G8 protesters arrive at a train station in Edinburgh. G8 protesters arrive at a train station in Edinburgh, Scotland July 1, 2005. The city is bracing itself as thousands of people are expected in Edinburgh as campaigners step up a global drive for action on African poverty at next week’s G8 Summit. REUTERS/Jeff J Mitchell. — From IndyMedia Scotland‘s collection of “corporate press” images. Two more below, including the Fairie Army :
CAPTION: A demonstrator waits for the start of the Make Poverty History rally in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2, 2005. Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Edinburgh on Saturday to take part in a mass rally in the Scottish capital to urge leaders of the G8 nations to smash global poverty when they meet in Scotland next week. REUTERS/Darren Staples.
— From IndyMedia Scotland‘s collection of “corporate press” images.
Picture of Bush with “Terrorist” caption is priceless. And he thinks the world loves him and his criminal foreign policies? Now if we could get our own citizens to protest like this.
protests like this in the US if not for the spineless non-coverage of them in our press. 400,000 marched in New York and were ignored. People all along Bush’s inaugural parade route booed and jeered but Middle America neither saw nor heard them. When the folks who control the media consistently turn their backs on you it fosters a feeling of impotence – but then I suppose that’s the whole idea.
Before the WTO protests in Seattle, Ed, the local ABC affiliate (KOMO) proudly announced that it would cover almost none of the protests.
And, about all that did get out in the media were the rare occasions of violence which I suspect were provoked.
One afternoon, I watched live coverage on the CBS affiliate (KIRO) and the reporter kept saying, “Look at those people breaking the windows of the Starbucks, and the police are standing there watching them.”
We need other ways now. Street protests won’t do the job. They might make us feel good, but there isn’t much other benefit, as I see it.
We need more media. I wish Free Speech TV’s number (it’s 9415 on Dish satellite) were down around the network numbers so people would catch it more. Air America is a start. Winter Patriot’s whispering campaign is another great, subtle way to spread the word.
You are absolutely correct about the need for media. The problem is, it’s got to be big media. We’ve always had small progressive outlets – I fondly remember WBAI radio in New York City during the Vietnam War.
Sometimes I think the only way to get the media is to change the government. But it’s hard to change the government without the media. Joseph Heller where are you?
When Air America first came out, I listened so eagerly every day. Now, I’ve sort of stopped listening except for programs like “Ring of Fire” with RFK Jr.
But, I can imagine more and more Americans picking up Air America on their car radios and listening more and more, and that’s exciting.
I hope they’re not as put off by the likes of Randi Rhodes as I, and stick around because she does have some good information. And shows like hers are a fitting balance for Rush.
or some very fundamental additions. I haven’t seen convincing evidence that our system can do much with the mass media no matter who’s in power. The present consolidations happened under Clinton after all.
Joseph Heller where are you?
Not in the mass media, and what else matters?
I’m beginning to be of the opinion that our only way out of this propaganda trap is by developing stronger grassroots level organizations. I like the idea of using WIKI technologies and the net to get my news, etc.. where real people at the scene can instantly upload news, it can be edited by the other people in the community, etc. As long as we get our news from corporate sources like CNN, etc, we can be sure there’s going to be a hierarchy that decides what we need to know.. which i’m not fond of.
These guys are increasingly irrelevant, aren’t they? Take the news out of the hands of these corporations (Cheerfully bangs on the drums) !
by going after their bottom line. Target their advertisers, one at a time, and write to both the advertiser and the media outlet to let them know why you are no longer spending you money in that direction. This is where a community like this could make a difference.
I know that we are far flung, but some national advertisers are common threads in all papers and national broadcasts. A community this size could write the advertisers, giving them a jolt(1600 people plus family and friends represent a lot of cash and good will). It is small enough to contain, yet big enough for someone to take notice.
The Guardian has a great collection of photos from all the events around the world today.
bad, but I have been noticing lately that some folks in Europe have been showing the whole world how fearless they are in expressing their beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. I would love to walk down the street with the President is a Terrorist sign, but I’m too scared! So much for big bad fearless and free Americans! All we have these days are Chickenshits and Chickenhawks!
There’s an old joke, Tracy, that I learned while I studied in Moscow.
American: We have freedom, I can stand on the corner and yell “Reagan is an idiot” and no one will arrest me.
Russian: We have freedom too, I can stand on the corner and yell “Reagan is an idiot” and no one will arrest me.
Wow, how the tide has turned, huh?
Susan, thanks for your posts. You have a history of very informative diaries. You are right, people here in Europe have no fear “whadda they going to do, send me to Gitmo?” seems to be the attitude I encounter. No, actually, let me rephrase that, most of my students a friends are actually a lot more thoughtful about US and world events than a lot of Americans I encounter.
So keep up the good diaries, and if I could paraphrase CCR:
“…oh Suzy Hu, baby I love you, Suzy hu…!”
sorry, couldn’t resist!
Americans can be informed if they want to. The information is online and libraries are wired now. Don’t expect the corporate press to come around to our point of view any time soon.
Besides, you are asking the corporate press to do your jobs for you. Get out and talk to people. People of all stips. Join groups, give lectures, show up for meetings, small protests, press conferences.
Get Involved! It’s only your country at stake, and our collective future.
Dutch for roughly, “Whereabouts Wanted”