I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so I thought I would put this diary up so the place would be open when everyone got up. Now I will probably stay up since you are online and I have someone to talk to, and you say Oui is here, hi Oui, I have missed you.
Hope the wedding went well, tell us about it…
So Zander what are you doing up so late, oh I forgot you never sleep, oh maybe once in awhile but not tooooomuch. lol>>>>>>
And Zander don’t you go messing up my margins, k.
I’ll be good and keep the margins in check.
My theory is this – if I’m awake and wired on coffee at 7am, I’m going to tear myself away and get a lot of stuff accomplished. I’ve been lazy lately!
Has everyone seen the World Tribunal on Iraq? I think I’ll be spending the next couple of hours there going through the testimony.
Well that sure seems like a lot of fun, what more do you need to know about the whole Iraq/US thing? I am going to try to limit my delving into lower limits for awhile to keep my recent bad news recovery going strong.
Anyway Zander, since you apparently woke me up, lol, you better stay here and entertain me…That is unless I give up and go back to bed…
It’s earlier where I am and I am in a good mood and my stomach doesn’t hurt for the second straight day so I will celebrate today!!!!!
Temp, here in Socal is 60 deg. and what happened to the degree key on key pads.
Have a good day Teresa..
Hot and humid…and my blood is still thick from our Pa winters, Teresa. I think coffee helps. Jus’ gimme that caffiene, baby. Thanks for making the coffee extra strong this morning, Diane.
It seems like it was just winter. The last few years it is either too hot or too cold. We never seem to get that 75 degree weather you are supposed to have in spring and early summer. We went right from 45 to 95.
It’s hazy this morning but it is beautiful. Later it will be too hot to breath but just now I drove a few miles to do an errand and everyone’s lilies are in bloom. This is a big lily town, everyone has them growing along the side of the road. It’s like we are decorating for each other’s driving and walking pleasure.
Lilies… I’ve noticed them as well. They are beautiful and they are everywhere this time of year. I’m not usually one to complain about the weather. It is summer after all, and hot and humid is OK. I like to sit on my front porch and watch the thunderstorms that usually end a stretch of this type of weather.
Thanks for the kind words about my Slick, it helps. …and thanks for the help on the TU. 😉
Over the weekend I posted on Rachel Maddow’s blog over at Air America all about Leonard Clark, the MP in Iraq with the blog and the explosive and articulate messages and mp3’s. I think she may have mentioned it on this morning’s show… I’m off to give it a listen and get my morning chores done. I miss Unfiltered on Air America and am just now getting back into listening… can’t get used to Jerry Springer, but he does grow on you a little.
Yes the Pa. Pac. I think. Anyone live in Somerset Co. place of my birth and resting place of all my ancestors..I strongly identify with Pa. so can I be counted in this group. Dual citizenship, Pa and Ca.
I am way up in the northwest part of Pa. But I have driven through the area you are from. That is somewhat near one of my favorite cities, Cumberland MD. I spent 2 months doing some theatre there about 10 years ago. It is all very mountainous and rugged.
Yes the mountains and the woods and my birth town was Salisbury, right down the road from Cumberland, which many of my relatives lived in. Also Frostburg.
It used to be totally Republican and I often wonder what they are now as I have no ties there anymore.
Anyway the area was absolutely beautiful and I have rarely seen it’s equal. I was so lucky to have grown up there and in Oakmont, Pa.
We used to go across the border to WV to this bar that was the weirdest combination of people I have ever seen. It was country and punk and skin heads. It was a bit warehouse of a place.
We also went into Pa (I think) to a place where there was a famous water falls area. It was beautiful and in the drive to it was up a mountain with some of the most beautiful valley views I have ever seen. And that was in september so it was perfect.
Thank you, that’s beautiful. My grandmother used to have some fans like that in her dinning room. She framed them and used them as art. This was back on the 60s.
Good morning all. I’m having my coffee and waking up but it will not be a good day. My oldest horse, Slick, who is over 30 at our best guess, is down in his stall and can’t get himself up. Don’t smirk at his name, he already had it when we got him. We even tried hooking up a come-along winch to the ceiling but nearly tore a rafter out. Poor guy is bright eyed, alert, eating and drinking, but cannot get up. It’s decision time and no matter how many times you go through putting a loved animal down, it never gets any easier. He’s such a loving soul… my heart is breaking. That’s what I get for having so many animals… 3 horses, 8 cats, 2 caged birds and 2 ducks. Plus, come winter I feed anything that can drag itself into my yard… deer, pheasants, fox, birds… you name it. I can’t help myself. Ahhhh, poor Slickers.
I’ve lost my TU status both here and at dkos. Slowed down and became an observer for a week or so and ba-da-bing… no more trusted user. Not that it matters, but I like to read the hidden comments, especially at Kos. It truely doesn’t matter, but it’s just adding to my overall melancholy today.
Some 4s for you, and I’m sorry to hear about Slick. I don’t have horses, but my dogs and chickens are referred to as the “furry and feathery children” here, and I know how hard it is to watch them get old.
I didn’t realize until I had read soj’s faq that I had gotten TU status. It’s too bad you can’t give to someone else because I’d be glad to give to you — no diary I’ve looked ever seems to have hidden comments and I don’t think I would assign the mega troll status (if I don’t like what somebody is saying, I just stop reading reading what they write).
I’m sorry to hear about your horse but the fact that he is over 30 shows what excellent love and care you gave him.
There’s been a promo for a show about a boy with a bad skin disease on TLC, and a line from the promo really hits me here: “Accepting what is, means knowing that one day you’re going to have to say good-bye.”
Oh, and I’ll be back later to give you “4”s just for your email address…though I think you should award it to the Harse’s Arse in the White House…
I think dealing with the death of a long-lived pet is the hardest kind. We had a sixteen-year-old beagle that had become mostly blind, deaf, and had to be held up while she ate because her legs would slide out from under her. But we couldn’t bring ourselves to do anything because we’d been together so long that it seemed impossible not to have her as part of our lives.
