Much has happened at The Whispering Campaign since we last spoke.
The site has had a drastic make-over! and we’ve also added a number of interesting new pieces, including:

Military Diaries: ‘Suj’ from
Military Diaries: ‘Yadira’ from
Counter-Recruiting: Keeping Kids Out Of The Military Clint Coppernoll with Kevin Zeese
Some ‘Christians’ Give God A Bad Name by Felicity Arbuthnot
Why There Are No Yellow Elephants In Iraq by Max Blumenthal

All this plus excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights; all part of our special Holiday Weekend package, and there’s more on the way.

And by the way, if you haven’t seen it already, please remember to have a look at “THIS IS YOUR WATCH!”, an open letter to President Bush which we received from an anonymous contributor!

What’s the catch? There has to be a catch! Well, ok! These articles aren’t just for reading. They’re also for sharing…

Our broadsheets are designed for easy printing [one click] and easy reading [large fonts]. They even contain instructions for their own replication. Please do your part to share the real news with our fellow citizens.

The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power. Pass It On!!