WASHINGTON, DC Committee for Justice (CFJ) chairman C. Boyden Gray, which defends and promotes constitutionalist judicial nominees, today reacted to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor’s retirement.
“Today the battle is joined. We expect a fair, thoughtful confirmation process that treats the president and his nominee with respect.
“With Justice O Connor resigning, the Supreme Court has a 6-3 majority favoring Roe v Wade, so replacing her will not challenge Roe s core.
“We call on the Left to take a breath and resist their natural impulse towards exaggeration. We call on Democrats to resist the temptation to use their attack machine against a qualified nominee. All parties should withhold judgment until a fair and sober analysis has occurred.
“We expect the president to choose the best person for this difficult job. We have no doubt that the nominee will be of the highest legal excellence and integrity, who follows the Constitution, defends property rights, and as the president suggested in his press conference, refrains from making law from the bench. Any such nominee deserves a respectful hearing and an up or down vote. They do not deserve to have their record distorted.
“But we’re familiar with the special interests on the other side and what is demanded by their financial backers the trial lawyers, the pornography industry, the teachers unions that want to block equal educational opportunity for the inner city. We know they will attack almost any non-liberal nominee in hysterical terms.
“We will be watching Senate Democrats and intend to link moderate and red states senators to their liberal Senate colleagues and outside groups. If Sens. Kennedy, Schumer, Durbin, Leahy, and Boxer attack, it will be Ben Nelson (Neb), Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln (Ark), Robert Byrd (WVa), Bill Nelson (Fla), Tom Carper (Del), Debbie Stabenow (Mich), Jeff Bingaman (NMex), Evan Bayh (Ind), Byron Dorgan (ND), Mary Landrieu (La), and Tim Johnson (SD) who will be held accountable.”
those are Giant Squid tentacles in the background…
if there was a giant squid that patrolled the cable news channels and occassionally removed ‘analysts’ that are in fact partisan hacks.
my favorite hack, and by favorite I mean most ridiculous is that judicial one on Fox that just makes up shit about international law.
Is that a preview of when the aliens arrive in “War of the Worlds”?
either that, or just a fantasy that Man Eegee inspired.
It would make for much more interesting TV, don’t you think?
Kind of a variant on the Candy-Gram shark.
Talk about throwing the first punch. I believe this qualifies as pre-emptive, wouldn’t you?
They are portholes in the mother ship
What the hell qualifies someone to be a “Supreme Court Analyst” anyway?
So they are laying the ground work. We object to their nominee, we are de facto an extremists. Case closed.
And they’re comin after you if you dare stand up to them.
He’s a real sweetheart…
I had been thinking he was ex-CIA, buddy of Poppy Bush as well as WH counsel, and appointed by Poppy as ambassador to Seoul.
Or am I mixing him up with someone else? Help?
And, like so many of the wingnuts, an unpleasant, sour face that’s homely as a hedge fence.
M: I think you’ve confused him w/ someone else…my search, short as it was, seems to indicate that he’s tied in closely w/ the Bush cabal primarily as an attorney/counsel. I found no obvioud ties to the cia. Click the link above or Google him…gotta go.
I did have him mixed up, with Donald Gregg, an old CIA buddy of Bush I, who seems to have morphed into something of an elder stateman on Korea, makes many speeches. I suppose that’s indicative of just how intellectually bankrupt our foreign policy really is.
L. Patrick Gray?
I’d gotten ’em confused too. Don’t know if they’re related…
So many things are wrong with that picture.
attack machine? let the Republican attack machine begin…oops…it already has!
You expect Bush to pick the best person for the job? One word: Bolton. Yes, Bush sure has a fine record of picking the right people. And what about what’s his name – Bernie Kerek – whoops on that one too. Abu Gonzales? Yup. He’s a prize. Admit it buddy, all you want is somebody with a pathetic back story that you can milk for all it’s worth while calling the Democrats “obstructionist”.
