[promoted by BooMan, with minor layout edits]
I rarely Splutter, much less in outrage; but in His Wapo Column Yesterday Howie Kurtz wrote a Sentence that left me spluttering with outrage:
WHAT? How do those get mentioned in the same breath? Is it possible to equate one of the most important pieces of paper in recent history with an artificial controversy whipped up by distorting the extremely valid words of a man of conscience?
Still, despite his hopelessly flawed premise, the column does provide a fascinating analysis of how the Wingnut Attack Machine gets a story in the MSM and by contrast, what it takes for the Forces of truth and justice to do the same :
Let’s take a gander shall we?
Start with Howie’s thesis statement again:
And Now his Supporting Evidence:
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham { Not a blogger; She is a broadcast media personality owned by giant corporation Westwood One} denounced Durbin after her producer Lee Habeeb saw the remarks on C-SPAN….
Rush Limbaugh { Also NOT a Blogger, do not be fooled. His markings indicate he is in fact a nationally syndicated broadcaster, he is also a bloviating anal cyst with an Oxy habit, but I digress }: accused the media of circling the wagons around Durbin because “they share his contempt for George W. Bush.”
The next day, June 16, the Washington Times {also NOT A BLOG, it is in fact a clever life-like imitation of a Newspaper, Owned by Radical Right-Wing Wierdo, the Rev Sun Yung Moon}:splashed the story on its front page
McClellan ripped Durbin at the White House. Sean Hannity said on his Fox News program that the senator’s remarks were “insidious” and “repugnant.” MSNBC’s new conservative host, Tucker Carlson, called the comments “outrageous” and “factually wrong.” On CNN, National Review’s Kate O’Beirne accused Durbin of “a stunning premeditated slander of American troops.”
{ again I understand this can be confusing, but none of the above are in fact Bloggers. The are, in Order, the Press Secretary to the President of the United States, A village idiot and Television personality in the employ of Fox News, The Recently rehired television commentator properly called a Dick by John Stewart, and a print reporter for a famous conservative magazine, owned, until recently by William F. Buckley.}
In other words EVERY person involved in the Creation, Dissemination and Hyping of this story is the very DEFINITION of the Main Stream Media, Represented are all 3 of the world’s Largest Media companies, (ViaCom, TimeWarner, and NewsCorp).
If that ain’t the mainstream than I simply don’t know what is….
Which, of course, makes it EXACTLY LIKE the treatment of the media gave the DSM:
Georgia Logothetis, 22, a Chicago law student… { note carefully, NOT a Celebrity broadcast media Commentator who works for a multi-million dollar conglomerate, no this is an impoverished law Student with access to a computer, YES! we have our first Blogger, sighting! }, helped start the Web site DowningStreetMemo.com…
so exposed by a fearless blogger, THEN, THEN media feeding frenzy began….right? Frenzy? anyone, frenzy? no?
But, in their defense, the seasoned journalists of the broadcast media were quick to display the sage news judgment that has made them our trusted information gatekeepers all these years
ABC’s Banner says his network has been “pilloried” for its skeptical reporting on the march to war “and I don’t know that we felt, quite honestly, that this added a tremendous amount.”
{Translation: “we were tired of being beaten up by Wingnuts every time we told the truth, so we’ve decided in the interests of 3rd quarter corporate profits to pretend the world is the way they want it to be”}
NBC’s Capus says the memo “didn’t seem like it was much different from a lot of the reporting we had done. I can’t tell you how many stories we did questioning the prewar planning.” { No I suspect you really can’t}
Well to be fair the Durbin non-story got very little coverage on the broadcast networks until he apologized either, but the dynamic 24 hour saturation, news-starved cable outlets were all OVER the memo weren’t they?
According to a database search, CNN first mentioned it May 12 in an “Inside Politics” segment on how bloggers were buzzing about the issue. { Note they were reporting on the reporting on the memo, NOT the memo itself}
“It certainly did spark my interest,” says CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. “Were we slow in getting off from the start? I suspect we probably were.” { Crack Detective that Boy, about as Sharp as the corners of a round table
Actor { note NOT reporter, or highly paid Political commentator, or news anchor} Tim Robbins brought up the memo May 25 on MSNBC’s “Hardball,”
while liberal Fox host Alan Colmes raised it on May 11. { he must have been sick that day}
Fox’s Moody says .. that “for our audience, the amount of attention and timing of our stories has been about right.” { Defined as : “hordes of Sheep-like conservatives we’re trying desperately to keep brainwashed”}
Lets Review:
- A Senator’s heartfelt and impassioned speeech about real abuses being carried out by our government: Hyped by a large well oiled broadcast and cable attack machine, not for its content but for its word choices, eventually dominates both boradcast and cable media outlets until the Senator is forced to apologize.
- A Memo from an unimpeachable source, clearly confirms that the War we are currently fighting which has cost 1700 lives and 50,000 war-related injuries, was utterly unnecessary and that our president knowingly mislead us into the War.: This is met with defeaning silence by the media until enough private citizens, using their own tiny media pipelines, make enough noise about the story that they are forced to cover it, though not without first alibing their previous failure, and trying to downplay its significance. Currently being denied by those it names and not being followed up on by any major news outlet.
So there you Have it: Two Stories, one from the left, and one from the right, handled exactly the same, by the mainstream press. Except, not at all in any way shape or form. Maybe Howie was Right. They ARE mirror images, but only if you remember Mirror images are exact opposites of each other.
of fair and balanced reporting in the 21st Century American Media Grand and Glorious Noise Machine.
The only thing Howie sees when he looks in the mirror is a sad sack of shit filled with tedious writing and uninspired thinking.
Howie thinks we pick on him too much. I love that cute little way he looks down his nose at the Left in general… although he has to stand on his head to do it. I really don’t know how tall he is, he’s just a very small man.
Excellent diary, I felt I witnessed little Howie get a pie right in the kisser. (oh God, why oh why did I say that?)
Wonderfully and bitingly written. Kurtz is an a–hole. I listened to his Sun. am show on CNN and he was particularly snippy. It happens to those who get led around by a ring in their nose.
Ignore him.
That he has the positions he has at WaPo and at CNN should tell you oodles about both institutions. Of course the folks who frequnet the BoomanTrib don’t need to be told that, but what the hey.