[promoted by BooMan]
Just a Bump in the Beltway, The Next Hurrah and Effect Measure blogs announce the launch of a new experiment in collaborative problem solving in public health, The Flu Wiki at http://www.fluwikie.com/.
A Wiki is a form of collaborative software that allows anyone to edit (change) any page on the site using a standard web browser like Explorer, Firefox or Safari.The purpose of the Flu Wiki is to help local communities prepare for and perhaps cope with a possible influenza pandemic. This is a task previously ceded to local, state and national governmental public health agencies. Communications technology has now become sufficiently available to allow a new form of collaborative problem solving that harvests the rich fund of knowledge and experience that exists among those connected via the internet, allowing more talent to participate.
What the Flu Wiki is not:
It is not:
* a news filter
* a discussion board
* a place to promote commercial products
* a soap box
* a place to advance pet theories
There is nothing wrong with these things. Many of us have blogs that do some or all of them. The wiki is not a replacement or competition for any existing blog or site. We hope existing sites will continue to grow, flourish and generally continue to carry out the important functions they have already done so well.
What we hope the wiki will be:
* a reliable source of information, as neutral as possible, about important facts useful for a public health approach to pandemic influenza
* a venue for anticipating the vast range of problems that may arise if a pandemic does occur
* a venue for thinking about implementable solutions to foreseeable problems
No one, in any health department or government agency, knows all the things needed to cope with an influenza pandemic. But it is likely someone knows something about some aspect of each of them and if we can pool and share our knowledge we can advance preparation for and the ability to cope with events. This is not meant to be a substitute for planning, preparation and implementation by civil authorities, but a parallel effort that complements, supports and extends those efforts.
The open nature of the wiki format has shown itself able to develop surprisingly effective and sophisticated products, as in the Wikipedia. Whether it will work to fashion new solutions to a complex public health problem remains to be seen. This is in the nature of a grand experiment. We hope you will join us in it. The initial offerings are small and illustrative, in keeping with the limited resources of those of us who are turning the keys in the ignition for the first time. While we will continue to administer and maintain the Wiki, we are turning the wheel over to the community, to take it where the road leads us. There is a bit of a learning curve to driving this rig. We hope you will find the instructions sufficient to get started. You’ll soon be learning on your own. There is a “sandbox” page you can use to play with if you wish.
Regularly updated content will be forthcoming in the days and weeks to come, both by us and by you. That’s what wikis are for.
Melanie Mattson (Just a Bump in the Beltway), DemFromCT (The Next Hurrah), Revere (Effect Measure).
thanks to jerome a paris (EuroTrib), Susan Hu (charter member of the flu club) and Booman for the opportunity to post this.
I am always thrilled to see the new and important ways that people are using the opportunities the internet provides. Thanks to y’all for providing a service, which in the end shall benefit everyone.
I’ve been lucky that I don’t believe I’ve ever had the flu, but I always pay attention to the warnings. And now reading articles warning about a flu pandemic, I’ve become very concerned. Even more so when they talk about human antibiotics being given to poultry. I’m no scientist but I don’t see that as a good idea.
Although I won’t be contributing to your site (I have no information) I’ll be reading it from time to time. Thanks.
but you can contribute!
Go here and fill in the web page of the health department in your state. We’re creating a resource for everyone!
Ok I added 2 links to my state’s page.
My first thought was, well, not everyone reads wikis. What good will this do? Of course, this is a terrific idea. Once you get the kinks out, if you’re willing to expand it to include Canada, i’d be very interested.
Our tech guy is Canadian. The Experiences section includes the canada draft plan. The Anticipated Consequences and Solutions has a truly great piece of writing by CanadaSue.
Here’s a great .ca source:
Hmpfh. So there!
PS Got Canada? Add it!!! π
Toronto, where my American wife got her MA in medieval studies at the Pontifical Institute.
Oh, Canada!
I only meant that i’d be interested in taking part in some way if there was a Canadian aspect. Not that i’d snub it just because there wasn’t. No huffiness from me.
In any case, i did poke around some more (the first page i saw was the one listing states) and read CanadaSue’s execllent entry (you may tell her that Kingston & Millhaven Penitentiaries are indeed max. security). Sorry for the confusion.
no, I just didn’t know if the international flavor came across.
what’I’d love is for our canadian brethren to fill in the provinces the way we are doing for the states.
