Booman nailed it today when he said, and I quote:
You know what? He’s absolutely right. And now that I think about it, I am the enemy, and I’m going to stand up and say so.
If they are trying to organize support for an illegal and immoral war that my sons, both in their twenties with families, could still be sucked into, then damn straight, I’m the enemy.
If they are bankrupting the country to line the pockets of people who already have more money than you and I are ever going to see at the expense of education, health care and social security for the citizens of this country, then damn straight I’m the enemy.
If they want to create a populace that sits numbly in front of their television sets with whatever sludge they decide to serve up pouring into their brains, then damn straight I’m the enemy.
If they want to send my job overseas because it’s cheaper for businesses to do so, then damn straight I’m the enemy.
If they want to make my air unbreathable, my water undrinkable and my landscape unliveable, then damn straight I’m the enemy.
If they want to curtail my rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to worship, freedom from self-incrimination, freedom to own a weapon, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom to vote, and freedom to think and act for myself, damn straight I’m the enemy.
I love this country, and if they’re going to treat me like a traitor for trying to stand up for it, then damn straight I’m the enemy.
Or, more likely, who’s going to come visit me in Gitmo? I hear it’s the tropics and they get three squares a day.
… the ice cream and candy bars!
but now that you pointed that out I’m packing my best Hawaiian shirt and just standing outside waiting for the plane.
And the glazed chicken.
Don’t forget the glazed chicken.
That’s what I was trying to think of when I wrote “three squares a day,” but I didn’t want to take the time to look it up. I was angry when I wrote this and I wanted to ship it off before the anger wore off.
Most things I do when I’m angry, I end up wishing I hadn’t. So far this diary is not one of them.
I have the same anger thing. Oh Well, maybe taking off with you guys for an island vacation would be a good thing for me. Can I bring my Koran? Will they have toilet paper or should I bring my back up Koran?
I’m definitely with you Omir. I’m an enemy of Bush and his failed policies. He is an enemy of the America I love and call home.
but I think there’s more of us out there than you or I think.
to Buddha’s ears.
as in, “From your lips to $DEITY’s ears.”
In programming speak that means you substitute whatever the value of DEITY happens to be. So it could be God, Allah, JHWH, Buddha, Ahura-Mazda, Eris (hail Eris! fnord), Herbie, or just left undefined if you happen to be a Unitarian.
You sound like a candidate for the Unitarian Jihad.
Pleased to meet cha. Brother Four-Barrel Carburetor Chainsaw of Serene Meditation here. It might be a sin to not take the name the website assigned me (Brother Switchblade of Grace) and just use the pattern to make up your own, but since Unitarian Jihadists think the only sin is running out of coffee and I don’t drink coffee, I figure I’m in pretty good shape.
I’ll be in the GITMO cell next to ya and they perform a rendition of me out of Germany. Pass the glazed chicken, will ya?
give me a call…I can still hit what I am aiming at, even after all these years…;-)
I keep thinking of the Marsailles <sp> the painting with the mother of liberty and her exposed breast (sorry Mr. Ashcroft). Mother’s milk of Freedom! Then I imagine my 5-shot WWII era Mauser rifle (Yugoslav, stamped with the Hammer and Sickle – NOT the swastika). Then how outgunned I would be charging the Bastieille <sp>… ah, so many died for Liberty.
Nevertheless I question myself as I don’t want to be a Robespierre but rather a Danton!
… I was just the Boogeyman, but I guess it doesn’t take much to go from Boogeyman to enemy.
And if you are reading this Karl Baby, I’m your enemy too.Where do I sign up?
That’s the beauty of it.
The next question is, now what?
Now what? That is the question. I will continue doing what I have been doing since the election. I write my reps, email the media, write LTEs sign action petitions, stand up with the reps that are trying to get some steam behind the DSM(which is happening) and whatever I am asked to do that is honest and within my integrity to take this country back. I will march to the gates of the White House on Sept 24th, hopefully with millions of others to demand that Bush resign. For more info on that march go to
Actually, I’m not sure, but I’m guessing just posting on a site like this makes you the enemy. I mean geez, if you can be the enemy if you’re just a cab driver who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, why not someone who’s trying to improve the United States from within?
I often wonder about that. I am planning on flying to DC for that rally and I just wouldn’t put it past them to put me on the no fly list.
