I signed up in the early days of the Booman Tribune and didn’t really hang around much because of my addiction to Daily Kos. At the time, I commented that I wasn’t quite sure I had been able to figure out the feel of the site here yet, so I wasn’t quite sure how I might be able to contribute. Was it going to be dKos Lite? Was its focus truly going to be more international? Where did I fit in that picture and what could I add that would enhance the goals of BT?
I didn’t take enough time to figure that out back then and, since I’ve recently come back, I find myself asking the same questions. Maybe you’ll have some answers for me.
I’ve definitely noticed that, since the breaking news genre is really the purvue of dKos and because so many Tribbers also post diaries and comments over there, the discussion here really pales in comparison. I think that’s unfortunate. Here’s why: the tone of civility on this site and the lack of probability that comments won’t veer off on ridiculously weird tangents as they sometimes do on dKos make BT the perfect place for a rational discussion about news events. Maybe we’re too rational and that’s too boring sometimes? I don’t know.
The upside of this observation is that, while dKos may be filling that news coverage void, the platform at BT welcomes more creative, personal, and reflective diaries that really get to the heart of the issues people face in their everyday lives because this is a much tighter knit community. To those of you who have actively participated more than I have, I ask if this seems to be the general consensus.
I ask, not because of the smaller reception diaries get on this site – it’s a smaller site and that’s to be expected – but so I can know how to best contribute. I hope you’ll help me out. I’ll check back in the morning.
Thank you.
P.S.: This is not meant as an us against them diary. I just feel a little lost here sometimes because I no longer participate at Daily Kos.
Update [2005-7-2 12:47:47 by catnip]:
I want to thank all of you for your comments. Reading them this morning has made me realize that I simply need to calm down and relax – about this site and about my life in general. I think you’ve all done a fantastic job in describing what the site’s about and it’s been very helpful to me.
You’re definitely right about the atmosphere here. It’s non-threatening and not competitive. Maybe I still need to work that out of my system after participating in a much bigger forum. Thanks to the personal concern around here, everyone is treated with respect and you can’t beat that! No one is the runt of the litter who has to fight for attention. Equality – what a concept!
Thanks to all of you who’ve encouraged me personally. I know that whatever happens, I’ll just have to deal with it. I’ve had a tough life and I suppose I’ve been indulging in some self-pity. Thank you for keeping me focused on all that I have – this particular moment in time. I have no control over Monday, next month or next year. I need that constant reminder. That’s the gift you’ve all given me today and it is priceless.
Firstly catnip, my feeling is that BT is the way it is because there is a high proportion of active women here. And I (as a male) welcome the less macho debate.
You hit the nail on the head with ‘everyday lives’. This is a real community because it represents both genders and many cultures. Sometimes it is quiescent – on slow news days, there can be a lot of idle banter. So what? But when a big issue comes up, I believe everyone rallies round.
This is a forum with far more questions than answers. We’d all like to make the world, as well as ourselves, happier, fairer and creative – we’re just not sure how to do it.
Now it is summer vacation for most contributers – things are going to be slower for a while. Be patient!
It’s more complete.
Yes, it seems to be more well rounded and reflects the real world in the mix. I love it! I wish I’d found ya’ll sooner.
yes, I agree, it was just a bad turn of phrase
This is a forum with far more questions than answers.
And I’m one who likes to ask questions when I don’t understand an issue. Answers given here are much more patient and considerate and – actually getting an answer sure is nice! That’s what I like about this type of community. It’s the type of forum where we can all figure things out together.
I’ve realized also that I need to participate more in others’ diaries. It’s tough at times because I just can’t sit long enough to do so and I’m on new painkillers that I have to get used to, so my head has been even more cloudy lately. But, I have to make an effort when I’m feeling well enough.
…is the cement which holds all the bricks together and also keeps them a little bit apart like mortar. I’m not sure that you get to know people as well through your own diaries and their comments, as contributing to others’ diaries.
One’s own diary is empowerment of a kind, and it also addresses your own problems – and I think you have found how people are ready to chip in to help if they can.
But commenting in someone elses diary, there is a different kind of empowerment. Firstly you become more aware of being part of a large and diverse community, and secondly that there are many many personal problems and quests to be discussed and helped with. I believe everyone here has some kind of problem or quest – it is only human. Some may be small questions – other more major. But to help and to be helped is the key.
I remember the quest to find you and get you over here a while back. I’m very glad you came, and I hope you stay. Just be as you are.
As you know from my sig, you have to be yourself, cause everyone else is taken!
I can’t beleive people were actually loking for me. As I said in another comment, I’m either really naive, have very low self-esteem, am quite humble or infinitely clueless. Really. All I do know is that it’s nice to know some people were thinking of me.
I’ll make the round of more diaries – no doubt about that. It wasn’t that I had a sense of empowerment basically sticking to my own. It was more a matter of not having much energy left over after having done mine and tended to the comments. I like participating in my diaries (as you can tell). 🙂
I really want to take a day or so to go through all of the welcome wagon diaries so I can get to know everyone better. I’ll have to track them all down. Is there a list of links anywhere?
Pre DK exodus diaries…
Where do you live?
Tell me about you
Tell us about you!: Newbies & Lurkers
Tell us about you: join The 1000 Club?
Tell us (More?) about you: Part 4
Asian Welcome/Tell us about you Part 5
We hit a 1000: New Members Welcome Here
Exodus welcome diaries…
Welcome all new members, tell us about you
Big Welcome New Members (tell us) Part 7
Welcome Wagon, tell us about you Part 8
Welcome Wagon, Tell Us About You Part 9
Welcome Wagon, tell us about you Part 10
Welcome Wagon, can you believe part 11
Welcome Wagon, tell us, Part 12
Welcome Wagon Part 13
Welcome Wagon, tell us Part 14
Welcome Wagon Part 15, Tell us about you
Welcome Wagon #16 Tell Us About You
Welcome Wagon Party!! and tell us #17
Welcome Wagon #18..C’mon in!
Welcome Wagon #19 – Tell us about YOU
Which led to the…
Booman’s Community Center
Froggy Bottom Cafe? Name our Center (Vote)
Froggy Bottom Cafe, Day 2
etc, etc… the cafe diaries must be in the hundreds by now….
PS – I’m really glad you’re here….
Zander the Zealous strode down the echoey spectralite-lined scriptorium, imperious blue silk robe flowing behind. “Scribes! Consult thy archives – Catnip the Cautious requires The List – Now! Gather the facts and bring them to me afore my leopard has consumed his lunch. Otherwise you will be dinner.”
OK – I had to read that 3 times… then I LMAO.
(the robe must be silver however – always silver)
Wow! That’s excellent! Thanks. I’ll see you next monthe sometime once I’m done reading them. 🙂
P.S. I’m glad you’re here too.
Yep 😉 And most of them are huge diaries… reading them all is a bit of a daunting task…
Wow, Zander, that’s really interesting when you see the list and I think I did a good share of them, plus what seems like a million comments, + all the 4’s, my hands still hurt…thank goodness we now have the team..
But I really can’t imagine anyone going back and reading all of them.. I am laughing as I think of this…
But still what a group effort that turned out to be and what a tribute to BoomanTrib, this diary turned out to be..
And I am glad that everyone is here, <<<<hugs to all>>>>
That was quite the week huh? Nanette’s comment downthread made me cry just thinking about it….
Is it just me, or has it been a really great day around here? Seems to be much love and good feeling today…
(hugs back at ya’)
Not just you Zan, I have had some tears in my eyes today too.
Hugs all around>>>>>>>>>>>
Lets all meet in the cafe!!!!
Diane: Wasn’t the “Day of Pain” thread your idea? That offered a good meeting place for some of us here. I know I appreciated it, at the same time that I feared abusing it. That was a thoughtful gesture. If not your idea, was it SGC’s?
Gadzooks, Zander!! Can I be your apprentice for awhile?
I cheated. Man Eegee posted most of it way back when – I just edited a bit. 😉
I uploaded it to the files in the committee room for future reference for anyone who needs it.
I don’t know your take on religion, but this argument is helpful for some people.
“All of us are God’s children–and God doesn’t make junk!”
Of course, we humans can ruin some perfectly good creation. Chernobyl and GW Bush are prime examples. (No, I don’t think I’ve underestimated Barbara’s abilities here…)
But… Chernobyl is (very slowly) healing. GW could do the same–if he so chose. I don’t think he will so choose, however.
But hey, who would have expected the new Harry Byrd?
One difference I find is that my diaries tend to get buried within a half an hour at Kos but I get much more readership and response here. That isn’t a criticism but rather a fact. I believe that it is because Kos is so big now with so many people posting, it’s hard to manage.
I imagine in the future it will be the same here. Maybe the software engineering gods can come up with a solution.
I find the atmosphere more intimate here, so much so that I am not even sure why I have a “mega-troll” rating, never have even been tempted to use it.
We don’t have to judge differences as good or bad, they just are. And whatever suits you the most. I’m happy to read your posts here, Catnip…don’t feel lost at either place.
