The Fourth of July has absolutely nothing to do with an illegal, immoral, and unjustifiable war being waged in Iraq.
The kick-off for this propaganda push will likely begin as early as tomorrow, and if not, will certainly begin with a presidential address at Fort Bragg, NC on 06/28/05, and likely finish with solemn pageantry and breathtaking fireworks on the Fourth of July. I am addressing this to anyone out there with the courage and influence to preempt this campaign. IMHO, all stops will be pulled to paint the Iraqi “struggle for freedom and independence” as mirroring that of ours in America, and labeling anyone who questions this as the worst kind of traitor. With some skill, forethought, and dedication to presenting the truth, we may be able to warn America before this happens, and allow many more to begin thinking for themselves again.
This in no way intends any disrespect for men and women in uniform, but instead is presented as a way of supporting them and extricating them from this insanity as soon as possible.
but for a moment i thought that was a photo of Jahweh, come to deliver His wrath upon Junior.
Put an extra push starting now with letters to the editor, donations to groups like, and, if you like, protests. We have to reclaim America from these bastards and we have to start now!
By the way, for those who live in NYC area, here are some 4th of July related events I strongly recommend:
Sat, 7/2 – Freedom Weekend – New York City:
A massive coalition of progressive NYC groups will be holding a picnic, softball games, and other fun stuff to celebrate Independence Day and spread the word about upcoming activities in defense of our freedom. Click here for more details:
Monday, July 4th: Patriot’s Picnic & Reading of the Constitution with Norman Siegel
In the spirit of Thomas Payne and Martin Luther King, Jr., Norman Siegel has ritually recited passages from the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence every July 4th since 1969.
Join in this year as Norman and friends converge on Strawberry Fields in Central Park for an afternoon of festivities to celebrate liberty, life, and the pursuit of accountable government.
Meet at Strawberry Fields, the Garden of Peace, near Central Park West and 72nd St. at 3 pm. Bring a blanket, picnic fare, and a passage of your own choosing.
Wish I was in New York… I’d be there!
I hope that progressive groups around the nation are doing this. But I know it is much easier in NYC where most people are liberal…something Karl Rove seems to have forgotten.