I want to be very clear right up front – this is not my work – but the writing of a fellow Kansan – Pat Hayes.
He maintains a brilliantly named I wish I’d though of it first blog called Red State Rabble – and I think his work deserves a larger audience and will be helpful to people interested in combating the new wave of creationism.
I encourage you to visit Pat’s site at
Large excerpts of his first two articles in the series are after the frog jump
Excerpt from yesterday’s post
According to this view, the canyon is less than 10,000 years old.
In August 2003, Joe Alston, the Grand Canyon National Park superintendent, ordered the book removed from the bookshelves there. But, superiors at National Park Service headquarters quickly overruled him. NPS promised a review of the book, but this was never carried out. Despite protests, by the presidents of seven scientific societies, the book remains on sale.
It happens that Red State Rabble, though ignorant of many things has a little first-hand knowledge about the canyon. In 2000, we backpacked and studied the geology of the inner canyon for six days with a group from the Grand Canyon Field Institute. Beginning on the South Rim, we descended the Hermit Trail to the Colorado River. We camped along Hermit Creek, Monument Creek, and Indian Gardens before ascending to the rim on the Bright Angel Trail.
Ken Walters, a former exploration geologist, who has logged over 9,000 miles and summited 141 buttes in the canyon, led our merry little band. Along with exercises in map and compass reading, Walters insisted that each of us learn the little mnemonic: “Know The Canyon’s History, Study Rocks Made By Time” as an aid to orienting ourselves in the canyon’s backcountry.
Click through the link at the bottom and scroll down to learn what the mnemonic reminds him of. Interesting stuff (and some great photos)
Excerpt from today’s post
Evolutionists are concerned with biological evolution. It is geologists who undertake the scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth, and it’s specific structural features, such as the Grand Canyon.
Do geologists “assume the Grand Canyon’s rock always had its current concrete-like consistency”? Don’t be silly. Geologists understand that a formation such as the Grand Canyon is the product of dynamic forces. Forces that are still at work today.
Erosion by ice, water, and wind are just some of the dynamic forces that helped carve the canyon. Volcanism, plate tectonics, and the sediments left behind by advancing and retreating ocean coast lines have all played a role in making the canyon one of the most remarkable geological features on earth.
By the way, creationists like Mr. Turney often focus on how rapidly the waters of Noah’s Flood might have carved out the canyon, but they rarely consider how long it took to form the strata there in the first place.
Here’s something else Mr. Turney might not have considered when he wrote his commentary. Many kinds of rock make up the canyon. On our ramble through the canyon, we examined sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock strata. Some of these rocks are much, much harder than concrete. Others are softer. The varying hardness of those rocks, and their resistance to erosion give the canyon its unique profile.
Let’s wander down through the strata now from the South Rim to the river …
Please go to http://redstaterabble.blogspot.com/ for the rest, some other interesting posts on the folks behind “Intelligent Design” and other issues that seem to keep coming up in Kansas
I ask for recommends, but will not post a tip jar – it’s not my work – please visit Mr. Hayes blog and leave him the tips in the form of traffic and exposure.
I’m not affiliated with Red State Rabble other than being a fellow Kansan and, um – I suppose a rabble rouser?!
If this is well recieved (and Mr. Hayes does not object) I’ll link to more of his series here (BT and dKos) as it continues.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful site. I too live in the land of Red, where creationism is king and Liberals are anathema, except in that great blue dot in NE Kansas, Lawrence.
I will enjoy reading this blog and knowing that a bright shining light of reason can still permeate the fog of Hardline, extremist, Theocratic, religious fanatics in Kansas.