But Markos just isn’t interested in them. In fact, I’m not really sure how interested he is in the diaries at all. They’re there. People do their thing. Markos does his. I think this is unfortunate, because there’s a great deal more power in community that DKos could develop beyond what it has.
We don’t need them yet, but those tools include a category structure for diaries which allows people to filter them, and to create multiple customized recent and recommended diary lists.
This would enable people, for example, to tune out breaking news, or to highlight analysis, or to focus on specific subject matter. Being able to switch quickly between views would make it much easier to keep active conversations (and, hopefully, careful readings to base them on) going on a larger number of diaries, rather than having so much attention focalized in a relative handful of diaries.
Another sort of tool would form associations of people. There are actually two versions of this. One is life they have at Amazon, the “people who read this diary also read…” kind of thins. It is derived passively from your behavior. Beyond which diaries you read, it could note which ones you comment on or rate commens on, as a deeper test of involvement. And it could aggregate, to help identify people with similar interests. This sort of tool could then be accessed by others, as well. It’s just that the default is telling you about your own associational center. The second version would be one that you create actively, by building lists of people. Either the active or passive tools could also be used to filter recent and recommended diaries–sort of a subcommunity view.
I’m sure there are other things that could be done as well. The primary determinant is the desire to move the site in a certain direction. Software is secondary. Desire is primary.
according to Jotter. It has doubled since the beginning of the year. So, they need to be catalogued, something like TalkingPointsMemo Café. There is a list on the right of subjects.
I started a blog as a place to store my diaries. I like having them on the record, for as long as the links hold up.
One difference I find is that my diaries tend to get buried within a half an hour at Kos but I get much more readership and response here.
The slower movement of the diaries here is a plus for me and I appreciate that a diary discussion can go on for days – unlike dKos where the commentary can sometimes just expire within 24 hours while everyone moves on to the next issue du jour.
I greatly appreciate that the diaries here can last for days…I have days where I can’t read or do any posting due to health problems and this lets me still participate days after a diary goes up in on going discussions.
almost 4,000 but not that many are recommended. Jotter often lists a diary with 10 recommends as a ‘high-impact’ diary.
Diaries last longer here but I have found that some discussions last longer over at DKos. I recently had a discussion on Afghanistan at DKos that lasted for days.
Interesting, because I find that my diaries get more attention over there even if they do scroll off much faster.
You’re just good!
due in part to a much larger audience plays a big part.
One of my roommates, who I had an argument with not long ago, just found out her 84 yr old dad had a heart attack Friday morning. He’s hanging in there but it’s not his first one and he wants the family around so she’s flying out tomorrow. I never turn away from people going through difficult times – no matter what. We hugged. She cried and talked about him…and here I was just a while ago posting this diary because I was worried about where I fit in here. In the grand scheme of things, I should just delete this diary, but the fact that I know I can post about this personal stuff here and get some cyberhugs just shows me that I already have the answers to my questions – so I’ll let it stand.
I’m also facing a possible crisis on Monday. My dr’s office got test results that they’ve called me in ASAP to talk about. I’m trying very hard to keep a brave front because I have no idea what’s going to happen on Monday, but it’s been hell at times the past couple of days.
And, here I am writing a diary asking what this place is all about. Maybe it’s just a projection of my pondering what my life is all about. I suppose it is.
Hi Catnip –
Hang in there – lots of times doctors get test results back and just see some sort of irregularity they want to keep an eye on. If it’s really serious they usually summon you right on the spot. Hopefully, you can relax and have a nice weekend!
Wow catnip, I hope everything works out okay. I can empathize; your post sounds very familiar. My very best wishes to you & yours.
I know it’s hard, but try to relax some this weekend…let the test results wait until Monday. And know that we’re all thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Hey catnip, Hon, you have to know I do understand your anxiety on your test thing. The others here are right. Just try hard to have a real relaxing w/e and stay positive. My prayers are coming your way and lots of cyberhugs too.
This site has freed me up to really think and be myself. I was feeling very overwhelmed over at the kos on many things, so lets just say this is home and we can always come home. We will always be here for you and to be your supporting factors online. We all need support in our daily lives. I find the atmosphere here is the greatest ever. I have had one hell of a week this past week at work and have not been able to post much of anything; however, I have read, the last thing I do at night before I go to bed. I feel like this is extended family here. We all will be picking up or posting from time to time, as things start to happen [like they do not happen on a daily basis with this administration].
Anyhow, just know I am thinking of you on Monday, especially, and know our prayers go out to you. I know you are concerned…who wouldn’t be.
This site has freed me up to really think and be myself.
That’s probably the highest praise a community like this can get.
I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend as well. hugs
I shall be sending positive thoughts your way til we hear the outcome of those tests. Virtual hugs.
As to the way I perceive this site. It is more thoughtful in the responses, and thus often more thought provoking. That is a good thing.
It is also less intimidating so clarifications can be sought.
I would really like to see a world where people are thoughtful and ask questions when they don’t understand something. Then, problems can be approached and solved to the benefit of all.
Why is it that the waiting and the anticipation of the unknown is so much harder than dealing with the known? Must be why a movie can scare us to death by not showing us or telling us what is going on. Tell yourself you are going to keep busy with positive thoughts and activities and make an appointment to deal with reality when you know what it is. I know, easy to say…..
And as for your situation, Mrs. Gooserock just went through two of these “ASAP” notices in the past half year, both of which turned out to be the medical system playing it safe.
I’ve seen it suggested that this is happening a lot these days in the U.S. system, so we cross our fingers and say our prayers that it’s the case for you too.
Thanks, Gooserock, and best wishes to you and your wife. hugs
Good afternoon catnip – so sorry I missed your post last night, but I haven’t been in a position to spend much time over here this week.
My dear, there are hundreds of hearts going out to you – globally. As you alluded to, the mere fact that you felt comfortable enough to post your emotional experiences, along with your fears – speaks volumes about what BT is all about (and so much more). I genuinely care about your well-being, and you know the same can be said about so many others. And with that in mind, allow me to throw in another example of the timing involved in medical test results compared to the urgency. (Fully intended as a show of support, and certainly not a dismissal of your fears.) When my father-in-law’s medical tests showed something dangerous, his doctor made him come in that day and made him cancel a two day trip to Vegas, which was to take place the following day. So we’ll keep sending our positive energy and positive thoughts to you, in hopes that all will be well in your world soon. You’re a strong woman surrounded by support and love, and we’re here for you (but in my case, it just might take a little longer to show up ;-).
I too, sometimes wonder about the purpose of this site – not necessarily in comparison to others – just in general. And I think one of the unique attributes of BT is the wide-reaching scope – at least for now. It’s like a well-run, world-class kitchen, with Boo in the role of executive chef, and Susan right by his side as the fabulous sous chef. And throughout the room we’re surrounded by the best saucier’s, pastry chefs, chef de partie, and some folks, such as myself, who participate in our apprentice roles. And being the outstanding executive chef and leader that he is, Boo pretty much leaves the specialty chefs on their own, to work on their delectable creations, while supporting the apprentices as we learn the ropes. And when it comes time to serve the meal, there will be a wide array of delightful courses – with a variety of menu options for all the diners. (or something like that ;-).
I don’t have any site to compare this to in terms of its rate of growth from inception, but I think the leisurely pace really helped people get to know each other, oftentimes before engaging in diary discourse. Over the months, I gave Diane some ribbing (which was hopefully received with the good nature in which it was intended) regarding the manner in which she used to track down new members to write their bios. And while I may have teased about it, I thought her efforts presented a delightful reflection of the dynamics on this site. Very welcoming. And all I could do was sit back and smile as she and Oui and Shirlstar and Man Eegee and zander and countless others pulled together, formed a welcome wagon and evolved it into the Froggy Bottom Cafe. On the surface, to an outsider, that might sound corny. But all I need do is see the diary title each day when I log on, and it brings a smile to my face.
But now, I need to bite the bullet, and address the elephant in the room (mixed metaphors, be damned!) Yes, I’m a “drifter” of the worst kind. I frequently find myself with just enough time to stop by for a quick visit. And many times that means I just jump into the first diary that catches my eye, and upon reading the diary and moving down the thread, there’s sure to be a shiny object or two to distract me from the subject at hand. . . and before I know it. . .I’ve taken a topic so far off track that what started out as the Daytona 500 has somehow turned into a pinewood derby. I realize how annoying that can be for some members, and I’m trying my best to address the issue. But in the meantime, everyone has been so gracious and accepting – quirks and all. Here again, I just think it reflects the civility and support within the community.
As for me, I’m visiting this site for comfort today. I didn’t know whether I’d write or not, but I knew that merely visiting the site would make me feel better – while I try to absorb some distressing family news. I hope this doesn’t sound trite, but as soon as I arrive, I feel a sense of warmth. And it’s the type of warmth that allows members to feel safe in sharing the most intimate or disturbing issues, or in taking risks by writing their first diary or their first comment. I think the gender mix is a factor, along with the maturity and diverse life experiences of the members.
