Is this the real WMD-Weapon of Mass Destruction?

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Looks relatively harmless, although they are springing up all over the place, on many hills and buildings all around us. Just yesterday my husband and I took a drive through the scenic upper valley of Western New Hampshire and Vermont and noticed dozens of new towers since our last drive through a few months ago.

Why am I concerned? Read below:

Clearly, we observe in this report that exposure of human cells to microwave radiation either in concert with, or independent of Mitomycin C, produces increased, perhaps synergistic, cellular DNA damage.

But what of the cell phone tower? Compared to the portable cell phone, most people might think that a cell phone tower would pose a lesser risk of harmful radiation exposure. But such is not necessarily true. In fact, there is no known safe level of radiofrequency radiation exposure. Prior to the 1940s the only radiofrequency radiation that existed was the ultra-low level from sunlight. Today we are exposed daily to RF radiation levels millions of times higher than our natural environment provides and to which our bodies are not adapted. Cell phone towers radiate at power levels many thousands of times greater than do the portables. So, distance alone does not necessarily provide protection when making any comparisons.

Most recently, individual school districts have fallen under the spell of this “wireless revolution” to incorporate wireless local area networks (WLAN) into the classroom. Through some vague but ill-conceived desire to be a part of this revolution, school administrators and educators have forgotten that their primary obligation is to educate but not expose their wards, your children, to the unnecessary hazard or harm that may arise from locating RF radiation emitting WLANs in the classroom or atop school buildings.

Unlike some other carcinogens RF radiation can cause tissue damage with a single exposure, and with each additional exposure the risk of permanent genetic damage increases. Although the body is efficient at repairing some types of RF radiation induced damage it is generally unable to repair certain other damage, such as DNA double-strand breaks, known to result from cell phone type RF radiation exposures.

We might expect that our generously funded government agencies, such as the EPA or FDA, would assume a leadership position at the forefront of this issue. But, the best they have been able to provide to date is a recommendation for others to continue the research. This is in spite of a 1990 EPA study that reviewed the scientific literature and found radiofrequency radiation to be a probable carcinogen. Oddly, that study was never officially published or released to the U. S. Public whose millions of dollars funded its creation. In effect our government agencies have taken a hands-off approach to this issue that affects the entire nation, encompasses all socio-economic groups and favors commercial interests over the concerns and well being of its citizenry.

But, even while the development of mobile and portable cell phone products was progressing at a frantic pace, initially at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, no concerted effort was made by the manufacturers to lay a solid foundation of research experiments and findings to fully investigate the widely reported hazards to humans due to use of the radiofrequency radiating products.

It may well be that earlier published research reports, which already raised the warning flag of biological hazard due to RF radiation exposure, made the companies inclined to avoid additional research that would only make matters worse by increasing the unfavorable knowledge base and raising additional concerns.

Such investigations have been left to the independent researchers and they have provided results not favorable to continued use of the portable products. From the earliest, independent researchers have recommended that these devices should be limited to use for only a few seconds or a fraction of a minute. But such recommendations generally are not made public.

Clearly, this is an industry that understands the need for exercising control of and access to information.

While we understand that no one wants to be told what to do, we also feel that people have the right to know and make their own informed decisions based on all of the available information. We propose to assist those of you who have an interest in learning more regarding the scientifically reported details of potential hazard that have been available to the select few for so long.

This site is regularly updated and archived, as inquiries warrant, with additional and more comprehensive information regarding human exposure to any human-generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs) including power line extra low frequency (ELF) fields, RF or microwave fields and radiation.


I innocently came upon that while researching my quest on my belief that we are being sinisterly controlled by the government. This morning I was concentrating on MICROWAVE HARASSMENT AND MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION which lead me to this site  Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (Lots of interesting stuff there.)

Maybe the dangers I perceive are just the normal technological environment growth of a zealous nation. Maybe it is more than that. 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments.
HAARP ELF etc. I will find the connection and proof that we are being ‘experimented on’ like back in 1996.

Anybody live in one of these cities??

[Janes et al. (1977)]

City  Median Exposure
(µW/cm²)  Percent Exposed to Less Than
1 µW/cm²  

Boston  0.015  98.50  
Atlanta  0.016  99.20  
Miami  0.0070  98.20  
Philadelphia  0.0070  99.87  
New York  0.0022  99.60  
Chicago  0.0020  99.60  
Washington  0.009  97.20  
Las Vegas  0.012  99.10  
San Diego  0.010  99.85  
Portland (Oregon)  0.020  99.70  
Houston  0.011  99.99  
Los Angeles  0.0048  99.90  
Denver  0.0074  99.85  
Seattle  0.0071  99.81  
San Francisco  0.002  97.66  
All cities  0.0048  99.44  
Complete report here

We are guinea pigs. So I guess the question is are we also CONTROLLED guinea pigs?