory). What’s the source of the couplet above?
fact is I did nothing! Simply copied from the article I linked to in above comment and made a blockquote.
I could not find them in my character-map.
This creeping crud is hanging on waaaay too long; I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!
This morning’s breakfast: frozen waffles, but I’ve got a nice fruit compote heating on the stove to top them with. I just took a bag of frozen fruit, stuck it in a pot, added a splash of fruit juice and a couple packets of Splenda, and it’ll be good to go. The spouse will have a couple of frozen sausage (light), but I’ll skip those with my tummy troubles. 🙁
Dinner will probably be baked chicken, rice, and a veggie; hopefully that will bring back the healthies.
Heading back to bed fairly soon…
“Creeping crud:” is that the medical term? I couldn’t find an entry for it in my medical glossaries….
I do hope you feel better; thankfully these afflictions are usually short-lived.
It’s a term from an ex-boyfriend; he had this awesome Yiddish name for it from his grandmother (I did the shiksa routine and dated a nice Jewish boy before I hooked up with the now-spouse) that I wish I could remember.
Oh, and before I forget — it’s Pride Day in SF, so the spouse and I will be watching the Pride Parade on TV later today. Happy Pride to all our GLBT BooTribbers (though “GLBT” sounds like a sandwich — Guacamole, Lettuce, Bacon and Tomato).
I’ve put your new concoction, the Guacamole, Lettuce, Bacon, and Tomato sandwich, on the specials board for the day, in honor of Pride Day. I’ll leave to you the honor of naming it! (Oh, and we can make a vegetarian version available for the non-carnivores in our clientele.)
as tofu bacon? (Ugggh…)
And I couldn’t even eat it…I’m allergic to raw tomatoes. 🙁
Ah well…
Has anyone else noticed odd new flus and colds over the past 10 years or so? At our house we’re slowing recovering from some variant of the nonflu.
I chalk it up to increasing world travel bringing us bugs with no name. <grumble, grumble.> Maybe a 5th cup of tea will help….
…rather like Iceland today – changing every 10 minutes.
Tandoori for lunch, now having a PS2 fest while it rains. Then I am afraid it’s time to get nekked again, coz it’s sauna time! A walk thru the forest earlier also enabled us to make a ‘vihta’ – which is the birch (or bitch) switch we Finns use to take the mickey out of Opus Dei.
I’m gonna heat up to 75 C today and use a drop of beer in the ‘loyly’ (the water you throw on the stones). It cracks the hops and smells like fresh baking. While you lot are munching, I shall be a croissant.
I shall be a croissant.
lol! Well, just don’t get soggy. You know how we hate soggy croissants.
I’ll get soggy when I have a beer afterwards (the only time I drink the stuff BTW) 😉
Good morn’ all…perfect time for brunch…fresh fruit, fresh-squeezed OJ, a “press” of Indonesian Dark-freshly ground, and perhaps an omelet…then off to the greenhouse for some more annuals.
The conversation @ Celtic and Viking traditions somehow tweaked a synapse and “crop circles” popped out. I, personally, don’t know what to make of them, but as a very visually oriented person I find them fascinatingly beautiful. For your visual delight I offer you:
Crop Circles
Thank you for that gallery! I particularly like the fractal designs. I also find the entire inudstry or sub-culture that has arisen around crop circles to be fascinating in itself. First they were mysterious, then many claimed they were extraterrestrial in origin, then a couple elderly English pranksters owned up to making them, then copycats started doing them themselves all around the world. (At least, that’s what I gleaned from a hour’s “documentary” on the Sci Channel some months ago.) Regardless of their origin, I will simply enjoy them as visual confections.
Wow. Thank you! for that site. I LOVE crop circles, no matter if they’re made by Alice the Alien or Tommy and Freddy the Silly Pranksters, or microwaves, or ocean waves, or Wavy Gravy. I like looking at them so much I’ve thought about having some photos framed so I can “wall” them. here is the connector for the current crop circles.
I am so glad you brought this up dada, i have been following them for years now and folks that haven’t will be astounded at the designs.
My favorite:
Do you know if it is ok or not to post the actual pics. since they are copyrighted, I would really love to post some…here are more.