Got my reading material – Arabian Nights packed and plenty of sunscreen for my freckled be-speckled bootie.
I’m printing this off and attaching it to my fridge. INfuckingCREDIBLE!!!! Marble Man! Incredible and mucho thanks!
They might mistake it for a Koran and try to flush it down the toilet.
They’ll be ticked off that I also read The Da Vinci Code, too. 🙂
I’m such a sick pup.
Tell me NOT to do something and my scorpi sense start tingling…
Reason I can’t get all bent (for too long) when my kids do something I explicitly told them not to do… it’s genetic. 🙂
I could make an entire list of Books I Read Just to Piss Off Bush, Inc. (there was a rightwing nutcase in an old hockey room I used to chat with… typical Church Lady Hypocrtie POS who I enjoyed pissing off when my “casual comments”) 🙂
There’s a song in The Fantasticks that sums that up pretty well:
Why did the kids pour jam on the cat?
Raspberry jam all over the cat?
Why would the kids do something like that
When all that we said was “no”?
My son was once afraid to swim,
The water made him wince
Until I said he mustn’t swim.
Been swimmin’ ever since . . .
Remember the list last month of The Ten Most Harmful Books by some rightwing nutjob crankcase outfit? And how most of us were going, “Cool, there’s my summer reading list!” OK, maybe not Mein Kampf . . .
also and too in the same sentence… I’d better pack along a freaking Grammar 101 book
I’ll sneak some rum in as well. (None of that Delay Bacrapi either) To go along with the family DEvalues of the Right… we’ll call em
SMAQueries –
I guess all of us who support the US Constitution are the enemy! So, who cares about territory – let’s just succeed and allow them to do what they want, but without us!
We play Alice’s Restaurant every Thanksgiving Day during dinner. 🙂
will be “the enemy” too as more and more of them start speaking out against the war. BooMan’s post this morning led me to thoughts of Jerry Lembcke’s the Spitting Image about how anti-war Vietnam vets were demonized and discredited. Diary with quotes from Lembcke here.
— a most excellent diary, by the way — and it’s no big secret that Bush and his friends are going to demonize anyone and everyone who they thinks stands in the way of their megalomaniacal dreams. Even if they are people who have honorably served their country, laid their lives on the line for it, and whose primary mistake was to disagree with the direction this country is going in and the speed at which it’s going there.
You know, people like John Kerry for starters.
Pat Tilman’s family
Cindy Sheehan
just for starters.
more than two-in-five voters (42%) say they would favor impeachment proceedings if it is found the President misled the nation about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.
Omir, I think that’s the best diary I’ve ever read. I’m with you.
we can get another 8% or so on board . . .
OK, another 48% would be lovely, but even if a majority of people is starting to see the light, I consider that to be a good sign.
There are not many people/entities out there who have made an enemy of me (not that I could honestly say that that is true in the reverse…I always think of that question the cops always ask after a suspicious death: “Did she have any enemies?” And I hear my husband saying: “None that she ever returned the favor…”
But THESE people have made an active enemy out of me, no holds barred. I’m with you Omir, and damned glad to be in such ass-kicking company!
so let the record show that they declared war on me, not the other way around.
Omar, you tell it right. I woke up a week before my 57th birthday and realized I’d become the enemy. Overnight. Didn’t have to do a thing differently. Just keep talking. Just keep writing. Just be. So I’m the enemy, too, and damned proud of it.
Just a couple of years ago I was fat, dumb, happy and politically apathetic, and happy to stay that way. Never registered to vote in my life, didn’t see any difference in the parties or the candidates.
Then, slowly, I came to the realization that the Bush administration was tearing up the constitution. This was even before the war was started on my 48th birthday. I don’t even remember what triggered the realization. I just remember figuring out that Bush, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and their friends (the name Karl Rove didn’t mean anything to me back then) were shredding the Bill of Rights in the name of national security in the wake of 9/11. With that realization came the logical conclusion that the only way to stop this from happening was to get the people responsible (primarily Rumsfeld and Ashcroft) out of their positions; and the only way to do that was to get George Bush out of office; and the only way to do that was to get a Democrat elected to the White House.
Everything else sort of followed from that
(Caveat: Omir, I mean you no offense and. in fact, value highly your contributions to Bootrib and dKos)…but 48 years…never registered to vote? Mind boggling! Thank you for becoming aware…the best advocates are often the converted.