Oh…and…in case you didn’t know this, Boyden, Republicans have a HUGE slice of the pornography pie. You might want to retract that statement before they pull their funding.
Of course everybody knows those teachers unions are communists. That’s a given. Right, Boyden?
Hysterical terms? You want to see hysterical terms? Read your damn statement. It’s full of them.
Nice little hitlist you’ve supplied there. I’m sure they knew you were already coming though…
Go and crawl back under that rock from whence you came.
they are already coming after Durbin. They have attack ads prepared to launch on the 4th of July. Just because he objected to torture. If you can stomach it: http://www.moveamericaforward.org/
I didn’t see that spot..but I couldn’t help but notice all the little things they put in to help make the sale. There’s that “News Alert” thing that makes it sound like it’s breaking news and “oh so important” They have the American flag, etc, behind him. they’ve got the scroll bar down below making themselves look like they peddle information and not Republican propaganda. OH, yes! they also have the dow up 38.8 (or like that it’s not on my screen now) arrow on the same screen that they use to make the spiel. That is very important as they can tie in a positive fact in with their message.
So, there’s something wrong with the literal picture as well as they figurative one.
I’m sure if you had a chance to view that spot you could catch a lot of gems like that.
What are those round, white things in the background? White blood cells?? UFOs?
LOL i dont know either white blood cells attacking the desease called Patriotism or a bunch of 0’s representing what a buch of..well.. zeros they are.
It ‘d be comforting to think that their collective subconscience were surfacing sybolically ^_^
Good question Catnip!
…I hope they are Giant Squid tentacles, but my first thought was a bunch of condoms…
Liberal subliminal subversion at FOX? Imagine that. lol
Wow — aren’t they just a bunch of sweeties?
So nice of them to sandwich the “pornography industry” right in between trial lawyers and teachers’ unions. I’m sure they’ll make a lot of friends with that.
But let’s not lose sight of this critical item: Justice O’Connor has not resigned. She has only announced her intention to resign “effective upon the nomination and confirmation of my successor.” So if Bush decides to nominate someone really controversial, and the nomination gets bogged down, it’s entirely possible that O’Connor will be back at the Court when the justices reassemble on Sept. 26 to consider matters that have arisen over the summer (the new term begins October 3).
It also would appear to preclude the possibility of Bush attempting to make a recess appointment if the Senate fails to do his bidding. Recess appointments are only allowed for “Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate” (U.S. Const., Article II, Sec. 2), but in this instance, there technically is no vacancy.
Just some stuff to consider as we go into the weekend.
Yeah, now that you mention that. It may be that the Republicans are using this as a political tactic.
Its a possibility that this conditional resignation may be a way to make the Dems look bad by trying to push an ultra conservative nomination and then making a big deal out of the Dems making history by filibustering or opposing the nomination.
Sort of copying the solidarity Republicans had during Clinton’s scandal.
upfront.. this is a hairbrained thought… and it’s the same idea as yours but turned on it’s head.
What if Justice O’Conner didnt like the people in power and she were doing this resignation, in the manner in which she is doing it, as a way to tie up the far right?
While the Republicans have control the way they do they ram a ton of things through with simple majorities. By her resigning, but contingent upon finding a successfully nominated replacement, she helps tie up the congress nicely. They will be so busy trying to place nuts that the Republicans will either have to nominate a moderate or a liberal (that last wont happen) or they will be battling out this SC nomination in a way that should make for a pretty spectacle. In the meantime fewer damaging laws would get passed than otherwise.
If she knew she were going to resign and didn’t like these people that would be smart trick
Yeah.. i know… I’m dreaming. The Republicans have gotten me used to thinking sneaky.
nothing wrong with speculation..
Speaking of special interests:
These right wing hacks are just too easy to discredit sometimes…almost all of the time, actually.