I too enjoy the thoughtfulness of the diaries – along with the wonderful humor (and the anticipation each time I see something posted by Bood). I also appreciate the knowledge sharing – whether it be through a front-page article, a diary or merely a quick update to let us know that something important is taking place in the Senate. (Allowing us to witness history for ourselves, without relying on the watered down version of “news” we receive from other sources).
Oh well, I just wanted to jump in with yet another stream of consciousness post.
But do continue the discussion, and surround yourself with trusted loved ones (including many kitties, by all means!) Hugs to you – and please know that you have infinite support out here.
You outdid yourself this time with the absolutely wonderful comment and summation of this site that I have seen to date, Anomalyous it was beautiful…I have copied the entire comment to my notes, so as to not lose it. I may use it my next cafe diary, with your permission..
To Catnip, I neglected to say in my previous comment that you can count me in the legions who are sending you good thoughts and good vibrations…In fact I am sending such to every person who reads these words.
As an aside to your Dr. summons, I too have been called in much as you were only to be told what could have been said very well over the phone and it took considerable time and energy to make the emergency appt.
It was a diag. of basel cell carcinoma, but he had already told me previously that it very likely was, and only needed to confirm when the tests came in…As a result I was a mess thinking it was far worse, melinoma.
So good luck to you and we will all be thinking of you.. <<<hugs>>>
Then where’s my “4”? 😉 (I feel like the paperboy in “Better Off Dead” who wanted his $2)
Bless you Diane – what an incredibly thoughtful thing to say. You never fail to come through when my chips are down. On the other hand, you started me all over again with my water works – which I finally had under control after a very upsetting week. (Insider trading tip: Invest in Kleenex as soon as the NYSE opens 🙂
On that note – does anyone have any remedies for tear-induced swollen eyes? I need to be very strong during a visit with my parents tomorrow, and I don’t want to let on that I’ve been crying. (I hate when I get this tearful, because it makes my husband feel so helpless.)
Thanks again, Diane. (And please refer to my well-wishes to you in another thread)
Swollen eyes? Cold wash cloth, cucumber slices and hemorrhoid cream all work.
Cold ice packs and cucumbers haven’t worked – tried all morning. What do you do with the hemorrhoid cream – any specific brand?
Thanks much!
Shirlstar, the “4” you gave me was all good and stuff, but right now I have a specific, time-imposed need. 🙂 So please help me out with my swollen eyes. (Yet please do not consider this in the same perspective as Diane’s assertive pursuit of bios from new members. 🙂 As far as Sunday goes, I’m just attempting to appear in control and in good spirits when I support my parents with some difficult decisions.
Oh yeah – and I need to head out at 7:00 a.m. (Not to pressure you, or anything. Heavens no. 🙂
And by the way – bless you. (I’m sure you’ve done many good deeds today alone, so the “bless you” is just a given.)
good night!
Okay Anom.
You need to take the time to sit quietly and breathe deeply. . .it’s called relaxing and if you want more specifics about breathing, I will shamelessly point you to my Try Breathing diary.
What has breathing to do with reducing your swollen eyes? Well, it has to do with everything that your body is and does so of course it all is connected and related.
Close your eyes as you are breathing deeply and place a damp cool cloth over your eyes. And just a suggestion, stop telling your self to stop crying. . .let them all come out because tears cleanse the soul and the heart and are the second best energy mover next to laughter. Play some soothing music and see if you can just stop thinking for a few minutes. . .about anything. Repeat this before you go to bed tonight and suggest to yourself that you will have a wonderful restful sleep. The things of concern to you will be evened out and a better energy tomorrow. (It would help if you could allow yourself to believe this).
If you want to email me for more suggestions, or IM me on Yahoo IM, shirlstars. . .I am all for it.
And the 4 I sent your way was actually a 12, so it was a great deal more than it appeared to be on the surface. Remember, there is a deeper meaning to everything.
I have some great woman warrior energy I am sharing with you and that will be with you tomorrow as you are with your parents. You do not stand alone ever, no matter how much it may seem so. . .(there is always more there than seems to be, eh?)
Other than love, I have nothing else to offer, but I do have an unending supply of that.
Oh, and just in case you still feel your eyes are “too puffy” remember that Xenza is still Xenza warrior Princess, even if her eyes are puffy from crying.
Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner, I had to run an errand and just got back.
Doesn’t change anything. . .my energy is still there with you even if your conscious self is not aware of it. Neat how the Universe works. . .<Smile>
Thanks my dear. No need for convincing on my end – I have all sorts of books on Chakras and spiritual healing, and I’ve found that a good session of Tai Chi in the morning is priceless – for anything that ails me. Remembering to do it is quite another story, however.
Thanks for the support, and the offers of “outside counsel” :-), and have yourself a wonderful night! I’m glad you linked to the breathing diary, which I will soon check out. Unfortunately, I’m a very shallow breather, and I fully understand all the ramifications that come with it. (And if you ever want to see a shocked massage therapist, check one out after one of my sessions. While they may expect some tears from their clients – what they don’t anticipate is the uncontrollable crying I exhibit after a good Swedish massage.)
And trust me – I don’t withhold my crying, this is just one of those special situations where I need to be an oak rather than a weeping willow. (I’ll have the 4 hour commute home for the weeping willow behavior. Along with an additional need to weep because the area in which my parents live only carries right wing talk radio. <sigh>
Bless you and good night!
This is for next time. Try to find a product called Glyco-Thymoline. I’ve ordered mine from one of the websites that sells Edcar Cayce products.
Anyway, you can mix it 50-50 with cool water and soak a gauze pad in it; then lay down with the gauze on your eyes. As you blink, the glyco will trickle in–and it feels very cool and soothing. It’s mildly antiseptic as well.
It was my emergency treatment of choice back in my hard-contact days when I’d either over-worn my lenses for a day or been exposed to too much cigarette smoke.
Then again, since I’m known as the one in the family to cry at the drop of a handkerchief, I don’t get too many questions anyway…
HA! You too, hey? (Both in blaming allergies and in the frequency of your tears) I was teased mercilessly as a child for my frequent tearfulness (and it would seem that you and I must have encountered the same upsetting “drop of the handkerchief” over and over again)
It’s just that this visit is a “must do” in exhibiting strength for my mother. I had planned to head up north today, but as selfish as this may sound I needed an extra day to absorb the news I had received last night and I needed the extra day to try to get rid of the eye swelling. (Oh yeah, and the immense swelling in my ankles and feet – likely from sitting at my computer working 15 hours a day last week. But I’m less concerned about that, because I finally found a pair of loose slip on shoes that fit over the swelling.)
Amazing the “family traits” so many of us share. . .I can barely walk by a Kleenex box. . .I am the biggest crybaby wah wah there ever was. And it doesn’t have to be anything in particular, something sweet, something note worth, someone’s great accomplishment, a great shot in a basketball game, a terrific show of excellence, a selfless act of giving or helping. . .something innocent, something sentimental, something sad, something horrible. . .they all bring on tears. . . So there we are, the crybaby family, eh?
I have a small tube of Preparation H in my makeup basket. I often have swollen eyes due to allergies. Just pat a little around your eyes being careful not to get any in your eyes. It’s purpose is to reduce swelling. I also use eye drops to reduce the redness. I’ve used diuretics to reduce ankle swelling, but most of them have too much and then I feel weird all day. Midol has a diuretic in it and doesn’t make me feel overdosed. Good luck.
Uh oh. 🙂
How did the carcinoma thing work out? I don’t know anything about that. I hope you’re okay!
well it ended up having to have a huge area removed from my face as it had spread, but the Dr. tucked it all up neatly just under my nose, so in essense I got a mini face lift on one side of my face. But they got it all after a 5 hour session, in which they take section after section then examine, till all is clear…Very expensive so my advice to all is to not let any suspicious moles go, if I had gone years sooner it would have been a very minor surgery.
About the notes, it is a feature on Opera web browser, you just highlight anything you want to save, click on save to notes and you have a handy button right there to check any notes you want to see. I have about a hundred right now. That is where I also keep all the hints about posting pics, etc….so it is easy to use.
That must have been quite the experience. I’m glad it all turned out okay. I can’t imagine…big big hug…
Thanks for that post, Anomalous! I love your chef analogy and I hope your family crisis sorts itself out quickly. hugs
I noticed that you got some ribbing for being quirky, so I’ll be paying more attention to you. 🙂
You’re welcome, my dear. But I must point out the dichotomous messages you’re sending. First you express concern that Diane keeps notes, then you follow that up with a comment about monitoring my quirkiness in the future.
Just for the record. . .aside from the crying, and taking threads off topic. . .and. . .um. . .my many other quirks. . . I get really freaked out about anything that slightly resembles stalking. (Um. . .just another one of those creepy things in which I’ve had firsthand experience (which was ultimately laughed off by the powers that be because the stalker was a “harmless female”. But, um, Diane has said she’s been monitoring my activity. . .and in the middle of the night, no less! “the middle of the night”, she dramatically exclaims in a stage whisper – so as not to let Diane know of her deep rooted concerns. The. . .middle. . .of. . .the. . .night. When no one else is around to protect me. . .well – except for the Europeans and the Norwegians, but they’d need to jump on a ship or something on their way to help me out. And time might be of the essence!)