We finally realized that we were making her suffer for our own comfort. Of all our pets, her death was the hardest but she was the smartest, coolest dog and though its been quite a few years since her death, we are still so happy for all the time that we got to share with her. I think our experiences with her have enriched our relationships with every pet we’ve had since.
Your words are a gentle touch and deeply appreciated. It’s just amazing how much love an animal can give and take. When there’s no apparent pain or discomfort on their part I don’t see any harm in helping an elderly animal stay a while longer. I think it’s wonderful that you kept her even though it obviously took devotion. I understand that it is a comfort to see them enjoying one more day, but you also knew when it was time to let her go.
Slick has been down since early Saturday morning… that’s a little over 48 hours. I went out at 3pm (temp about 96, high humidity) to check on him … and HE’s UP!!!!!!!!!! If anyone out there knows horses, you know how unlikely that is. Well, that cut it, tonight we go out for stuff to set up a winch and sling so he can get a little help getting up when he needs it… I guess he’s not finished yet.
after 2 whole days of me hovering over him and kissing and hugging him… he was running away from me and wouldn’t let me blubber all over him. I was laughing and crying. Slick and I appreciate all the support from you here in Froggy Bottom Cafe. There are no smilies in existence to show how big my smile is. 🙂
We had a great conversation yesterday about pics and hosting over here – if you can handle a diary with 120 comments, we start talking about images about half way down the page. I think most people who mentioned their service use either imageshack, photobucket or phototrail. We didn’t get to comparing them though, maybe that could be our topic this morning…
Thanks, Zander… I’m back from Air America trying to stream Rachel Maddow’s show from this morning, and they still have Friday’s show up. …sigh… I was thinking about going back to bed already. Instead, I’ll bop on over to yesterday’s thread and read up on image hosting. I really need to find a decent one. Thanks again.
Well, I haven’t used photobucket very much, and can’t compare them – but I do like imageshack, and haven’t had any problems with it so far…. I’d recommend it for light casual use, but I don’t know about higher volume – if it has any organizing or folder tools, I haven’t found them yet..
My heart is with you about your horse, Slick, and I had to smile about your feeding our friends during the winter that can get themselves to your place. Same thing here, I leave apples on the apple trees to feed deer and Moose during the winter. They seem to enjoy it.
I use photobucket, and so far I like it and I like that you can organize pics to your liking.
Morning all. Just got myself a nice hot cup of coffee…a bit chilly by the Bay here.
Today my daughter, Cypress, starts her summer school program called Aim High. It’s a really great program designed to help urban kids make up for the bad public schools and offer them some opportunities they wouldn’t normally get. She is really excited about it and I hope it works out for her.
Nag, I am so sorry about Slick. My cat is 17 now and it shows. I worry about her a lot too. It is no fun to have to put down a loved animal. Yet, you clearly gave him a good life and I’m sure all your animals are happy to be at your house. Must be wonderful to have such a menagerie.
I posted my diary at 3 am and then went back to bed after a bit, just woke up again to see all the early birds here for the breakfast.
Did I tell you it was only 10 cents today, plus tip.
I noticed that several people checked, what’s FBC, in poll above, joke or serious, confess…
I’ve never heard of that before!!! I had to go look it up… apparently someone placed a loonie…(like this)
under the ice during the 2002 Olympics, then both the men’s and women’s teams went on to win. I remember that win… the party was insane, I swear you could hear the entire country cheer..but I never knew about the loonie. I’m not into hockey, but I think I’m probably the only person here who doesn’t feel your pain.
That’s a Twoony (a two dollar coin, like the looney is a one dollar coin – only without the Loon, or a Toon, for that matter; it’s a pun on looney, you see; oh, just forget it).
Well, here’s your tip: save your money. As for the 10 cents, you’re welcome to it, nickels and dimes are almost as useless as pennies these days. I wonder how much businesses make with those “take a penny put a penny” dishes next to the register? I’ve always been too embarassed to take a penny, but I’ve certainly put more than a few. Ha… that’s probably their vacation fund.
Fog here is giving visibility about a mile or so laterally, 2-300 feet vertically. The tops of hills are disappearing into the white.
As usual, it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s actually raining or not since rain usually doesn’t come down thick enough to penetrate clothes during reasonably brief outdoor forays.
Finishing my 2nd cup of tea, will drive Mrs. Gooserock to her job, then I have to figure out a way to finish a hardwood craft mechanism in all this penetrating dampness for delivery without warping or cracking into the Arizona desert.
and drive all the way up the coast to Alaska. I am going to stop along the way and really appreciate the west coast. I hear flowers grow there and everyones garden is lush. Is that true?
It is a drive well worth taking! I started in SF and headed northward. Only got as far as Victoria on Vancouver Island. I fell so totally inlove with the place I tried to find ways to immigrate there. Guess I didn’t try hard enough cuz there seemed so many obsticles at the time. Still one of my favorite places on earth though.
Next time I want to take the ferry out of Seattle and go up the coast of Alaska that way, since it is such a great experience riding the ferry and getting off wherever you want and exploring then getting back on heading to the next port of interest.
Hope your wish comes true and sooner than you think!
flowers grow year round and yards stay green 365, apart from summer droughts which are an increasing factor. Lawns are clipped almost as short as in Britain, 3/4″ to an inch or so often.
I overheard a couple of women talking on the ferry last winter. One was talking about visiting her child on the eastern mainland in an area well back and near the bottom end of the sound. She explained that they didn’t even have green grass at that time of year.
We get measurable snow maybe 1-2 weeks a winter added up over 2-3 months. Glare ice is a serious problem, it happens many days, as winter temperatures bottom out around 40’s and mid 30’s.
Visit Victoria BC on the southern end of the island, it’s world famous for gardens.
Your bags and you are welcome anytime, but I’d suggest coming down during your winter, which is our summer. Tasmania is the coldest part of Oz, so it’s best to see it during its few warm months
New Mexico sunsets fell more into the purple/magenta/peach range as well – and were, except for maybe ten days a year, always stunning.
Worst part about the view is that there are no windows on that side of the house! Myriad and I hope to build a strawbale house in a few years time, and tear down the existing ramshackle/view defying one. Like most things in my life, it’s a project.