I have been planning on doing a diary on this some day.
I am pleasantly surprised at the response to this link, as it truly was “lateral”, out of the blue, as it were… no pun intended.
I would not attempt to support, nor debunk, any of the myriad theories regarding the origin of these phenomena, as my interest lies solely within the realm of artistic endeavor. As one who has attempted, for quite some years now, to survive as an “artist”, I find exuberance in the interpretation that these are, IMHO, ” art for arts’ sake”. The temporal nature of them speaks to me on a very personal level, and the beauty, composition, and execution of the work as well as the fact that none come forward, with minor exceptions and specious credentials, to claim credit for them lends, to me, a zen-like, karmic quality to them.
I find them to be exquisitely beautiful as icons, images, or, perhaps more fittingly, the three dimensional representations of a quest for something more ephemeral and dynamic, much akin to the beautiful and elaborate sand paintings constructed solemnly by Buddhist monks, only to be brushed away, remaining only in memory.
Perhaps a dairy, linking the various forms of “Terra Art”, including the sand paintings of Native Americans, petroglyphs, contemporary mega-scale works by several American artists would be appreciated here. I shall give it some thought.
Again, thanks.
where it’s Pugetting again–overcast and threatening to mist. We rarely get what the eastern 3/4 of the continent knows as “rain” here. The Gooserocks have just celebrated our 5th Goodbye-Columbus anniversary, but I don’t think we’ve worn rain gear 5 times yet.
Speaking of Celtic practices, a colleague of mine visited Ireland from his desert home to do some musical instrument studies. He tried to find rainfall data to get an advanced feel for the climate, but said nobody kept any. “What’s the point?” someone asked.
I attempted to learn some Scots Gaelic once. My sole surviving phrase is “Tha an-t-uisge ann” — “exists the water in it” (it’s raining).
Well we stayed up too late after I played my reels for you in the cafe last night, so we slept in till 9am Port Time.
We’ll finish our tea, give our two terrific totos a stroll in downtown Village, and return to fresh halibut & stir-fried veggies. Last Sunday we had grilled local salmon:
Seattle was where I learned to like salmon, when the spouse and I had money and could vacation up there.
Hmmm…now that we’re going to have money again, another trip may be in order sometime…
the origin of the word whisky BTW
C’mon over! I brought some fresh fruit to go with all the other great food that’s being laid out today. And, of course, to illustrate my story for today, The Tree Planter.
Mmmmmm, what else can you say. . .
To check the size of pics before posting….preview…
I wonder if we should put the reminder in every FBC diary..
Yes, I always check my size. . .er I mean the size of pics, these days. Easy way. . .right click mouse on pic, near the bottom of the menu that appears is “properties” regular click on that will show you the heigth and width of the pic. Nothing wider than 400 pxls Please! And I think posting pics as a new comment rather than under a thread of comments will help. JMO!
Thanks for reminding everyone, Diane!
for the hint about how to check pics….I didn’t know that one…Shilr, write that up and put it in yahoo team site, for hosts, and make up a little reminder block to add to diaries….kkkkkkk>>>><<<<<<<
Also if you have a photo shop prog. you can resize them if they are too big…
Zander, since this is the safe place to look like an idiot, may I ask you some REALLY basic question about fetching other people’s photos and plunking them down here?
If I want to do that, AND I DO!. . .
l. Can I take them from anywhere on the web? What do I have to consider in terms of copyright?
Thank you! And if anybody else WHO CAN SPEAK VERY SLOWLY AND LOUDLY wants to give this a try, that’s great, too.
Tugging at forelock, I am your grateful and humble servant, oh, Marvelous and Esteemed Photo Masters.
You copy to your computer, then upload to a hosting service,,,then you get a url (address) which is what you need to post…my service (Picture trail) gives you the whole code plus url, which i can just copy and paste into comment or diary.
About copyright, I think you may just have to link to the pic, but I am curious to know the legalities of that if anyone does know. It is my understanding you cannot post copyright pics, unless you have permission.
Zander may know some additional info linking to hosting sites….