Respectfully submitted.
What can I say? Basically, all my life I considered politics to be like elephants mating:
I consider it a testament to how rotten a president His Nibs is that a committed apathetic like me finally caught on to him. I hope this doesn’t mean that there are people out there who are denser than I am, but sometimes I wonder.
there are the supposed 51% that voted for Bush that I would consider dense at a minimum. I also consider them complicit in all the lives lost in Bush’s war in Iraq. So it only follows that I consider them enemies of my country and therefore enemies of me and my children. One of which just became eligible for the draft. I’m not ready yet to welcome Congressman “Freedom Fries” and others like him who’ve had a change of heart. The choice was pretty goddamned clear in November. Then again, I have a brilliantly shiny tinfoil hat, so I think the outcome was a forgone conclusion anyway.
“We have seen the enemy and they are us,” for our motto.
“Support the war and our toops? Your magnet isn’t enough. ENLIST NOW!”
“Republican? Be all you can be in the Army! Unka Dubya needs you,” for our bumper stickers.
that someone on Kos — I forget who — is using as their sig is the title of a song by John Prine:
“But your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore.”
After reading all the current comments, I only have this to say:
“Hooooooooo Lawd” it’s about time, time to kick ass and take names, take back what is OURS, and not a minute too late.
Dayum, y’all make me wanna go kick a 12 foot gator, square in the ass, and skin’m alive…Hoooooooooooo
Omir, that is one HELLUVA rant my man…KUDOS
just hand me that can of whoop-ass and step back.
None of them ever served a single day in the military (TANG evasion of duty don’t count, bubba).
I’m sure they’d scream like pre-teen girls and run to their “undisclosed location” at the first sign of a mob of angry Americans comin’ down Pennsylvania Ave.
As Kenneth Mars said in Young Frankenstein- “A rrrriot izzz a uuugly ting”!
if, on a sunny Thursday morning in the fall, about a million or so people laid siege to the White House. No rocks, no weapons, nothing more menacing than signs and some heavy-duty chanting. HEY HEY! HO HO! THE CHIMPEROR HAS GOT TO GO! Stuff like that.
I don’t think it’s going to happen, and it’s one of those questions I don’t think I’m going to ask, because I’m not really sure I’d like the answer.
But save that gator kickin’ for someone who deserves it. I’m sure you can come up with a list of names, and if you can’t, I got one right here handy . . .
This diary says perfectly how I feel. I’m an ex Navy officer and flaming liberal who flies my American flag at half mast (or upside down) every day out of respect for all the unnecessary death wrought by the King George. I feel like I am truly at war in the keyboard brigade and I am doing everything I can to bring down the Bush sadministration. So far I’ve stopped short of violence. But it is tempting. Very tempting.
I thought I was calling out the mindless military but you my friend flying upside down flag are really calling them out!
on our vechicle too! We did it during Viet Nam, and now during this illegal war, we are again a nation in distress.
This administration has also declared war on hope, war on sanity, and war of ethics! Asshats!
I’ll march at anytime we’re ready, just let me find my comfortable tennies, and give me a date and time.
I think I’m going to fly the Union Jack. Afterall, it’s the Brits trying to bring democracy to the US through the DSM!
We also have an Italian “PACE” flag. May that’ll get some airtime, too.
I said the same thing this A.M. in this diary LINK
I am Bush’s worse nightmare and his enemy. I despise him and the rest of BUSHCO!
WOO HOOO!! A Declaration of Independence worthy of the Fourth of July!!!!
Let us hang together or we shall surely hang separately. I think that’s what John Hancock said.
Hice to see you over here in the frog pond. 🙂
And clever rhetoric and all that aside, his point is well taken for these times.
Hey everybody,
I have a new diary that I put up in honor of the holiday. You’re invited to take a look.
I keep trying to get on “the enemies of the White House” list. Methinks I’d be among some damned good company.
you can count me in on this whole thing as well. I have started my revolution in 1999 and I have not stopped. I will not stop till they are out of the WH and for good. I will not stop till they are convicted of their crimes. I will not stop till we have our America back..God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the 1st amendment is the enemy. If that amendment is seriously weakened, freedom of speech and religion are out the door.