Another of my Tasmanian panoramas is of Cradle Mountain, here:
Morning, y’all! The countdown has begun – this is my last week of work in CA. Woo hoo! Then it’s a week of packing and goofing off, then a cross-country road trip to get my car home. Then more goofing off, then I start school. Very exciting indeed. Unfortunately I have another doctor’s appt this afternoon, and this one’s even scarier than last Friday’s, so wish me luck. Hopefully this will be the last one.
I hope everyone is having a good day so far – I wish I could send some of our SoCal weather to PA cuz it sounds like Teresa is suffering. Cheer up – I’ll be in the midwest soon, and can suffer right along with you. 🙂
Nag, I’m so sorry about Slick. Just know that you are doing the right thing, and he loves you for it. If you believe in reincarnation, think of him running through a field as a brand new colt – you’re just helping him get there.
Thanks, CabinGirl. I hardly ever have to set foot in a doctor’s office (aside from annual checkups and things), so when I do it kinda freaks me out. I know there are people around here with much more serious medical stuff going on, but it’s hard to keep that kind of perspective when you’re facing pain. As I recall, there’s an old saying about philosophers with the toothache seems a propos.
This is one of my first political cartoons, but it was a bit obtuse. It’s Ken Lay and George Bush… Kenny Boy and Dubya done the day after Lay was frogmarched off to jail. My people are too sketched and realistic and that’s what I’ve been working on… caricatures. Now that I have Tivo I can record press conferences, etc. and practice more effectively. PictureTrail seems good enough for me, and you can actually see the sketch.
Great pic, good drawing, but your pic is very large…We talked about this the other day on FBC diary and you can check size by right clicking on pic and selecting properties and then it will tell you the pixels, it is best for loading pages to keep it under 400 px. Also you can preview before posting to see how large it is and then resize.
I am not picking on you, just thought this would be a good chance to mention this again, because many still do not know…It isn’t so bad for cable internet, but for dial up it’s bad and for stretching the width is bad for small screen users…
I hope my comment didn’t sound bad to you it was not meant that way….I could have said it better, I admit and I have been stewing about it ever since I posted, trying to think of what to say after that and hoping you would not take it wrong.
I should have said just a reminder, or something like that.
BTw I feel for you and your horse, and hope I did not make you feel worse for my comment.
Hugs to you….
Not at all, I’m glad you mentioned it. I had read that but just forgot to check before the pic was posted. Thanks for the hugs, everyone here really got me through a very long emotional day. I love Froggy Bottom Cafe, it was a wonderful idea you had, Diane.
Hey folks — just a quick greet, and a vitamin water to go, before I run off to an afternoon meeting. I’ve quite recovered from yesterday’s marathon, TYVM, and will pop by again later. Y’know how those vitamin waters are supposed to augment some of your capabilities, like “Energy” or “Memory” or what-have-you? I’d like to get one for “Patience” if there is such a thing; I’m gonna need it this afternoon. In lieu of a Patience water I’ll be murmuring Serenity Now over and over again….
Good Afternoon Folks,
Today I’m writing in the desperate hope that someone can maybe lead my in a direction. My 15 yr old daughter told me several weeks ago that she is pregnant. I’m so devastated and out of ideas. This has been so hard, she has decided she wants to keep the baby but I’m trying to convince heer to put the baby up for adoption. The problem is I have no idea how to go about finding a way for her to adopt out. I would appreciate any chocies you would have. Thank you
I feel for you. My daughter got pregnant when she was 16 and they wanted to be together and nothing we could do would stop it. 14 years later they are still together which is not to say there were not and still are troubled waters.
I don’t know much about the adoption area but last year Dr. Phil did a series about this subject and followed a young girl through her pregnancy, presented different options to her such as adoption, she ended up keeping the baby but was having a difficult time taking care of it properly….If you can, get a cd of that show and have your daughter watch.
Also, my daughter regrets now, her early pregnancy and hook up, in many ways and would not recommend to anyone. She had to grow up while raising 2 children. It was not easy..and Childbirth is more difficult the younger you are and she had some problems.
Forgot to add, we bootribbers have a support group site just getting started, but I think you can just go there and join, if you cannot email me and I will send you invite….Others are welcome to go to the site as well.
Shirlstars is on that site and has written much about adoption, so she may have something to offer you in the way of help or comfort.
Poor Statue over at dKos did a really good diary a while back on open adoption. She also maintains a blog on open adoption here which might also be good to check out.
I have no advice but wanted to let you know I’m just floored by what you and your daughter must be going through. I hope you have strong friends near you who can help you and know that you have tons of friends from all over the globe here who are sending out thoughts of strength, patience and wisdom.
sweetirish – I don’t really know what to say and I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but your post made me think of this diary I read a while ago… I Am a Birthmother: On Judgement and Choice
I don’t know the author, but her story… well, I still remember my impression of her this many months later. I could be wrong, but I feel that she would be glad to hear from a ‘blog friend/stranger’ to offer help and support. She also has a blog called notmother, and if I recall correctly, was very well informed about adoption.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I did read the diary and it helps. I never thought for a single second that I wouldn’t be by her side no matter what her decision. I love my daughter with all my being. I feel the most generous thing she can do is adoption. I was a young mom when my husband died and spent years broke and struggling and don’t want that for her.
Okay. We all woke up late. Around here, 8:30 is late. But what is this… my kids haven’t fought yet? There wasn’t a kid breakfast mess in the kitchen for me?? Danni is watching TLC (she digs those makeover shows which is a balance to her TomBoy streak)
Everyone is being pleasant… maybe I’m still asleep?
I didn’t have a cup of joe so later on I’ll be making iced frappes. All are welcome to sit with my near my potted chilies and make snarky comments about Bush till we start laughing so hard our kids will think we’ve lost it 🙂
Damnit Janet! I’ll be right over. . . .
could use the company today and I will never pass up an opportunity for many laughs and assesments of crazyness from kids.