Under the circumstances. . .I feel the need to fall back on the newly designed “safety poster” that someone x-posted from Kos the other day. As in – if anyone witnesses peculiar behavior toward me from other members of the community. . .such as catnip’s Rovian agenda in saying she’s going to be “paying attention” to me from now on. . .REPORT THE ACTIVITY!! (But only if you’re a true patriot, of course 😉 – And quite frankly I have no idea who you’d report the activity to!
Good night, dear catnip, and please enjoy every moment of your Sunday. . .and Monday. . .and all the wonderful days after that. Because you’re going to be fine, even if you’re experiencing stress for the time being. And no matter what happens, we’re right by your side – perhaps not in actual distance, but certainly in spirit.
(I jotted all of that down for future reference). 🙂
I’m pretty sure Rove et al already have all of my personal information. I’ve fired off a few diplomatically critical e-mails to Bush since he’s been around. Someone has to stand up for Canada! 🙂
Hi – They still complain on Kos about how they miss you (I was on to read the latest about the Rove scandal)
But to our personal lives – I went through a major health thing 15 years ago and I’m still here – I hope it’s nothing, but if worse comes to worst – please feel free to contact me.
and I’m going to bed.
I hope by the time you read this you will have had some comforting hours of sleep, though you could probably use more than you’ll get.
I was amazed to read your thoughts about wondering where you fit in here. To me, as a newcomer, you fit in the way a piller fits between the floor and the ceiling, you fit in the way a cornerstone fits in, you fit in the way a tree fits into the ground. Not that you said anything about leaving–you didn’t–but I can’t imagine this place without catnip. The rest of us know…and value. . . your place here even if you’re still wondering what it is.
It’s true that there’s less intense conversation here on most diaries. I wonder if that’s at least partly because there are a lot of, ahem, “mature” types like me who no longer feel compelled to say something about everything. Most of the time I’m content just to read and cogitate. Maybe I should make more of an effort to comment.
Being here feels like moving around in a house where people are so on the same wave-length that there is much that goes unsaid because it is already understood among them.
I’ll be thinking of you on Monday.
Everything Kansas said…so much better than I could.
Thanks so much, kansas. Now pass the kleenex.
It sounds better this afternoon than it did this morning.
The tiny font size of the diary section on the main page makes the diaries look rather uninviting. All those diary entries look so scrawny and hence not all that important. I’d be nice if the font size were increased, if they were made plumper and more friendly-looking.
I don’t know if that would increase participation on the diary front, but that has been something that’s been, well, bothering me a bit.
You are not the first person to complain…….. we are trying a bigger font, it should show up sometime tomorrow.
Check your browser settings/options for foint sizing options…Safari, for example, has an <increase-decrease> function in the tool bar…and yeah, I use it a lot…HA!
has a setting for font size too; had to boost the default a couple of points to compensate for my aging eyes, even with the new glasses…getting old really sucks… 🙁
True dat…but it beats hell out of the alternative! :{)
You’re bringing me back to the conversation I had with my mother this morning. When she “matter of factly” informed me she was feeling “decrepit”. When I inquired whether the feelings of decrepitness were emotional or physical. . .she confirmed that it was pretty much an all-encompassing experience of decrepit.
With so many site members facing personal challenges, I hope we can all pull together with our positive energy, to help each other out – no matter what our individual support may look like. (Yes. . .even if it involves “1,000 points of light” ;-).
Good night, and my best to you dada – I’m in full agreement concerning the potential “alternatives” you speak of.
Catnip, I can’t bear to see you so down. Everyone here expresses so much affection, it reminds me of a family of dolphins swimming together – hunting, playing, touching occassionally. You are the one person at BT who gave me a hug, so I’m returning it now
I’ll be holding your hand in spirit on Monday. Chin up dear –
Anytime you want a hug, let me know. hugs
Hey Catnip..I’m pretty new around here too, and liking it. The warm welcone was a real surprise and pleasure, and I know that here, if I write a decent diary, it just might stick around long enough for it to be seen, before it ascends to big dead diary lanfill in the sky, or wherever it is they end up.
I’ve yet to read a diary of yours I didn’t enjoy, catnip..hope you keep on a writing your way through whatever life hands you. Yes, here there seems to be room for real people stories, along with news discussions, etc. Bigger and faster is not “always” better…there is room for all sorts of venues.
Frankly, I don’t have the highly competative nature I think it requires to become, and remain, a “known” writer on the bigger faster blogs. That takes a LOT of time, energy and motivation, and a base of political knowledge I really don’t have. So I wander around footloose, writing when and where I want, reading, learning and enjoying a whole lot of great writing on both the big and small blogs.
How boring (and limiting) it would be if all blogs were the same, huh?
Sending good energies your way..
I’ve learned more than I ever wanted to know about US politics in blogland this past year. There’s just so much to absorb. It’s incredible that there are so many knowledgable people out there who are willing to explain the intracies of such things.
Well for starters, Booman’s diary on abortion says a lot to me about this site. He is very clearly an extremely thoughtful and articulate person, and at least for me, expresses opinions that I share with him.
Second, I like the slower pace and the sense of commraderie here. It is rare to find a thread that veers away from the original subject, or gets highjacked by wiseasses trying to out-snark each other.
As well, Bootrib is less, I think, about the nuts and bolts of elections and party machinery and more about progressive activism and how we are all affected on a personal level by politics and government in general. Maybe I’m wrong about that, but thats how it feels to me.
Lastly, I believe there is a deeper sense of caring for each other here, as evidenced by all the kind and truly heartfelt wishes expressed for you catnip. You know, I’m an expert at freaking myself out when I allow my brain to run off and create doomsday scenarios out of something that is pretty small and harmless, not to say that this is what you are doing. I certainly don’t want to imply that I think you are over reacting. Your concern is valid. I think that when we see a friend or loved one, or fellow esteemed Booman poster 😉 in distress, we struggle to find something comforting to say when maybe the best we can do is to say that we understand and hope for the best for you. Like the others here, I too will hold you in my thoughts and will be with you in spirit on Monday.
I like Boo because it’s personal. Yes, the issues of the day are important to me but how those issues impact us personally is the insight I’m looking for.
for after we get the crooks frog-marched out:
“BooMan Tribune — because the personal is political.”
is something that the left has to do. While the political debate here is not as fierce, it also does not sink to the crassness that I often see at Kos. I wish that all the political debates on the left would stay out of the gutter, simply because name calling doesn’t resolve anything.
Here, we have discussions in a manner that is more likely to examine facts, details, etc. that support our arguments. Some might say, look at Fox and the various right-wing pundits, or even this administration. They never let the facts get in the way of good old-fashioned bellicose demagoguery. I still believe in a world where the truth will prevail.
I hope that your roommate’s father is doing well.
First off Catnip allow me to send warm healing enery your way. No matter what the diagnosis is know that together we can fight anything. May the Universe shine down upon you and bless you with the strength to get you through this troubling time.
Now, I can only share with you what my perception of what Booman Tribune is all about. In my opinion the only thing it has in common with dkos is scoop and the diary/comment format. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, reality based, mature and civil. Thae pace is very slow and coming from Dkos can be a huge adjustment that either you will adapt to or you won’t. When one is used to hundreds of people reading and commenting on ones diary this place will feel as if no one cares. But that is just not true. I for one(and I know I am not alone here)truly enjoy your well written diaries and wisdon filled, witty remarks in others diaries. I think here too that people have checked their egos and judgements at the door and accept and encourage others attempts at writing diaries. There are a handful of new diarists here that only got lost at the other site due to so many diaries and the popularity of regular posters. I have been amazed at some of the writings here.
That being said there are also days like yesterday when our country drops a bomb on us such as the SCOTUS retirement and what tremendous impact it will have on our lives and our futures that I get annoyed that more users here are not participating in the conversations about it. The truth be told some are more passionate than others and honestly it pisses me off royaly because I think it is THE most important issue to face our generation. SO where was everybody? I don’t know.
In my frustration yesterday I went over to dkos to see what the buzz was over there and the O’Connor diaries were no less than six not including the front page. There was even a diary about that fact written by MSOC. The comments at first were intelligent, informative, pointing out what this means and who possible nominees would be and what the adm tactics were going to be re Renquist. The comments slowly but surely disintegrated into the ugly name calling and the “f’ing asswipe” type comments that frankly turn me off. There immaturity level got cranked up and I had to leave.
I think also after the huge influx after the pie fight to over here and the fact that the fight was being fought over here quite frankly pissed some of the regulars off. Our nice quiet little community became a “suburb” over night. So keep in mind that the adjustment isn’t just affecting you but a community that went from 400 users to 1600 users in a very short time. I think if we are all patient and honest this place will become one of great participation .Patience, tolerance and love can go all long way here if we allow it to. I for one welcome you with open arms. And again, only the best for you on Monday and know that you can come back here and share the news no matter what it is and get the hugs, love and understanding you may need.
