Check out Soj’s analysis of Bush’s speech.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I was just over at Eurotrib and had read her excellent analysis and rebuttal to his whole sorry ass talking points speech.
If anyone needs any rebuttal talking points for any crazed bushie fans in your orbit, that’s the place to go and pick them up.
It’s like watching a child pick the wings off a fly. Soj just wipes the floor with Bush’s rhetoric. A brilliant job.
Hey now! I’m an advocate for peace, not the torturing of living creatures!
Speaking of flies, my apartment has somehow become home to a strange Romanian species. They are smaller than “house flies” and fly in endless circles in the exact center of whatever room they are in. They don’t seem to be here for food and never land anywhere (that I can see). They only come in the daytime and then disappear at night…
If I disperse them they return within 5 minutes. Argh..
Weird… they drive me batty!
You need to let the Frog loose on them.
Yes, it was brilliant and much of that had to do with dealing in factual rebuttals(like any decent reporter here should)and the calm and reasoned dismantling of his speech.
And I’d like to mention that it’s FUN to read!
Thanks Susan… I always appreciate comments from you because I hold your writing in such high esteem.
I especially feel good when you say it was “fun” to read, because I find dry analytical pieces so tiresome. I try to write for the “average person” in a way that’s engaging, even if the topic is not titillating.
and those crazed Repubs that might inhabit it, I heard that you live somewhere near my own Bush-loving hellhole! Could it be that you’re in <gagackcough> Bakersfield too?
You’re kidding..I do happen to live in the bush-loving Bakersfield area-to my utmost dismay.
If you’ve ever seen an Accord driving around with some sort of anti-Bush sticker prominently displayed on the bumper (I have a collection and change things frequently), that’s me! I live in the northwest part of the city near Riverlakes–where might you be?
Possibly worse, I live in Taft. Don’t get to B-town very often due to the fact I haven’t been able to drive for almost 20 years now ..due to neuromuscular disease. But I’ll keep my eye out when I do get over there, when my sister and I happen to visit to the big city for some shopping or a movie.
Yeah between living in red part of the state and have Conan as governor, it’s not been exactly fun around here for years. Although it hasn’t taken to long for Arnie to start to plummet in his ratings. Thank god.
I predict Ahhnold is going down hard in the next Gov election. You heard it here first!
I’m sorry you live in Taft, and I’m sorry to hear about your disability. If you’re ever in The Big City, though, and have a spare moment to grab a coffee or something, please feel free to let me know by email: kobieeli nospam @ yahoo . com (take out the nospam and the spaces, of course). I’d love to commiserate with another progressive around here! =)
little late getting back to this and will look forward to getting in touch someday when health permits..and agree about Arnie…I think he’s going down..and sure hope that’s not wishful thinking.
Yeah, you!
What are you still doing here? Go read Soj’s analysis now!
Seriously, that is one of the most amazing, complete analyses that I’ve ever seen. You’re doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t take the time to read it.
Actually ecjw, in America’s past, lengthy (and much better) analyses of major political speeches was a regular feature of newspapers.
Lincoln and Douglas’ debates were reprinted all over the country and the citizenry greatly enjoyed discussing and debating the merits of what each person said.
The article I wrote was roughly 9,000 words, or 18 times longer than the average newspaper column in the commercial media. I guess it’s considered that articles of that length are “too much” for the average reader 🙁
Well, I’m not sure about ‘much better’. But you’re (sadly) very right in saying that an article of this length is too much for the average reader these days. Of course, most of the ‘average readers’ wouldn’t be interested anyway.
Like Jake said in The Gunslinger: “Go then, there are other worlds that these.” It’s a lot easier for someone to just head to their own little suburban world, or become entranced with a video game, than it is to deal with all the crap going on in the wide world.
Sorry, I digress. Thanks again for the great analysis, Soj.
thanks soj for an AMAZING analysis. I missed the speech so the commentary was most welcomed.
of that mountain of horseshit called a speech. You rebut all those tired platitudes, oversimplifications, and outright mistruths with good solid facts. I love it!
“A majority of California voters say they do not want to see Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger re-elected in November 2006, according to a recent poll.” — NBC Political News
They’re looking at JULY: “House Republican leaders plan to seek a vote this year on legislation creating a scaled back version of President Bush’s call for personal retirement funds under Social Security.” – NBC Politics
We all knew this already, but the EPA is now on board:
Compound in Teflon A ‘Likely Carcinogen’
Washington Post, DC – 8 hours ago
The Environmental Protection Agency’s own scientific advisory panel has identified perfluorooctanoic acid, a chemical compound used to make Teflon, as a …
Independent Science Panel to EPA: Teflon Chemical is ‘Likely’ … Food Consumer
Board: Teflon Cancer Risks Downplayed San Francisco Chronicle
Review: Teflon Chemical May Be Riskier Than EPA Suggested
Ohio News Network – WIS – all 202 related »
on the speech: “As he rallied his own corps, he seemed to imply that anyone who questioned the course he had set was exhibiting traitorous weakness.
We have to remake the Middle East, not turn into it.”
Fineman usually ruffles my feathers, I was surpised by his take on Bush’s rhetoric.
Link is here
Unleashing the Resistance
by Karen Kwiatkowski One fiesty lady !!
“Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it.”
“The way ahead is clear. We should promote our Great Leader’s love of liberty and resist, resist, resist!”
The mother of Jonathan J. Santos was just on MSNBC by telephone.
Bush wore a bracelet wtih her son’s name on it. The reporter expected to hear the mother talk about how much that meant to her …
the mom began by talking about how much her son was dedicated to the work he was doing in Iraq, how much he cared about the civilians, etc., etc.
Then she said “this war was based on lies, all lies.”
The MSNBC presenter’s head nearly fell off its Stepford base.
Anyone know how?
Wow, this is fabulous. The mother is yelling on tv its all lies? Oh my God, why do I always have to miss this stuff?
Wow soj…I have always been a fan of your writing but am I ever glad I took the time to go to ET and read your fabulous analysis. This should be pared down for newspaper consumption. Not that I believe anything should be left out but I feel very strongly that this is what needs to be laid out to the American Kool aid gang so they can see for themselves all the lies and truths in black and white.
the Most Ironic Headline goes to:
hearing on CSPAN?