It’s a really complicated mess with my daughter she actually did this on purpose. She said that it would bring her and the then current BF closer. Of course as soon as he found out she was pregnant he dumped her. I have also had my own issues with adoption seeing that I was an adopted child myself but my adopted father died when I was 12 and the mother was very abusive. So just finding a 2 family hosehold isn’t the total answer I guess. I will check out those links you gave me. Thank you
My daughter did it on purpose also…It appears she always wanted to have babies, her life goal, as a teenager, unkown to me and strange considering I was always a strongly independant while married working mother.
How did I deal with it, not very well at first then I tried to help her as much as possible as it was then a done deal. I always told my children they own whatever actions and decisions they make, I may or may not help them out of difficult ones, that will be my choice. But if they make a mistake it does not hurt me it will hurt them. So as a result, with a few exceptions they have stayed out of trouble since they know they own it..
My advice to you would be to try not to take it too personally (I know that is hard) but it’s a place that I found to be helpful when dealing with the issue. I did not fully accept it until I held the baby in my arms….she is now 13, that baby and has a whole new set of problems for her own mother to deal with. I now try to support both of them as they work their way through the myriad of issues that arise…
Best wishes to you and your daughter and be sure to comfort her a lot as she will no doubt need it…
I see it in my 13 year old grand daughter now despite the years of us telling her how greatly this affected her mother. Seems when they go to junior and high school that’s becomes what it’s all about to them, boy friends, being popular and wearing the right clothes
I think also that mothers who went through the female revolution forgot to tell our daughter enough about it and what it was like before and what these new ideas about womanhood meant to us…Or maybe it is something you cannot tell sufficiently or well enough, you have to had experienced it.
In anticipation of the American public developing a serious contempt for missing white women, the navy has begun an extensive program to train killer sharks!!
do around here to get a stiff drink? My truck was vandalized within 10 minutes of my arrival at work today and my stereo amplifier and speaker box was stolen…
Can I blame the Republicans since they blame us for everything else?
From me you will get a virtual drink of your choice and good to see you Man, sorry about your loss.
Yes Blame the Reps. Did you happen to notice Shirlstars was handing out gmail invites yesterday, told her you wanted one, did you get one yet.
I have gmail accounts to hand out. . .40 of them left. All you need to do if you want one is just send me your email add to shirlstars@gmail.com I will send you the invite right back!
Bit of a late start today, but I think I’m finally shaking the last bit of the creeping crud. Now I’ve got to get my energy back. Starting out by doing a small load of bed sheets in the laundry, then will change the bed. (The spouse said he would do them when he gets home from work today, but since he didn’t do any of the other things he was supposed to do over the weekend, I figured if I want to sleep in clean sheets, I’d best do them myself.) That’ll probably give me enough exercise for the day…it’s already too warm to go for a walk.
Hi everyone – I’m Mindmouth, MM for short. I disappeared from the Trib for a while because IT departments suck (no offense to our fine Boomen and Women who are IT folks – heh heh), but then sometimes they rectify the situation, like today when I discovered that I could once again visit the Trib. Thank God for small favors. 😉
I hope to get to know all our new friends and refamiliarize myself with the old. It’s great to be back!
Mindmouth, how do you like our cafe, I don’t know if you followed the site while you could not get on but, first we had this great influx of newbies from DK and then I continued the Tell Us diaries(you started), which morphed into welcome wagon and now morphed into Froggy Bottom. We have a team to host one each day plus floaters, how would you like to be either one of those, we need someone for tues.
we have a group site to organize and I will send you an invite if you want to join the team…
I am just so happy to see you back here again…..I was getting worried and then today someone said you had been spotted. So this place is where we hang out all hours of the day.
I love the Cafe! I can definitely tell there’s been some changes around here, all for the better, of course. It looks great! I would love to help out whenever and whereever I can. Please do send me an invite, Diane!
I’m sorry to have worried you – life got nuts and then I got blocked. {sigh{
Life is still nuts, but at least I’m not blocked anymore! Little bro is getting married next weekend and the family has been preparing for this monumental event for months now. Aside from that, my best friend and his wife are expecting a baby, any day now, and we’ve also been getting ready for that!
Good Morning Zander and others who are online when I post this.
Diane, what are you doing up at this hour???
I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so I thought I would put this diary up so the place would be open when everyone got up. Now I will probably stay up since you are online and I have someone to talk to, and you say Oui is here, hi Oui, I have missed you.
Hope the wedding went well, tell us about it…
So Zander what are you doing up so late, oh I forgot you never sleep, oh maybe once in awhile but not tooooomuch. lol>>>>>>
And Zander don’t you go messing up my margins, k.
I’ll be good and keep the margins in check.
My theory is this – if I’m awake and wired on coffee at 7am, I’m going to tear myself away and get a lot of stuff accomplished. I’ve been lazy lately!
Has everyone seen the World Tribunal on Iraq? I think I’ll be spending the next couple of hours there going through the testimony.
Well that sure seems like a lot of fun, what more do you need to know about the whole Iraq/US thing? I am going to try to limit my delving into lower limits for awhile to keep my recent bad news recovery going strong.
Anyway Zander, since you apparently woke me up, lol, you better stay here and entertain me…That is unless I give up and go back to bed…
You should probably go to bed…
I’m all bad news this morning, up to my neck in it…
(Glad you’re feeling better)
<sing song> Hi Oui… I know you’re in… here…
no person should have to talk to me at this hour of the morning. Everything hurts and it is HOT and HUMID here.
It’s earlier where I am and I am in a good mood and my stomach doesn’t hurt for the second straight day so I will celebrate today!!!!!
Temp, here in Socal is 60 deg. and what happened to the degree key on key pads.
Have a good day Teresa..
I am glad to read you don’t hurt. Have a great day. I should be human in about three hours.
Did you pass them on? I’ve had about 4 hours sleep, feverish, with stomach problems this morning.
Oh well, sounds like a good reason to call in sick and then get some house stuff done this afternoon.
Coffee sounds good…at 6am PDT….then a nap.
Iced latte?
Thank you, that would be refreshing!
Hot and humid…and my blood is still thick from our Pa winters, Teresa. I think coffee helps. Jus’ gimme that caffiene, baby. Thanks for making the coffee extra strong this morning, Diane.
It seems like it was just winter. The last few years it is either too hot or too cold. We never seem to get that 75 degree weather you are supposed to have in spring and early summer. We went right from 45 to 95.