Yeah, i hadn’t realised that it was cool to do so. I’m still not surewhat i can add, though. I need to browse around there a bit.
or create a page for each of them. Put the contact page for the Dpartment of public health on the “Medical and Public Health Services” page and the actual pandemic plans on the “Experience of Others and Draft Plans” (Local/State) page.
Bloggers surfing, sharing science in quest to understand pandemic threat
It’s not just an American site, it already includes Canada and all other countries. When I was looking around I saw International links and info from Canada (Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan). So you may want to take another look.
While I was responding slowly, DemFromCT responded so now I look insane. Just to clarify, although I’m not disputing my insanity, the previous post is not evidence and should not be used in my commitment hearings. Thank you.
and agree not to willingly testify against you. π
We have UK and EU data as well.
We are activists. I put this up on EuroTrib, too. Add your country. Add your province. Add what’s relevant.
And thanks!
Okay, let’s just say I am stupid and haven’t really been following along at home. I went to the wiki and read some posts on your other blogs and I hope you’ll suffer my questions, because I don’t think I’m getting it.
Are you guys saying we’re in phase 6 of a pandemic? or that we may be entering it?
If so, have we ever been in or nearing phase 6 before without… um, catastrophic 1918 type results?
Is there some sort of overview somewhere? our current pandemic situation for dummies, or something?
I actually have read quite a few of the entries, but I’m not too science-y so I’m not sure I’m grasping the implications. Plus, it’s scaring the crap out of me which doesn’t make for clear-headed analysis and reading comprehension.
No question is stoopid, only answers. For a non-glazed over and readable take, go here to US News and World Report, quoting Michael Osterholm.
Another good one (more technical)is also by Osterholm in the journal Foreign Affairs.
The ‘imagined consequences‘ wiki page has a few others.
We are in Phase 4 or, probably, 5. Phase 6 means a world-wide pandemic. We’re worried, but not there. If the flu virus becomes a tad less virulent so that folks survive to spread it around, and a leetle bit more contageous, we’re in Phase 6.
The CDC and WHO are taking this very seriously.
Does that help?
That does help — thanks! I’d skipped that article before because I generally avoid things written by smart people with “we’re screwed” in the title, but it was a good overview.
I was talking with some friends about this the other night. I mentioned how the flu virus is generally more dangerous than Ebola/Marburg, because it allows the host more time to communicate it to others. Ebola, Smallpox, and friends are hellish you don’t see global pandemics because they are so debilitating.
I heard recently that some farmers in china were dosing their livestock with flu vaccine. I surmise it was anti-biotics (another issue worrisome altogether) but if it was vaccine, i think that could not end well. Have you heard anything about this? I don’t remember wher i saw it, so i don’t know if it was a reputable source.
it was amantadine, an antiviral used in the US for flu treatment. Guess what? H5N1 is resistant to amantadine.
As to Ebola, SARS, etc check the Foreign Affairs refernce/link above. it talks about why this is worse.
Bloody wonderful then. Oh well – history is littered with the corpses of those who paid for others’ ignorance.
Yeah, the Foreign Affairs article is quite interesting. I’m going to forward it to one my friends who’d taken a keen interest during our discussion.
VERY Cool. I love wikis
Wash your hands. If you ride public transportation, wash your hands first thing when you get to work and when you get home again. Keep lotion by the sink to prevent your skin from drying out. Keep lotion in your cubicle. (Says the cubicle dweller.) And if you see people coughing and sneezing around you who don’t cover their mouths, try to remove and protect yourself from their vicinity. And pay attention to your immune system. Support it through a healthy diet and a disciplined commitment to exercise. Pay attention to your health. Educate yourself in the herbal remedies that are out there. Be in charge of your body.
All good advice! I don’t know aromatherapy from herbal, but consider it complementary medicine, not alternative medicine.
especially for those who inevitably will be agressively scrubbing with industrial-grade soap. Dry, cracked skin will alow flu virus to more easily enter your system.
Wash your hands extra-carefully before handling contact lenses, dental apparatus, etc.
And take that finger out of your mouth!