An e-mail from Tim Tagaris, formerly of the Chuck Pennachio campaign:
Right now, there are a bunch of party hacks sitting in
plush offices in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and
Washington D.C. They are watching Chuck Pennacchio’s ActBlue page intently to see if they have gotten away with stifling the democratic process in PA.You see, Chuck may not have told you yet, but today is
so important because the press, and too many political pundit hacks, use the amount of money raised by campaigns as a barometer to measure support; poor numbers, and they can marginalize Chuck and the importance of his campaign.
More below.
I can’t let this stand without doing whatever I canabout it. To many people, it’s no longer about message–it’s about money. It sucks, but it’s an unfortunate reality. It’s not even because Bob Casey Jr. wants to stay the course in Iraq. It’s not even because Bob Casey Jr. is opposed to embryonic stem cell research. It’s not even because of the way the Democratic Party bungled this entire primary process.
It’s because I believe that if Chuck is elected, he would be the best thing to happen to the U.S. Senate,
and the country, since Paul Wellstone. It’s because a
strong showing today will help to further legitimize
Chuck’s campaign in the grassroots.So, please, contribute to Chuck today. Just as important, put a link to his ActBlue fundraising page
on your blogs and encourage your readers to do the same. Write about it on Kos, MyDD, BooMan Tribute, DemBloggers, From the Roots, Change for America, and anywhere else you can get to.
As most of you know, I used to work for Chuck
Pennacchio’s U.S. Senate campaign in Pennsylvania. You all got the email; I have since moved to Ohio, but
my support for Chuck in the Democratic Party is still unwavering. I couldn’t ask you to do something I
wouldn’t do myself, so today I made my first financial
contribution to a political campaign, ever. Then I
linked to it on Win or lose (and I say WIN), I am supporting a candidate I believe in.I am asking you to do the same. Thank you in advance!
Tim Tagaris
For me, this isn’t about picking sides in a primary. I’m happy to line up behind Casey, should he win.
But Pennachio got dicked over by Rendell and other members of the PA Old Boys Network, plain and simple. It was wrong and unnecessary, and it’s only added to my list of causes for disliking Rendell.
So, pending a review of the pastoral checking account, I’m happy to stick a finger in the governor’s eye.
How about you?
to avoid putting Booman in an awkward position…
I am unfamiliar with the rules and ethics of fundraising but I wish this was front-paged.
I am a liberal and very active in the democratic party in Germany but I am not so dedicated to the “party” if I sniff any sense of corruption and the using the good ol boy network. My biggest gripe with life is the lack of meritocracy.
I have made a lot of donations but I will donate again because this is a worthy cause.
Thank you for posting this.
Hello Hausfrau,
If you have a moment I’d appreciate some education regarding who is and who isn’t eligible to contribute to campaigns in the U.S. when the contributor doesn’t live in the States. Does it depend on citizenship? Some other factor? Just curious.
Thanks much (and good morning!)
– Anom
Yes. All Americans are allowed to contribute no matter where they live. If you look at the contribution page for candidates and PAC’s, they have a series of questions that if you answer no, you cannot contribute.
Thanks ma’am. I didn’t know whether you were a citizen, so you answered a couple questions.
Have yourself a wonderful weekend! (As for me, I’ll likely be worrying about the potential Supreme Court nomimees. Oy!)
From an email from the campaign earlier this week:
“The Spirit of 1776 lives on in Pennsylvania. I asked you to commit yourself to our 2006 Victory and you responded. You raised nearly $2,000 already. Our goal for this week is $10,000 and we need everyone to do his or her part and ring the Bell for freedom. Freedom for every citizen to express their own religious beliefs, as affirmed in yesterday’s Supreme Court decision; freedom to express your opinions about issues like war and peace, economic justice, and civil rights; and the freedom to vote.
I am running for the U.S. Senate to provide a new voice for Pennsylvania. A voice for women, for children, for universal health care, expanded stem cell research, and the environment. Please enable me to get my message to more people. Getting the message out requires funds. Because I refuse to accept direct contributions from political action committees I need your support. Please visit or and make your secure donation to the future of this nation.
June 30 is the end of the quarterly reporting period and I want as strong a showing as possible. President Bush raised $1,500,000 for Rick Santorum from the very people who benefited directly from his reckless tax cuts. I need an army of small, regular donors to defeat them. I need your help and support now. This election is our opportunity to change politics forever, to expand our democratic values, and to fight for equality for all Americans.”
Please take a little time to check out Chuck’s positions on the issues, and donate if you can. We have so few true progressive candidates, and I think we need to support them when we do, instead of letting party bigwigs smack them down without a fight in back-room deals that shift the party closer and closer to the right.
Crap, I’m flat busted right now (checks cleavage… yup!) Don’t have a credit card handy at the moment (dealing with loan and bank crap)
Can I, for now, give the baddies two fisted, one-finger salute?
I dont’ feel too bad as we gave a pantload to Amnesty Intl last month.
Oooh ooo my Mother Jones subscript came today, too. And DFA got theirs… and Sierra club…
Gawd, I wish I had more. I really do.
BUT> Do know even when people can’t financially contribute on the spot… they do check them out and like me, who heard about several orgs and agencies from you all – when we can… we remember your saying it was good.
but Chuck is a BooTribber now.
But I will try to help out next quarter. I just wonder what NOW, PP and NARAL are doing about this trend to promote anti-choice democrats.