It’s hazy this morning but it is beautiful. Later it will be too hot to breath but just now I drove a few miles to do an errand and everyone’s lilies are in bloom. This is a big lily town, everyone has them growing along the side of the road. It’s like we are decorating for each other’s driving and walking pleasure.
Lilies… I’ve noticed them as well. They are beautiful and they are everywhere this time of year. I’m not usually one to complain about the weather. It is summer after all, and hot and humid is OK. I like to sit on my front porch and watch the thunderstorms that usually end a stretch of this type of weather.
Thanks for the kind words about my Slick, it helps. …and thanks for the help on the TU. 😉
Over the weekend I posted on Rachel Maddow’s blog over at Air America all about Leonard Clark, the MP in Iraq with the blog and the explosive and articulate messages and mp3’s. I think she may have mentioned it on this morning’s show… I’m off to give it a listen and get my morning chores done. I miss Unfiltered on Air America and am just now getting back into listening… can’t get used to Jerry Springer, but he does grow on you a little.
The lilies here are just spilling over onto the back roads…they’re so pretty, that even my boys were commenting on how much they like them yesterday.
The humidity is awful today, far worse than yesterday. I may have to drag my laptop over to the library for a little relief this afternoon!
I think you are another pennsylvanian aren’t you? We seem to have a whole Pa tribe here.
Yes the Pa. Pac. I think. Anyone live in Somerset Co. place of my birth and resting place of all my ancestors..I strongly identify with Pa. so can I be counted in this group. Dual citizenship, Pa and Ca.
I am way up in the northwest part of Pa. But I have driven through the area you are from. That is somewhat near one of my favorite cities, Cumberland MD. I spent 2 months doing some theatre there about 10 years ago. It is all very mountainous and rugged.
Yes the mountains and the woods and my birth town was Salisbury, right down the road from Cumberland, which many of my relatives lived in. Also Frostburg.
It used to be totally Republican and I often wonder what they are now as I have no ties there anymore.
Anyway the area was absolutely beautiful and I have rarely seen it’s equal. I was so lucky to have grown up there and in Oakmont, Pa.
We used to go across the border to WV to this bar that was the weirdest combination of people I have ever seen. It was country and punk and skin heads. It was a bit warehouse of a place.
We also went into Pa (I think) to a place where there was a famous water falls area. It was beautiful and in the drive to it was up a mountain with some of the most beautiful valley views I have ever seen. And that was in september so it was perfect.
Was it Ricketts Glen or Ohiopyle, maybe?
I’m in southeastern PA, Chester county. We do seem to have a big contingent of PA folks here!
Going to be hot ‘n’ humid here, too, so I’m off to do stuff while it’s still fairly cool. Thanks for the coffee to go, Diane. See y’all later.
Thank you, that’s beautiful. My grandmother used to have some fans like that in her dinning room. She framed them and used them as art. This was back on the 60s.
Good morning all. I’m having my coffee and waking up but it will not be a good day. My oldest horse, Slick, who is over 30 at our best guess, is down in his stall and can’t get himself up. Don’t smirk at his name, he already had it when we got him. We even tried hooking up a come-along winch to the ceiling but nearly tore a rafter out. Poor guy is bright eyed, alert, eating and drinking, but cannot get up. It’s decision time and no matter how many times you go through putting a loved animal down, it never gets any easier. He’s such a loving soul… my heart is breaking. That’s what I get for having so many animals… 3 horses, 8 cats, 2 caged birds and 2 ducks. Plus, come winter I feed anything that can drag itself into my yard… deer, pheasants, fox, birds… you name it. I can’t help myself. Ahhhh, poor Slickers.
I’ve lost my TU status both here and at dkos. Slowed down and became an observer for a week or so and ba-da-bing… no more trusted user. Not that it matters, but I like to read the hidden comments, especially at Kos. It truely doesn’t matter, but it’s just adding to my overall melancholy today.
I am sorry to hear about Slick. I can help with the TU though. I like to read the hidden comments too.
Some 4s for you, and I’m sorry to hear about Slick. I don’t have horses, but my dogs and chickens are referred to as the “furry and feathery children” here, and I know how hard it is to watch them get old.
I didn’t realize until I had read soj’s faq that I had gotten TU status. It’s too bad you can’t give to someone else because I’d be glad to give to you — no diary I’ve looked ever seems to have hidden comments and I don’t think I would assign the mega troll status (if I don’t like what somebody is saying, I just stop reading reading what they write).
I’m sorry to hear about your horse but the fact that he is over 30 shows what excellent love and care you gave him.
There’s been a promo for a show about a boy with a bad skin disease on TLC, and a line from the promo really hits me here: “Accepting what is, means knowing that one day you’re going to have to say good-bye.”
Oh, and I’ll be back later to give you “4”s just for your email address…though I think you should award it to the Harse’s Arse in the White House…
I think dealing with the death of a long-lived pet is the hardest kind. We had a sixteen-year-old beagle that had become mostly blind, deaf, and had to be held up while she ate because her legs would slide out from under her. But we couldn’t bring ourselves to do anything because we’d been together so long that it seemed impossible not to have her as part of our lives.
We finally realized that we were making her suffer for our own comfort. Of all our pets, her death was the hardest but she was the smartest, coolest dog and though its been quite a few years since her death, we are still so happy for all the time that we got to share with her. I think our experiences with her have enriched our relationships with every pet we’ve had since.
Your words are a gentle touch and deeply appreciated. It’s just amazing how much love an animal can give and take. When there’s no apparent pain or discomfort on their part I don’t see any harm in helping an elderly animal stay a while longer. I think it’s wonderful that you kept her even though it obviously took devotion. I understand that it is a comfort to see them enjoying one more day, but you also knew when it was time to let her go.
