I signed up in the early days of the Booman Tribune and didn’t really hang around much because of my addiction to Daily Kos. At the time, I commented that I wasn’t quite sure I had been able to figure out the feel of the site here yet, so I wasn’t quite sure how I might be able to contribute. Was it going to be dKos Lite? Was its focus truly going to be more international? Where did I fit in that picture and what could I add that would enhance the goals of BT?

I didn’t take enough time to figure that out back then and, since I’ve recently come back, I find myself asking the same questions. Maybe you’ll have some answers for me.
I’ve definitely noticed that, since the breaking news genre is really the purvue of dKos and because so many Tribbers also post diaries and comments over there, the discussion here really pales in comparison. I think that’s unfortunate. Here’s why: the tone of civility on this site and the lack of probability that comments won’t veer off on ridiculously weird tangents as they sometimes do on dKos make BT the perfect place for a rational discussion about news events. Maybe we’re too rational and that’s too boring sometimes? I don’t know.

The upside of this observation is that, while dKos may be filling that news coverage void, the platform at BT welcomes more creative, personal, and reflective diaries that really get to the heart of the issues people face in their everyday lives because this is a much tighter knit community. To those of you who have actively participated more than I have, I ask if this seems to be the general consensus.

I ask, not because of the smaller reception diaries get on this site – it’s a smaller site and that’s to be expected – but so I can know how to best contribute. I hope you’ll help me out. I’ll check back in the morning.

Thank you.

P.S.: This is not meant as an us against them diary. I just feel a little lost here sometimes because I no longer participate at Daily Kos.

Update [2005-7-2 12:47:47 by catnip]:

I want to thank all of you for your comments. Reading them this morning has made me realize that I simply need to calm down and relax – about this site and about my life in general. I think you’ve all done a fantastic job in describing what the site’s about and it’s been very helpful to me.

You’re definitely right about the atmosphere here. It’s non-threatening and not competitive. Maybe I still need to work that out of my system after participating in a much bigger forum. Thanks to the personal concern around here, everyone is treated with respect and you can’t beat that! No one is the runt of the litter who has to fight for attention. Equality – what a concept!

Thanks to all of you who’ve encouraged me personally. I know that whatever happens, I’ll just have to deal with it. I’ve had a tough life and I suppose I’ve been indulging in some self-pity. Thank you for keeping me focused on all that I have – this particular moment in time. I have no control over Monday, next month or next year. I need that constant reminder. That’s the gift you’ve all given me today and it is priceless.