Last month I made a cake for my daughter’s ninth birthday. She wanted watermelon balls and balloons hung to the trees. She received her presents joyfully- a stuffed animal, beading kit, gyroscope, and went off to play in a frosting induced bliss.
Yesterday I had to buy her a bra.
What is going on that our children are entering puberty so quickly? Is she alone in this?
From CNN:
OK, she was getting dark hair on her legs at 8 and there were some afternoons when I suggested she visit the deodorant. But I was 12 before I needed this. And guys, trust me when I say that a kid who can’t find her flip flips isn’t ready for this.
So why?
In this matter we’ve done the best we can, while realizing that there are pesticides all around us that we aren’t aware of. My mom is ORTHO woman- I am LIKE HELL woman. But we go to parks, visit folks…
We even buy organic milk just to avoid the growth hormones.
What else?
Not this bundle of muscle. She rides dressage, jumps for hours on the trampoline, runs circuits aroundd the yard, scoots up and down the block at amazing speeds and does pull ups on her loft bed for fun. Her legs and arms are rock solid. Her belly is too, which is why I couldn’t figure out what all that jiggling was last time she trotted.
Verdict? Not applicable.
So I have a lovely young girl who is undergoing changes that should be left for later years. This is happening more frequently. We also live in a highly sexualized culture, where women are valued above all for their ability to titilate men. And Georgio is likely to get 2 Supremes which makes my daughter more at risk for losing her ability to choose what happens with her body.