Slick has been down since early Saturday morning… that’s a little over 48 hours. I went out at 3pm (temp about 96, high humidity) to check on him … and HE’s UP!!!!!!!!!! If anyone out there knows horses, you know how unlikely that is. Well, that cut it, tonight we go out for stuff to set up a winch and sling so he can get a little help getting up when he needs it… I guess he’s not finished yet.
after 2 whole days of me hovering over him and kissing and hugging him… he was running away from me and wouldn’t let me blubber all over him. I was laughing and crying. Slick and I appreciate all the support from you here in Froggy Bottom Cafe. There are no smilies in existence to show how big my smile is. 🙂
Wow, I came in on a happy ending! What joy! Way to go, Slick!
I love the graphics, Diane. Hey, what is everyone’s favorite image hosting site?
We had a great conversation yesterday about pics and hosting over here – if you can handle a diary with 120 comments, we start talking about images about half way down the page. I think most people who mentioned their service use either imageshack, photobucket or phototrail. We didn’t get to comparing them though, maybe that could be our topic this morning…
Thanks, Zander… I’m back from Air America trying to stream Rachel Maddow’s show from this morning, and they still have Friday’s show up. …sigh… I was thinking about going back to bed already. Instead, I’ll bop on over to yesterday’s thread and read up on image hosting. I really need to find a decent one. Thanks again.
Well, I haven’t used photobucket very much, and can’t compare them – but I do like imageshack, and haven’t had any problems with it so far…. I’d recommend it for light casual use, but I don’t know about higher volume – if it has any organizing or folder tools, I haven’t found them yet..
My heart is with you about your horse, Slick, and I had to smile about your feeding our friends during the winter that can get themselves to your place. Same thing here, I leave apples on the apple trees to feed deer and Moose during the winter. They seem to enjoy it.
I use photobucket, and so far I like it and I like that you can organize pics to your liking.
Best wishes to Slick and all of you.
Is the one I use and I have no problems with it…easy to use but I haven’t used the others so I can’t compare.
Morning all. Just got myself a nice hot cup of coffee…a bit chilly by the Bay here.
Today my daughter, Cypress, starts her summer school program called Aim High. It’s a really great program designed to help urban kids make up for the bad public schools and offer them some opportunities they wouldn’t normally get. She is really excited about it and I hope it works out for her.
Nag, I am so sorry about Slick. My cat is 17 now and it shows. I worry about her a lot too. It is no fun to have to put down a loved animal. Yet, you clearly gave him a good life and I’m sure all your animals are happy to be at your house. Must be wonderful to have such a menagerie.
I posted my diary at 3 am and then went back to bed after a bit, just woke up again to see all the early birds here for the breakfast.
Did I tell you it was only 10 cents today, plus tip.
I noticed that several people checked, what’s FBC, in poll above, joke or serious, confess…
Glad you got some sleep…
Is that like one of those loonies the Canadians placed under the Olympic hockey rink ice for good luck?
Hockey… gawd I miss my hockey!!!
I’ve never heard of that before!!! I had to go look it up… apparently someone placed a loonie…(like this)

under the ice during the 2002 Olympics, then both the men’s and women’s teams went on to win. I remember that win… the party was insane, I swear you could hear the entire country cheer..but I never knew about the loonie. I’m not into hockey, but I think I’m probably the only person here who doesn’t feel your pain.
That be the loonie! 🙂
Yeah, I knew about the loonie right afterwards. I’m American but I was just glad to see some good hockey being played during the Olympics.
We were able to see many Sharks play for their home teams. Got to see them off on the game before the Olumpic break.
That’s a Twoony (a two dollar coin, like the looney is a one dollar coin – only without the Loon, or a Toon, for that matter; it’s a pun on looney, you see; oh, just forget it).
This was supposed to post under the two dollar coin!
Now it will be even more confusing.
Well, here’s your tip: save your money. As for the 10 cents, you’re welcome to it, nickels and dimes are almost as useless as pennies these days. I wonder how much businesses make with those “take a penny put a penny” dishes next to the register? I’ve always been too embarassed to take a penny, but I’ve certainly put more than a few. Ha… that’s probably their vacation fund.
Fog here is giving visibility about a mile or so laterally, 2-300 feet vertically. The tops of hills are disappearing into the white.
As usual, it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s actually raining or not since rain usually doesn’t come down thick enough to penetrate clothes during reasonably brief outdoor forays.
Finishing my 2nd cup of tea, will drive Mrs. Gooserock to her job, then I have to figure out a way to finish a hardwood craft mechanism in all this penetrating dampness for delivery without warping or cracking into the Arizona desert.
A view out my window for those of you in the sweltering zones:
and drive all the way up the coast to Alaska. I am going to stop along the way and really appreciate the west coast. I hear flowers grow there and everyones garden is lush. Is that true?
It is a drive well worth taking! I started in SF and headed northward. Only got as far as Victoria on Vancouver Island. I fell so totally inlove with the place I tried to find ways to immigrate there. Guess I didn’t try hard enough cuz there seemed so many obsticles at the time. Still one of my favorite places on earth though.
Next time I want to take the ferry out of Seattle and go up the coast of Alaska that way, since it is such a great experience riding the ferry and getting off wherever you want and exploring then getting back on heading to the next port of interest.
Hope your wish comes true and sooner than you think!
but the only category we qualify seems to have a 4 year wait, and we may not stay eligible that long.
flowers grow year round and yards stay green 365, apart from summer droughts which are an increasing factor. Lawns are clipped almost as short as in Britain, 3/4″ to an inch or so often.
I overheard a couple of women talking on the ferry last winter. One was talking about visiting her child on the eastern mainland in an area well back and near the bottom end of the sound. She explained that they didn’t even have green grass at that time of year.
We get measurable snow maybe 1-2 weeks a winter added up over 2-3 months. Glare ice is a serious problem, it happens many days, as winter temperatures bottom out around 40’s and mid 30’s.
Visit Victoria BC on the southern end of the island, it’s world famous for gardens.
I went out intending to shoot Venus, Mercury and Saturn, but as it was overcast, I got this instead.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
It covers about a 90 degree arc, from west to north, and is still a work in progress (hence the obvious transition lines).
It will probably print out at about 20″ in lenght.
And yes, we get sunsets like this all the time. Lucky us.
I am packing my bags as we speak!
Actually, reminds me a lot of our Idaho Sunsets only ours tend usually more to the purple/magenta/peach colors as they streak across the western sky.
