David Neiwert’s excellent Orcinus is a regular read for me. David has a focus on Northwest issues that is hard to duplicate. He’s a Washington State journalist who writes extensively about a variety of homegrown terrorists or wannabes, like the Minutemen, the Montana Freemen, or Washington State’s own scrappy, bombmaking Militia. David also is an excellent dismantler of Michelle Malkin’s defense of internment; Neiwert’s just published Strawberry Days is a history of the internment of Japanese in Washington State during WWII. So Neiwert knows of what he speaks when it comes to wingnuts.
A poster on his blog found an interesting bumpersticker last week that is right in line with the war on liberals. In the interest of bandwidth, an image of the sticker is below the fold…
Notice the pejorative use of Democrat.
These “permits” have been around for awhile now, mostly circulating on the fringes of the far right, but they’ve been increasingly making their way into broader circulation. One of the Minutemen described in Andy Isaacson’s mash letter to that extremist phenomenon sported just such a sticker on his rig.
The people sporting such stickers, no doubt, will contend that it’s just a joke — as though such a fig leaf could disguise the violent attitudes and beliefs required to find it humorous. Next they’ll argue that stickers saying “Hitler Needed to Finish the Job” are just meant to be funny.
This is, of course, just another permutation of the rising tide of eliminationist rhetoric directed at liberals. It’s everywhere — including now, thanks to Karl Rove, the highest echelons of the Bush administration.
I can’t say I was terribly surprised by Rove’s remarks, but they are well worth noting for their precise content:
…Mr. Rove also said American armed forces overseas were in more jeopardy as a result of remarks last week by Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, who compared American mistreatment of detainees to the acts of “Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime – Pol Pot or others.”
“Has there ever been a more revealing moment this year?” Mr. Rove asked. “Let me just put this in fairly simple terms: Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals.”
Rather predictably, the right, from Michelle Malkin to Tom DeLay, has closed ranks and defended Rove’s remarks as “the truth.” (Malkin says Rove distilled “the fundamental difference between the left and the right’s approaches to terrorism in the wake of 9/11.”)
Lockstep, massive alignment in the demonization of liberals, making its way into the popular culture, in rapid order. This propoganda machine of the right’s is truly awesome. Neiwerts mention of eliminationist rhetoric goes back to a post of his from last week, which begins with this quote:
This man is simply a piece of excrement, a piece of waste that needs to be scraped off the sidewalk and eliminated.
— KVI’s John Carlson, discussing Sen. Dick Durbin, on his Seattle-based talk show Thursday
John Carlson is mainstream Republican. At least he was: he was the GOP nominee for governor of WA in 2000. The piece continues with this quote from Rush Limbaugh of last week:
Yeah, patty cakes. DU, cluster bombs, destroyed infrastructure, impending civil war, all on top of 10 years of sanctions that killed hundreds of thousand. Yeah Rush, just like fuckin patty cakes us Americans. I digress.
Did you see how Rush, just artfully wove together the painful memories of Mogadishu with the current situation. It’s Clinton’s fault! Thats what he’s saying, and by extension, it’s the fault of war dissentors, those allied with the likes of Clinton. Rush just flat out declares us guilty of treason, a crime punishable by death.
We watched Hotel Rwanda this weekend. Its hard for me now to not directly equate Hutu Power Radio with what is happening now on right wing hate radio. We are the cockroaches now. Bush’s speech tomorrow night will be a watershed moment. If he avoids the theme of traitorous countrymen laid out by hate radio this last week, then I think that hate will remain a sub current throughout the right. If he makes mention of it, then all bets are off.
I swear to god, if I ever see a car with one of those, it is going to take all the restraint I can summon to refrain from doing physical damage to it.
Scary fucking stuff.
the terrorist hunting license. This freaks me out a little, I’m quite vocal and visible in my community. People I don’t know have approached me and thanked me for letters I write to our paper. If these people know me, I must have some infamy here.
Please crosspost this at Dkos.
it’s here.
Now it is time to arm ourselves, for our own saftey.
Conservatives believe only they are armed.
I like that one — they are sorely mistaken. Just as they are sorely mistaken about there being no liberals in the armed forces….
Maybe I’ll print some up…shorter though, like this:
Registered Concealed Carry Liberal on Board (I am in Texas, after all)
or maybe:
We all have the right to bear arms
The Second Amendment Works for Me Too
ok, I’ll stop now.
Try mine: tucked inconspicuosly in the corner of the rear glass, across from my “Straight but Not Narrow” and “Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Republican” stickers (and a host of others including my personal favorite, “God WAS my co-pilot… but we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat him” and of course the EvolveFish) is the NRA life membership decal.
Sometimes when the pickups come rushing up on the rear bumper they’ll lean on the horn and wave fingers… and then suddenly stop honking, get very quiet, and sort of fade out of sight over the back horizon… and you know, you just KNOW….