This was an important diary for all of us to ponder over and I highly recommend we all take a moment to ponder what this site brings to us and what we can contribute to make it the best site it can be.
very well said and I totally agree with you on everything. I have nothing but time to let things happen. I will be an activist on some issues I feel I can do something about.
There are days I feel more frustrated that others. I love the community feeling of this site. It is welcoming and makes me feel quite at ease. Not much other than ditto to what you have said…
I enjoyed DK more when it was issues oriented, but I understand that the electability focus is what Kos wants to do with his site. So if Booman becomes a place for us to hone our persuasive skills when discussing the issues I’ll be happy. Another public service that Kos provides is a reliable place to head to for breaking news. Long ago I subscribed to MSNBC and CNN breaking news emails at work and I’ve been bombarded with messages about Michael Jackson and missing white women. Whenever I get an email that sounds like it might actually be something worthwhile I head to Kos because someone there will have posted information worth reading. Finding new posts about subjects I’m especially interested in has become difficult at Kos because of the volume of posts and also because the same information is posted over and over. As Booman grows it might be worthwhile to create topic threads similar to the Whitehouse threads at Salon/Tabletalk. As to volume of readers, I think the number of registered viewers is much less than actual readers. I was a regular reader at Kos for over a year before registering. I was not interested in posting a diary at Kos because I always felt I needed to be ready for a fight and I just don’t have the time. Perhaps the more civil tone here will encourage more of us to share our thoughts.
I’m too new to Booman Tribune to be able to comment definitely on its psyche. However, my mother didn’t raise any shy children; so I’m going to dive right in with a comment.
I lurked at DKos but never had any desire to sign up; I decided to be a part of BT after one day of lurking.
There were a lot of great diaries at DKos but it seemed to me that very few of them actually received thoughtful discussions. I found that it was generally not worth my time to wade through the dreck in the hopes of finding an interesting discussion.
At BT, I was immediately impressed with the quality of discussions. And I think it is that willingness to give full consideration to the subject of a diary that leads people to write diaries about more than the standard political subjects. People aren’t afraid to expose both their ideas and their feelings at this site because it is intellectually and emotionally welcoming.
I feel pretty confident in saying that anything you choose to write about (short of extolling the virtues of the wingnuts) will fit in here. You may not get hundreds of comments but those that you do get will be cogent, interesting, and worth the effort to read.
My experience here is very similar to AndiF above. I lurked at Kos for over 9 months without ever saying a word. To be honest, I didn’t think alot about why. I think I never felt competent to enter the discussion. Then when I came over here during the pie fights, its like something that had been hiding inside came out and I logged on, started commenting and actually wrote a diary that first weekend. It made me reflect a little about why. Certainly it was related to the atmosphere and the welcome to everyone that was so open and obvious. But I also found that some of the things I wanted to talk about were ok to bring up here. I tend to want to look at the big picture and understand where the prevailing culture is affecting our lives as well as our politics. I know we need to stay involved in particular issues and elections, but I need to ask some of the bigger questions too. As an example, my first diary was about the absence of the feminine voice in our response to 9/11 and in our politics in general these days. That isn’t just about issues like abortion and other “womens issues” but about what seems like a contest between the political parties to see who can trump the other with being macho tough guys.
Well, I’ve gone on long enough for now. But I thank you catnip for asking the question and giving me the opportunity, as one who is new to this site, to express some things I have been thinking about since I came here. Of course, all of us have real lives that go on with times of both pain and celebration. As a generalization, I’ve seen that women tend to embrace all of those things into their political life while men tend to compartmentalize one from the other. I think there is value in both approaches, but for those of us for whom daily life and politics blend together, its nice to have a place to go where we can do that in our conversations. I hope you’ll come back on Monday and tell us what you find out. You know we’ll all be wishing you the best and waiting to hear.
Like others have said above, I value the tone and thoughtfulness of the comments at BT. Often when I read a diary, I can’t think of anything to say but “Wow!” so I rate up rather than commenting. That’s just me.
You speak out, contribute to, and begin interesting “conversations,” and I’m grateful for that. Booman sets that tone, and I’m grateful for that, too. Perhaps the blog is a little young to have figured out yet what it’s all about. You and others who contribute regularly will probably determine the BT becomes.
The agony of waiting to hear what the doctor will say is excruciating. I hope you can find something fascinating to occupy your mind this weekend. May you have “the sneaking suspicion that the whole world is conspiring to shower you with blessings” — and perhaps I will someday learn to embed a link to outrageously creative thinking:
You’re in my prayers, too, fwiw.
May you have “the sneaking suspicion that the whole world is conspiring to shower you with blessings”
That’s a great line. Thanks. 🙂
Catnip, I feel more comfortable here than I ever did at the kos. I chose kos as my first step into the political whirlpool of blogging. I ran across it quite by accident from reading on buzzflash. I was in search of an avenue to expel my frustrations in discussion. When it cam down to all the bru ha ha of the ad thing, I felt very hurt for the feelings I was expressing online. I am an adult and I have to be able to adjust to things that go around. I was just thankful for Booman Tribune and for the way things were arranged to welcome us all here. It was a way of becoming a part of a community here. We all need to be able to voice our opinions someplace. I find it easy to do this here. That is all I ever wanted, is a place to express my voice, after all. Everyone here, is like family. I do read your diaries, even tho I do not comment. I do read them. So, do not give up on this place…please…we love you here and want you here. You are very thoughtful and can say things in your writings that we all know what is being transmitted to us, without guessing. You are very good in writing…so keep up the great work for us here. Summer is here and lots of us here have lots of things to do other than be online. I for one, have no one to mow my grass or clean my house or to do things others might have done for them. So I will be spending less on line than before. MAYBE…:o)
for five bucks I’ll mow your lawn 😉
well, come right on over and you can use everything I have to get the job done. The goats down the road here are all on strike…so can not hire them…:o)
PS: by the time you see the size of my lawn, you might want to re think your price..:o)
Five bucks . . . plus airfare? I dunno, Brenda. You might want to think about that one. 😉
you exposed the hidden costs! Damn you!
And I thought I was getting a free ride back for 5 bucks!
Trying to fool folks into importing a greenskeeper from Germany, are you?
is foiled again by Dudly Dooright and the rest of the Mounties!
2 things.
First: People who have basically nothing to say refrain from doing so.
Second: People tend not to pontificate over subjects where they have little expertise. That, I believe, is why BT diaries tend to be more personal reactions, because the posters here would rather talk about what they know than what they don’t know.
Less noise. Less bullshit. I appreciate that.
I feel the same way–and you put it so concisely! The “noise” and finger-wagging (“why’d you troll rate me?” “I never troll rated you!” “yes you did, and him too!” etcetcetc.) starts to get old at dKos, as does the wading in of intellectually aggressive know-it-alls who like to simply stir the pot. I’d find myself skipping over huge portions of otherwise interesting comment threads at dKos because there was so much unnecessary crap floating around in them.
Here I never skip anything in the comments; it’s all intelligent and fresh, or just plain funny or heartbreaking or kind. And I don’t feel like I’m missing vital breaking news being over here at BT–the crucial news gets distilled to its essence rather quickly here. And that’s when the real conversations begin.
Catnip: we’ll have two human sets of fingers and toes, along with two canine sets of paw digits, crossed for you come Monday. Think positive.
I never skip comments here, either. Plus I rarely feel the need to comment because someone else has usually intelligently made my point before I arrive.
And I don’t feel like I’m missing vital breaking news being over here at BT–the crucial news gets distilled to its essence rather quickly here.
Yep. Then again, I’ve got a dozen blogs bookmarked, so I really don’t need 10 “BREAKING!!!“s diaries for the news.
As one who has been here from almost the first days and stayed to help to build the site, which we all particiated in with booman, I can say I am most happy with the way this site has developed.
Most of us early comers, arrived here finding a slower and more thoughtful pace than other sites. Because there were so few of us we started to talk to each other and became friends, as the pace increased we wanted to preserve that friendly atmosphere and we all worked hard to keep it that way.
Many have stated above their feelings of why they like this site and I agree with every one of them. We read the diaries, most of us, read a good portion of them, but one thing you will find here is that we rarely do a great diary or wow comment. Most here do write when they have something to add and have the time to make a comment. We do not seem to have a race here to be the first to post, first to comment, first to make a point, as we all have slightly different perspectives and seem to like to think them out before posting.
Comments do not a diary make…I would say.
Also even tho there are 1700+ members here, not all or even a large percentage are active on the site. I figure that previously we had maybe 50 reg. commenters, and now we have maybe 100 to 150. That is not a lot for us to spread out to write comments on every diary, most do not have that much time. I do not have that much to say or to add that hasn’t been said…in many cases.
There is much more I could say, but just can’t type anymore right now.
