A new twist in the story of Plame,
As Time Inc. performs a quitclaim.
It frees Matthew Cooper,
Who’s behaved like a trooper,
But sets first amendment to flame.
This corporate behavior was rash.
Their chopper went down in a splash.
But all six survived,
And with stories contrived,
Finally sold off their company for cash.
(there’s five more after the fold, and they’re all about Iran, because I happen to think this story has the potential to be the “Third Rail of Death” for Bu$hCo)
Decades since the Iran power play,
With the files at CIA/NSA,
They could easily preclude,
The career of Mahmoud.
But the White House gets started today?
Bush says he has no information,
But then states he’s involved with elation.
He accuses Mahmoud,
To incite a big feud.
Bloviation towards obfuscation.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
If he’s a captor, should have an old bod,
Bush face wrinkled and quare,
There should be grey hair,
Unless… Grecian Formula pomade?
Could be the guy on the right OR the left,
In this picture they’re wielding with heft,
But with thoughts of invasion,
And public persuasion,
Is it merely a tapestry weft?
Bush and Ahmaddinejad,
Both with fundamentalist nod,
These two men on the edge,
Seek to drive a big wedge,
Thus splintering one common God.
Well, my internet access seems to be back up, but now, I’ve got to get to work (sigh)…