Muchas gracias, Diane. That was my missing link. . .copying to my own computer.
Uh, when you say “upload,” do you mean copy the photo from my computer to the hosting service? (There are zero instructions about this stuff at PhotoBucket. Or at least, I never found them.)
On my service, picture trail, you have an upload button, then you select pic. then you move to album, then you can see url….there are tabs for all of this. It took me a little while to figure it out, but it is very easy once you do that. so you don’t copy, you upload…Hope that helps…
It looks to me as though the Free account could hit the upper limits of allowed bandwidth (on a free account) if the Cafe becomes very popular. If you post very many images.
Or am I misreading it? I’m too lazy to do all the math right now. I certainly won’t be so casual about pointing to other people’s images.
On the Free service, if they don’t have FTP uploads, how do you get the images up there? Does it just mean that you have to have your own FTP program?
I have other hosting options, but I’m trying to understand this one.
If I’m understanding your question about “getting the images up there”. . .
I put the photo into PhotoBucket by clicking on Add Pictures from URL and then following the steps. It was easy.
As to your query about Free service, that’s waaay over my head at this moment.
sorry I’m so late to this party – I was off on another mission..
I use imageshack for some pics that I use a lot. Their policy is to allow direct linking to “a message board, personal webpage, or ebay auction” – so I’ve felt OK with direct linking there.
More often, I seach for images in google, right click on the thumbnail, click properties and copy the URL, then put that address in the (img src tag here – this… is not such a good idea, as it can violate copyright, or be seriously annoying for the site being called upon to provide the pic… it’s a very bad habit of mine, and I can’t recommend it.
See how well everybody did in your absence? Aren’t you proud?
Imageshack. . .must investigate imageshack!
Had I been here – I would have deferred to KatieBird – she knows her stuff…. and I’m glad this has turned into an interesting conversation about the ethics and legalities of posting pics – I think I need that more than anyone.
I like imageshack so far – I had some problems with photobucket initially, and haven’t really gone back to try them out. I think most of the pics I have there are my own – grabbed from a screen shot of TV, and photoshopped – no copyright issues there that I can see, or problems with linking to the hosting service…
It’s all the food and drinks I drop all over the place here…. that has got to be a nuisance for the sites I link to. I think I’ll be thinking about that more seriously now…
Okay, this is very cool and I thank you all so much.
I just now managed to pluck a photo from the web. . .place it in PhotoBucket. . .and then put it into a comment.
But now I’m scared it’s too big.
Here are its properties:
Width: 523 px
Height: 399 px
Size of file: 249.96 KB
Is that too big? Which number is the important one?
I think someone said that images posted to comments should only be about height: 400px. So, that image should be shrunk a bit. Also, according to that photobucket chart the 249.96 kb is just .04 kb away from the maximum size per picture.
I think they mean they only want the image to display at 400px (pixels) wide. So you can adjust the width and height in the image tag:
<img src=”URL” height=’400′ width=’305′>
I think that keeps your aspect ratios the same.
For “URL” replace that with your link!
I did it???
The aspect ratio is a little off — the camel is squished horizontally — but yeah, that’s the idea! Now we can work on “image optimization,” getting the size just right so we don’t slow down dial-up users and use up all your bandwidth. As old Ben Kenobi said, “You’ve taken your first steps into a wider world.”
Cool! Where was that taken?
Somewhere in the Flint Hills.
Oh, I am sooo happy to learn how to do this. It was such a mental hurdle, you know?
You guys are sooo nice.
I think, but am not certain, that if you only put in one of the pixel measurements, the other will automatically scale to preserve the aspect ratio. I’d need to double-check my handy-dandy O’Reilly library to verify. Also, I should point out that you can use percentages in those
tags, say to 50%. That’d be a little easier than trying to compute accurate pixel measurements.Yes, the percentages! that’s totally right.
The size of the file scares me the most, but the other numbers are a bit big too. A 250KB file would take probably a whole minute to download for some poor benighted user on dialup. And that’s a heck of a lot of bandwidth for everyone else to use too. There are ways to open that image and save it again so it is much smaller: even just the basic image program that came with your computer could do it, I’ll wager. I can’t remember what the basic graphics program called in Windows (Mac user here) but you should be able to open the pic, then File>Export it, using different parameters for the dimensions of the pic. I wish I could be more helpful, but I hope that gets you started in the right direction!