Bottom line, this is a great site for me. I love it here..
ok now that we have that established, what are you going to do on the 4th, Catnip? I want you to take a little time for YOU and enjoy this holiday for its meaning of being what/who we all are. NO matter what site you are on, or what you write, or what color of your skin or your gender or anything like that, you are the most important person to you and you ahve to think of yourself firstly and most importantly of all. God bless you dear friend. Have a wonderful holiday and get some rest as well. We alll ove you here….want to hear more good articles from you soon….Hugs…
As I read all of the comments posted earlier, I nodded, unh-huh, smiled, felt a sense of kinship. Not once did I cringe from obscenities, or feel the need to object to unfair characterizations.
I’m glad you’re here, Catnip. Some time back, you threatened to leave the orange place, and I urged you to stay. Then, I felt a bit guilty because the civility of the place so deteriorated.
Reading all this, I’ve just realized that if I post some idiot comment here, it’s reasonably OK. At dKos, I mentally brace myself for whatever’s to come. That said, there are times when I feel the need for angst, for edge, and run over there to see what’s being trashed at the moment. The difference, between focusing on party policy issues and on more general progressive matters, seems to be getting clearer, and I think in the long run will serve both places and our common aims.
Sorry for being late to the party! 🙂
Not sure I can add much that hasn’t been added by all the folks above, but did want to check in and add my measure of positive energy to all those that are sending best wishes your way for Monday.
Like the rest of the folks, the things I appreciate here are that the tone is more civil and more personally supportive (that sense of community), the pace is more relaxed (we’ll take a whole weekend to think on a diary and check in with our thoughts one by one), and (related to the last point) diaries don’t sink into oblivion in 20 minutes.
While I realize that “strategery” is important, most of the time I’d rather read and comment on thoughtful analysis of a subject of global interest (like most anything by Jerome) than about the fight in the primary election in state X. I go over to the “the big city” from time to time to look at the headlines, but I feel like this site is my cyber-hometown.
And thank goodness for spellcheck! The last few weeks I had a cast on my right hand from a fall while on vacation, and only spellcheck kept my comments from looking like: “Me Grok. Grok tipe gud sumdai.”
First of all, I associate myself with all the great positive comments above….
One main difference, as I see it, between the pond and other sites is that no one here regularly engages in agressive verbal warfare. Someone may slip up from time to time, but it is not the regular modus operandi of anyone here. This results in and contributes to the general feelings of community among members who may see differently on certain issues. BooTribbers seem to be able to discuss difficult issues without flaming each other.
I have been watching the “Art of Verbal Self-defense Diaries” posted regularly by chriscol, and I wondered why they weren’t more popular here – I have come to the conclusion that most folks here in the pond already get it. If you engage in aggression-free commentary, no self-defense tactics are necessary.
However, having said that I think that most people here “get it” about verbal aggression, I still highly recommend chriscol’s diaries. It is important to keep our skills honed for the encounters we all have in our lives with folks who don’t understand the difference between verbal aggression and real discussion. I think that chriscol’s diaries are MUST READ material for everyone here.
I think the Booman Tribune is more like an organized Blog For America (without the Trolls) than it is like the DailyKos. This is the first place since my BFA days that hugs are so prevalent in the comments. And
I’m very much a newcomer here, but in that short period of time, I’ve read most diaries — and I have never, not once read the kind of hard-talking comment that you hear all the time at dKos. None one here talks down to each other (friendly ribbing is a totally different thing and is almost always followed by a {hug} or something).
At Kos, each intellectual, factual point is laid out (to such an extreme that diaries (and comments) are now often thousands and thousands and thousands of words long), to an absurd degree. You have to say what you know (with linked citations), how you came to know it (with linked citations), who else agrees with you (with linked citations), who doesn’t agree with you (with linked citations), why they would be wrong in any potential disagreement (with linked citations. Sometimes there isn’t any need for comments (although there are always tons) — everything’s been pre-chewed for us!
Then you have to put up a tip jar, because otherwise, you wont get credit for your diary.
Here, most of that comes out in the comments in the form of a conversation. The author opens the diary, but the value of the diary is as much in the participation as the Diary-Opening. And a tip jar doesn’t seem necessary with all the wonderful comments you get.
The great karmic consciousness of everyone here ensures that we will all be thinking of you this weekend.
As one who has been with with Boo from the very first day I can tell you that my perspective of bootrib is the humanity evidenced here as opposed to more party line policy wonking at dkos. Booman has worked tirelessly to insure that this is truly an equal opportunity site-as witnessed spectacularly by susans incredible front paging- and made it even more exciting with his aggressive recruiting of people from not only the US but all over the world. I think he’s taking the word utopia to heart and I love him for his vision on this as we all benefit.
I think the community here is more interested in the human aspects of discussion-and what we can do. But also is more interested in progressive activism in everything and not just politics and willing to help others from around the country if they can. Not just the party line attitude at Kos.
I also believe that we will surpass kos as to breaking news stories in the near future due to the quality and dedication of the people here.
This is going to become a premiere site due to the fact that it has it all. We have quality diarists, commentators, breaking news, equality, international flavor and insight,(and shoutout to Eurotrib our sister site) respect for each other and the very personal aspect that (such as the great Froggy Bottom Cafe)bonds us together.
BT, IMHO, is about community, respect, equality and a willingness to listen as well as speak. It is a virtual village, if you will, composed of a diverse and stimulating population who share common goals, aspirations, emotions and good will towards one another. It’s about civility and communication, NOT confrontation.
I think the community here is more interested in the human aspects of discussion-and what we can do. But also is more interested in progressive activism in everything and not just politics and willing to help others from around the country if they can.
I lean towards that aspect of things too and it’s great to see a site like this that can focus more clearly on the grassroots.
for the day, won’t be back online till tomorrow, but wanted to say thanks for the diary.
This place is what we make of it. It will evolve based on what BootTribbers bring to the diaries and discussion.
I agree with everything mentioned above, this place has great discussion. I have found myself thinking and discussing diary topics with friends who don’t do the politics thing, yet it works because I can connect it to real-life happenings that are gleaned from comments here.
Think about this, catnip: before the influx of refugees we never had live threads on hearings (other than one feeble attempt of mine); yet now with you here we have several posters willing to give us live commentary on important events. That’s a huge addition to the site and you’ve made it happen. We all have that power to leave a mark around here.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and your humor around here, you will be in my prayers throughout the weekend.
(P.S. Don’t forget to check out the CCR Campaign) 😛
With all due respect to you and Catnip, we did have live blogging manegee, I was one of them, I forget who else, I think Susan maybe and others (did you forget Bolson and Condi for two I can rem.).
Not that we don’t appreciate Catnips ability to type and listen at the same time, an ability I am lacking and am certainly glad she is here now to help us with this. I usually get too wound up during live blogging time.
This place is what we make of it.
Exactly. I was just trying to figure out how I could help out. 🙂
Along with everyone else here, I’ve been thinking about you, all day. I hope you are finding a way to fill your time with uplifting distraction.
Wonderful comments. I think everyone has it exactly right (how often does that happen? ;).
When there were just a few of us participating here, and we commented on how nice the atmosphere was, and how pleasant it was not to have all the bombast of some other sites, someone was sure to remind everyone that… it can’t last. Once we grow, things will change.
We pretty much nodded and accepted that… after all, isn’t that what always happens? Things change.
I am not sure I accept that anymore though. I noticed something when the pie boiled over and pretty much exploded over here. We got a huge (for us) influx of hurt, angry, passionate, intelligent, strong minded (and, no doubt, willed) people in the space of a few days… and it was simply amazing to watch what happened then.
I imagine if the incoming people had encountered angst and anger and bombast here, things would have turned out much differently. Instead, they encountered welcome and friendliness and “an ear if you want one, we’ll leave you alone if you don’t”, – and within the space of a few hours, the people who had just joined were turning around and letting others know… “things are different here. There’s no need to go on the immediate defense or offense… we can just talk”.
People right away took ownership of the site’s atmosphere and worked to protect it… some dropping a word in someone’s ear, others joining right in in the welcoming diaries, and others posting diaries of their own and having wonderful, open and respectful discussions. I was truly impressed.
If that can happen when 500 or so people join in the space of a few days, I think it can happen as people join in groups of two or ten.
Like Anomalous, I thought it was amusing when diane would go search out new people (and old) to get them to introduce themselves, but what an important part of things that’s turned out to be. Made all the difference in the world.
The personal is political, as they say… and I think the people on this site tend to take the entire person into consideration, which is really something one should be doing in politics anyway. People are more than their ‘pet issues’, and are more than who they are when they enter the voting booth. On the Day of the Pie, I wrote this in a comment on one of BooMan’s threads:
Those were the topics of the diaries on the front page and rec list and the recent list that day. I think, basically, the BooTrib is all about us and what we, all of us… BooMan and Susan, and all the members, make it.
