Did you guys see today that the Army exceeded its recruiting goal for June 2005? Wow, I’m impressed as all get out until I start reading the finer print. Now I have questions. The recruiting goal for February 2005 was 7,050 and they fell 27% short of making that goal. The recruiting goal for March 2005 was 6,800 and they fell 32% short of making that goal. The recruiting goal for April 2005 was 6,600 and they fell 42% short of making that goal. The recruiting goal for May was 6,700 (the month that most seniors graduate) and they fell 25% short that month. For the month of June though they have exceeded the goal……..THE GOAL OF 5,650 that is 950 less than the previous month’s goal……so should I really be impressed by this EXCESS??
At least they made it though huh? Here I am bitching but they did at least make it….or did they? There’s more than one way to make a cat looked skinned in June (with it’s new lower than the lowest monthly goal). Nice how they have omitted the whole delayed-entry pool decision from their press release. How many of the recruits for the month of June (with it’s lower than the lowest monthly goal) were “tapped from the delayed-entry pool”? Will we ever know? I haven’t had a direct question of mine answered by the Army now in about 4 years. If only I could find last years recruiting goal monthly figures, maybe I could understand why when High School students all over the United States are graduating it is the time to decrease monthly recruiting goals. Particularly after the monthly goals for the four previous months met huge recruitment shortfalls. If anybody can find those figures please pass them on……I can’t find squat!
And I thought that summer was prime-recruiting-time, catching those 18 year olds right out of high school. So, why would the quota DROP during what this layperson would think would be a HIGH recruitment month?
MSNBC said it’s good news! So there, Tracy!
These past four years it has just been one wrong idea after another one for me!
Boy, Tracy. What a record you have! :):)
then obviously you don’t belong in the military.
Between February and May, the recruiting shortage equals 8,526. The entire goal for June is not only less than the previous month’s goal but the number is insufficient to make up the deficit from the previous 4 months.
Lose men, add lying (from the WaPo June 11th this year).:
Add to that that the Army’s added $500M (!) to its recruiting budget following May’s bleak news.
Read more on recruit resistance here at CounterRecruiter.
And recruitment isn’t the only area taking a hit. Re-ups are down, especially bad for the experienced officer corps. Here’s what the World Socialist WebSite has:
Get your teen on the National Do Not Call List, and tell Rummy he can’t have your “anti-Rovian liberal traitor-ass” kid in the Army he went to war with.
And this one was a Major General! Thank you very much for the WAPO June 11 comment. My how things have changed in only 18 little days! I read a little about Counter Recruiters too today, I found myself wondering if I was a counter recruiter since a couple of days back my daughter’s high school boyfriend told me how well he had scored on a Navy entrance exam and I told him that I just wished he was stupid!
in the outhouse until the stupid wave passes!
about the sagging enlistment and was taken aback by the news.
Then I heard about the fine print. I hope they run my letter; if they do, I’ll share.
Thanks for the diary.
If they keep the economy and jobs at an all time low, they figure the youths will have to join, not only to support themselves, but their parents as well, so they offer handsome enlistment bonus’….hmmmm,,,why don’t we “outsource” enlistment???
Now which country would take on those jobs??? ~@^@~
I GOT IT….let’s make the enlistment of Repugs mandatory, and 1st priority ! So now all you people in the oversized SUV’s with the ribbons, take all your children down to the local recruiting depot, and get them signed up! Make your BOSS proud ; )
you voted the prick in, now SUPPORT him, LMAO
Who wanted this prick in office about as much as they wanted to be missing in Afghanistan right now, would you mind if they took a career sabbatical for awhile while all those voters are in boot camp preparing for Iraq?
LMAO….hell yah ; )
Amazing how they spin everything isn’t it? I am sure they will lower it even more in the months to come. It is the only way they can justify the draft to come, imho by next year.
No Child Left Behind has now migrated to the military. When the standards can’t be met, lower the standards. When the goal still can’t be met, lower the goal.
that Pringles (I think) got caught with their advertising scheme of “1/3 less fat per serving”, where they had not changed the fat content at all, but rather reduced the serving size.
Lies, damn lies, and statistics.