Kansas, if you email it to me (or send me the URL) I can shrink it for you and send it back.
If you want.
Doing what you said above worked great once I figured out where to insert the size info. Can you suggest a proportion that would bring the camel down to an even smaller, quite a bit smaller, size?
If you using photobucket, at the top of the picture in your album, there is a button that says edit. Click on the edit and then you have a choice of resizing to 75% of original, 50% and 25%. Try 75% first because you can’t make it bigger once you have resized it there. If it is still larger than you want, try 75% of the new size, etc.
Does that help?
Ahhhh. . .yes. So easy. Thank you.
I just remembered that I could do what TeresaInPa taught us last night. . .I can find a photo that’s the size I want, right click to get its properties, and then copy that into my own code.
I don’t know if it matters, but copy doesn’t work for me on my computer. . .I have to right click on photo and then “save as” which takes me to windows (XP) My Photos and saves it there with whatever name I wish to give it. So just in case “copy” doesn’t work for some of you others, you might try the “save as” option.
Unfortunately using web images is one of those “but everyone does it” sort of things. Strictly speaking, it’s not kosher to grab an image from another webpage and put a link directly to it. At the very least it’s bad form, because you’ll be driving up that other person’s bandwidth usage (all those add’l people downloading the image) without people visiting the other person’s website. I have committed this trangression myself in this very thread (BroFel hangs his head in shame). If you copy that image to your own webspace, then link to your copy, that’s conceivably worse, and would be called copyright violation, theft, or piracy by strict copyright constructionists.
In a perfectly legal world, you’d only put images online that you had created yourself. And if anyone else used one of your images or even linked to one, you’d jump all over them. In this world, however, it’s usually winked at, because again, everyone does it. And it’s exceedingly difficult to police, too. The chance of a SWAT team breaking down your door to arrest you for unauthorized linking to online images of stacks of pancakes is vanishingly small.
Well I’ve probably muddied the moral waters enough. The technical how-to of posting images we’ve discussed previously. The propriety of posting online images from elsewhere isn’t very good, but in reality it’s done countless millions of times around the world every day. In fact, it’s one of the things that makes the Internet so valuable and transformative as a communications tool.
I am hanging my head in shame…because I have right- clicked an image and “copy image location”-ed the tag right into my comment…I didn’t know that was bad!
In my view, it’s about as bad as jaywalking. No, I’d say jaywalking is high treason compared to this. But I felt it necessary to make people aware of the grey areas of this practice, and that a strict constructionism of copyright definitely frowns upon it. My rule in this is use in moderation.
I usually try to use my own stuff…and I thought by linking to it, I was avoiding the copyright/theft issue.Oh well, I’ll try to avoid it in the future!
its subtle too. what about this situation.
if you display an image in the froggy bottom served from a commercial site, i might be interested in the image you’ve shown me enough to run and go look at the url and follow it to the serving site. (i have done this very thing, too). in such a case you are providing them with valuable asistance in growing the awareness about their endeavor/product or whatever. so i think in many cases its perfectly valid to do this and the owners wouldn’t mind one bit.
once i get into this though, its subtle and complex and i’m thinking my own personal responsibility rules will change (if the image is small, of course) based on exactly who (or what entity) is serving the image publicly.
it’s like that old buddist proverb that steven hawking :::ahem ahem::: “borrowed” isn’t it? (see? he does the very same thing too 🙂
Its just turtles all the way down!
Absolutely. Which is why in most instances image-linking is going to be very grey. Perhaps someone will notice the pic of the French press I posted upthread, and be keen to follow it back to the merchant from whose site I linked that image. What merchant is going to turn down a customer just because they didn’t come through the front door?
I certainly know just a bare minimum about copyright law, let alone anything about international copyright. When I search for photos on the web, I look for “free” use or stock photos. I try never to use copyrighted photos. However, isn’t there something about it depending upon what you are using it for? For instance, to display on a web page with credit to the photographer where you are not selling the image or using it in a way to get remuneration? Sort of like quoting a couple of paragraphs from a book, with proper credit to the author.