Your question made me think. What that thought evolved to was more, “What am I doing here” than it was, “What’s this place about.” Yet, as you have read and as your own thoughts take you, the two are intertwined. I am still in a place of “wonder” about being a part of a political blog by any name.
I found my way to DKos by some mysterious dealings in the Universe. . .I still am not sure how I got there. Once there I found my concerns over the body politic to be addressed rather well with many that held my same concerns and interests. And I became quickly addicted. Mostly to the excellent writing by the numbers of excellent writers there. I lurked for many months. I signed up eventually and gingerly tested the waters before wading in and commenting. Many months later I posted a diary. Then in response to a discussion re: Poor Statue’s birth mother diary, many encouraged me to post about my perspective as an adopted child.
Well, 10 diaries into that series, I often could not believe that people were actually reading and finding value in those experiences, and continued to come back for more. Frankly, it hardly seemed a suitable topic for such a high powered political forum.
I met many of you through your comments and personal emails to me about that series. I signed up at Booman quite early on, the first or second day. I didn’t get overly involved here at first, although I came and read here most every day. I was pretty well addicted to the pace of kos. But I found things here that were much more important to me than the the driving force of the other site. I had real conversations with people here, and conversations about things that are of greatest interest to me. . .politics is not the end all and be all of life in my personal view, although it is very important in the ways that it is intricately woven in and through all of the things that are important.
Diane101 made it her personal quest to get me posting over here on a more frequent basis. As I made that transition I came to know more and more of those who regularly participate here and I gladly made the move. I was influenced in no small part by the knowledge that those of us with “alternative spiritual views” were not only welcome here, we were welcome to comment and discuss such things. Thanks to Ghostdancers way and his thoughtful and very moving diaries, I began to feel that this was indeed the right place for me.
All the other things that have been spoken here about “home” and community and the slower pace are high on my list as well. Each of us has or will find a way and a place that our voice is welcomed and allowed. What I am passionate about may not hold the same passion for another. It’s okay. I am allowed my passion and my perspective. How wonderfully unique that is in this world, let alone on a political blog.
The best advice about the “numbers game” is this: When you write a diary, write it for yourself, because you need to express your unique voice on the topic you have chosen. IT DOES NOT MATTER if anyone comments or recommends. And you very well may never know how many have read your words. (a general sense is: 10 readers for every comment, 50 readers for every recommend, 20 readers for every rating of a comment. . .no hard data to back that up, just info gleaned from a techie stat person)
When you are moved to comment on someone else’s words, do so with the knowledge that it is greatly appreciated and it adds to the whole. If you read and rate others comments know that is appreciated also. And if you read and do not comment, understand that the energy spent was not wasted.
Besides the wonderful sense of family here, I am most delighted about all the relative newcomers who have found their voices and are commenting and posting diaries of their own! So many of you told us you never commented or posted diaries at the other site but now you feel supported and encouraged enough to do that here. WOW! What a ringing endorsement of any site regardless of its particular focus.
Well being, perfect peace from the universe and the unwavering all encompassing love of All That Is, I send your way on the wings of Light. Know that we care very much about you and your participation here and all that effects you wherever in our world you are.
Great post Shirl!
I’m amazed at the number of people here recently who claim to be shy lurkers, clearly making their first comment anywhere.
The fact that they feel able to do so, says a lot about the feeling here.
And, as we all know, you cannot stop once you’ve made that first comment.
Ghostdancer would no doubt appreciate the story from Castenada about the man who dared not go into a canyon because it was guarded by a terrifying giant rabbit. He was advised to just take one small step toward it. He did and thought the rabbit got just a tiny bit smaller. He took another step and another. Each step the rabbit got smaller, until he passed it – just another desert rabbit that ran away as he passed into the canyon.
You make it abundantly evident why I love you so much. Yes, the Giant Rabbit in the desert or the Elephant in the living room. . .amazing how their size and ferocity come down to a size we understand and can deal with when we continue to take the small steps forward.
I want to add, that I have wanted to comment to everyone of you who have commented in this thread. Not because I have so much to say that you haven’t expressed perfectly well, but because I have taken in your thoughtful words and they have become a part of me and because I feel so much warmth in the smile that comes as I see your screen names and remember other encounters we have shared.
You in your skill of writing from your hearts, you just take my breath away. Even those of you who are far more brief and concise than I will ever be, I feel in your words the beauty of the you that offered them forth. Don’t ever think that your words do not make a difference or have an impact. They most certainly do.Be they 3 or 4 words, or hundreds.
I would name you all, but we can all see the inherent, though unintended, less than perfect results if I should inadvertently leave one of you out.
I am so very proud to be a part of each of you and this community. . .and whomever suggested buying stock in kleenex knows whereof they speak.
Big Hugs everyone,
Is that really you? I thought you’d have blondish hair for some reason…
Just kidding. 🙂
You are truly a wise woman and I value your words. Thank you.
My earth disguise is a little different though. . .I think my hair is mostly gray now, but once upon a time it was sorta medium dark brown. . .However since Mz Clarol and I have become and item. . ehem. . .It is dark brown these days:
Hard to believe you haven’t seen my pic on the web yet. . .some of the most surprising people have. . .and I can’t believe I ever posted it for a few thousands to see. . ., must have been one of my “Leo Rising” days.
(and you’ll note how looking up in that ridiculous pose gets rid of my double chin. . LOL)
Is that you Lucy? I recognize you from your role as Xena on TV!
Yes! And at least the “Lawless” part is correct. Don’t forget that Xena still lives!
Big hug and a kiss for you blueneck!! You really know the way to my heart <BIG Grin>
Hey shirlstars, hugs and kisses back! You and diane101 and zander and a few others (I know I missed someone important) do a great job of keeping this site the welcoming, open, good-hearted site that we all love. THANKS! 🙂 🙂 🙂 ((((shirlstars ))))
Well, yes there is a resemblance. . .(in my dreams)
We both have dark hair.
Enjoy the eye candy, I am.
Shirl – I find that bending over backwards does wonders for dermic inelasticity. Perhaps that’s why my back’s out today 😉
You look great
Sven, my love. . .you taught me everything I know!
Yes, there is an increase in stubbed toes, things knocked from desks and counter tops, missteps and misguided entries. . .but Ah Vanity! No double chin.
Take care of your back dear heart, I need you rested and in good physical condition. . <Grins>
Shirl I’m gonna do some swimming today with my daughters – see if that will ease the lumbago – which sounds like the African version of a mobile home.
Cool! You have the same face structure as me. I’ll keep that ‘looking up’ tip in my mind. We could almost pass for sisters. I should e-mail you a pic…
Catnip, love,
Sister’s to be sure!! And thanks for sharing the picture with me. Love it! Those “family traits” seem pretty genetically stong, don’t they.
Hugs sis,
And we are fortunate to have the experience of a place like dkos because we can take what we like about dkos and use those experiences to make a different place, with the best aspects of dkos and more.
catnip, I’ve had the experience of an MD leaving a message on my machine saying I had ‘abnormal results’ to be discussed later.
What a mindracing experience (everything was all right) but in retrospect, I wished fervently that the MD had been more MINDFUL of her words, and I was angry, thinking she needed to be more careful. I guess they don’t get training in Leaving Phone Messages 101 unless it comes naturally.
So all the best thoughts to you. And I hope everything goes well and smoothly for you.
This morning, I had started a post to give my $0.02 on what I think Booman Tribune is all about, but because the real world came a callin’, I decided not to post the half-written post, and come back to it when I had more time (like now).
I am glad I waited — and maybe in a way that has allowed me to not only reflect while vacuuming, getting my hair cut, etc. (I have to stop thinking about news so much — ask my wife, she’ll tell you) … it allowed so many others to post thoughts almost identical to what I had intended to write.
So, first, best of luck to you, catnip — my prayers and thoughts are with you. I have always enjoyed your postings, including the live action threading, and I particularly appreciate the encouragement you have given me since poking my head in the door at BoomanTribune (along with others).
I would like to relate two specific things that have happened to me in my short time as part of this community (and this truly is a community).
First, I dipped my toe into the water with two short comments in a thread (ironically started by catnip), about Rove’s statements about Liberals and therapy. I then noticed something odd — a threaded discussion could proceed, with civil discussion, several points of view, and respect. I felt more educated as the thread proceeded, something I have noticed becoming more rare as I visit (now less frequently) what I see as two different types of blogs.
One type of blog (oh, who am I kidding — there is only one blog that takes this to this extreme) is caffeine and adrenaline (my grandfather would have said piss and vinegar), all hyper — all the time. In an effort stick out, gain prominence and/or notoriety, posters step all over each other to the point where probably 1/3 of the posts can be predicted without even looking (“Why does xxxx hate America?” or one of my least favorites “Why doesn’t Soros buy xxxx?”). Also, as someone pointed out, the troll – anti-troll wars often start. I flew as far away from the pie fights as I could, and have never regretted that decision. I can say that the pie fights are not what brought me to BoomanTribune, but I think it is a reason why I have stayed (more on this later).
