The following is a diary I posted on May 4, 2005 at dailyKos. I’m posting it here as a primer to a diary I plan to write tonight. A seriously bizarre thing happened to me yesterday. Do you recognize the name Brian Harring? Well guess what? I got an e-mail from him… But I’ll leave that story for tonight, this re-posting is just the primer…
May 4, 2005
I have seen reference occasionally to “news” reports that apparently come from a White House insider. These reports are titled “The Voice of the White House” and are being put out there by TBRNews. The latest installement is all about Gannon (as are many previous postings).
According to TBR News, this “source” is “a reporter with access to the White House and Presidential press briefings.” I began reading some of these reports from when they began back in March of 2004 and, while they are entertaining and sometimes convincing, something smelled bad. So I started to dig….
I think I should first start with TBR News itself. From their website, in the About Us section, the editor calls himself Walter Storch and says that TBR News originally came from the Barnes Review magazine. I have since come to discover, through two sources (one from the CIA and the other from a historical revisionist named Germar Rudolf, that Walter Storch is one of many pseudonyms used by Peter Stahl, a.k.a. Gregory Douglas. So, who is Gregory Douglas?
Well, let’s just say I’ve waded through so many filthy revisionist websites today that I feel almost sick. In essence, it’s all about anti-semitism and the holocost was a hoax shit. Regardless, I plugged my nose, took some gravol, and plowed my way through to find some very interesting information.
It appears Gregory Douglas (or Peter Stahl, or Walter Storch, or ….) is a very elusive character. The following are a few of the things written on him:
Let me summarize what I learned about him.
After we had become well acquainted, Douglas confessed to me that his real name was Peter Stahl, and he showed me his identification papers. He said he often used the name of his illegitimate son, however. In 1993, this son had begun writing newspaper articles about Gestapo-Müller. This had inspired him (Stahl) to publish the articles in book form. His son had signed the contract with the US publisher and had also received the royalties.
He said that he himself had been born in Germany in 1933. Because of hard times in Germany his parents emigrated to the US in 1934; but finding conditions in the US even worse than in Germany, they gave him up for adoption. Eventually, he was adopted by a German American family. As a young man he researched his parentage and learned that his mother maiden name was Müller and that here family roots went back to the German-French region of Alsace.
Stahl was strongly influenced by his adoptive grandfather, a staunch German nationalist; and since early childhood, Stahl had a strong interest in everything that had to do with Germany and the Third Reich. The defeat of Germany in WWII did not dampen his enthusiasm. In his youth, he began collecting and dealing in National Socialist memorabilia, with which he soon developed an intimate familiarity. This trade became lucrative, as there was a huge market for NS memorabilia from the fifties to the seventies. He progressed from Hitler paintings to other art and sculpture, becoming an artist and art dealer along the way.
In 1963, his predilection for all things German and his admiration for the Third Reich brought him in contact with a German war veteran who introduced himself as a fighter pilot and later confided that he had been a member of the Führer’s honor squadron (Führer-Begleitstaffel). After some time, this pilot introduced Stahl to a friend who later revealed his real identity: Gestapo-Chef Heinrich Müller. A great surprise developed from the discussion of Stahl’s family background, as it turns out that Heinrich Müller’s family originates from the region of Alsace, had a sister with exactly the same name as Stahl’s mother, who happened to have emigrated to the U.S. in the year given by Stahl. A comparison of Stahl’s family documents with those in the possession of Heinrich Müller reveals that Stahl is indeed Müller’s nephew.
Whoa!! OK, this writer is a revisionist himself, so take THAT with a grain of salt. Anyway, Douglas apparently wrote some books on Muller and on the JFK assassination, most of which gets debunked but still sits in the libraries of the most die-hard conspiracy theorists out there.
In other places, I have read that he is in the FBI witness protection program, that he was in the secret service, etc.. In his own words, as shown in this e-mail and this e-mail, he says he lives in France and used to live in Vancouver. He also says he knows the owners of the Barnes Review but they have nothing to to with TBR News (I’ll get to those connections in a minute).
Two gentlemen have been extremely critical of Douglas’ books, one man named Mark Weber of IHR and the other a gentleman called David Irving. They’ve had plenty to say about Douglas and his writings. And Douglas apparently despises both of them. Which brings to mind another quote from the Rudolf paper:
It was this quote that made me realize that the Voice from the White House that TBR claims to get the information from is actually Stahl/Douglas/Storch himself. Here is a quote from the February 28, 2005 installment, where the “source” says:
This, along with other things, leads me to believe that Stahl/Douglas/Storch is actually writing these things himself. There is no “source” in the White House sending e-mails to TBR News. This whacko is making it up as he goes along. Why? God only knows….
Finally, his connection to Willis Carto, owner of the Barnes Review, an extreme right wing hate-type site, is not in dispute either. Although his association to Carto seems to be exclusively through the pseudonym Gregory Douglas. This article fron the Southern Poverty Law Center really says it all: ever wonder where the theory came from that Bush knew about 911 ahead of time? Well, here you go. A real group of crackers here.
In the end, it worries me that this twerp is getting in there on the Gannon story. I would caution anyone who is seriously interested in the Gannon investigation to COMPLETELY AVOID citing anything from TBR or the so-called “Voice From the White House”. There is nothing that will discredit the Gannon story quicker than having these people invlolved.
Thank you….
UPDATE: Here is my second diary Follow up: TBRNews and Brian Harring
I am jbalazs. I got two other e-mails over the weekend from people wanting to know that. FYI, I changed my user id here so that my last name wasn’t so conspicuous and “out there”, so to speak. I’m kind of glad I did now though as you’ll see in my diary later. (I’m at work now, so I can’t do the second diary until I get home…)
Thank you for the diary.
I have read comments saying that TBR is not trustworthy. Now I know why.
Well I just want to throw this out there FWIW..I don’t think the VOTWH is connected to TBR, I think they pick it up from another site, that is based in England.
I have heard all this before about TBR, but the way I look at it is what if, and so…..
Who knows the origin at this point, and it is an interesting viewpoint to read and for each to judge themselves. I am very reluctant to disallow an information source based on the evidence you have put above…and I don’t think it is Storch writing these letters..
That said, what can it hurt to read…no one can say for sure who is the author and what is the point of saying this guy may have written it, same for many articles found on the internet. I find it curious that so many have gone to lengths to point out that this guy may not be valid or ?????
You know I have read the whole site featuring VOTWH and to my mind the aricles are the same point of view as we have on this site..
Finally, I don’t get the Beware, we each have discernment..and we can use it..
Also I think the Gannon thing is a non issue that is going nowhere, and will not unless and until there is an impeachment and then all will come out hopefully.