is the title of piece by Marcus Raskin put out today courtesy of TomPaine, here
It begins as follows:
Caught in a war not of the citizenry’s choosing, but that was an outgrowth of government deception, moral and political blindness–and even criminality–the people search for a meaning that will capture the sensibility of our better selves. This feature is there, but increasingly hard to find because of the hubris, war and selfishness that plague certain elements of the nation.
While I encourage you as always to read the entire piece, which is short, I offer a bit more below.
Raskin goes on to talk about the idea that American history is unfortunately organized around a principle
That is to say, the world is divided into good versus evil, we versus they.
He explores this idea further, talking about the idea of permenent organization for war, an idea used by certain “realists” as necessary to maintain our way of life, even if it distorts (as Eisenhower had warned us) our economy against what is truly the common good.
Raskin talks about hnow this leads to ideas of racial superiority and fear of “others” that they may overtake us so that we are no longer “number 1”, a fear that was directed at the Japanese a few years ago and is now being directed against the Chinese.
He aruges that there is another side to America, one far more noble than that described above. It stems from generosity and justice, both economic and social, and has traditionally welcomed others to our shores:
It is exceedingly hard to extract from this very well written document. Let me offer here another brief paragraph pertinent to some of what we have seen from our current (mis-)administration, describing something of what it means to be a free society:
Rightly or wrongly, Raskin sees the nation as a collective expression of individual responsibility. He closes by writing:
This is the July 4 covenant of progressive liberals, and of a free people.
Any people whose view of those that matter, about whom they care, is narrowly defined, will, IMHO, ultimately become paranoid and violent towards the vast majority of those defined as “other.” This will include not only those from other nations, but those of other colors, ethnic groups, religion, sexual orientation, or any way one can find of diving humans into “Us” versus “Them.” While one might not agreem with all the details expressed by Raskin, I believe this piece presents us with a slightly different opportunity to reflect on what it should mean to be an American.
I would be interested to see what you think. Read the piece and offer your comments below.
Excellent essay, and one I very much agree with. Thanks.