An e-mail from Tim Tagaris, formerly of the Chuck Pennachio campaign:

Right now, there are a bunch of party hacks sitting in
plush offices in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and
Washington D.C.  They are watching Chuck Pennacchio’s ActBlue page intently to see if they have gotten away with stifling the democratic process in PA.

You see, Chuck may not have told you yet, but today is
so important because the press, and too many political pundit hacks, use the amount of money raised by campaigns as a barometer to measure support; poor numbers, and they can marginalize Chuck and the importance of his campaign.

More below.

I can’t let this stand without doing whatever I canabout it.  To many people, it’s no longer about message–it’s about money. It sucks, but it’s an unfortunate reality. It’s not even because Bob Casey Jr. wants to stay the course in Iraq. It’s not even because Bob Casey Jr. is opposed to embryonic stem cell research. It’s not even because of the way the Democratic Party bungled this entire primary process.

It’s because I believe that if Chuck is elected, he would be the best thing to happen to the U.S. Senate,
and the country, since Paul Wellstone. It’s because a
strong showing today will help to further legitimize
Chuck’s campaign in the grassroots.

So, please, contribute to Chuck today. Just as important, put a link to his ActBlue fundraising page
on your blogs
and encourage your readers to do the same. Write about it on Kos, MyDD, BooMan Tribute, DemBloggers, From the Roots, Change for America, and anywhere else you can get to.

As most of you know, I used to work for Chuck
Pennacchio’s U.S. Senate campaign in Pennsylvania. You all got the email; I have since moved to Ohio, but
my support for Chuck in the Democratic Party is still unwavering. I couldn’t ask you to do something I
wouldn’t do myself, so today I made my first financial
contribution to a political campaign, ever. Then I
linked to it on Win or lose (and I say WIN), I am supporting a candidate I believe in.

I am asking you to do the same. Thank you in advance!

Tim Tagaris

For me, this isn’t about picking sides in a primary. I’m happy to line up behind Casey, should he win.


But Pennachio got dicked over by Rendell and other members of the PA Old Boys Network, plain and simple. It was wrong and unnecessary, and it’s only added to my list of causes for disliking Rendell.

So, pending a review of the pastoral checking account, I’m happy to stick a finger in the governor’s eye.

How about you?