One word to that question…everything! These wingnuts have lost it. This is an out and out attack/warning and really stupid. I want to know how much he is paid to be an “anylist” and just who the hell is paying him. How dare he?
hold it … I thought the reTHUGS had a lock on the porn industry these days?
I haven’t heard a single Democratic leader say anything – other than praise O’Connor and urge bipartianship. Great strategy. Exposes these freaks for the howling mob that they are.
That’s Tom Cruise time-transported into the future and back. Sure looks like that angry Tom on the Today Show.
Tom is now a FOX analyst. Fox was SO impressed with Tom’s take-down of those swarmy liberals Matt Lauer and Brooke Shields that they hired him on the spot…. but decided he needed to be aged a bit to give him a bit more gravitas.
Am I missing something in the comment thread here? Is there humor I don’t get?
What’s wrong with the picture is that the ghoulish C. Boyden Gray is being represented by Fox as a “Fox Supreme Court Analyst”, conspicuously failing to own up to the fact that he’s really the head honcho of a very influential and well funded attack group specifically dedicated to helping get all the Bush regime’s extremist judicial nominees confirmed.
Maybe everyone gets it and all the comments are “snark” and I’m just coming late to a discussion that’s already played out elsewhere, but just in case, I though I’d mention the failure of Fox to report the fact that this so-called “analyst” is not the least bit impartial.
Join in asking that this right wing clucker be taken off Fox.
There is noting fair or balanced, either politically or mentally in Boyden Gray.
He’s a stupid, wingnut loudmouth.
The president will appoint somebody, and RedState already thinks it’s Cornyn. I think it will be somebody with good standing with the religgies, but having Boyden Gray telling anybody to “Not exaggerate” is the very acme of droll, but very bad comedy.
Bush nominates wingnut, nomination gets stuck in Senate, DSM smoking gun goes off, Bush & Cheney fall down impeached, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove, et alia go glug-glug-glug with him, and we’re left with his nominee in limbo.
Porno Haliburton industry and associates, giga-corporate swindlers, Christian Taliban death cultist vigilants, mysoginist fetus worshippers, and various other evangelical worshippers of Bush-god (Frist, DeLay, Hatch, Santorum, Robertson, Falwell, and the zombie fella pictured above, etc.) experience the Rapture.
Rest of us declare new national holiday — INDEPENDENCE RETURNS DAY!
Here is what happens when Bush appoints Mr. Torturer Himself, his lawyer and buddy, Alberto Gonzales.
“Gonzi Is Bush’s Latest Ponzi Scheme For Supreme Court”
the site is http://satire.myblogsite.com/blog
Since you said the word “Picture”, I am assuming it is something in the picture. I noticed the time of 10:39 CT which is 11:39 am EST. I can’t find the time that Bush made the announcement but CNN’s first video is at 3:07 pm. I hope someone can clarify the timing of the announcement.
However, this “surprise” announcement looks like it was carefully orchestrated by Fox and the Committee for Justice and the White House.
According to this New York Times article, C. Boyden Gray was sitting in his home with a reporter at 9:30 am.
This is not picture related but I noticed that he mentioned:
I think he was prepared to make a statement regarding the retirement of a United States Supreme Court Justice but not Sandra Day O’Connor. He was thinking of William Rehnquist who voted against the Roe v Wade decision in 1973.
Since you said the word “Picture”, I am assuming it is something in the picture. I noticed the time of 10:39 CT which is 11:39 am EST. I can’t find the time that Bush made the announcement but CNN’s first video is at 3:07 pm. I hope someone can clarify the timing of the announcement.
However, this “surprise” announcement looks like it was carefully orchestrated by Fox and the Committee for Justice and the White House.
According to this New York Times article, C. Boyden Gray was sitting in his home with a reporter at 9:30 am.
This is not picture related but I noticed that he mentioned:
I think he was prepared to make a statement regarding the retirement of a United States Supreme Court Justice but not Sandra Day O’Connor. He was thinking of William Rehnquist who voted against the Roe v Wade decision in 1973.