(yes, the sticker’s mine. I don’t entirely agree with their politics these days, but back in the day they made a LOT more sense. Another thing for which the neos will someday have to make explanations to the Cosmos…)
Pardon the link to my own diary here, but they fired the first shot a long time ago.
Isn’t that more than tasteless? Replace “liberal” with some of these other words and see if they don’t land you in jail (or shot dead in the street):
Seriously. These people are seriously fucked in the head.
I guess all extemism has grown up into mainstream. It’s scary, repulsive and sick.
I used to pity the poor souls who had to blame everything on liberals. It’s obvious they are scared themselves, feel like they’ve been put down, and can only feel good about themselves by finding another group to pick on, so they resot to bigoted name-calling.
Now my pity is replaced by fear and loathing. This bumper sticker shows they are unhinged and evil. What, who or how can this kind of bigotry and hatred be stopped?
One thing to remember, point out, and be proud of is that according to the most recent Pew Research we liberals are the largest political denomination of the 9 they identified. Largest and fastest growing.
Rove and his ilk are attempting to demonize nearly 20%, one fifth, of the electorate.
Uh-uh. To hell with them. Ain’t gonna let it happen.
We liberals are every bit as American, every bit as patriotic, own just as much of the flag (all of it) and The Constitution (all of it) as any right winger or anyone else in this country.
We are stronger on defense, more conservative of natural resources, more fiscally conservative, more respectful of The Constitution, the rights of citizens, and with a deeper sense of community then the incompetent and deceitful republican leadership that is running this country into the ground.
Liberal… and Proud of it.
of the major forces of the economy and society. Those are almost all Republican.
Yes, we are shut out of power at the federal level but it is inaccurate to say that there are no major forces in the economy and society that work in our favor or are ‘owned’ by us.
The most well educated Americans lean Democratic. Most of the actual population leans Democratic. Several states are ours. The children, not just the young people, are for us (are us, actually). The percentage of white males in the population is shrinking. Our strengths are many, as are our weaknesses.
The enemy faction of the Republicans has hijacked that party and is making a bid to establish long-term domination of both the party and the nation but the success of this bid is by no means assured.
They are pissing off too many people, many of whom are quite powerful, for their power play to come off smoothly. Unless, of course, the US is hit again, even worse than before. Then we are faced with George Caesar I, which may be what they really wanted all along, all the Rapture stuff being misdirection.
We’ve accused them of wanting to take us back to the 13th century but what if it actually to the early days of the Roman Empire? I give you the American Empire and C-plus Augustus. No science needed, just a lot of good strong, not too bright, young lads to man the legions.
I just saw this at Orcinus. It is sickening. Does anyone question the use of the label fascist or Un-American now to decribe these people? Seriously, this is the beginning of brown shirts in America people.
I don’t know what is. I’m notnormally one for censorship but this deserves to be banned.
Call Cafe Press at 1-877-809-1659 to complain about the sale of these “hunting permits” and to demand that they remove this seller from their site.
I was wondering the same thing. What makes this any different than yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre?
We’re really an ugly nation sometimes, aren’t we?
We’re like the baby who comes out looking like a wrinkled, plucked chicken with an Aphrodite head (this was my elder son for the first 5 days of his life) and the friends and family stand around and say oooh, oooh, so cute, because they love the parents and know the child will grow out of it. Only in the case of our nation, we have grown up into the sullen, spoiled teenager, beautiful on the outside, perhaps, but the ugliness prevails in the “I know better than you do and screw you and I want what ai want and I want it, like yesterday”
Oh, shit, I’m sorry, that analogy got away from me big time — just ignore the addled rantings!
of the time we were driving along 80 freeway coming out of Sacramento and we passed a car with a “use a gun, piss off a liberal” sticker on the back. As we passed the car, the driver must have noticed the “Impeach Bush” sticker on our bumper. He speeds up, races by us, flips us off and cuts in front of us.
I didn’t fail to notice the irony of the fact that the four young men in the car were all of a prime age to join the military.
I work for a scientific research company that relies on SBIR grants for some of its funding and just this morning the person who keeps us up to date on opportunity announcements told me about this one for an effort to start a “Citizens Corps” for national security.
Yup. Welcome to the new world order.
Your tax dollars at work….
This is worth a diary.
diary that.
OMG. What’s next? Are they going to make us wear something like the below so that they can identify us easier to shoot us?
Time for anarchy.
If I saw one of those stickers/signs I’d do some damage. Subtle damage. Damage that isn’t noticed till later on.
Like something that can easily be kept in a watergun and does terrible damage to car paint.
in a San Diego sign shop:
The last time American mixed Politics and Religion
People were burned at the stake as Witches
But from now on I’ll carry a black Majik Marker. Won’t leave home without one.