Breathtaking! And what a great view to have.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Your bags and you are welcome anytime, but I’d suggest coming down during your winter, which is our summer. Tasmania is the coldest part of Oz, so it’s best to see it during its few warm months
New Mexico sunsets fell more into the purple/magenta/peach range as well – and were, except for maybe ten days a year, always stunning.
Worst part about the view is that there are no windows on that side of the house! Myriad and I hope to build a strawbale house in a few years time, and tear down the existing ramshackle/view defying one. Like most things in my life, it’s a project.
Another of my Tasmanian panoramas is of Cradle Mountain, here:
Morning, y’all! The countdown has begun – this is my last week of work in CA. Woo hoo! Then it’s a week of packing and goofing off, then a cross-country road trip to get my car home. Then more goofing off, then I start school. Very exciting indeed. Unfortunately I have another doctor’s appt this afternoon, and this one’s even scarier than last Friday’s, so wish me luck. Hopefully this will be the last one.
I hope everyone is having a good day so far – I wish I could send some of our SoCal weather to PA cuz it sounds like Teresa is suffering. Cheer up – I’ll be in the midwest soon, and can suffer right along with you. 🙂
Nag, I’m so sorry about Slick. Just know that you are doing the right thing, and he loves you for it. If you believe in reincarnation, think of him running through a field as a brand new colt – you’re just helping him get there.
to you on our doctor visit, remember to think positive! Sending good vibrations to you!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Thanks, Diane. I appreciate it. I’m trying to think about it in terms of being proactive, and getting totally healthy before starting school…
Sending more positive thoughts your way!
Thanks, CabinGirl. I hardly ever have to set foot in a doctor’s office (aside from annual checkups and things), so when I do it kinda freaks me out. I know there are people around here with much more serious medical stuff going on, but it’s hard to keep that kind of perspective when you’re facing pain. As I recall, there’s an old saying about philosophers with the toothache seems a propos.
This is one of my first political cartoons, but it was a bit obtuse. It’s Ken Lay and George Bush… Kenny Boy and Dubya done the day after Lay was frogmarched off to jail. My people are too sketched and realistic and that’s what I’ve been working on… caricatures. Now that I have Tivo I can record press conferences, etc. and practice more effectively. PictureTrail seems good enough for me, and you can actually see the sketch.
Great pic, good drawing, but your pic is very large…We talked about this the other day on FBC diary and you can check size by right clicking on pic and selecting properties and then it will tell you the pixels, it is best for loading pages to keep it under 400 px. Also you can preview before posting to see how large it is and then resize.
I am not picking on you, just thought this would be a good chance to mention this again, because many still do not know…It isn’t so bad for cable internet, but for dial up it’s bad and for stretching the width is bad for small screen users…
OK, sorry. Not paying attention, I guess.
I hope my comment didn’t sound bad to you it was not meant that way….I could have said it better, I admit and I have been stewing about it ever since I posted, trying to think of what to say after that and hoping you would not take it wrong.
I should have said just a reminder, or something like that.
BTw I feel for you and your horse, and hope I did not make you feel worse for my comment.
Hugs to you….
Not at all, I’m glad you mentioned it. I had read that but just forgot to check before the pic was posted. Thanks for the hugs, everyone here really got me through a very long emotional day. I love Froggy Bottom Cafe, it was a wonderful idea you had, Diane.
Great toon Nag!
Whistling takes some skill. I didn’t know Bush could whistle. I just knew that he blows
Hey folks — just a quick greet, and a vitamin water to go, before I run off to an afternoon meeting. I’ve quite recovered from yesterday’s marathon, TYVM, and will pop by again later. Y’know how those vitamin waters are supposed to augment some of your capabilities, like “Energy” or “Memory” or what-have-you? I’d like to get one for “Patience” if there is such a thing; I’m gonna need it this afternoon. In lieu of a Patience water I’ll be murmuring Serenity Now over and over again….
Good Afternoon Folks,
Today I’m writing in the desperate hope that someone can maybe lead my in a direction. My 15 yr old daughter told me several weeks ago that she is pregnant. I’m so devastated and out of ideas. This has been so hard, she has decided she wants to keep the baby but I’m trying to convince heer to put the baby up for adoption. The problem is I have no idea how to go about finding a way for her to adopt out. I would appreciate any chocies you would have. Thank you
I feel for you. My daughter got pregnant when she was 16 and they wanted to be together and nothing we could do would stop it. 14 years later they are still together which is not to say there were not and still are troubled waters.
I don’t know much about the adoption area but last year Dr. Phil did a series about this subject and followed a young girl through her pregnancy, presented different options to her such as adoption, she ended up keeping the baby but was having a difficult time taking care of it properly….If you can, get a cd of that show and have your daughter watch.
Also, my daughter regrets now, her early pregnancy and hook up, in many ways and would not recommend to anyone. She had to grow up while raising 2 children. It was not easy..and Childbirth is more difficult the younger you are and she had some problems.
Forgot to add, we bootribbers have a support group site just getting started, but I think you can just go there and join, if you cannot email me and I will send you invite….Others are welcome to go to the site as well.
Shirlstars is on that site and has written much about adoption, so she may have something to offer you in the way of help or comfort.
Poor Statue over at dKos did a really good diary a while back on open adoption. She also maintains a blog on open adoption here which might also be good to check out.
I have no advice but wanted to let you know I’m just floored by what you and your daughter must be going through. I hope you have strong friends near you who can help you and know that you have tons of friends from all over the globe here who are sending out thoughts of strength, patience and wisdom.
sweetirish – I don’t really know what to say and I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but your post made me think of this diary I read a while ago…
I Am a Birthmother: On Judgement and Choice
I don’t know the author, but her story… well, I still remember my impression of her this many months later. I could be wrong, but I feel that she would be glad to hear from a ‘blog friend/stranger’ to offer help and support. She also has a blog called notmother, and if I recall correctly, was very well informed about adoption.
I… uh… don’t know what else to say…
Sweetirish, I’m sorry you and your daughter are going through something that must be incredibly tough on both of you.