I am very surprised that photogs with copyrighted photos aren’t using the “block copy or save as” codes on their sites.
If you find photos on the web that do not say they are copyrighted then it appears that all is fair game.
There are millions of free use images out there, so usually one does not need to use copyrighted photos. Just my 2 cents from what I understand. I have a friend who is a pro photographer and her photos are copyrighted and on the web, but they cannot be copied because of the website’s code that prevents it. Also if you were able to copy them, they have a PROOF watermark across every photo.
<much shame> – I’m the worst offender around here, I think. google images provides the temptation… and I rarely restrain myself. I’ve also started browsing gettyimages, and using the royalty-free option as a filter… but I haven’t actually gone through the rights and clearance policy, and I’m sure I’m violating something by linking there in a way that’s not appreciated. Thanks for bringing this up… it’s been good for me to think about it… maybe it will translate into more responsible behavior on my part…
oh yah – right there in the terms and conditions in language any not-a-lawyer human being can understand… Don’t Do It. <sigh> I’ll be more responsible in the future…
On the other hand, copyright is so screwed up in this country, that violating it could be considered civil disobedience in the highest Thoreauvian (sp?) tradition. Really, I didn’t mean to stop image linking cold in its tracks. Just do it aware of the ramifications, etc. But if you did want to continue with a clear-as-glass conscience, the royalty-free route is the way to go. I’ll probably continue as I am, and justify it as my own minor way of Stickin’ It to The Man.
and then remember that some of us arent in this country we’re in another :::really scratching my head now:::;
Even ‘royalty-free’, at least in terms of getty, has more to do with their licensed clients using images as part of an existing contract… um.. I’m not one of those people. Though I can’t for the life of me understand why they don’t have right-click disabled on the site- it’s quite simple to do – not fool-proof, but it would be an adequate deterrent for me at least…
Which I suppose is technically the difference between stealing from a room with an open door or a lock…
I don’t think you’ve stopped anything cold… this is a valid discussion along the lines of fair-use for article quoting – and is worth considering…
you irresponsible? nahhhhh.. not a chance. :::smile:::: the very fact you concern yourself with the idea of your own irresponsibility tells me loud and clear you will not often be that way. this is a very subtle issue. there is no profit involved and there are fair use issues too. and everybody is doing it. IMHO just let your sense of personal responsibility be your guide. i bet yours is just fine.
and don’t you dare stop what you do!
::::renee <–early adopter of napster technology giving advice here, heehee::::
thinking about it now… I guess that the totally temporary and transient nature of a pic here has a lot to do with it for me. It’s ‘gone’ in 12 hours or less… I do take copyright more seriously for more tangible or long lasting things… though I’m not sure my knowledge of copyright law is adequate. The logo, for example…. began with someone else’s pics – before being photoshopped beyond all recognition. In my mind, that’s fair-use – but I’ve never had a lawyer confirm that for me. Legal minds in the house??? Anyone?
not legal here, but I use images on a click art disk I bought so I have the right to use the pics. unless I try to sell them, that comes with the program…I suggest that for you zander, Broderbund, is the best one I have found, and I got 6 disks of pics for like 39 dollar plus I have a card and letter head flyer design, bus. card program that is very good.
I am just now watching Runsfeld on Fox and I am now shouting at my tv and him…
Of course there is also the question of international law, what if a copyright is from another country.
In above comment of mine I meant I am not a legal person, not that my use of click art is not lega.
I seem to recall that copyrights in one country are supposed to be respected in another. There’s a whole framework built to look after this, tied to trade agreements. There’s also a world body (the WIPO?) designed to arrange such things, too, but they’re usually more concerned with rampant CD and DVD piracy in Southeast Asia (costing billions a year if we go by Hollywood’s figures).
But you’re completely right about the clip art you’ve bought: you can do whatever you want with it, except (I think) sell it again. But you could use it on a commercial website if you so chose.
