In a particularly snarky (and timely) move, a developer in New Hampshire has asked for permission to develop a hotel, museum and cafe at 34 Cilley Hill Road in the town of Weare.
The main catch is that particular address is the site of Supreme Court Justice David Souter.
Follow the link:
At Alas, a Blog
OMG. that’s rich.
I didn’t read it — meant to but forgot — but didn’t Armando defend the court’s decision on DKos?
have been most concerned with the possible dilution of the State’s Power (to act for the population as a whole) vs. Property Rights (which priviledge individuals over the whole).
With all of the “takings” lawsuits, i.e. if government regulations say you can’t build a mini-mall on a wetland, then the government can be said to have “taken” that money (determined by the “fair market value” of unencumbered property) you could have earned by developing your property, and must compensate you accordingly.
I’m not sure that’s what Armondo, wrote (not having read it) but it’s what others have argued.
First, I’ll be a bit shameless here and promote a post of mine over at TPMCafe, “A Legislative Response to Kelo?”, discussing the recent move by Sen. John Cornyn to gut the effect of the Supreme Court decision by preventing the involvement of any federal funds for eminent domain seizures for economic development. (Note: I said near the end of that post that the bill had no co-sponsors; late on Tuesday, it picked up 8, most of whom are among the far right wing of the GOP and not the kind of company I’d want to hang around with.)
And, for anyone who has the time or inclination, I’d also highly recommend the group discussion held over at SCOTUSblog (read from the bottom up), which included several posts by attorneys who were directly involved in the case, as well as several other heavy hitters among Supreme Court practitioners (Dellinger, Tribe, etc.).
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
Thank you for so much good info and the links!
A Froggy Bottom Cafe
As long as it stays virtual – I’ll go.