I will always hold DailyKos in high regard for two things: 1) the dedication and devotion of those that take specific actions and lead to investigative and journalistic successes I never would have thought possible; 2) the sheer volume and wide variety of users is unmatched when it comes to breaking stories and introducing me to subjects and knowledge that I don’t think I would have been able to learn, or know where to go to learn.
The second kind of blog I read pretty much read daily falls into two camps. There are news-centric blogs that I never post in, but read nonetheless. The second kind I participate in more often, but I find them becoming predictable and not stretching my curiosity as much as I need to make me tick. The same people post the same positions, even if on different subjects.
I have found quite the opposite here at BT. I enjoy the posters complexity and surprises that I receive in depth and variety of thought. I do not “know” the regular posters yet, but that’s another draw for me. I’ve yet to be disappointed. That is not to say I have agreed with every post from every poster — rather, it is a comment on the high quality of posts and posters.
Now, for the second specific thing that happened to me during my introduction to BT. (Don’t worry, it won’t be as long as the last example — I hope!) I watched the thread on Rove’s comments grow, when I finally dove in with both legs and put out some thoughts of my own. I was rewarded in a way I have received at the other blogs I post in — some high ratings. But beyond that, I was told that I should create my own stand-alone diary with the thoughts I had posted. I do not crave “mojo”, or seek “4’s” to show off to all my friends. I do appreciate high ratings, don’t get me wrong. But nothing could have given my comments, and by extension me, more respect than suggesting that I post the comment as a stand-alone diary.
Then a few days later, a topic interested me, and I did a little Googling and found an article from The Nation, topical to what we were discussing, and I found it helpful to reflect back to the time it was written, right after the November elections, and put in some of my thoughts as I brought in quotes from the article. Lo and Behold, another suggestion to create a stand-alone diary 🙂 At the time, I think I was busy doing other things and/or didn’t want to distract from the original post — for whatever reason, I did not create a diary, but did follow with some more posts in the original diary.
Now, back to the pie fights. Like I wrote, I don’t even know what happened, and have never even wanted to go back and attempt to dissect what transpired during that time. Since then, I have gotten a sense of what frustrated some people with dKos and upon reflection I must say that I didn’t know it before, but the lack of diversity was part of what was missing there — and, more importantly, what can be found here. Perhaps it is the internationalization of BT (not just from posters, but in a structural way of offering European, World, and Regional US areas.) More likely, it is the overall respect to be found here that naturally keeps this site from reducing itself to discussions over the size of Barbara Boxer’s balls. I am extremely impressed with what Senator Boxer has done this session, but I do not need to express that admiration in terms found in too many locker rooms. I do not like hearing racist, sexist, or homophobic talk around me — and I certainly don’t need it in my cup-of-blog.
Finally, even when I cheat myself and BT, BT survives and shows that “R” word again: respect. Last night, I saw the breaking news about Rove being “outed” as the leaker by Lawrence O’Donnell, but did not see it diaried here. I was torn between assuming that others were seeing it spread in the blogosphere, and wanting my fellow BT’ers (it feels good to say that) to know what was developing. I didn’t have much to work with, and threw up a diary with some links to what was being quoted and diaried elsewhere. When I woke this morning, I was pleased to see the item diaried by someone who I respect as much as anyone for her hard work, and real investigative “journalism” (I only put it in quotes because I don’t know what the word means anymore) — Ms. Susan Hu. The diary was up to Susan’s usual high quality, and gave the subject matter much needed resources and depth. One simple sentence stood out to me, and I use it to answer the question “What’s Booman Tribune All About”. Susan gave me credit for posting a diary about Rove being named as the leaker … credit for a diary that I am least proud of the few I have written. I provided a very little appetizer of a diary, but in serving the full course meal, Ms. Hu demonstrated what Booman Tribune is all about — it’s the little things that count, the little things that aren’t skipped over in a rush to be first, most prominent, most diaried, or most recommended.
Excellent comments, IC. I have to say that I was very honoured when one of my diaries here was promoted to the front page. One thing that people may not know or understand about me is that I’m incredibly naive when it comes to knowing what people think of me and I have no idea why people like what I write. For some reason, I’m unable to absorb that. It was really something to come back here and be welcomed, as so many were, with open arms. Wow. And, when I shared about my health problems, I rcv’d so much emotional support that I was really overwhelmed. That meant more to me than knowing that x amount of people read my diaries.
the lack of diversity was part of what was missing there
Maybe that’s what I like about BT too – it’s just like Canada. 🙂
I hope you’ll write much, much more here because I enjoy reading your commentary. You write with a very open and down to earth style that pretty well all of the BTers do. I appreciate that because I sure am not the sharpest knife in the drawer most days and I have trouble concentrating. There are some topics that I’m clueless about – like economics – but at least I know I have a fighting chance of understanding more about them here since people are so helpful.
I do not “know” the regular posters yet, but that’s another draw for me.
Just as I stayed away from the star factor over at dKos – where someone could write about how far they spit from their bathroom window that day and everyone would fawn all over them just because of who they are – I don’t really pay attention to who posts (ok – well, I love susanhu and Boo), but I instead focus on the substance.
Even when you do get to know the personalities, they continue to surprise you as you learn more about what they think on various issues sometimes. We may all be lefties, but we certainly are very diverse, as you said. That makes it interesting – no doubt about that!
I’ll shut up now… 🙂
Thank you, for the diary and the comments. And, don’t sell yourself short; you provide a valuable voice and a unique perspective. We are not the right wing echo chamber!
Mental note to self — must see if avoidance of left wing echo chamber has been diaried here.
To cap it all off and sum it all up, I’m listening to REM singing Everybody Hurts from the Live 8 concert.
Amen to that…amen to that…
I hope you reap the benefits of modern medicine next week.
Keep well.
what I’d say, so no rehashing here.
I came over and registered at BT the day it was announced (hence the 2-digit UID; I’ve never been first in line for anything, brains included 😉 ). It wasn’t until PieWar that I started hanging out here more frequently, and even then, it wasn’t the war itself (I missed most of it due to Real Life Issues), but the fact that many voices I respected, trusted and loved had come over here.
Anyway, enough about me…I’ll be holding good thoughts for you on Monday.
I’m sure that this has already been said, and that a lot more eloquently than how I can say it, but I prefer Booman Tribune because it just feel smore personal to me. DKOS and other sites seem very much about the tactics. So much so that I feel the human element is often left out in the crazy need to win at all costs.
There’s a place for sites like DKos but when I feel like diarying i will diary here, troll rated or 4 stared, because it does seem like the people are more into the ideas and the fellow feeling than they are about anger at the ‘R’s
and Catnip, have a sincerely felt kiss up and comment; that your presense here definitely adds to the personal feel that BT has.
/end kissup ^_^
just because I’m glad you’re here catnip. I hate to even bring this up, but it really says something to me about what BooTrib is about. Your first diary here (er, second, I just went and checked, but you know the one I mean), I super-troll rated a comment in it.
I was so glad you were here, and so worried about the pain, both emotional and physical that you obviously were in, and some jerk brought some of that pie stuff over here and put in on your diary, and I thought, “Damn, damn, damn, that’s all she needs right now.” And then I thought, “Wait, I have the POWER to make it go away.”
Well, it was hard. We give 4’s here. That’s part of our civility. As my mother always said, if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all, and that seems to be the BooTrib way. And I don’t troll rate – it’s just not me. It was late, the comment was as yet unrated. I was pretty sure you’d gone to bed. But I really really didn’t want you to get up and see that little bit of nastiness.
So I took a deep breath and hit that zero. When I got up the next morning, twenty more Tribbles had done the same. No one here wanted you to have any more distress than you were obviously already feeling.
So yes, we take care of each other. As George Lakoff says, All types of progressives adhere to the central moral values of empathy and responsibility.
So the personal brings us to the political. We’re progressives because we care about other people and because we care we want to do something to stop the insanity that has taken over our country. And that translates to political activism. And we will win politically only if we can bring people together and say everyone is important. We are not going to abandon anyone out of political expediency. It’s not just pleasant and civil, and of course it is the Right Thing to do, but it is also how we will win.
So when I have a bad day, I know I can go over to the cafe and get a hug from shirl, and I’ll troll rate away the meanies when you are near-meltdown hurting, and we’re all doing whatever we can for military tracy. I spent a whole day worrying about brinnaine’s cat! (He’s fine . . . whew.) And it makes perfect sense to be doing this on a political blog.
It’s all connected. And that’s how it should be.
Janet, I’m so glad you brought this up, I was one of those 20 Tribbles – I agonized over my decision to troll-rate that same comment, for the same reason – then questioned that decision for days afterward… I think I’ll put that little piece of guilt away now. Thank you.
What a beautiful comment too – you rock.
Ah, Janet, eloquent as always. And you are damn right you can always find me for a hug, and so can the rest of you fraught with frogdom froggies. Anytime at all. It’s what I do and I do it just about better than anyone else. Lots of practice straight from the heart and just about better than Bluebunny’s Pistachio Almond ice cream.