Booman nailed it today when he said, and I quote:

George W. Bush does not think that the Taliban are his enemy. He doesn’t think Usama bin-Laden is his enemy. He doesn’t think former Ba’athists are his enemy, or even foreign suicide bombers. No, his enemies are ‘opinion leaders’ here in the United States. That’s you and me.

You know what? He’s absolutely right. And now that I think about it, I am the enemy, and I’m going to stand up and say so.
If they are trying to organize support for an illegal and immoral war that my sons, both in their twenties with families, could still be sucked into, then damn straight, I’m the enemy.

If they are bankrupting the country to line the pockets of people who already have more money than you and I are ever going to see at the expense of education, health care and social security for the citizens of this country, then damn straight I’m the enemy.

If they want to create a populace that sits numbly in front of their television sets with whatever sludge they decide to serve up pouring into their brains, then damn straight I’m the enemy.

If they want to send my job overseas because it’s cheaper for businesses to do so, then damn straight I’m the enemy.

If they want to make my air unbreathable, my water undrinkable and my landscape unliveable, then damn straight I’m the enemy.

If they want to curtail my rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to worship, freedom from self-incrimination, freedom to own a weapon, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom to vote, and freedom to think and act for myself, damn straight I’m the enemy.

I love this country, and if they’re going to treat me like a traitor for trying to stand up for it, then damn straight I’m the enemy.