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G8 protesters arrive at a train station in Edinburgh. G8 protesters arrive at a train station in Edinburgh, Scotland July 1, 2005. The city is bracing itself as thousands of people are expected in Edinburgh as campaigners step up a global drive for action on African poverty at next week’s G8 Summit. REUTERS/Jeff J Mitchell. — From IndyMedia Scotland‘s collection of “corporate press” images. Two more below, including the Fairie Army :

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CAPTION: A demonstrator waits for the start of the Make Poverty History rally in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2, 2005. Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Edinburgh on Saturday to take part in a mass rally in the Scottish capital to urge leaders of the G8 nations to smash global poverty when they meet in Scotland next week. REUTERS/Darren Staples.

— From IndyMedia Scotland‘s collection of “corporate press” images.


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Details about the Fairie Army at G8.