Last week, I posted a diary with a list of search engines and how they are different than your basic Googlehere.
Today I thought it would be helpful to post a list of tips that make Google better than just your basic Google. These tips are available at the Google Guide pages here, here and here.
Basic Boolean and Special Operators:
Most search engines will let you use terms that narrow or broaden your search by specifying how you want the search terms combined.
x y z will return results for pages that contain the terms x, y and z anywhere on the page and in any order.
“x y z” will return results for sites containing the exact phrase: x y z.
“x * y” Will return results for pages containing the phrase: x [any word] y.
x OR y OR z or x | y | z will return results for sites containing any of the three search terms. OR must be in all caps.
x +y will return results for pages that contain the terms x and y. Google automatically ignores words like “the” and “and”. The + will make Google include the word.
x -y will return results for pages that contain the term x but not y. Do not put a space between the + or – and the term you want included or excluded.
x ~y will return results for sites containing the terms x and y and synonyms of the term y. Like + and -, do not put a space between the ~ and the term you want synonyms for.
These operators can be combined with each other or with other special search terms which I will cover below the fold.
Advanced Operators
x will return pages containing the term x on the site
Example: biden will return results for Biden on Daily Kos.
x will return pages containing the term x on any .org site.
Example: gay republican will return results with gay and republican from any .org site.
x will return pages containing the term x except from the site
Example: gay republican will return results with gay and republican from any site except the Log Cabin Republican site. will return all pages that link to
Example: will return sites that have linked to Liberal Oasis.
allintitle:x y z will return pages with x, y and z in the page title in any order.
Example: allintitle:booman tribune will return results for sites with Booman and Tribune in the title.
allintext:x y z will return pages with x, y and z in the text of the page in any order.
Example: allintext:booman tribune will return results for sites with Booman and Tribune in the text of the page.
allinurl:x y z will return pages with x, y and z in the url of the page in any order.
Example: allinurl:tribune will return results for sites with the word tribune in the url
allinanchor:x y z will return pages with x, y and z in the links to the page in any order.
Example: allinanchor:booman will return results for pages with links that have the word booman in a link.
x y z filetype:pdf will return pdf pages containing x, y and z.
Example: “new pearl harbor” filetype:pdf will return results for pdf files containing the phrase “new Pearl Harbor.” will return similar sites to
safesearch: x y z will return results for x, y and z without porn.
Example: safesearch: pussy will return results with information on the site
Example: returns this short summary: Commentary on political events from a politically left perspective, by Joshua Micah Marshall.
x y z location:uk on the Google News site will return results for x, y and z from sites in the United Kingdom.
Example: “downing street memo” location:uk will return news stories from the UK about the Downing Street Memo.
x y z source:news_source on the Google News site will return results for x, y and z from the specified news source.
Example: “downing street memo” source:new_york_times will return results for stories from the New York Times that mention the Downing Street Memo.
You can combine these operators with each other and with the operators listed above the fold.
I hope this made sense. If not, check out the links above for the Google Guide pages.
Do you know any other Google tricks?
Thanks mrboma.
I’ll read this a bit more thoroughly when back home. Also read your diary from last week.
Here’s one more search engine that I find useful:
I’m going to save this.
Is there a wiki entry for this?
Here’s the Wikipedia entry.
Interesting review.