Ok, another ranting diary about some idea I think is important, but this is probably just pushing some better “scoop story” off of the list.
One difference I have noticed between myself and friends of mine on the wrong side of the political spectrum is that I have heard policies justified in terms of its importance in regards to tradition.
I believe that tradition alone is not enough to justify anything.
At first glance, I can understand how someone might read this and think this is some sort of attack on tradition, but that is not my intention at all. All I mean is that if someone is going to invoke something’s importance there must be a clear reason aside from the sole fact that it is a tradition.
There are many traditions I partake in. As a non-believer, I celebrate Christmas each year. I enjoy the tradition of getting together with friends and family and playing some ridiculously cheesy music, it’s effin great. But, those reasons I have for enjoying the holiday are exactly why I enjoy the tradition.
Just as it would be absurd to justify slavery as a form of tradition, arguments against marriage of peoples of certain sexual orientation ring a similar tone. I’m sure we all see bummer stickers explaining that marriage is between a man and a woman. There is no logic in these arguments, but a will to preserve some false image of history in the “good old days” where homosexuality didn’t exist (no, most people have not studied Ancient Greece).
In the end, I have no problem with many traditions, but I could explain to you why each one of those had some value. If tradition is ever to be invoked as a justification, it follows that a second justification is necessary.
Cross posted at the kos (a good tradition).
What do you folks think?
also at the fabulous Eurotrib.
I agree.
(And ditto for Christmas. BTW, we once hosted an exchange student from Turkey whose family were secular “Muslims” the way much of Europe is de facto secular “Christians”.)
I have never seen a test to determine the difference between “tradition” and “prejudice” (except “what I like”).
(Forget about the “good old days”, just look at nature. Masturbation, homosexuality, you name it, if it’s sex-related and “icky”, it’s there in most higher mammals.)
A kind of Tradition in disguise is the argument known as “It’s Natural …” as in “It is natural for Women/ Negroes/ Men/ Haberdashers to …”
This is rarely used by people who know enough to be able to say it – biologists or anthropologists. They will say “It seems” or “This group tends to”.