I remember someone had started a diary series a couple weeks back about copyright, intellectual property, and the free/open source software movement. Don’t know what happened to that project; I assume it’s a work-in-progress. But you don’t have to look very deeply into intellectual property issues to see the heavy hand of corporatism manipulating legislation and trade agreements.
like bayprairie above – I was an early-napster adopter and I’m constitutionally unable to pay for anything digital – I’m in the ‘information wants to be free!!’ camp.
And even the largest collection wouldn’t have the pic of a nude guy doing dishes with the moose head over him that I posted last night…. I’m just too strange to limit myself…
PS – it’s times like this when I’m grateful for my limited american channel selection….
This entire sub-thread about posting images & the ethics of such, I just realized, has been titled “paging zander”! I hope you’re chuckling about it, as I am. I only wish my selection of American channels were limited, and my selection of international channels wider. Fer’instance, I’d dearly love to have the CBC if only for “Hockey Night in Canada.” That in turn assumes hockey will ever be played again….
oh – I noticed…and laughed at the perfect synchronicity.
I’m loving CBC more and more all the time – I’ve had moments of literal astonishment.. ‘oh, my god! You can’t say that on television!’.. before reminding myself that you can’t say that on American television. I’ve yet to find a place where you can watch it streaming on line – and I can’t believe it hasn’t been done somewhere…
(sorry about the hockey)
I think we need a whole diary on this subject….In light of your last comment I would like to have you think about rights of artists, do they have a right to protect their work and do they deserve compensation for their work, and do they have the right to give permission to a user?????
As an artist that would be my question in this whole issue. Same can be said for photographers, who make money selling an image…
Food for thought..
I think it’s a great topic for a diary….
I’m a big supporter of Creative Commons licensing, and hope it picks up speed and becomes more common. It does a good job of distinguishing between ‘used for no good reason, just ’cause’ and ‘used for commercial reasons’. As I fall into the ‘just ’cause’ category more often than not – it makes a lot of sense to me.
Why don’t you or someone do a diary…..I don’t want to…..just throw the question out there, diary doesn’t have to be fancy..
<glancing to the right> <to the left>….anyone?
I don’t know if I’d be up to it….
Computer talk, brag, ask, tell, question! Or something like that, you do not have to host it, just post it. LOL
She’s got it, by jove, I think she’s got it.
I’m off to a movie.
Truly, thank you all. I hope it turns out to help a few other people, too!
You’ve got it, by Jove and Juno!
I think next we’ll tackle
, client-side imagemaps, and the intricate nuances of theBLINK
tag.Just kidding, of course. Enjoy your movie!
Had to pause long enough to say. . .
Why did my photos disappear, leaving only the links??
The suspense will kill me until I get back from the movie.
The link now goes “404” meaning it disappeared from PhotoBucket. The plot, such as it is, thickens….
and goes Duh!
Guess who deleted the photo from PhotoBucket without realizing that make it disappear from here?
Live and, oh so slowly, learn.
:::renee <—-also reads oxford english dictionary in library for fun::::
good morning everybody!!!! i hope everyone is having a great sunday and for those of you who are under the weather a bit i hope you all feel better soon!!!!
Hi, bayprairie! It sounds as if the weather is over a lot of people right now.
yeah, thats what i’m thinking. i hope everyone who is, gets clear blue skies soon!
for anyone who is worried about copyright violation, I think you may be able to delete pic. from your host, and then it won’t appear…Also that may be a good idea for diaries like these that are closed when they are done…What do you all think.
Well, in a way, it seems like copying and moving a pic to a hosting site would somehow be a worse copyright violation than direct linking… but what do I know? Anyway, I don’t move most of the pics I drop around here, but link directly to them wherever they may be – it’s faster and easier, but it also requires bandwidth from sites that haven’t consented to being linked to…
This is a very interesting diary for me today….
Did you see my comment somewhere else about buying click art, which is what I do….no violation there..
that opera web browser has a right click for translating to or from about 8 languages, still again, I must recommend this browser, so many great features…
Did I manage to scare everyone off with heavy talk about copyrights? Or should I start off fresh with a new light-hearted evening Café?
not at all. but when does the bar open? :::snickering:::
Ask and ye shall receive.