I agree with the others who have recommended Poor Statue’s blog; she can give you a perspectivce on open adoption that I hadn’t seen before.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I did read the diary and it helps. I never thought for a single second that I wouldn’t be by her side no matter what her decision. I love my daughter with all my being. I feel the most generous thing she can do is adoption. I was a young mom when my husband died and spent years broke and struggling and don’t want that for her.
Okay. We all woke up late. Around here, 8:30 is late. But what is this… my kids haven’t fought yet? There wasn’t a kid breakfast mess in the kitchen for me?? Danni is watching TLC (she digs those makeover shows which is a balance to her TomBoy streak)
Everyone is being pleasant… maybe I’m still asleep?
I didn’t have a cup of joe so later on I’ll be making iced frappes. All are welcome to sit with my near my potted chilies and make snarky comments about Bush till we start laughing so hard our kids will think we’ve lost it 🙂
Damnit Janet! I’ll be right over. . . .
could use the company today and I will never pass up an opportunity for many laughs and assesments of crazyness from kids.
Coolness! We can teach you how to make the dreaded, heinous “slug look” 🙂 Guaranteed to make people gasp in horror.
Or lose their drinks via their nostrils
The slug look sounds like great fun, can’t wait! Pretty much defines how my energy feels today. . .like a slug.
You missed Salma on Friday…and a certain Mr Bond today young lady….
FYI, you are missed.
“War is not the answer, For Only love can conquer hate” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
ACK, I’ll go check it out – last friday I couldn’t read the C&J comments due to … I dunno what. I was able to see a few and then nothing.
I’ll go see 🙂
It’s a really complicated mess with my daughter she actually did this on purpose. She said that it would bring her and the then current BF closer. Of course as soon as he found out she was pregnant he dumped her. I have also had my own issues with adoption seeing that I was an adopted child myself but my adopted father died when I was 12 and the mother was very abusive. So just finding a 2 family hosehold isn’t the total answer I guess. I will check out those links you gave me. Thank you
My daughter did it on purpose also…It appears she always wanted to have babies, her life goal, as a teenager, unkown to me and strange considering I was always a strongly independant while married working mother.
How did I deal with it, not very well at first then I tried to help her as much as possible as it was then a done deal. I always told my children they own whatever actions and decisions they make, I may or may not help them out of difficult ones, that will be my choice. But if they make a mistake it does not hurt me it will hurt them. So as a result, with a few exceptions they have stayed out of trouble since they know they own it..
My advice to you would be to try not to take it too personally (I know that is hard) but it’s a place that I found to be helpful when dealing with the issue. I did not fully accept it until I held the baby in my arms….she is now 13, that baby and has a whole new set of problems for her own mother to deal with. I now try to support both of them as they work their way through the myriad of issues that arise…
Best wishes to you and your daughter and be sure to comfort her a lot as she will no doubt need it…
Where are we failing these girls who still think the end all be all in life is having a boyfriend?
None of her options are good.
I didn’t mean it too sound that way.
I see it in my 13 year old grand daughter now despite the years of us telling her how greatly this affected her mother. Seems when they go to junior and high school that’s becomes what it’s all about to them, boy friends, being popular and wearing the right clothes
I think also that mothers who went through the female revolution forgot to tell our daughter enough about it and what it was like before and what these new ideas about womanhood meant to us…Or maybe it is something you cannot tell sufficiently or well enough, you have to had experienced it.
In anticipation of the American public developing a serious contempt for missing white women, the navy has begun an extensive program to train killer sharks!!
Sorry folks, I just can’t take it anymore…
do around here to get a stiff drink? My truck was vandalized within 10 minutes of my arrival at work today and my stereo amplifier and speaker box was stolen…
Can I blame the Republicans since they blame us for everything else?
From me you will get a virtual drink of your choice and good to see you Man, sorry about your loss.
Yes Blame the Reps. Did you happen to notice Shirlstars was handing out gmail invites yesterday, told her you wanted one, did you get one yet.
shot of Sauza Hornitos Tequila.
I got a gmail account thanks to this great community. Thx for remembering me.
It’s all Rove’s fault man – I saw him do it…
Drinks courtesy of Drinkalizer
do more than frog-march Rovitt…
I have gmail accounts to hand out. . .40 of them left. All you need to do if you want one is just send me your email add to shirlstars@gmail.com I will send you the invite right back!
Come and Get ’em!!
Bit of a late start today, but I think I’m finally shaking the last bit of the creeping crud. Now I’ve got to get my energy back. Starting out by doing a small load of bed sheets in the laundry, then will change the bed. (The spouse said he would do them when he gets home from work today, but since he didn’t do any of the other things he was supposed to do over the weekend, I figured if I want to sleep in clean sheets, I’d best do them myself.) That’ll probably give me enough exercise for the day…it’s already too warm to go for a walk.
Hi everyone – I’m Mindmouth, MM for short. I disappeared from the Trib for a while because IT departments suck (no offense to our fine Boomen and Women who are IT folks – heh heh), but then sometimes they rectify the situation, like today when I discovered that I could once again visit the Trib. Thank God for small favors. 😉
I hope to get to know all our new friends and refamiliarize myself with the old. It’s great to be back!
Mindmouth, how do you like our cafe, I don’t know if you followed the site while you could not get on but, first we had this great influx of newbies from DK and then I continued the Tell Us diaries(you started), which morphed into welcome wagon and now morphed into Froggy Bottom. We have a team to host one each day plus floaters, how would you like to be either one of those, we need someone for tues.
we have a group site to organize and I will send you an invite if you want to join the team…
I am just so happy to see you back here again…..I was getting worried and then today someone said you had been spotted. So this place is where we hang out all hours of the day.
I love the Cafe! I can definitely tell there’s been some changes around here, all for the better, of course. It looks great! I would love to help out whenever and whereever I can. Please do send me an invite, Diane!
I’m sorry to have worried you – life got nuts and then I got blocked. {sigh{
Life is still nuts, but at least I’m not blocked anymore! Little bro is getting married next weekend and the family has been preparing for this monumental event for months now. Aside from that, my best friend and his wife are expecting a baby, any day now, and we’ve also been getting ready for that!
I’m tired. LOL!